Unlocking Victory: The Top Defense Builds for Shinobi Striker


Looking for the best defense build in Shinobi Striker? Check out our guide for tips and strategies to keep your team safe on the battlefield!

Shinobi striker is a fast-paced multiplayer game that requires players to choose a role and build their characters accordingly. One of the most important roles in the game is defense, which requires players to protect their team's flag while also preventing the enemy from scoring. The best defense build in Shinobi striker can make all the difference in winning or losing a match.

When it comes to building a defense character, there are several key factors to consider. Firstly, players must choose the right jutsu and weapons to complement their playstyle. Secondly, they must focus on increasing their defense and health stats to withstand attacks from the enemy. Finally, having a good understanding of the map and knowing where to position oneself is crucial for a successful defense.

The first step in building the best defense build in Shinobi striker is to choose the right jutsu. One of the most popular jutsu for defense characters is the Mud Wall, which creates a barrier that blocks incoming attacks. Another useful jutsu is the Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu, which allows players to trap enemies in a rock formation. Combining these two jutsu can create a formidable defense that will be difficult for enemies to penetrate.

In addition to jutsu, weapons also play a crucial role in building a strong defense. The most popular weapon for a defense character is the shield, which provides additional defense and can be used to block incoming attacks. Additionally, using a weapon with a long-range attack such as the spear or bow can help players keep their distance from the enemy while still dealing damage.

Once players have chosen the right jutsu and weapons, they must focus on increasing their defense and health stats. This can be done by equipping gear that provides bonuses to these stats or by allocating points in the character's skill tree. Players should also consider using the Substitution Jutsu to escape from enemy attacks and heal themselves.

Another important aspect of building a strong defense character is understanding the map and knowing where to position oneself. Players should focus on defending their team's flag while also preventing enemies from scoring. It is important to be aware of all the entrances and exits on the map and to position oneself in strategic locations to block enemy advances.

In addition to positioning, communication is also key to a successful defense. Players should communicate with their team and coordinate their actions to ensure that everyone is on the same page. This can be done using voice chat or by using the game's built-in communication system.

When it comes to countering enemy attacks, defense characters have several options. Using jutsu such as the Mud Wall and Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu can create barriers that block incoming attacks. Additionally, using the shield to block attacks or using the Substitution Jutsu to evade them can also be effective.

Finally, players should also be aware of their surroundings and use the terrain to their advantage. For example, hiding behind walls or using natural cover can help players avoid enemy attacks and stay hidden from sight. Additionally, using the environment to trap enemies can also be effective.

In conclusion, building the best defense build in Shinobi striker requires careful consideration of jutsu, weapons, stats, positioning, and communication. By combining these elements and using them effectively, players can create a formidable defense that will be difficult for enemies to penetrate. So, if you want to be a valuable member of your team and win matches, focus on building a strong defense character and put your skills to the test!


Shinobi Striker is a popular multiplayer game that allows players to choose their favorite character from the Naruto franchise and engage in epic battles. One of the key aspects of the game is building the right defense for your character, which can help you survive longer and deal more damage to your enemies. In this article, we will discuss the best defense build for Shinobi Striker.


The first step in building a strong defense for your character is to choose the right attributes. The most important attributes for a defense character are health, defense, and chakra. Health allows you to survive longer, while defense reduces the damage you take from enemy attacks. Chakra allows you to use jutsu and special moves, which can be very useful in battle.


Health is the most important attribute for a defense character because it determines how long you can survive in battle. You should invest as many points as possible into health to increase your survivability. A high health stat also allows you to take more damage, which can be very useful if you are playing as a tank.


Defense is another important attribute for a defense character. It reduces the amount of damage you take from enemy attacks, which can be very useful in battle. You should invest some points into defense, but not as much as health. This is because defense is not as important as health, and investing too many points into defense can reduce your overall damage output.


Chakra is the third important attribute for a defense character. It allows you to use jutsu and special moves, which can be very useful in battle. You should invest some points into chakra, but not as much as health or defense. This is because chakra is not as important as health or defense, and investing too many points into chakra can reduce your overall survivability.


