Unlock Victory with the Ultimate Deck for 2x Elixir Battles: Our Top Picks and Winning Strategies!


The best deck for 2x elixir battles! Crush your opponents with this unbeatable combination of cards, perfect for fast-paced gameplay.

Are you tired of losing in 2x elixir battles? Do you want to dominate your opponents with a winning deck? Look no further because we've got the best deck for 2x elixir battles that will surely bring you victory! With this deck, you'll be able to defend and attack with ease, making it almost impossible for your opponents to counter. So, what are you waiting for? Let's dive into the details of the best deck for 2x elixir battles.

First and foremost, let's talk about the win condition of this deck. The best deck for 2x elixir battles should have a strong win condition that can take down towers quickly. And for this deck, we recommend using the classic Golem beatdown. Golem is a tanky unit that can deal massive damage to towers when it reaches its destination. Plus, it has a death damage that can deal additional damage to any surrounding units. With the Golem as your win condition, you'll be able to pressure your opponent and force them to use their elixir defensively.

Now, let's move on to the supporting cards. The best deck for 2x elixir battles should have a good balance of offense and defense. And for this deck, we recommend using the following cards: Mega Minion, Baby Dragon, Tombstone, Poison, Lightning, and Log. These cards will help you defend against your opponent's attacks while also providing support for your Golem push.

The Mega Minion and Baby Dragon are excellent air defense units that can also deal significant damage to ground units. They're great for defending against air pushes and swarms. Tombstone is a cheap and effective defensive building that can distract units and spawn Skeletons to swarm your opponent's troops. Poison is an excellent spell that can deal damage over time to any units caught in its radius, making it great for defending against swarms and taking down towers. Lightning is a high-damage spell that can take out three units at once, making it perfect for finishing off weakened towers or taking out high-health units. Lastly, the Log is a cheap spell that can push back units and deal damage, making it great for clearing out swarms and creating space for your Golem.

In terms of elixir cost, this deck has an average cost of 4.4 elixir. It may seem high, but with the 2x elixir boost, you'll be able to cycle through your cards quickly and create multiple Golem pushes. And with the right timing, you can overwhelm your opponent and take down their towers before they even know what hit them.

One thing to keep in mind when using this deck is to be patient and wait for the right moment to make your move. Don't rush your Golem push if you don't have the right cards to support it. Instead, focus on defending and building up your elixir until you have the right cards in hand.

Another tip is to use your spells wisely. Don't waste your Poison or Lightning spells on weak units. Save them for when your opponent sends out a big push or when you need to take down a tower quickly. And if you're having trouble defending against a certain unit, try switching out one of your cards for a counter that works better against it.

In conclusion, the best deck for 2x elixir battles is the Golem beatdown deck with Mega Minion, Baby Dragon, Tombstone, Poison, Lightning, and Log. This deck provides a good balance of offense and defense, making it almost impossible for your opponents to counter. With the right timing and strategy, you can easily overwhelm your opponents and take down their towers. So, give it a try and see for yourself why this deck is the best for 2x elixir battles!


Clash Royale is a popular mobile game that involves various card decks to battle against other players. One of the most exciting modes in the game is the 2x elixir mode, where the elixir regenerates twice as fast, and the battles become more intense. Choosing the right deck for this mode can make a significant difference in winning or losing the game. In this article, we will discuss the best deck for 2x elixir mode.

The Best Deck for 2x Elixir Mode


Golem is an excellent card for 2x elixir mode as it has a lot of hit points and deals massive damage. It's a high-cost card, but in this mode, the elixir regenerates quickly, and you can quickly get enough elixir to deploy it. When the golem dies, it splits into two golemites, making it even harder for your opponent to defeat.

Electro Wizard

Electro Wizard is another great card for 2x elixir mode. This card attacks both air and ground troops and stuns them, making it easier for your other cards to take them down. The Electro Wizard also has a spawn zap ability, which can reset the opponent's card, giving you a significant advantage.

Baby Dragon

Baby Dragon is a versatile card that can attack both air and ground troops. It's also an excellent card for defense as it has decent hit points and can absorb a lot of damage. In 2x elixir mode, you can quickly deploy this card and use it to defend against enemy pushes while you build up your own attacks.

Inferno Tower

Inferno Tower is an excellent defensive card for 2x elixir mode. It deals massive damage to high hit point troops and can quickly take down tanks like the Golem. In this mode, you can deploy it quickly and use it to defend against enemy pushes while you build up your own attacks.

