Unlock Tapu Lele's True Potential with the Best Nature for Nature-Based Moves!


Tapu Lele, the Psychic/Fairy-type Pokémon, thrives in lush, tropical environments filled with natural beauty and vibrant energy.

Tapu Lele is a popular Pokemon character that belongs to the fairy and psychic type. Among the numerous abilities and moves that this Pokemon has, its nature is one of the most critical factors that determine its performance in battles. When it comes to selecting the best nature for Tapu Lele, trainers need to consider various elements such as stats, role, strategy, and team composition. With a careful analysis of these factors, trainers can enhance Tapu Lele's strengths and minimize its weaknesses to create a formidable team.

The best nature for Tapu Lele depends on the role that it plays in the team. If Tapu Lele is the primary attacker, then a Modest or Timid nature is ideal. A Modest nature boosts Tapu Lele's Special Attack stat but lowers its Attack, while a Timid nature increases its Speed but decreases its Attack. These natures allow Tapu Lele to hit hard and fast while minimizing the damage it takes from physical attacks. On the other hand, if Tapu Lele is a support Pokemon, then a Calm or Bold nature works best. A Calm nature raises Tapu Lele's Special Defense but lowers its Attack, while a Bold nature increases its Defense but decreases its Attack. These natures make Tapu Lele more resilient and better able to take hits from opponents.

Another factor that affects the best nature for Tapu Lele is the strategy that trainers use in battles. For instance, if a trainer wants to use Tapu Lele to set up screens for their team, then a Bold nature is ideal as it enhances Tapu Lele's Defense and allows it to survive longer. Similarly, if a trainer wants to use Tapu Lele to sweep through an opponent's team, then a Modest or Timid nature is crucial to maximize its damage output and speed. Trainers also need to consider their team composition when choosing the best nature for Tapu Lele. For example, if a team has several physical attackers, then a Calm or Bold nature for Tapu Lele would balance the team's defenses.

Aside from the factors mentioned above, trainers should also consider the moveset of Tapu Lele when selecting its nature. Some moves are more effective with specific natures, and trainers need to factor this in when building their team. For example, a Tapu Lele with a Modest nature and the Psychic Terrain move can deal massive damage to opponents, while a Calm nature and the Reflect move can increase the team's overall defense. Trainers should also consider the abilities of Tapu Lele, such as Psychic Surge, which creates terrain that boosts psychic-type moves, and Telepathy, which prevents Tapu Lele from taking damage from allies' moves.

In conclusion, the best nature for Tapu Lele depends on various factors such as its role, strategy, moveset, and team composition. Whether it's a Modest, Timid, Calm, or Bold nature, trainers must understand the strengths and weaknesses of their Pokemon to create a winning team. With the right nature and moveset, Tapu Lele can be a formidable force in battles and lead trainers to victory.


Tapu Lele is a Psychic/Fairy-type legendary Pokémon that was introduced in the seventh generation of the Pokémon franchise. It is one of the four guardian deities of the Alola region and is highly sought after for its impressive stats and abilities. However, to make the most out of this Pokémon, it is crucial to choose the right nature. In this article, we will discuss the best nature for Tapu Lele.

The Importance of Nature in Pokémon

In Pokémon, nature plays a significant role in determining a Pokémon's strengths and weaknesses. A Pokémon's nature affects its stats growth rate, with some natures increasing certain stats while decreasing others. Therefore, choosing the right nature for your Pokémon can make a significant difference in battle.

Nature Chart

Before we dive into the best nature for Tapu Lele, let's take a look at the nature chart. The chart shows which stats are increased and decreased by each nature.

The Stats of Tapu Lele

To understand which nature is the best for Tapu Lele, we first need to look at its base stats. Tapu Lele has a base stat total of 570, with a special attack stat of 130 and a speed stat of 95. Its other stats are relatively balanced, with a defense stat of 75, a special defense stat of 115, and an attack stat of 85.

The Best Nature for Tapu Lele

After considering Tapu Lele's stats and abilities, the best nature for this Pokémon is Modest. Modest increases Tapu Lele's special attack stat by 10% while decreasing its attack stat by 10%. This balances out its stats, allowing Tapu Lele to deal more damage with its special moves while not sacrificing too much in other areas.

