Unlock Your Outlaw Rogue's Potential: Discover the Best Azerite Traits for Maximum Impact


Discover the top Azerite traits for Outlaw Rogue in WoW. Increase your DPS with skills like Deadshot and Ace Up Your Sleeve.

As an Outlaw Rogue, choosing the best Azerite traits can be quite challenging. With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which ones will provide the most significant benefits for your playstyle and objectives. However, by understanding your class mechanics and the potential advantages of each trait, you can select the perfect combination that will enhance your performance and ensure your success in battle.

One of the best Azerite traits for an Outlaw Rogue is Ace Up Your Sleeve. This trait increases the damage of your Dispatch ability by 20%, making it a formidable attack that can take down even the toughest opponents. In addition, this trait also reduces the energy cost of your Pistol Shot, allowing you to spam this ability more frequently and deal more damage overall.

Another excellent Azerite trait for an Outlaw Rogue is Deadshot. This trait provides a critical strike bonus to your Between the Eyes ability, allowing you to deal massive damage to your enemies. Additionally, Deadshot also increases the damage of your Ambush and Dispatch abilities, making them even more deadly in combat.

If you're looking for an Azerite trait that provides both offensive and defensive benefits, then you should consider taking Iron Jaws. This trait increases the duration of your Rupture ability by 3 seconds, allowing you to deal more damage over time. It also reduces the cooldown of your Feint ability, which can provide a valuable defensive boost in challenging situations.

One Azerite trait that can significantly enhance your mobility and survivability as an Outlaw Rogue is Intimidating Presence. This trait reduces the cooldown of your Sprint ability and increases your movement speed while Sprinting, allowing you to quickly move around the battlefield and avoid enemy attacks. Additionally, this trait also reduces the damage taken from area-of-effect abilities, which can be particularly useful in group battles.

Another Azerite trait that can help you stay alive in battle is Keep Your Wits About You. This trait provides a healing effect whenever you use your Roll the Bones ability, allowing you to recover lost health while also increasing your damage output. Additionally, this trait increases the duration of your Roll the Bones buffs, which can provide a significant boost to your overall performance.

If you're looking for an Azerite trait that provides a significant boost to your damage output, then you should consider taking Ruthless Precision. This trait increases the critical strike chance of your Ambush and Dispatch abilities, allowing you to deal massive amounts of damage to your enemies. Additionally, this trait also increases the damage of your Pistol Shot ability, making it a more potent attack overall.

Another excellent Azerite trait for increasing your damage output as an Outlaw Rogue is Sharpened Blades. This trait increases the damage of your Bleed effects, including Rupture and Garrote, by 20%. This extra damage can quickly add up over time, making it an effective way to take down even the toughest opponents.

If you're looking for an Azerite trait that provides a more passive benefit, then you should consider taking Scent of Blood. This trait increases your maximum energy by 20, allowing you to use more abilities in combat. Additionally, it also provides a small bonus to your critical strike chance, which can further enhance your damage output.

Another Azerite trait that can provide a valuable bonus to your survivability is Shrouded Suffocation. This trait increases the duration of your Garrote ability by 3 seconds, allowing you to deal more damage over time. It also reduces the cooldown of your Vanish ability, which can be a valuable defensive tool when facing tough opponents.

If you're looking for an Azerite trait that can provide a significant boost to your overall performance, then you should consider taking Thunderous Blast. This trait increases the damage of your Blunderbuss ability by 20%, making it a more potent attack overall. Additionally, this trait also reduces the cooldown of your Adrenaline Rush ability, allowing you to use it more frequently in combat.

In conclusion, choosing the best Azerite traits as an Outlaw Rogue can be challenging, but with careful consideration and understanding of your class mechanics, you can select the perfect combination to enhance your performance and achieve victory in battle.


Outlaw Rogue is one of the most popular and versatile DPS specs in World of Warcraft. With the latest expansion, Battle for Azeroth, the introduction of Azerite Traits has added a whole new layer to the game. In this article, we will discuss some of the best Azerite Traits for Outlaw Rogue that will help you maximize your damage output and dominate the battlefield.