Minion Horde

Minion Horde is an excellent card for taking down enemy troops quickly. It's a high damage card that can attack both air and ground troops. In 2x elixir mode, you can deploy this card quickly and use it to take down enemy troops while you build up your own attacks.


Zap is a versatile spell card that can be used for offense and defense. It can reset enemy troops, giving you a significant advantage, and can also deal damage to enemy troops and towers. In 2x elixir mode, you can deploy Zap quickly and use it to take down enemy troops or reset them while you build up your own attacks.


Fireball is an excellent spell card for 2x elixir mode. It deals massive area damage to enemy troops and can also deal significant damage to enemy towers. In this mode, you can deploy Fireball quickly and use it to take down large groups of enemy troops or deal significant damage to enemy towers.

Mega Knight

Mega Knight is a high-cost card, but in 2x elixir mode, it can be deployed quickly. It has a lot of hit points and deals massive damage, making it an excellent card for both defense and offense. When it jumps, it deals area damage, making it even more deadly against groups of enemy troops.


Bandit is a unique card that can dash towards enemy troops, dealing massive damage. It's an excellent card for taking down high hit point troops quickly. In 2x elixir mode, you can deploy Bandit quickly and use it to take down enemy troops while you build up your own attacks.


The 2x elixir mode in Clash Royale is an exciting mode that requires quick thinking and quick deployment of cards. Choosing the right deck for this mode can make a significant difference in winning or losing the game. The deck mentioned above is one of the best decks for 2x elixir mode. Try it out and see how it works for you. Good luck!

Overview of 2x Elixir Mode in Clash Royale

Clash Royale is a popular mobile strategy game that requires players to build and customize their own decks of cards to battle against other players. One of the most exciting game modes in Clash Royale is the 2x Elixir Mode, where elixir regeneration is doubled, allowing players to play more cards and execute more strategies in a shorter time frame.In 2x Elixir Mode, players are given twice as much elixir as they normally would in regular gameplay. This means that they can deploy their troops, spells, and defenses at a much faster rate. As a result, games become more intense and action-packed, with players needing to think quickly and strategically to outmaneuver their opponents.

Why 2x Elixir Mode is Important for Deck Building

One of the key elements of Clash Royale is building a strong deck that can withstand various attacks and counterattacks. In 2x Elixir Mode, players need to be even more strategic with their deck building to ensure that they can take advantage of the increased elixir regeneration rate.Players should prioritize building decks that have a good balance of offensive and defensive cards. They will need to include cards that can deal significant damage and take down enemy towers quickly, while also having enough defensive options to protect their own towers from incoming attacks.

Top 5 Best 2x Elixir Decks for Clash Royale

1. Giant Double Prince Deck: This deck revolves around the Giant, which serves as a tank for the two Princes. The deck also includes supporting cards like the Electro Wizard, Zap, and Poison to help clear the way for the Prince’s charges.2. Golem Night Witch Deck: This deck features the Golem as the main tank, with the Night Witch serving as the primary damage-dealer. The deck also includes supporting cards like the Baby Dragon, Mega Minion, and Tornado to defend against enemy attacks.3. P.E.K.K.A Bridge Spam Deck: This deck utilizes the P.E.K.K.A’s high damage output and durability to take down enemy towers. The deck also includes Bridge Spam cards like the Bandit, Battle Ram, and Royal Ghost for quick and unexpected attacks.4. X-Bow Siege Deck: This deck focuses on the X-Bow, which can deal massive damage to enemy towers from a safe distance. The deck also includes supporting cards like the Ice Golem, Tesla, and Fireball to keep enemy troops at bay.5. Miner Control Deck: This deck is centered around the Miner, which can deal significant damage to enemy towers while also being able to distract enemy troops. The deck also includes supporting cards like the Goblin Gang, Poison, and Inferno Tower for defense.

Understanding the Role of Tank Cards in 2x Elixir Decks

Tank cards are essential in 2x Elixir Mode as they provide a strong frontline for your other troops to follow. Tanks have high hitpoints and can absorb a lot of damage, allowing your other troops to deal significant damage to enemy towers without being targeted.Some of the best tank cards in Clash Royale include the Giant, Golem, and P.E.K.K.A. These cards are all capable of dealing significant damage and have high hitpoints, making them difficult for opponents to take down.In 2x Elixir Mode, it’s important to have at least one tank card in your deck to serve as a distraction for enemy troops and to protect your own troops from incoming attacks.