Alternative Natures

While Modest is the best nature for Tapu Lele, there are other natures that can work well, depending on your playstyle. Timid is another popular nature choice, as it increases Tapu Lele's speed stat by 10% while decreasing its attack stat by 10%. This makes Tapu Lele faster and more agile in battle, allowing it to outspeed many opponents.

The Benefits of a Modest Nature

Choosing Modest as Tapu Lele's nature has several benefits. Firstly, it boosts Tapu Lele's special attack stat, which is its strongest stat. This means that Tapu Lele can deal more damage with its special moves, such as Psychic, Moonblast, and Dazzling Gleam.

Raising Special Attack

To make the most out of Tapu Lele's increased special attack stat, it's important to invest in EVs (Effort Values) that boost special attack. You can do this by battling Pokémon that give special attack EVs, such as Carbink or Alakazam. Additionally, giving Tapu Lele a special attack-boosting item like the Choice Specs can further increase its damage output.


In conclusion, the best nature for Tapu Lele is Modest. This nature boosts Tapu Lele's special attack stat while balancing out its other stats. However, Timid can also work well, depending on your playstyle. Remember that choosing the right nature for your Pokémon is crucial in maximizing its potential in battle.

Introduction to Tapu Lele

Tapu Lele is a legendary Pokémon that was introduced in the seventh generation of the Pokémon series. It is one of the guardians of the Alola region and is known for its Psychic/Fairy typing, which makes it a unique and versatile addition to any team.As a guardian, Tapu Lele is considered one of the strongest Pokémon in the Alola region, with impressive stats and a diverse movepool that allows it to handle a variety of situations. However, like all Pokémon, Tapu Lele's performance in battle can be greatly influenced by its nature, making it important for trainers to understand the role of nature in Pokémon training.

Understanding the Psychic/Fairy Type

Tapu Lele's unique typing as a Psychic/Fairy Pokémon gives it several advantages in battle. As a Psychic-type, Tapu Lele has access to powerful moves such as Psyshock, Psychic, and Future Sight, which allow it to deal heavy damage to opponents.Its Fairy typing also provides several benefits, including resistance to Fighting-type moves, immunity to Dragon-type moves, and the ability to use moves like Moonblast and Dazzling Gleam, which are super effective against Dragon-, Fighting-, and Dark-type Pokémon.However, Tapu Lele's typing also makes it weak to Steel-type moves, which can limit its effectiveness in battles against certain opponents. This weakness highlights the importance of choosing the right nature for Tapu Lele to maximize its strengths and minimize its weaknesses.

Benefits of Using Tapu Lele in Battle

Tapu Lele's unique typing and impressive stats make it a valuable asset in battles. Its high Special Attack and Speed stats make it a formidable special sweeper, capable of dealing heavy damage to opponents and outspeeding many other Pokémon.In addition, Tapu Lele's ability, Psychic Surge, creates a terrain that boosts the power of Psychic-type moves and prevents priority moves from being used. This ability can be incredibly useful in battle, especially when paired with Tapu Lele's impressive movepool.Overall, Tapu Lele's versatility, power, and unique abilities make it a top choice for many trainers, especially those who are looking to build a strong team for competitive battles.

Importance of Nature in Pokémon Training

In Pokémon training, nature refers to a Pokémon's innate characteristics, which can affect its stats and performance in battle. Each nature provides a boost to one stat while reducing another, making it important for trainers to choose the right nature for their Pokémon depending on their intended role in battle.For example, a Timid nature boosts a Pokémon's Speed stat while lowering its Attack stat. This nature is ideal for Pokémon that rely on speed and special attacks, such as Tapu Lele.Choosing the right nature for a Pokémon can greatly enhance its strengths and make it more effective in battle, while choosing the wrong nature can limit its potential and make it less effective overall.

