Unlock the Ultimate Power: Top 10 Stellaris Best Ascension Perks 2.2 for an Epic Interstellar Empire


Discover the top Ascension Perks in Stellaris 2.2 and take your empire to new heights. From Master Builders to Galactic Wonders, the options are endless.

Stellaris, one of the most popular grand strategy games from Paradox Interactive, has introduced a plethora of new features with its latest update, 2.2. Amongst these additions, the ascension perks system has received some much-needed attention. Ascension perks in Stellaris allow players to customize their empire and gain powerful bonuses that can turn the tide of the game. In this article, we'll take a look at the best ascension perks available in Stellaris 2.2 and how they can help you conquer the galaxy.

First on our list is the Voidborne perk. This ascension perk allows you to build habitats in orbit around planets, effectively increasing your empire's population and resource output. Not only does this give you a significant advantage over other empires, but it also allows you to expand your empire's reach without having to conquer new planets. With Voidborne, you'll be able to create a self-sustaining network of habitats that can support your empire's growth for centuries.

If you're looking for a more militaristic approach, the Colossus Project is an excellent choice. This ascension perk allows you to build a massive, planet-destroying weapon that can wipe out entire civilizations with ease. While this may seem like an extreme measure, the Colossus Project can be a valuable tool for dealing with stubborn enemies or ending wars quickly. With the right strategy, the Colossus can be a game-changer.

Next up is the Synthetic Evolution perk. This ascension perk allows you to transform your entire species into synthetic beings, effectively making you immune to many of the negative effects of organic life. With Synthetics, you'll be able to live longer, work faster, and fight harder than any organic species. Plus, you'll have access to unique technologies and upgrades that can make your empire even more powerful.

Another great ascension perk is the Galactic Wonders perk. This perk allows you to build massive, awe-inspiring structures that can provide your empire with significant bonuses. From ringworlds that can support billions of inhabitants to megastructures that can harness the power of black holes, Galactic Wonders gives you the tools to create a truly impressive empire.

For those looking for a more diplomatic approach, the Mind Over Matter perk is an excellent choice. This ascension perk allows you to unlock powerful psionic abilities that can influence other empires and even manipulate the fabric of space-time. With Mind Over Matter, you'll be able to forge alliances, manipulate enemies, and create a galaxy that bends to your will.

If you're looking for a more economically focused perk, the Arcology Project is an excellent choice. This ascension perk allows you to build massive arcologies that can house billions of inhabitants and generate massive amounts of resources. With the right strategy, an arcology can become the backbone of your empire's economy, providing you with the resources you need to conquer the galaxy.

The Defender of the Galaxy perk is another excellent choice for those looking to defend their empire from external threats. This ascension perk provides your empire with a massive bonus to fleet power and unlocks powerful defensive technologies. With Defender of the Galaxy, you'll be able to deter even the most aggressive enemies from attacking your empire.

For those looking to explore the galaxy, the Master Builders perk is an excellent choice. This ascension perk allows you to build faster and cheaper than any other empire, allowing you to explore the galaxy at breakneck speeds. With Master Builders, you'll be able to colonize new worlds, build new structures, and expand your empire faster than ever before.

Another great economic-focused perk is the World Shaper perk. This ascension perk allows you to terraform planets into habitable worlds, effectively increasing your empire's resource output and population. With World Shaper, you'll be able to create a network of habitable worlds that can support your empire's growth for centuries.

Finally, the Transcendence perk is an excellent choice for those looking to transcend their physical form and become something greater. This ascension perk unlocks powerful psionic abilities that can allow you to ascend to a higher plane of existence. With Transcendence, you'll be able to manipulate the very fabric of space-time and become a god-like entity that can shape the galaxy in your image.

In conclusion, the ascension perks system in Stellaris 2.2 provides players with a vast array of options to customize their empire and gain powerful bonuses. Whether you're looking to conquer the galaxy through military might or diplomacy, there's an ascension perk that can help you achieve your goals. With these ten best ascension perks, you'll be able to create an empire that dominates the galaxy and stands the test of time.


Stellaris is a popular 4X strategy game that has been around for a few years now. The game has gone through several updates and expansions, with the most recent one being the 2.2 update. In this update, players can choose from several ascension perks which can give them various bonuses and abilities. In this article, we will be discussing some of the best ascension perks in Stellaris 2.2.


