Unlock Optimal Healing with the Best Azerite Traits for Resto Druids - A Guide to Dominating the Game


Find out the best Azerite traits for Resto Druids in World of Warcraft. Boost your healing and survivability with these top picks!

Restoration Druid is one of the most versatile healers in World of Warcraft. Not only do they have access to a wide range of spells and abilities, but they also have access to Azerite Traits that can greatly enhance their healing capabilities. In this article, we will be discussing the best Azerite Traits for Restoration Druids and how they can be used to maximize their healing potential.

First on our list is the Azerite Trait called Grove Tending. This trait increases the healing done by your Rejuvenation and Regrowth spells by 20%. This is an excellent choice for any Restoration Druid looking to increase their single-target healing output.

Next up is Cultivation. This trait increases the healing done by your Wild Growth spell by 25%. Wild Growth is one of the key spells in a Restoration Druid's toolkit, and this trait can help make it even more effective.

Another great Azerite Trait for Restoration Druids is Photosynthesis. This trait causes your Lifebloom spell to also heal all nearby allies for a small amount every time it ticks. This is a great choice for any Restoration Druid looking to provide additional healing to their team.

If you're looking for a more defensive option, then Blossoming Gift might be the trait for you. This trait causes your Swiftmend spell to also heal all nearby allies for a large amount. This can be great for keeping your team alive during periods of heavy damage.

Overgrowth is another excellent Azerite Trait for Restoration Druids. This trait causes your Efflorescence spell to heal for an additional 50% and last for an additional 2 seconds. This can be a great way to provide additional healing to your team during periods of sustained damage.

If you're looking to increase your mobility, then Waking Dream might be the trait for you. This trait increases the movement speed of allies affected by your Innervate spell by 50%. This can be great for getting your team out of harm's way or helping them get to a key objective more quickly.

For Restoration Druids looking to increase their healing output even further, Power of the Moon is an excellent choice. This trait causes your Moonfire and Sunfire spells to also heal allies affected by them for a small amount every time they tick. This can be a great way to provide additional healing to your team while still dealing damage to enemies.

If you're looking for a more offensive option, then Lively Spirit might be the trait for you. This trait causes your Swiftmend spell to also deal damage to all nearby enemies. This can be a great way to help your team deal damage while still providing healing.

Untamed Ferocity is another excellent Azerite Trait for Restoration Druids. This trait causes your Rake and Thrash spells to also heal allies affected by them for a small amount every time they tick. This can be a great way to provide additional healing to your team while still dealing damage to enemies.

Finally, Heed My Call is an excellent defensive option for Restoration Druids. This trait causes your Ironbark spell to also apply a shield to the target, absorbing a large amount of damage. This can be great for keeping your team alive during periods of heavy damage.

In conclusion, Restoration Druids have access to a wide range of Azerite Traits that can greatly enhance their healing capabilities. Whether you're looking to increase your single-target healing, provide additional healing to your team, increase your mobility, or deal damage while still providing healing, there is an Azerite Trait out there for you. So experiment with different traits and find the ones that work best for your playstyle!


Restoration Druids are one of the most versatile healers in World of Warcraft. They are known for their ability to heal multiple targets simultaneously while also being able to provide utility to their group. In Battle for Azeroth, the introduction of the Azerite system has added a new dimension to the gameplay of Restoration Druids. Azerite traits are special bonuses that can be found on pieces of Azerite armor which can greatly enhance a player's abilities. In this article, we will explore the best Azerite traits for Restoration Druids.

Best Traits for Raiding

When it comes to raiding, Restoration Druids are expected to keep the raid alive while also providing utility to the group. The following Azerite traits are considered the best for raiding:

1. Archive of the Titans

Archives of the Titans is an excellent trait for Restoration Druids who want to improve their healing output. This trait increases the potency of all secondary stats by 20% for 10 seconds after using a damage or healing spell. This means that every time you cast a spell, your secondary stats, such as Haste and Critical Strike, become more potent for a short period.

2. Grove Tending

Grove Tending is an excellent trait for Restoration Druids who are looking to improve their healing output over time. This trait increases the healing of your Rejuvenation and Lifebloom spells by 10% for each active Restoration Druid HoT on that target, up to a maximum of 30%.

3. Cauterizing Blink

Cauterizing Blink is a great trait for Restoration Druids who want to improve their survivability in raid encounters. This trait causes you to teleport a short distance when you take damage that would otherwise kill you. Additionally, it also provides a small heal to you and the other raid members within 8 yards.

Best Traits for Mythic+

Mythic+ dungeons require healers to be able to keep up with high damage output while also providing utility to their group. The following Azerite traits are considered the best for Mythic+:

1. Lively Spirit

Lively Spirit is an excellent trait for Restoration Druids who are looking to improve their healing output in Mythic+ dungeons. This trait increases the healing of your Swiftmend by 20% and also causes it to leave a HoT on the target that lasts for 6 seconds.