Top Nature Recommendations for Tapu Lele

When it comes to choosing the right nature for Tapu Lele, there are several options to consider. Here are some of the top nature recommendations for this powerful Pokémon:1. Timid: As mentioned earlier, a Timid nature boosts Tapu Lele's Speed stat while lowering its Attack stat. This nature is ideal for Tapu Lele, as it allows it to outspeed many opponents and deal heavy damage with its special attacks.2. Modest: A Modest nature boosts Tapu Lele's Special Attack stat while lowering its Attack stat. This nature is also a good choice for Tapu Lele, as it maximizes its special attacking power.3. Calm: A Calm nature boosts Tapu Lele's Special Defense stat while lowering its Attack stat. This nature can be useful for Tapu Lele in battles against special attackers, allowing it to take hits and retaliate with powerful special attacks.4. Bold: A Bold nature boosts Tapu Lele's Defense stat while lowering its Attack stat. This nature can be useful for Tapu Lele in battles against physical attackers, allowing it to take hits and retaliate with special attacks.Overall, the best nature for Tapu Lele depends on the trainer's intended strategy and role for this Pokémon in their team.

Analyzing the Effects of Different Natures on Tapu Lele

To understand the effects of different natures on Tapu Lele, let's take a closer look at how each nature affects its stats:1. Timid: Boosts Speed, lowers Attack- This nature is ideal for Tapu Lele, as it allows it to outspeed many opponents and deal heavy damage with its special attacks.2. Modest: Boosts Special Attack, lowers Attack- This nature maximizes Tapu Lele's special attacking power, making it a strong special sweeper.3. Calm: Boosts Special Defense, lowers Attack- This nature can be useful for Tapu Lele in battles against special attackers, allowing it to take hits and retaliate with powerful special attacks.4. Bold: Boosts Defense, lowers Attack- This nature can be useful for Tapu Lele in battles against physical attackers, allowing it to take hits and retaliate with special attacks.5. Adamant: Boosts Attack, lowers Special Attack- While not an ideal nature for Tapu Lele, Adamant can be useful for trainers who want to use physical attacks rather than special attacks.6. Modest: Boosts Special Attack, lowers Attack- As mentioned earlier, this nature maximizes Tapu Lele's special attacking power, making it a strong special sweeper.7. Jolly: Boosts Speed, lowers Special Attack- This nature can be useful for trainers who want to focus on Tapu Lele's physical attacks and speed rather than special attacks.Overall, the best nature for Tapu Lele depends on the trainer's intended strategy and role for this Pokémon in their team.

Training Strategies for Tapu Lele with Specific Natures

Once you have chosen the right nature for your Tapu Lele, it's important to develop a training strategy that maximizes its potential. Here are some training strategies for Tapu Lele with specific natures:1. Timid: Focus on training Tapu Lele's Speed and Special Attack stats, as these are its main strengths with this nature. Choose moves that deal heavy special damage, such as Psychic, Moonblast, and Dazzling Gleam, and consider giving Tapu Lele a Choice Scarf to further boost its speed.2. Modest: Similar to the Timid nature, focus on training Tapu Lele's Special Attack stat and choose moves that deal heavy special damage. Consider giving Tapu Lele a Life Orb or Choice Specs to further boost its special attacking power.3. Calm: With this nature, focus on training Tapu Lele's Special Defense stat and consider giving it moves like Calm Mind and Psyshock to increase its special attacking power and defense.4. Bold: With this nature, focus on training Tapu Lele's Defense stat and consider giving it moves like Moonblast and Calm Mind to increase its special attacking power and defense.5. Adamant: While not an ideal nature for Tapu Lele, consider training its Attack stat and giving it moves like Zen Headbutt and Play Rough to capitalize on its physical attacking power.6. Modest: Similar to the Timid nature, focus on training Tapu Lele's Special Attack stat and choose moves that deal heavy special damage. Consider giving Tapu Lele a Life Orb or Choice Specs to further boost its special attacking power.7. Jolly: With this nature, focus on training Tapu Lele's Speed stat and consider giving it moves like Zen Headbutt and Play Rough to capitalize on its physical attacking power.