The Basics of Azerite Traits

Azerite Traits are special abilities that can be found on Azerite Armor. These traits are unique to each class and spec, and they provide various bonuses to your character, such as increased damage, healing, or survivability. Each piece of Azerite Armor has multiple tiers of traits, and you can unlock them by gaining Azerite Power from various sources.

Best Azerite Traits for Outlaw Rogue


Deadshot is one of the top Azerite Traits for Outlaw Rogue. It increases your critical strike chance by 15% against targets with less than 30% health. This trait is especially useful in raids and dungeons, where bosses often have low health in the final phases of the fight.

Blightborne Infusion

Blightborne Infusion is another powerful Azerite Trait that increases your Mastery by 100. This trait provides a significant boost to your damage output, especially if you have a lot of Mastery already. It is also useful in PvP, where Mastery is essential for dealing with enemy players.

Concentrated Flame

Concentrated Flame is an Azerite Essence that provides a powerful single-target burst damage ability. This trait deals a significant amount of damage to your target and applies a DOT effect that lasts for six seconds. It is an excellent choice for situations where you need to quickly kill a priority target.

Shrouded Suffocation

Shrouded Suffocation is an Azerite Trait that increases your damage dealt by 7% for every combo point spent on Rupture. This trait is especially useful in raids and dungeons, where Rupture is a staple ability in your rotation. It also works well in PvP, where Rupture can be used to apply pressure to enemy players.

Keep Your Wits About You

Keep Your Wits About You is an Azerite Trait that increases your Energy regeneration by 25% when you have at least one Combo Point active. This trait is useful in situations where you need to generate Energy quickly, such as during burst phases or when you are low on Energy.

Intimidating Presence

Intimidating Presence is an Azerite Trait that reduces the damage dealt by enemies within 8 yards of you. This trait is useful in situations where you need to survive incoming damage, such as when you are tanking or when you are being targeted by multiple enemies in PvP.

Rezan's Fury

Rezan's Fury is an Azerite Trait that increases your Critical Strike damage by 50%. This trait is useful in situations where you need to deal a lot of damage quickly, such as when you are trying to kill a priority target or when you are using your cooldowns.

Razor Coral

Razor Coral is an Azerite Essence that provides a passive DOT effect that deals a significant amount of damage to your target over time. This trait is useful in situations where you need to apply pressure to your enemies, such as in PvP or when you are trying to whittle down a boss's health.

Blade In The Shadows

Blade In The Shadows is an Azerite Trait that reduces the Energy cost of your Shadowstrike ability by 10. This trait is useful in situations where you need to quickly close the gap between you and your target, such as when you are trying to catch up to an enemy player or when you need to move quickly in a raid or dungeon.


These are some of the best Azerite Traits for Outlaw Rogue. Remember that different situations may call for different traits, so it's essential to experiment and find what works best for your playstyle. With the right combination of Azerite Traits, you can become a formidable force on the battlefield and dominate your enemies with ease.