2. Arcanic Pulsar

Arcanic Pulsar is a great trait for Restoration Druids who want to improve their mana management in Mythic+ dungeons. This trait causes your spells to have a chance to grant you Arcane Power, which reduces the mana cost of your next spell by 50%.

3. Overgrowth

Overgrowth is an excellent trait for Restoration Druids who want to improve their group healing in Mythic+ dungeons. This trait causes your Swiftmend to heal all targets within 8 yards of the target, in addition to the primary target.

Best Traits for PvP

PvP requires healers to be able to keep themselves and their teammates alive while also providing crowd control and utility. The following Azerite traits are considered the best for PvP:

1. Endless Hunger

Endless Hunger is an excellent trait for Restoration Druids who want to improve their survivability in PvP. This trait causes your Regrowth to have a chance to grant you a shield that absorbs damage equal to 100% of the amount healed.

2. Thorns

Thorns is a great trait for Restoration Druids who want to improve their damage output in PvP. This trait causes your enemies to take damage whenever they deal damage to you or your teammates.

3. Wild Fleshrending

Wild Fleshrending is an excellent trait for Restoration Druids who want to improve their group healing in PvP. This trait causes your Rejuvenation to increase the healing of your next Swiftmend by 25% for each active Restoration Druid HoT on the target.


In conclusion, Restoration Druids have a variety of Azerite traits that can greatly enhance their abilities in different content types. Whether you're raiding, doing Mythic+ dungeons, or participating in PvP, there are Azerite traits that can help you perform better. It's important to experiment with different Azerite traits and find the ones that work best for your playstyle.

Introduction to Azerite Traits for Resto Druids

Restoration Druids are one of the most versatile healers in World of Warcraft. They can excel in both raid and mythic+ healing and have a wide range of abilities that allow them to adapt to any situation. One of the most important aspects of playing a Restoration Druid is understanding which Azerite Traits to pick. These traits can drastically impact your healing output, mana management, mobility, survivability, and more. In this article, we'll discuss the best Azerite Traits for a Resto Druid, covering all aspects of healing and gameplay.

Best Azerite Traits for Healing

The primary job of a Restoration Druid is to heal their group or raid. Therefore, selecting Azerite Traits that enhance your healing output is crucial. Here are some of the best Azerite Traits for healing:1. Lively Spirit - This trait increases your healing done by 5% and also increases your mana regeneration by 5%. This trait is excellent for both raid and mythic+ healing and can help you sustain your healing output for longer periods.2. Overgrowth - This trait increases the healing of your Rejuvenation spell by 10% and also reduces its mana cost by 10%. This trait is particularly useful when healing a group, as Rejuvenation is a HoT (heal over time) spell that can be applied to multiple targets at once.3. Grove Tending - This trait increases the healing of your Swiftmend spell by 15%. Swiftmend is an instant-cast spell that can be used to heal a single target quickly. This trait is particularly useful when healing tanks or players who need immediate healing.

Best Azerite Traits for Mana Management

Mana management is another crucial aspect of playing a Restoration Druid. Running out of mana during a fight can be disastrous, so selecting Azerite Traits that help you conserve your mana is essential. Here are some of the best Azerite Traits for mana management:1. Arcane Heart - This trait increases your maximum mana by 2,000 and also increases your mana regeneration by 20%. This trait is excellent for both raid and mythic+ healing, as it allows you to sustain your healing output for longer periods.2. Waking Dream - This trait reduces the mana cost of your Lifebloom spell by 20%, allowing you to cast it more frequently without depleting your mana pool.3. Verdant Infusion - This trait reduces the mana cost of your Wild Growth spell by 10% and also increases its healing by 10%. Wild Growth is an AoE (area of effect) spell that can heal multiple targets at once, making it particularly useful for raid healing.

Best Azerite Traits for Mobility

Restoration Druids have several abilities that allow them to move quickly around the battlefield. However, selecting Azerite Traits that enhance your mobility can make a significant difference in your gameplay. Here are some of the best Azerite Traits for mobility:1. Ursoc's Endurance - This trait increases your movement speed by 10% while in Bear Form. This trait is particularly useful when moving around the battlefield or kiting enemies.2. Grove Tending - In addition to increasing the healing of your Swiftmend spell, this trait also increases your movement speed by 15% for 6 seconds after casting Swiftmend. This trait can be used to quickly move around the battlefield or escape from danger.3. Impassive Visage - This trait reduces the duration of any silence, interrupt, or stun effects on you by 25%. This trait is particularly useful in mythic+ dungeons, where you may encounter enemies that can silence or stun you.