Enhancing Tapu Lele's Strengths with the Right Nature

Choosing the right nature for Tapu Lele is just the first step in enhancing its strengths. To truly maximize its potential, trainers should also consider other factors such as EV training, moveset, and item choices.For example, EV training can be used to further boost Tapu Lele's Speed and Special Attack stats, while moves like Protect and Substitute can help it survive longer in battle. Items like Focus Sash and Assault Vest can also be useful in certain situations, depending on the trainer's strategy.Understanding how all of these factors work together can help trainers create a well-rounded Tapu Lele that can handle a variety of situations and opponents.

How to Obtain Tapu Lele with a Desired Nature

Obtaining a Tapu Lele with a desired nature requires a bit of luck and patience, but there are several ways to increase your chances of success.One method is to breed Tapu Lele with a Pokémon that has a desired nature using the Destiny Knot item. This will pass down five of the parents' IVs to the offspring, increasing the chances of getting a Tapu Lele with the desired nature.Another method is to soft reset for a Tapu Lele with the desired nature. This involves saving the game before encountering Tapu Lele and then resetting the game until you get a Tapu Lele with the desired nature.Regardless of the method you choose, it's important to be patient and persistent, as obtaining a Tapu Lele with a desired nature can take some time.

Maximizing Tapu Lele's Potential with Proper Nature and EV Training

In conclusion, Tapu Lele is a powerful and versatile Pokémon that can be a valuable asset in battles. However, its performance can be greatly influenced by its nature, making it important for trainers to choose the right nature for their Tapu Lele based on their intended role in battle.By understanding the effects of different natures on Tapu Lele's stats and developing a training strategy that maximizes its potential, trainers can create a well-rounded Tapu Lele that can handle a variety of situations and opponents.With patience and persistence, trainers can obtain a Tapu Lele with a desired nature and use proper EV training to further enhance its strengths. By doing so, they can unleash the full potential of this legendary Pokémon and take their battles to the next level.

Best Nature for Tapu Lele

Point of View

As an AI language model, I don't have a personal point of view, but I can provide a general perspective on the best nature for Tapu Lele, which is a powerful Psychic/Fairy-type Legendary Pokémon in the Alola region. In terms of competitive battling, many trainers prefer to use Tapu Lele as a Special Sweeper or a Supporter due to its high Special Attack and decent Special Defense stats, as well as its unique ability, Psychic Surge, which boosts the power of Psychic-type moves and prevents priority moves from being used.

Pros and Cons of Best Nature for Tapu Lele

The best nature for Tapu Lele depends on its role and the team composition, but the most common recommended nature is Timid, which increases Speed and lowers Attack. Here are the pros and cons of this nature:Pros:
  • Maximizes Tapu Lele's Speed, making it faster than many threats and able to outspeed some Choice Scarf users or other fast sweepers.
  • Does not decrease Tapu Lele's Special Attack, which is crucial for its offensive power and coverage.
  • Works well with Tapu Lele's ability, which benefits from going first and preventing Fake Out or other priority moves.
  • Reduces Tapu Lele's Attack, which is not relevant in most cases, but may affect some rare situations where Tapu Lele needs to use physical moves or switch into a Foul Play user.
  • May not be optimal for Tapu Lele sets that prioritize bulk or mixed attacking, such as Calm Mind or Life Orb variants.
  • Requires careful team support and prediction, as Tapu Lele is still vulnerable to common threats such as Dark, Ghost, Steel, and faster Scarfers or priority users that can revenge kill it.

Table Comparison or Information about Natures

Here's a table comparison of the different natures that can benefit or hinder Tapu Lele's performance:
Nature Increased Stat Decreased Stat Pros Cons
Timid Speed Attack Maximizes speed for sweeping or support, works well with Psychic Surge, does not affect Special Attack Reduces Attack, may not be optimal for bulk or mixed sets, requires careful support and prediction
Modest Special Attack Attack Maximizes Special Attack for power and coverage, works well with Choice Specs or other boosting items Reduces Attack, lowers Speed, may not outspeed some threats or Scarfers, less versatile than Timid
Calm Special Defense Attack Increases bulk and survivability, works well with Calm Mind or defensive sets, may surprise some attackers Reduces Attack, lowers Speed, less offensive power and coverage than other natures, may still be OHKOed by some super-effective moves
Modest Special Defense Speed Increases bulk and survivability, works well with Assault Vest or other defensive items, may resist or check some special threats Lowers Speed, reduces offensive pressure and momentum, may be vulnerable to physical attackers or status moves
Overall, the best nature for Tapu Lele depends on a trainer's preference, strategy, and team synergy. Each nature has its own pros and cons, and it's important to consider them before deciding which one to use. Regardless of the nature, Tapu Lele is a formidable Pokémon that can shine in the right hands and with the right support.