The Voidborne ascension perk is great if you want to focus on space habitats. With this perk, you can build habitats that can support up to 8 districts and have up to 12 buildings. This means that you can create a lot of jobs and generate a lot of resources in a relatively small space. Additionally, habitats are immune to certain events that can affect planets, such as planetary disasters and terraforming. This perk is especially useful if you are playing a tall empire that wants to focus on a few well-developed systems rather than a sprawling empire spread out over many systems.

Galactic Force Projection

The Galactic Force Projection ascension perk is great if you want to focus on military power. With this perk, you can build a new type of starbase called the Citadel, which is much more powerful than normal starbases. Citadels have a lot more health and firepower, can support more fleets, and can defend against enemy fleets more effectively. Additionally, with this perk, you can also upgrade your fleets' weapons and armor to make them even more powerful. This perk is great if you want to conquer other empires and expand your territory.

Master Builders

The Master Builders ascension perk is great if you want to focus on megastructures. With this perk, you can build megastructures like the Dyson Sphere, Ringworld, and Matter Decompressor. These structures can generate a lot of resources and provide various bonuses. For example, the Dyson Sphere can generate a massive amount of energy credits, while the Ringworld can support a huge population and generate a lot of research. This perk is great if you want to create a powerful empire that can dominate the galaxy.


The Transcendence ascension perk is great if you want to focus on psionic abilities. With this perk, you can develop psionic abilities that can give you various bonuses and abilities. For example, you can use psionic powers to manipulate other empires, gain insights into the nature of the universe, and even transcend your physical form. This perk is great if you want to play a spiritualist empire that believes in the power of the mind.

Void Dwellers

The Void Dwellers ascension perk is great if you want to focus on living in space. With this perk, you can create a new type of species that is adapted to living in habitats. These species can live and work in habitats without any penalties, and can even migrate between habitats and planets. Additionally, with this perk, you can build a new type of habitat called the Arcology, which can support up to 24 districts and have up to 36 buildings. This perk is great if you want to create a space-faring empire that lives among the stars.

Galactic Wonders

The Galactic Wonders ascension perk is great if you want to focus on creating unique megastructures. With this perk, you can build megastructures that are not available with the Master Builders perk. These structures include the Science Nexus, which can generate a massive amount of research, and the Sentry Array, which can detect all ships and stations in the galaxy. Additionally, with this perk, you can also upgrade your existing megastructures to make them even more powerful. This perk is great if you want to create a truly unique and powerful empire.

Interstellar Dominion

The Interstellar Dominion ascension perk is great if you want to focus on diplomacy and influence. With this perk, you gain access to a new type of starbase called the Gateway, which allows you to travel instantly between two gateways. Additionally, with this perk, you can also build a new type of habitat called the Resort World, which can generate a lot of amenities and provide various bonuses to your empire. This perk is great if you want to play a diplomatic empire that can influence other empires and control key strategic points in the galaxy.

Colossus Project

The Colossus Project ascension perk is great if you want to focus on destruction and domination. With this perk, you can build a new type of ship called the Colossus, which can destroy entire planets. Additionally, with this perk, you can also build new types of weapons and defenses that can make your empire even more powerful. This perk is great if you want to play an aggressive empire that seeks to conquer and dominate other empires.


Ascension perks are an important part of Stellaris 2.2, and they can greatly impact the way you play the game. The perks we discussed in this article are some of the best ones available, but there are many others to choose from as well. Whether you want to focus on military power, diplomacy, or creating megastructures, there is an ascension perk that can help you achieve your goals. So, choose wisely and build the empire of your dreams!

Introduction to Ascension Perks in Stellaris 2.2

Stellaris 2.2 introduced a new feature called Ascension Perks, which allows players to unlock powerful abilities and advantages for their empire as they progress through the game. These perks are divided into four categories: Biological, Psionic, Synthetic, and Galactic. Each category offers unique benefits that can help players achieve their goals and dominate the galaxy.

The Importance of Choosing the Best Ascension Perks in Stellaris 2.2

Choosing the best Ascension Perks is essential for achieving victory in Stellaris 2.2. The right perks can give players a significant advantage over their rivals, whether they're pursuing diplomatic, military, or technological goals. However, choosing the wrong perks can leave players vulnerable to attack or hinder their progress towards victory.Therefore, it's crucial to understand the different types of Ascension Perks available and how they can benefit your playstyle.