Outlaw Rogue is one of the most versatile classes in World of Warcraft, and their azerite traits only add to their flexibility. With a plethora of options available, Outlaw Rogues can choose traits that amplify their damage output, increase their mobility, control crowds, enhance combos, offer defensive or utility benefits, manage resources more efficiently, improve critical hit chance, or cater to their unique playstyle. In this article, we will explore the best azerite traits for Outlaw Rogues and how they can be used to maximize their potential in combat.Versatile: Outlaw Rogue's traits grant a great deal of versatility in combatOutlaw Rogues are known for their versatility, and their azerite traits reflect that. One of the most versatile traits is Ace Up Your Sleeve, which has a chance to reset the cooldown of Roll the Bones, allowing Outlaw Rogues to use their combo point generating ability more frequently. This trait is especially useful in longer fights or when facing multiple enemies.Another versatile trait is Deadshot, which increases the damage of Pistol Shot and Dispatch by 20%. This not only boosts damage output but also provides an alternative to melee attacks when enemies are out of range or need to be kited.Mobility: Azerite traits that increase mobility are a great asset to Outlaw RoguesMobility is crucial for Outlaw Rogues, who rely on their agility to dodge attacks and maneuver around enemies. Azerite traits that increase mobility can give them an edge in combat. One of the best mobility traits is Keep Your Wits About You, which increases the speed bonus of Sprint by 25% and reduces its cooldown by 20%. This allows Outlaw Rogues to move quickly and escape danger when needed.Another useful mobility trait is Intimidating Presence, which reduces the movement speed of enemies within 12 yards by 20%. This not only slows down enemies but also helps Outlaw Rogues to kite them more easily.Damage Boosters: These traits amplify the damage output of Outlaw RoguesOutlaw Rogues excel at dealing high burst damage, and their azerite traits can amplify their damage output even further. One of the best damage booster traits is Deadshot, which we already mentioned. Another great damage booster trait is Snake Eyes, which increases the critical strike chance of Roll the Bones by 10%. This not only boosts damage but also increases the chance of getting the desired buffs from Roll the Bones.Another powerful damage booster trait is Blade In The Shadows, which increases the damage of Shadowstrike by 25% and grants an additional combo point when used from stealth. This trait is especially useful in PvP and when facing enemies that need to be taken down quickly.Combo Enhancers: These traits make Outlaw Rogue's combos more effectiveCombos are the bread and butter of Outlaw Rogues, and their azerite traits can enhance the effectiveness of their combos. One of the most useful combo enhancer traits is Ace Up Your Sleeve, which we already mentioned. Another great combo enhancer trait is Loaded Dice, which increases the chance of getting the best buffs from Roll the Bones by 20%.Another useful combo enhancer trait is Blade In The Shadows, which we also mentioned. This trait not only boosts the damage of Shadowstrike but also grants an additional combo point, allowing Outlaw Rogues to use their finishers more frequently.Crowd Control: Traits that help control crowds can keep Outlaw Rogues alive in difficult situationsCrowd control is essential for Outlaw Rogues, who often find themselves facing multiple enemies at once. Azerite traits that help control crowds can keep them alive in difficult situations. One of the best crowd control traits is Between the Eyes, which stuns the target for 4 seconds if it is used with 5 combo points. This not only allows Outlaw Rogues to deal damage but also gives them a window of opportunity to escape or heal.Another useful crowd control trait is Intimidating Presence, which we already mentioned. This trait reduces the movement speed of enemies within 12 yards by 20%, making it easier for Outlaw Rogues to kite them or reposition themselves.Defensive Traits: These traits offer additional protection for Outlaw RoguesOutlaw Rogues are a squishy class, and their survivability depends on their ability to avoid damage. Azerite traits that offer additional protection can make a significant difference in their survivability. One of the best defensive traits is Iron Jaws, which increases the duration of Riposte by 2 seconds and reduces its cooldown by 15%. This not only allows Outlaw Rogues to dodge attacks more frequently but also grants them a chance to counterattack.Another useful defensive trait is Intimidating Presence, which we already mentioned. This trait not only slows down enemies but also reduces their attack speed by 20%, giving Outlaw Rogues a chance to avoid damage.Utility Traits: Traits that aid Outlaw Rogues in non-combat situationsOutlaw Rogues can benefit from azerite traits that aid them in non-combat situations, such as traveling or gathering resources. One of the best utility traits is Treasure Hunter, which increases the chance of obtaining extra loot from monsters and chests. This not only provides Outlaw Rogues with additional rewards but also helps them accumulate resources more quickly.Another useful utility trait is Swift Roundhouse, which increases movement speed by 10% for 8 seconds after using Fists of Fury. This not only allows Outlaw Rogues to move faster but also makes it easier for them to gather resources or complete quests.Resource Management: Traits that help Outlaw Rogues manage their resources more efficientlyResource management is crucial for Outlaw Rogues, who need to balance their energy and combo points to deal damage effectively. Azerite traits that help them manage their resources more efficiently can give them an edge in combat. One of the best resource management traits is Iron Jaws, which we already mentioned. This trait not only increases the duration of Riposte but also reduces its cooldown, allowing Outlaw Rogues to generate combo points more frequently.Another useful resource management trait is Loaded Dice, which we already mentioned. This trait increases the chance of getting the best buffs from Roll the Bones, allowing Outlaw Rogues to conserve energy and combo points while still dealing high damage.Critical Strike Enhancers: These traits improve the critical hit chance of Outlaw RoguesCritical strikes are a significant source of damage for Outlaw Rogues, and their azerite traits can improve their critical strike chance. One of the best critical strike enhancer traits is Snake Eyes, which we already mentioned. This trait increases the critical strike chance of Roll the Bones by 10%, giving Outlaw Rogues a better chance of dealing critical hits.Another powerful critical strike enhancer trait is Blade In The Shadows, which we already mentioned. This trait increases the critical strike chance of Shadowstrike by 50%, making it a deadly opener in PvP and PvE alike.Outlaw-Specific Traits: Azerite traits that are unique to Outlaw Rogues and cater to their playstyleOutlaw Rogues have a unique playstyle, and their azerite traits can cater to that playstyle. One of the best Outlaw-specific traits is Ace Up Your Sleeve, which we already mentioned. This trait allows Outlaw Rogues to use Roll the Bones more frequently, which is a significant part of their rotation.Another useful Outlaw-specific trait is Blade In The Shadows, which we already mentioned. This trait caters to Outlaw Rogue's preference for stealth and allows them to deal high damage from stealth while generating additional combo points.ConclusionOutlaw Rogues have a wide variety of azerite traits to choose from, each with its own set of benefits. Whether they want to amplify their damage output, increase their mobility, control crowds, enhance combos, offer defensive or utility benefits, manage resources more efficiently, improve critical hit chance, or cater to their unique playstyle, there is a trait that will suit their needs. By carefully selecting and using these traits, Outlaw Rogues can maximize their potential in combat and become a force to be reckoned with.