The Importance of Splash Damage Cards in 2x Elixir Decks

Splash damage cards are crucial in 2x Elixir Mode as they can deal damage to multiple enemy troops at once. These cards can also be used to clear out swarms of enemy troops quickly and efficiently.Some of the best splash damage cards in Clash Royale include the Wizard, Executioner, and Valkyrie. These cards can deal significant damage to multiple enemy troops at once, making them ideal for defending against enemy pushes.In 2x Elixir Mode, it’s important to have at least one or two splash damage cards in your deck to deal with enemy swarms and to keep your opponent’s troops at bay.

Balancing Your Deck with Defensive Cards in 2x Elixir Mode

Defensive cards are crucial in 2x Elixir Mode as they can help protect your own towers from incoming attacks. These cards can also be used to distract enemy troops and buy time for your own troops to deal damage.Some of the best defensive cards in Clash Royale include the Skeleton Army, Inferno Tower, and Tornado. These cards can all be used to defend against enemy pushes and can help turn the tide of a battle in your favor.In 2x Elixir Mode, it’s important to have a good balance of offensive and defensive cards in your deck to ensure that you can both defend against enemy attacks and launch your own attacks.

The Role of Cycle Cards in 2x Elixir Decks

Cycle cards are important in 2x Elixir Mode as they allow players to cycle through their deck quickly and deploy more troops, spells, and defenses. These cards are typically low-cost and can be used multiple times throughout a battle.Some of the best cycle cards in Clash Royale include the Ice Spirit, Skeletons, and Bats. These cards can be used to distract enemy troops, deal damage, and cycle through your deck quickly.In 2x Elixir Mode, it’s important to include at least one or two cycle cards in your deck to ensure that you can deploy your troops quickly and efficiently.

How to Use Spells Effectively in 2x Elixir Decks

Spells are an important part of any Clash Royale deck, and in 2x Elixir Mode, they become even more crucial. Spells can be used to deal significant damage to enemy towers, clear out enemy troops, and defend against incoming attacks.Some of the best spells in Clash Royale include the Fireball, Zap, and Poison. These spells can deal significant damage to enemy troops and towers and can also clear out swarms of enemy troops quickly and efficiently.In 2x Elixir Mode, it’s important to use your spells effectively and at the right time. You should aim to save your spells for critical moments when they can have the most impact on the battle.

The Importance of Building Cards in 2x Elixir Decks

Building cards are important in 2x Elixir Mode as they can distract enemy troops and provide a safe haven for your own troops. These cards can also be used to deal damage to enemy troops and towers over time.Some of the best building cards in Clash Royale include the Inferno Tower, Tesla, and Cannon. These cards can all be used to distract enemy troops and deal damage to enemy towers.In 2x Elixir Mode, it’s important to include at least one building card in your deck to provide a safe haven for your troops and to distract enemy troops.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering 2x Elixir Mode in Clash Royale

- Build a balanced deck with a good mix of offensive and defensive cards.- Include at least one tank card in your deck to serve as a distraction for enemy troops.- Use splash damage cards to clear out enemy troops and keep your opponent’s troops at bay.- Include defensive cards in your deck to protect your own towers from incoming attacks.- Use cycle cards to cycle through your deck quickly and deploy more troops, spells, and defenses.- Use spells effectively and at the right time to deal damage to enemy troops and towers.- Include at least one building card in your deck to provide a safe haven for your troops and to distract enemy troops.By following these tips and tricks, you can master 2x Elixir Mode in Clash Royale and become a formidable opponent on the battlefield. Remember to be strategic with your deck building and gameplay, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different card combinations to find what works best for you.

Best Deck for 2x Elixir in Clash Royale

Point of View

As an avid Clash Royale player, I believe that the best deck for 2x elixir is one that focuses on fast cycle cards and high damage output. In a game mode where elixir regeneration is doubled, it's crucial to have a deck that can take advantage of this by constantly pressuring the opponent and dealing massive damage.

Pros and Cons

  • Fast cycle cards allow for quick deployment and constant pressure on the opponent.
  • High damage output means that even just a few successful attacks can make a significant dent in the opponent's tower.
  • With double elixir, there's more room for error and experimentation with different card combinations.
  • Fast cycle decks can be susceptible to heavy beatdown decks that rely on big pushes.
  • Having a deck with all high damage output cards can leave you vulnerable to swarm troops or buildings that distract your troops.
  • With more elixir available, opponents may be able to deploy multiple spells or heavy defense cards that can halt your attack.