Choosing the right jutsu is also important when building a defense character in Shinobi Striker. The best jutsu for a defense character are those that allow you to control the battlefield and protect your allies. The following are some of the best jutsu for a defense character:

Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation

This jutsu allows you to summon a powerful ally to fight alongside you. The summoned ally has high health and defense, making them very useful for tanking enemy attacks. This jutsu is also useful for distracting enemies and protecting your allies.

Earth Style: Mud Wall

This jutsu allows you to create a wall of mud that blocks enemy attacks. The mud wall can be very useful for protecting your allies and controlling the battlefield. It can also be used to trap enemies and prevent them from moving.

Subterranean Voyage

This jutsu allows you to travel underground, making you immune to enemy attacks. This jutsu is very useful for escaping dangerous situations and avoiding enemy attacks. It can also be used to surprise enemies and attack them from below.


The right equipment can also help you build a strong defense for your character. The best equipment for a defense character is that which increases your health, defense, and chakra. The following are some of the best equipment for a defense character:

Stone Plate

This equipment increases your defense and reduces the damage you take from enemy attacks. It is very useful for tanking enemy attacks and surviving longer in battle.

Chakra Recovery Medicine

This equipment increases your chakra recovery rate, allowing you to use jutsu more frequently. It is very useful for defense characters who rely on jutsu to control the battlefield and protect their allies.

Stamina Recovery Pill

This equipment increases your stamina recovery rate, allowing you to dodge enemy attacks and move more quickly. It is very useful for defense characters who need to move quickly to protect their allies and control the battlefield.


Building the right defense for your character is essential if you want to survive longer and deal more damage to your enemies in Shinobi Striker. By choosing the right attributes, jutsu, and equipment, you can create a strong defense that can help you dominate the battlefield. So, follow the tips mentioned in this article and become an unbeatable defense character in Shinobi Striker.

Understanding the Importance of Defense in Shinobi Striker

In Shinobi Striker, defense plays a crucial role in any team composition. Without a strong defense, your team will be easily overwhelmed by the enemy's offense and will struggle to secure objectives. As a defense build, your main objective is to protect your teammates while also providing some offensive support.

The Benefits of a Strong Defense Build in Shinobi Striker

A strong defense build comes with numerous benefits. Firstly, you'll be able to withstand a lot of damage from the enemy's attacks, allowing you to protect your teammates more effectively. Additionally, you'll be able to dish out some damage of your own, making you a valuable asset to any team. Lastly, you'll be able to control the battlefield by using your jutsu to create barriers and block off certain areas.

Key Stats and Jutsu for a Successful Defense Build

To build a successful defense, you'll need to focus on three key stats: health, defense, and ninjutsu. Health will ensure that you can take a lot of damage, defense will reduce the amount of damage you take, and ninjutsu will increase the effectiveness of your jutsu. As for jutsu, there are a few that are essential for any defense build. The first is the Earth Style: Mud Wall jutsu, which creates a barrier that can block off an area or provide cover for your team. Another important jutsu is the Water Style: Substitution jutsu, which allows you to quickly dodge an attack and reposition yourself. Lastly, the Heaven Concealed jutsu is useful for both offense and defense, as it allows you to become invisible and sneak up on enemies or escape danger.

Balancing Defense and Offense in Shinobi Striker

While defense is important, it's also crucial to balance it with offense. Your team will need to secure objectives and take down enemy players, so it's important to have some offensive capabilities. As a defense build, you can use your jutsu to control the battlefield and create openings for your teammates to attack. Additionally, you can equip some offensive jutsu, such as the Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bombs or the Lightning Style: Chidori, to deal damage to enemies.

How to Counter Popular Offensive Builds with a Strong Defense

One of the biggest challenges for a defense build is countering popular offensive builds, such as the attack build or the range build. To counter these builds, you'll need to focus on your positioning and timing. Use your Earth Style: Mud Wall to block off areas where the enemy is likely to attack from, and use your Water Style: Substitution jutsu to dodge their attacks. Additionally, try to stay close to your teammates and provide support when they're engaging the enemy.

The Role of Substitutions in a Defense Build

As a defense build, your substitutions are crucial to your survival. You'll need to be able to quickly dodge attacks and reposition yourself to avoid getting overwhelmed by the enemy. Use your substitutions wisely, and try to save them for when you really need them.