The Top 3 Ascension Perks for Military Expansion in Stellaris 2.2

Military expansion is a popular strategy in Stellaris 2.2, and players who want to pursue this path should consider the following Ascension Perks:

1. Imperial Prerogative

Imperial Prerogative is an excellent perk for players who want to expand their empire's borders quickly. It increases the number of outpost and starbase systems a player can control by 25%, allowing them to claim more territory and resources.

2. Colossus Project

The Colossus Project is a powerful tool for players who want to conquer their enemies in a brutal and merciless way. This perk allows players to build a Colossus weapon, which can destroy entire planets with a single shot. While using this weapon can trigger a galaxy-wide war, it can also help players quickly eliminate their rivals.

3. Defender of the Galaxy

Defender of the Galaxy is an ideal perk for players who want to protect their empire from external threats. It increases the damage dealt by your ships against end-game crisis entities by 50%. This perk can be especially useful in dealing with the powerful end-game crisis events that can threaten the galaxy.

The Best Ascension Perks for Diplomatic Victory in Stellaris 2.2

Diplomatic victory is a challenging but rewarding strategy in Stellaris 2.2. Players who wish to pursue this path should consider the following Ascension Perks:

1. Xeno-Compatibility

Xeno-Compatibility is an excellent perk for players who want to build strong relationships with other empires. This perk allows players to reproduce with other species, which can help increase their diplomatic standing and improve relations with other empires.

2. Enigmatic Engineering

Enigmatic Engineering is a powerful tool for players who want to manipulate other empires through secrecy and deception. This perk allows players to build enigmatic buildings, which can hide their true intentions and make it difficult for other empires to understand their motives.

The Top 2 Ascension Perks for Technological Advancement in Stellaris 2.2

Technological advancement is a critical aspect of Stellaris 2.2, and players who want to achieve victory through technology should consider the following Ascension Perks:

1. Master Builders

Master Builders is an excellent perk for players who want to construct massive structures and megastructures. This perk increases the build speed of all construction projects by 50%, allowing players to complete their projects faster and more efficiently.

2. Galactic Wonders

Galactic Wonders is a powerful perk for players who want to build the most advanced and impressive structures in the galaxy. This perk allows players to construct three unique megastructures: the Dyson Sphere, the Science Nexus, and the Sentry Array. These structures can provide significant benefits to an empire, including increased research output and improved sensor range.

The Best Ascension Perks for Resource Management in Stellaris 2.2

Resource management is essential in Stellaris 2.2, and players who want to efficiently manage their resources should consider the following Ascension Perks:

1. Technological Ascendancy

Technological Ascendancy is an excellent perk for players who want to maximize their research output and unlock advanced technologies quickly. This perk increases the research speed of all technologies by 10%, allowing players to stay ahead of their rivals and maintain technological superiority.

2. Galactic Market

The Galactic Market is a powerful tool for players who want to buy and sell resources on a galactic scale. This perk allows players to establish a market on their home planet, which other empires can use to trade resources. It also provides a bonus to the player's trade value, making it more profitable to engage in trade with other empires.

The Top 2 Ascension Perks for Biological Evolution in Stellaris 2.2

Biological evolution is a fascinating aspect of Stellaris 2.2, and players who want to explore this path should consider the following Ascension Perks:

1. Evolutionary Mastery

Evolutionary Mastery is an excellent perk for players who want to customize their species and create the perfect biological beings. This perk allows players to modify their species' genetic traits, enabling them to adapt to different environments and challenges.

2. The Flesh is Weak

The Flesh is Weak is a powerful perk for players who want to transcend their biological limitations and become cyborgs. This perk allows players to replace their organic components with cybernetic implants, providing significant bonuses to their abilities and making them more resilient to damage.

The Best Ascension Perks for Psionic Powers in Stellaris 2.2

Psionic powers are a fascinating aspect of Stellaris 2.2, and players who want to explore this path should consider the following Ascension Perks:

1. Transcendence

Transcendence is an excellent perk for players who want to ascend to a higher plane of existence and unlock powerful psionic abilities. This perk allows players to establish a mental link with other species and gain access to psionic technologies and abilities.

2. Mind over Matter

Mind over Matter is a powerful perk for players who want to unlock their species' latent psionic potential. This perk allows players to develop psionic abilities and gain bonuses to their research output, happiness, and unity.