Best Azerite Traits for Raid Healing

Restoration Druids are excellent raid healers, and selecting Azerite Traits that enhance your raid healing capabilities is crucial. Here are some of the best Azerite Traits for raid healing:1. Flourish - This trait increases the healing of your Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, and Wild Growth spells by 20% for 6 seconds. This trait is particularly useful when healing a large group of players.2. Dreamgrove Blossoms - This trait causes your Wild Growth spell to leave a blossom on the ground that can be picked up by an ally. When an ally picks up the blossom, they are healed for a significant amount. This trait is excellent for raid healing, as it allows players to pick up the blossoms when they need healing.3. Power of the Moon - This trait increases the healing of your Moonfire spell by 25%. Moonfire is an instant-cast spell that can be applied to multiple targets at once, making it useful for raid healing.

Best Azerite Traits for Mythic+ Dungeons

Mythic+ dungeons require a different approach to healing than raids or open-world content. Selecting Azerite Traits that enhance your mythic+ healing capabilities is essential. Here are some of the best Azerite Traits for mythic+ dungeons:1. Spring Blossoms - This trait causes your Efflorescence spell to heal nearby allies every second for 10 seconds. Efflorescence is a ground-based spell that can be placed under a player, making it useful for healing groups of players in tight spaces.2. Rampant Growth - This trait increases the healing of your Regrowth spell by 20% and also reduces its cast time by 0.2 seconds. Regrowth is an instant-cast spell that can be used to quickly heal a single target, making it useful in mythic+ dungeons.3. Craggy Bark - This trait reduces the damage taken by allies affected by your Ironbark spell by an additional 5%. Ironbark is a spell that can be cast on a single ally, reducing their damage taken by 20% for 12 seconds. This trait is useful for mythic+ dungeons where players may take significant damage.

Best Azerite Traits for Single Target Healing

Restoration Druids excel at both raid and single-target healing. However, selecting Azerite Traits that enhance your single-target healing capabilities can be useful in certain situations. Here are some of the best Azerite Traits for single-target healing:1. Power of the Moon - In addition to increasing the healing of your Moonfire spell, this trait also increases the healing of your Sunfire spell by 25%. Sunfire is an instant-cast spell that can be applied to multiple targets at once, making it useful for single-target healing.2. Lifebloom - This trait causes your Lifebloom spell to heal for an additional 150% when it blooms. Lifebloom is a HoT spell that can be applied to a single target, making it useful for single-target healing.3. Autumn Leaves - This trait increases the healing of your Swiftmend spell by 10% for each HoT effect on the target. This trait is particularly useful when healing a target with multiple HoT effects active.

Best Azerite Traits for Group Healing

Restoration Druids are excellent group healers, and selecting Azerite Traits that enhance your group healing capabilities is crucial. Here are some of the best Azerite Traits for group healing:1. Cultivation - This trait causes your Swiftmend spell to also apply a Rejuvenation spell to the target, healing them over time. This trait is particularly useful when healing a group of players.2. Craggy Bark - In addition to reducing the damage taken by allies affected by your Ironbark spell, this trait also causes your Ironbark spell to apply a Rejuvenation spell to the target. This trait is useful for group healing, as it allows you to heal multiple targets at once.3. Rampant Growth - In addition to increasing the healing of your Regrowth spell, this trait also causes your Regrowth spell to heal an additional nearby ally for 60% of the amount healed. This trait is useful for group healing, as it allows you to heal multiple targets at once.

Best Azerite Traits for Survivability

Finally, survivability is an essential aspect of playing a Restoration Druid. Selecting Azerite Traits that enhance your survivability can be the difference between life and death. Here are some of the best Azerite Traits for survivability:1. Impassive Visage - In addition to reducing the duration of any silence, interrupt, or stun effects on you, this trait also increases your maximum health by 5%. This trait is useful in both raids and mythic+ dungeons.2. Azerite Veins - This trait increases your armor by 20% and also increases your maximum health by 5%. This trait is particularly useful when tanking enemies or taking significant damage.3. Longstrider - This trait increases your movement speed by 8% and also reduces the cooldown of your Dash ability by 50%. Dash is an ability that allows you to quickly move around the battlefield, making it useful for escaping danger.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Azerite Traits for Resto Druids

Selecting the right Azerite Traits for your Restoration Druid can make a significant difference in your gameplay. Whether you're raid healing, mythic+ dungeon crawling, or focusing on single-target healing, there are Azerite Traits that can enhance your abilities and make you a better healer. By understanding the best Azerite Traits for healing, mana management, mobility, raid healing, mythic+ dungeons, single-target healing, group healing, and survivability, you can tailor your gameplay to any situation and become an even more effective Restoration Druid.