Best Azerite Traits for Outlaw Rogue: A Point of View


Outlaw Rogues are one of the most versatile classes in World of Warcraft, with the ability to deal massive damage in both single-target and AoE situations. One of the key factors that determine their strength is the Azerite traits they choose. In this article, we will discuss the best Azerite traits for Outlaw Rogues and their pros and cons.

Best Azerite Traits for Outlaw Rogue

1. Deadshot

This trait increases the damage of your next Pistol Shot by 20% after using Blade Flurry. It is an excellent trait for both single-target and AoE situations, as it allows you to deal a significant amount of burst damage.

2. Ace Up Your Sleeve

This trait has a chance to reset the cooldown of Roll the Bones when you use Dispatch. It is an essential trait for Outlaw Rogues, as Roll the Bones is a crucial ability that provides various buffs.

3. Keep Your Wits About You

This trait increases your Energy regeneration by 10% when you have at least one Combo Point. It is a useful trait for sustaining your damage output, especially in longer fights.

4. Scent of Blood

This trait increases the critical strike chance of your next Dispatch by 50% after using Blade Flurry. It is another great trait for burst damage, especially when combined with Deadshot.

Pros and Cons of Best Azerite Traits for Outlaw Rogue


Pros:- Excellent burst damage- Works well in both single-target and AoE situationsCons:- Requires the use of Blade Flurry to be effective- Can be unpredictable due to the random nature of Blade Flurry

Ace Up Your Sleeve

Pros:- Essential for maintaining Roll the Bones buffs- Allows for more frequent use of Roll the BonesCons:- Only has a chance to reset the cooldown of Roll the Bones- Can be unreliable in certain situations

Keep Your Wits About You

Pros:- Helps sustain your damage output- Works well in longer fightsCons:- Requires at least one Combo Point to be effective- Can be less useful in shorter fights

Scent of Blood

Pros:- Great for burst damage- Combines well with Deadshot for even more damageCons:- Requires the use of Blade Flurry to be effective- Can be unpredictable due to the random nature of Blade Flurry

Comparison Table

Trait Pros Cons
Deadshot Excellent burst damage
Works well in both single-target and AoE situations
Requires the use of Blade Flurry to be effective
Can be unpredictable due to the random nature of Blade Flurry
Ace Up Your Sleeve Essential for maintaining Roll the Bones buffs
Allows for more frequent use of Roll the Bones
Only has a chance to reset the cooldown of Roll the Bones
Can be unreliable in certain situations
Keep Your Wits About You Helps sustain your damage output
Works well in longer fights
Requires at least one Combo Point to be effective
Can be less useful in shorter fights
Scent of Blood Great for burst damage
Combines well with Deadshot for even more damage
Requires the use of Blade Flurry to be effective
Can be unpredictable due to the random nature of Blade Flurry