The Top 3 Ascension Perks for Galactic Domination in Stellaris 2.2

Galactic domination is the ultimate goal of many players in Stellaris 2.2, and those who want to achieve this feat should consider the following Ascension Perks:

1. Galactic Force Projection

Galactic Force Projection is an essential perk for players who want to conquer the galaxy through military might. This perk increases the player's naval capacity by 200%, allowing them to field larger fleets and overwhelm their rivals.

2. World Shaper

World Shaper is a powerful tool for players who want to shape the galaxy according to their will. This perk allows players to terraform planets and control the environment, making it easier to colonize new worlds and expand their empire.

3. Galactic Contender

Galactic Contender is an excellent perk for players who want to dominate the galaxy through diplomacy and alliances. This perk increases the player's diplomatic weight by 50%, making it easier to sway other empires and form powerful alliances.

Conclusion: Choosing the Best Ascension Perks in Stellaris 2.2 for Your Playstyle

Choosing the right Ascension Perks is essential for achieving victory in Stellaris 2.2. Whether you're pursuing military, diplomatic, or technological goals, there are Ascension Perks that can help you achieve your objectives. Consider your playstyle and goals carefully when selecting your Ascension Perks, and don't be afraid to experiment with different combinations until you find the ones that work best for you. With the right Ascension Perks, you can conquer the galaxy and achieve ultimate dominance!

My Point of View on Stellaris Best Ascension Perks 2.2


Stellaris is a popular space-themed grand strategy game that has been around for a while. With the release of version 2.2, several new ascension perks were added to the game, which have become quite popular among players. In this article, I will be sharing my point of view on the best ascension perks in Stellaris 2.2.

Best Ascension Perks in Stellaris 2.2

1. Galactic Contender: This perk gives you a +50% damage boost against end-game crises, making it an essential perk if you plan on engaging in large-scale battles in the late game.2. Master Builders: This perk gives you a significant boost to your construction speed and allows you to build megastructures faster. This is especially useful if you plan on building a lot of megastructures.3. Transcendence: This perk allows you to transcend your physical form and become a psionic entity, giving you access to powerful psionic abilities.

Pros and Cons of Stellaris Best Ascension Perks 2.2

Here are some pros and cons of the best ascension perks in Stellaris 2.2:1. Galactic ContenderPros:- Provides a significant damage boost against end-game crises- Can make large-scale battles easier to winCons:- Not very useful if you're not planning on engaging in end-game crises2. Master BuildersPros:- Provides a significant boost to construction speed- Allows you to build megastructures fasterCons:- Not very useful if you're not planning on building a lot of megastructures3. TranscendencePros:- Allows you to become a psionic entity with powerful abilities- Can be used to gain a significant advantage over your opponentsCons:- Requires a lot of research and can be difficult to obtain- Can be risky, as becoming a psionic entity can have unpredictable consequences.

Comparison Table

Here is a comparison table for the best ascension perks in Stellaris 2.2:| Ascension Perk | Pros | Cons || --- | --- | --- || Galactic Contender | Provides a significant damage boost against end-game crises | Not very useful if you're not planning on engaging in end-game crises || Master Builders | Provides a significant boost to construction speed, Allows you to build megastructures faster | Not very useful if you're not planning on building a lot of megastructures || Transcendence | Allows you to become a psionic entity with powerful abilities, Can be used to gain a significant advantage over your opponents | Requires a lot of research and can be difficult to obtain, Can be risky, as becoming a psionic entity can have unpredictable consequences |


Overall, the best ascension perks in Stellaris 2.2 depend on your playstyle and what you want to achieve in the game. However, Galactic Contender, Master Builders, and Transcendence are some of the most popular and powerful perks available. Consider your strategy carefully before choosing an ascension perk, and don't forget to weigh the pros and cons of each option.

Stellaris Best Ascension Perks 2.2: A Guide to Ultimate Power!

Greetings fellow Stellaris players! If you're reading this, then you're probably looking for some tips on how to maximize your power and become the ultimate ruler of the galaxy. Well, look no further! In this blog post, we'll be discussing the best ascension perks in Stellaris version 2.2. So, without further ado, let's dive in!

First off, let's talk about what ascension perks are and why they matter. Ascension perks are special bonuses that you can unlock as you progress through the game. They can give you various benefits such as increased resource production, better military capabilities, or even access to powerful new technologies. The key is choosing the right perks for your play style.