Enhancing Your Defense Build with Accessories and Clothing

Accessories and clothing can enhance your defense build even further. Look for items that increase your health, defense, or ninjutsu stats. Additionally, you can equip items that boost the effectiveness of your jutsu, such as the Earth Style: Mud Wall scroll or the Water Style: Substitution scroll.

Tips for Playing as a Defense Build in Shinobi Striker

Playing as a defense build requires patience and strategy. Here are some tips to help you succeed:- Stick close to your teammates and provide support when they're engaging the enemy.- Use your Earth Style: Mud Wall jutsu to block off areas or provide cover for your team.- Save your substitutions for when you really need them.- Use your jutsu to control the battlefield and create openings for your teammates to attack.- Equip accessories and clothing that enhance your defense build.

Best Team Compositions for a Defense Build

A defense build works best when paired with other builds that complement its strengths and weaknesses. Here are some team compositions that work well with a defense build:- Attack build: The attack build can provide the offense that the defense build lacks, while the defense build can protect the attack build from enemy attacks.- Range build: The range build can provide long-range support while the defense build protects the team from enemy attacks.- Another defense build: Two defense builds can work together to create a nearly impenetrable defense, making it difficult for the enemy to make any progress.

How to Adapt Your Defense Build to Different Game Modes in Shinobi Striker

Different game modes in Shinobi Striker require different strategies and approaches. Here's how you can adapt your defense build to different game modes:- Flag Battle: In Flag Battle, your main objective is to protect your own flag while trying to capture the enemy's flag. Focus on controlling the area around your flag with your Earth Style: Mud Wall jutsu, and use your Water Style: Substitution jutsu to quickly move around the map.- Base Battle: In Base Battle, your team must capture and defend multiple bases. Use your Earth Style: Mud Wall jutsu to block off areas near your base, and use your jutsu to control the battlefield and create openings for your team to capture bases.- Combat Battle: In Combat Battle, your team must defeat the enemy team in a team deathmatch. Focus on protecting your teammates and controlling the battlefield with your jutsu, while also providing some offensive support.In conclusion, building a strong defense in Shinobi Striker is essential for any team composition. With the right stats, jutsu, and strategy, you can protect your teammates while also providing some offensive support. Remember to balance defense and offense, and to adapt your build to different game modes. With these tips, you'll be able to build a successful defense build and dominate the battlefield.

Best Defense Build in Shinobi Striker

Point of View

As a player who prefers defense as their role in Shinobi Striker, I believe that the best defense build consists of a combination of jutsus and equipment. This build focuses on both offense and defense, allowing the player to effectively protect their team while also being a formidable opponent.

Pros of Best Defense Build

  1. High Defensive Stats: The defense role has the highest defensive stats in the game, allowing players to withstand attacks from opponents.
  2. Effective Crowd Control: Using jutsus such as Earth Style: Mud Wall and Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu can trap opponents and disrupt their attacks, giving your team an advantage.
  3. Support Abilities: Many defense jutsus have supportive abilities, such as healing or reviving teammates, making them a valuable asset to any team.
  4. Damage Output: With jutsus such as Lightning Style: Chidori, defense players can deal significant damage to opponents while also being able to take hits.

Cons of Best Defense Build

  1. Low Movement Speed: Due to the heavy armor and weapons used by defense players, their movement speed is significantly lower than other roles.
  2. Vulnerable to Range Attacks: While defense players have high defensive stats, they are vulnerable to range attacks such as Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu or Wind Style: Great Breakthrough, which can deal damage from a distance.
  3. Dependent on Teammates: While defense players can be effective on their own, they are most effective when working with their team. Without proper support from teammates, defense players may struggle to fulfill their role effectively.

Table Comparison

Defense Attack Range Healer
Defensive Stats High Low Low Low
Movement Speed Low High High Medium
Crowd Control Effective Effective Effective Effective
Support Abilities Effective Low Low High
Damage Output Effective High Medium Low
Overall, the best defense build in Shinobi Striker is a well-rounded combination of jutsus and equipment that allow players to effectively protect their team while also being a formidable opponent. While there are some drawbacks to playing as a defense player, the pros outweigh the cons and make it a valuable role to have on any team.