Choosing the right Azerite traits is crucial for maximizing the damage output of your Outlaw Rogue. Deadshot, Ace Up Your Sleeve, Keep Your Wits About You, and Scent of Blood are all excellent traits that provide different benefits. By considering their pros and cons, you can make an informed decision on which ones to choose.

Best Azerite Traits for Outlaw Rogue: Closing Message for Blog Visitors

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on the best Azerite traits for outlaw rogue in World of Warcraft. We hope that the information we provided has been helpful in your quest to improve your character's performance and maximize your gameplay experience.

As we have discussed, choosing the right Azerite traits is crucial for enhancing your outlaw rogue's abilities and ensuring that you are able to excel in both PvE and PvP situations. By selecting traits that complement your playstyle and provide additional benefits to your key abilities, you can significantly increase your damage output and survivability, making you a valuable asset to any group or raid team.

Throughout this article, we have explored some of the top Azerite traits available to outlaw rogues, including Ace Up Your Sleeve, Deadshot, Keep Your Wits About You, and more. We have also discussed the importance of balancing your traits to ensure that you are getting the most out of your gear without sacrificing other important stats or abilities.

It is worth noting that while the traits we have highlighted are considered some of the best for outlaw rogues, there may be other options available that work better for your specific playstyle or preferred content. Don't be afraid to experiment with different combinations and see what works best for you!

Finally, we want to remind all of our readers that optimizing your Azerite traits is just one aspect of playing an outlaw rogue. To truly master this class, you must also focus on honing your skills, understanding your abilities, and staying up-to-date with the latest strategies and techniques. Practice, research, and experimentation are key to becoming the best outlaw rogue you can be.

Thank you again for visiting our blog and reading our article on the best Azerite traits for outlaw rogue. We hope that you have found this information useful and that it helps you achieve your goals as a World of Warcraft player. Good luck, and happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Best Azerite Traits Outlaw Rogue

What are Azerite Traits for Outlaw Rogue?

Azerite Traits are special abilities that can be found on Azerite gear, which is a type of armor that was introduced in Battle for Azeroth expansion. As an Outlaw Rogue, some of the best Azerite Traits to look out for are:

  • Gutripper
  • Deadshot
  • Rolled Up
  • Trait: Keep Your Wits About You
  • Blood Siphon
  • Intimidating Presence

Which Azerite Traits are the best for Outlaw Rogue in PvP?

If you're looking to optimize your Outlaw Rogue's performance in PvP, then some of the best Azerite Traits to aim for are:

  • Deadshot
  • Rolled Up
  • Trait: Keep Your Wits About You
  • Blood Siphon
  • Intimidating Presence
  • Turn the Tables

What is the best Azerite Trait build for Outlaw Rogue in Mythic+ Dungeons?

For Mythic+ Dungeons, Outlaw Rogue players should focus on traits that enhance their AoE damage and survivability. Some of the best Azerite Traits for this purpose are:

  • Gutripper
  • Deadshot
  • Rolled Up
  • Trait: Keep Your Wits About You
  • Intimidating Presence
  • Snake Eyes
  • Vigorous Swipes

What is the best Azerite Trait build for Outlaw Rogue in Raiding?

When it comes to raiding, Outlaw Rogues should prioritize Azerite Traits that increase their single target damage and provide additional utility. Some of the best Azerite Traits for this purpose are:

  • Gutripper
  • Deadshot
  • Rolled Up
  • Trait: Keep Your Wits About You
  • Intimidating Presence
  • Snake Eyes
  • Lying In Wait
  • Scent of Blood


Choosing the right Azerite Traits for your Outlaw Rogue can greatly improve your performance in different aspects of the game. Whether you're into PvP, Mythic+ Dungeons, or Raids, there are plenty of Azerite Traits to choose from that can suit your playstyle and preferences.