Comparison Table

Card Role Elixir Cost
Ice Spirit Cycle Card 1
Ice Golem Tank/Distractor 2
Miner Chip Damage/Tank 3
Goblin Barrel Chip Damage/Swarm 3
Mini P.E.K.K.A High Damage Dealer 4
Mega Minion Air Defense/High Damage Dealer 3
Fireball Spell Damage 4
Zap Stun/Damage 2

Overall, the best deck for 2x elixir will depend on personal playstyle and strategy. However, a fast cycle deck with high damage output can be a strong choice for those looking to take advantage of the increased elixir regeneration. It's important to consider the pros and cons of this type of deck and adjust accordingly to any challenges faced during gameplay.

The Best Deck for 2x Elixir in Clash Royale

Hello, Clash Royale players! If you're looking to dominate your opponents in the 2x Elixir game mode, then you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll be discussing the best deck for 2x Elixir that will help you win more matches and climb up the ladder faster.

Before we dive into the deck itself, let's first talk about the 2x Elixir game mode. This mode is one of the most popular in Clash Royale, as it doubles the elixir generation speed, allowing you to play more cards and execute more strategies in a shorter amount of time.

However, it's important to note that this mode also requires a different approach than the regular gameplay. You need to be quick on your feet, anticipate your opponent's moves, and have an effective deck that can counter their plays while pushing for the win.

Now, without further ado, let's take a look at the best deck for 2x Elixir:

Golem Beatdown Deck

This deck revolves around the powerful Golem card, which can absorb a lot of damage and deal massive damage to enemy towers if left unchecked. Here are the cards you'll need:

  • Golem
  • Baby Dragon
  • Mega Minion
  • Electro Wizard
  • Mega Knight
  • Tornado
  • Poison
  • Zap

The key to this deck is to start with a defensive strategy, using the Mega Minion and Electro Wizard to shut down your opponent's pushes while building up elixir. Once you have enough elixir, deploy the Golem behind your King Tower and support it with the Baby Dragon and Mega Knight.

Use the Tornado to pull enemy troops towards the Golem, allowing your supporting cards to deal more damage. The Poison spell is also great for clearing out enemy troops and dealing damage to their towers.

If your opponent tries to counter your push with their own troops, use the Zap spell to stun them and give your cards more time to deal damage.

Overall, this deck is great for players who like a slow, methodical playstyle that can quickly turn into an overwhelming assault. It requires a bit of practice to master, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be unstoppable in the 2x Elixir game mode.

So, there you have it – the best deck for 2x Elixir in Clash Royale. Remember, the key to winning in this game mode is to be quick, adaptable, and have a deck that can handle any situation. We hope this article has been helpful, and we wish you the best of luck on the battlefield!

Thank you for reading, and feel free to share your own tips and strategies in the comments below.

People Also Ask About Best Deck for 2x Elixir

What is the best deck for 2x elixir in Clash Royale?

There are several deck options that work well in 2x elixir mode, but some of the most effective ones include:

  • Giant Double Prince: This deck features Giant, Dark Prince, and Prince as the main pushing units. It also includes support cards like Zap, Fireball, and Poison.
  • LavaLoon: This deck combines Lava Hound and Balloon as the main offensive units, with supporting cards like Minions, Mega Minion, and Arrows.
  • Bridge Spam: This deck relies on fast and aggressive pushes using Bandit, Royal Ghost, and Battle Ram. It also includes spells like Zap and Poison to clear defenses.

What should I consider when building a 2x elixir deck?

When building a deck for 2x elixir mode, it's important to consider the following factors:

  1. Elixir cost: Choose cards that have a low elixir cost so you can cycle through your deck quickly and maintain a steady stream of attacks.
  2. Offensive power: Select cards that have high offensive power and can deal damage quickly to your opponent's towers.
  3. Defensive capabilities: Include cards that can defend against your opponent's pushes and prevent them from taking down your towers.
  4. Support cards: Choose cards that can support your main offensive units and provide additional value on defense.

What strategies work best in 2x elixir mode?

Some of the most effective strategies in 2x elixir mode include:

  • Split-lane pushing: Divide your attacking units between both lanes to force your opponent to defend on both sides.
  • Counter-pushing: Use defensive cards to counter your opponent's push and immediately launch a counter-attack with your remaining units.
  • Spell cycling: Use spells like Fireball, Rocket, or Poison to chip away at your opponent's towers and finish them off when they're low on health.

Is it better to focus on offense or defense in 2x elixir mode?

In 2x elixir mode, it's generally better to focus more on offense than defense. Since you have a higher elixir generation rate, you can afford to make more aggressive pushes and take down your opponent's towers quickly. However, it's still important to have some defensive cards in your deck to prevent your opponent from doing the same to you.