The Best Defense Build for Shinobi Striker

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on the best defense build for Shinobi Striker. We've covered a lot of ground in the past few paragraphs, and we hope that you have found our analysis helpful and informative.

We understand that building a strong defense can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available. However, by following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, we are confident that you can create a defense build that is both effective and enjoyable to play.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when building your defense is to focus on your strengths. Each player has unique abilities and attributes, and it's essential to take advantage of these strengths to create a build that complements your playstyle.

For example, if you prefer to play a more aggressive style, you may want to focus on building a defense that emphasizes quick movement and high damage output. On the other hand, if you are more of a support player, you may want to focus on building a defense that provides protection for your team.

Another key element of building a strong defense is selecting the right jutsu and weapons. There are many options available, and it can be tempting to choose the ones that look the coolest or have the highest level. However, it's important to consider how each jutsu and weapon will fit into your overall defense build.

Some jutsu and weapons work better together than others, so it's essential to experiment and find the combinations that work best for you. Don't be afraid to try new things and switch up your loadout as you gain experience and learn more about the game.

It's also important to consider your role on the team when building your defense. Are you the main tank, responsible for soaking up damage and protecting your teammates? Or are you a support player, providing healing and buffs to your allies?

By understanding your role, you can better tailor your defense build to fit the needs of your team. For example, if you are the main tank, you may want to focus on building a defense that emphasizes high health and defense stats. Alternatively, if you are a support player, you may want to focus on building a defense that provides healing or buffs to your team.

As you progress through the game and gain experience, you will likely encounter new challenges and opponents. It's important to keep an open mind and be willing to adapt your defense build as needed to overcome these challenges.

Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice from other players. Shinobi Striker has a large and active community, and there are many resources available online to help you build a strong and effective defense.

In conclusion, building a strong defense in Shinobi Striker takes time and effort, but it's well worth it. By focusing on your strengths, selecting the right jutsu and weapons, and understanding your role on the team, you can create a defense build that is both effective and enjoyable to play.

Thank you again for reading this article, and we wish you the best of luck in your future battles!

People Also Ask About Best Defense Build Shinobi Striker

What is the Best Defense Build for Shinobi Striker?

The best defense build for Shinobi Striker would depend on your preferred playstyle and the game mode you are playing. However, there are some general tips that can help you create a strong defense build.

  1. Choose a defensive class such as Defender or Tank.
  2. Equip jutsus that allow you to control the battlefield and protect your teammates, such as Sand Shield, Water Prison, or Earth Style: Mud Wall.
  3. Use weapons that have high defense and attack power, such as the Heavy Boulder, Great Hammer, or Tornado Fan.
  4. Invest in defense and health stats to increase your survivability.

What Are Some Good Defensive Jutsus for Shinobi Striker?

There are several defensive jutsus that can help you protect yourself and your team in Shinobi Striker. Here are some good options:

  • Sand Shield - creates a large shield that blocks incoming attacks and allows you to heal yourself and allies.
  • Water Prison - traps an enemy in a bubble, preventing them from moving or using jutsus.
  • Earth Style: Mud Wall - creates a wall of mud that blocks attacks and slows down enemies.
  • Subterranean Voyage - allows you to travel underground and surprise enemies with attacks or escapes.

How Do You Increase Your Defense and Health Stats in Shinobi Striker?

You can increase your defense and health stats in Shinobi Striker by equipping gear that has those stats and leveling up your character. Here are some tips:

  1. Choose gear that has high defense and health stats, such as the Jonin Vest or Protector's Sword.
  2. Upgrade your gear to increase its stats and unlock new abilities.
  3. Level up your character by playing matches and completing missions to gain experience points.
  4. Allocate your stat points wisely when leveling up to increase your defense and health stats.

What Are Some Tips for Playing Defense in Shinobi Striker?

If you want to be an effective defense player in Shinobi Striker, here are some tips:

  • Stay close to your teammates and protect them from enemy attacks.
  • Use your defensive jutsus to control the battlefield and create opportunities for your team to attack.
  • Stay alert and be ready to switch between offense and defense as needed.
  • Communicate with your team and coordinate your actions to maximize your effectiveness.