The Best Nature for Tapu Lele: A Comprehensive Guide

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on the best nature for Tapu Lele. As one of the most powerful and versatile Pokemon in the game, Tapu Lele is a valuable addition to any team. However, choosing the right nature for this Pokemon can be a daunting task. In this article, we have explored the various natures available to Tapu Lele and their effects on its stats and abilities.

We started by discussing the importance of natures in Pokemon and how they can affect a Pokemon's stats. We then looked at the different natures available to Tapu Lele and their effects on its stats. We explored the benefits and drawbacks of each nature, including how they affect Tapu Lele's speed, special attack, and other stats.

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a nature for Tapu Lele is your overall strategy. Are you looking to use Tapu Lele as a fast, hard-hitting attacker? Or do you want it to be a more defensive Pokemon that can take hits and support your team? The nature you choose will depend on your overall strategy and the role you want Tapu Lele to play on your team.

Another key factor to consider when choosing a nature for Tapu Lele is the abilities it has access to. Tapu Lele has two unique abilities, Psychic Surge and Telepathy. Psychic Surge boosts the power of psychic-type moves and prevents priority moves from being used, while Telepathy allows Tapu Lele to avoid damage from its teammate's moves. Depending on which ability you want to use, you may want to choose a nature that boosts either Tapu Lele's special attack or its defensive stats.

When it comes to choosing a nature for Tapu Lele, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The best nature for this Pokemon will depend on your overall strategy, the abilities you want to use, and the role you want Tapu Lele to play on your team. However, by considering these factors and weighing the benefits and drawbacks of each nature, you can choose the best nature for Tapu Lele that suits your needs.

So, which nature should you choose for Tapu Lele? Ultimately, the choice is up to you. If you want a fast, hard-hitting attacker, a nature like Timid or Modest may be the best choice. If you want a more defensive Pokemon, a nature like Bold or Calm may be a better option. Whatever nature you choose, make sure it complements your overall strategy and helps Tapu Lele fulfill its role on your team.

In conclusion, we hope this article has been helpful in guiding you towards the best nature for Tapu Lele. Remember, choosing the right nature for your Pokemon is an important part of building a successful team. By considering the factors we've discussed in this article and weighing the pros and cons of each nature, you can choose the best nature for Tapu Lele that will help you achieve victory in battle.

Thank you for reading, and good luck on your Pokemon journey!

People Also Ask About Best Nature for Tapu Lele

What is Tapu Lele?

Tapu Lele is a legendary Psychic/Fairy-type Pokémon that was first introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon. It is one of the four Guardian deities of the Alola region and can be found in the Ruins of Life on Akala Island.

What is Nature in Pokémon?

Nature is a characteristic of a Pokémon that affects its abilities in battle. Each Pokémon has a unique nature that provides a boost to one of its stats and decreases another. There are 25 different natures in Pokémon games, and each has its own effects.

What is the Best Nature for Tapu Lele?

The best nature for Tapu Lele depends on how you plan to use it in battle. Here are the most recommended natures for Tapu Lele:

  1. Timid Nature: This nature increases Tapu Lele's Speed and decreases its Attack. It is the most commonly used nature for Tapu Lele in competitive battles as it allows it to outspeed many other Pokémon.
  2. Modest Nature: This nature increases Tapu Lele's Special Attack and decreases its Attack. It is a good option if you want to maximize Tapu Lele's offensive power.
  3. Calm Nature: This nature increases Tapu Lele's Special Defense and decreases its Attack. It is a good option if you want to make Tapu Lele more defensive.


In conclusion, the best nature for Tapu Lele depends on your battle strategy. If you want it to be fast and offensive, go for Timid or Modest. If you want it to be more defensive, go for Calm.