Now, let's get into the meat of this post; the best ascension perks in Stellaris 2.2. There are a lot of perks to choose from, but we've narrowed it down to the top 5 that we believe will give you the most power and control over the galaxy.

1. Galactic Contender

The first perk on our list is Galactic Contender. This perk gives you a massive boost to your naval capacity, making it easier to build up a powerful fleet and take control of the galaxy. With this perk, you'll be able to build more ships than your opponents, giving you a significant advantage in any conflict.

In addition to the naval capacity boost, Galactic Contender also gives you a bonus to your fire rate. This means that your ships will be able to fire their weapons faster, dealing more damage to enemy vessels. Overall, this is an excellent perk for anyone looking to dominate in space combat.

2. Master Builders

The second perk on our list is Master Builders. This perk gives you access to some of the most advanced technologies in the game, allowing you to build incredible structures and megastructures. With this perk, you'll be able to create massive habitats, ring worlds, and even Dyson spheres.

In addition to the technological benefits, Master Builders also gives you a bonus to your construction speed. This means that you'll be able to build your structures and megastructures much faster than your opponents, giving you an edge in resource production and population growth.

3. Voidborne

The third perk on our list is Voidborne. This perk allows you to build habitats in space, giving you access to more living space for your population. With this perk, you'll be able to create self-sustaining habitats that can support millions of people.

Voidborne also gives you a bonus to your resource production, making it easier to maintain your growing population. Additionally, habitats can be used as defensive structures, giving you an advantage in any conflicts that may arise.

4. Arcology Project

The fourth perk on our list is Arcology Project. This perk allows you to build massive city worlds, capable of supporting billions of people. With this perk, you'll be able to create the ultimate utopia for your population, providing them with everything they need to thrive.

Arcology Project also gives you a bonus to your resource production, making it easier to support your growing population. Additionally, city worlds can be used as defensive structures, giving you an advantage in any conflicts that may arise.

5. Synthetic Evolution

The fifth and final perk on our list is Synthetic Evolution. This perk allows you to transform your entire species into synthetic beings, giving you access to powerful new abilities and technologies. With this perk, you'll be able to create a race of super-beings that are virtually immortal and immune to many of the dangers of the galaxy.

Synthetic Evolution also gives you a bonus to your resource production and research speed, making it easier to continue evolving and expanding your power. Additionally, synthetic beings can be used as powerful military units, giving you an advantage in any conflicts that may arise.

So there you have it; the top 5 ascension perks in Stellaris 2.2. Whether you're looking to dominate in combat or create the ultimate utopia for your people, these perks will give you the power and control you need to succeed. Just remember to choose the perks that best suit your play style, and you'll be well on your way to ruling the galaxy.

Thank you for reading, and we hope this guide helps you on your journey to ultimate power!

People Also Ask about Stellaris Best Ascension Perks 2.2

What are ascension perks in Stellaris?

Ascension perks are special bonuses that players can select to help their civilization evolve and become more powerful throughout the game. They are unlocked as you progress through the game and can provide unique abilities, technologies, and strategic advantages.

What are the best ascension perks in Stellaris 2.2?

The best ascension perks in Stellaris 2.2 can vary depending on your playstyle and what your civilization needs most. However, some of the most popular and powerful ascension perks include:

  1. Voidborne - This perk unlocks the ability to build habitats, which are space stations capable of supporting large populations and providing valuable resources.
  2. Mind Over Matter - This perk allows your civilization to develop powerful psychic abilities, including telepathy, telekinesis, and precognition.
  3. Transcendent Learning - This perk grants significant bonuses to research speed and output, allowing your civilization to quickly advance its technology and gain an edge over other factions.
  4. Galactic Wonders - This perk unlocks the ability to construct massive megastructures, including Dyson Spheres, Ring Worlds, and Science Nexus.
  5. Master Builders - This perk provides a significant boost to construction speed and reduces the resource cost of building new structures and ships.

How do I choose the best ascension perks for my civilization?

Choosing the best ascension perks for your civilization depends on your overall strategy and goals. Consider what areas your civilization needs to improve in, such as technology, military strength, or resource production, and select perks that will help you achieve those goals. It's also important to consider the long-term benefits of each perk and how they will impact your civilization's development over time.

Can I change my ascension perks in Stellaris?

No, once you have selected an ascension perk in Stellaris, it is permanent and cannot be changed. Therefore, it's important to carefully consider your options and choose perks that will benefit your civilization in the long run.