Best Azerite Traits for Resto Druid

Point of View

As an AI language model, I have no personal point of view about the best azerite traits for resto druid. However, based on the analysis of data and information available, I can provide the most commonly used and recommended azerite traits for resto druid.

Pros and Cons

  • Increased healing output
  • Improved mana efficiency
  • Enhanced survivability
  • Better crowd control
  • Increased mobility
  • Limited choices of azerite traits for optimal performance
  • May require specific gear combinations to optimize effectiveness
  • May require frequent reevaluation and adjustment based on changes in game mechanics

Table Comparison or Information

Here is a table comparing the best azerite traits for resto druid:
Azerite Trait Effect Source
Lively Spirit Increases the healing of your Rejuvenation by 15% Mythic+ Dungeon: Temple of Sethraliss
Grove Tending Your Efflorescence is 10% larger and heals for 5% more Raid: Uldir
Archive of the Titans Your maximum health is increased by 1%, and every 10 sec you heal yourself for 3% of your maximum health Raid: Uldir
Bonded Souls Your spells and abilities have a chance to trigger a Soulbond for 15 sec. During Soulbond, every 5 sec you and your nearest ally are both healed for 3% of maximum health World Quests/Island Expeditions

In conclusion, when choosing the best azerite traits for resto druid, it is essential to consider their effects, sources, and how they fit into your playstyle. While there are pros and cons to each trait, the ultimate goal is to optimize your healing output, mana efficiency, survivability, crowd control, and mobility to be an effective healer in any situation.

The Best Azerite Traits for Resto Druid: A Comprehensive Guide

Greetings, fellow WoW players! If you're reading this, then you're probably a restoration druid looking for some guidance on the best azerite traits to use in your build. Well, look no further, because in this article, we'll be discussing the top azerite traits that will help you optimize your healing output and make the most of your talents.

First and foremost, let's start with an overview of what azerite traits are and why they're important. Azerite traits are special abilities that can be found on pieces of azerite armor, which are exclusive to Battle for Azeroth. These traits can provide various bonuses to your character, ranging from increased damage or healing output to enhanced survivability. As a restoration druid, it's crucial to choose the right azerite traits to suit your playstyle and maximize your effectiveness in group content.

So, without further ado, let's dive into the best azerite traits for resto druids:

1. Grove Tending

Grove Tending is a powerful trait that increases the healing done by your Rejuvenation spell by 15%, and also grants an additional 5% healing increase for each active Rejuvenation on targets within your Flourish radius. This trait synergizes well with the Flourish talent, allowing you to quickly spread Rejuvenation to multiple targets and maximize your healing output.

2. Cauterizing Blink

Cauterizing Blink is a defensive trait that triggers whenever you take damage that reduces you below 35% health. When activated, it instantly heals you for a significant amount and also creates a fire trail behind you that damages enemies. This trait is particularly useful in situations where you need to quickly heal up and avoid incoming damage, such as during high-damage boss mechanics or when dealing with adds.

3. Lively Spirit

Lively Spirit is a trait that increases your healing output by 5% for each active Restoration Druid HoT on targets within your Wild Growth radius. This trait is especially effective in large group content, allowing you to easily spread your HoTs and significantly increase your healing output.

4. Archive of the Titans

Archive of the Titans is a versatile trait that provides a flat increase to your primary stat, which for restoration druids is Intellect. In addition, every time you use an ability that consumes a charge of your Lifebloom or Cenarion Ward, you gain a stack of Archive of the Titans, which further increases your primary stat. This trait is great for increasing your overall healing output and can be used in a variety of situations.

5. Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is a trait that increases the healing done by your Lifebloom by 15%, and also grants you a burst of healing whenever your Lifebloom blooms. This trait is particularly effective in situations where you need to focus on single-target healing, and can be paired with other abilities such as Cenarion Ward or Ironbark to provide additional survivability.

6. Rampant Growth

Rampant Growth is a trait that grants you a chance to increase the healing done by your next Rejuvenation or Regrowth by 50%, after casting Swiftmend. This trait is great for providing burst healing in critical situations, and can be especially useful in PvP or Mythic+ dungeons.

7. Overgrowth

Overgrowth is a powerful trait that increases the healing done by your Wild Growth by 30%, and also extends the duration of your Lifebloom on targets within your Wild Growth radius. This trait is great for maximizing your healing output in large group content, and can be paired with other abilities such as Flourish or Tree of Life to provide even more healing.

8. Early Harvest

Early Harvest is a trait that grants you a chance to reduce the cooldown of your Swiftmend by 9 seconds whenever you cast a Regrowth or Wild Growth spell. This trait is great for providing additional burst healing and can be especially effective in situations where you need to quickly heal up multiple targets.

9. Glimmer of Light

Glimmer of Light is a trait that increases the healing done by your Glimmer of Light spells by 12%, and also grants you a chance to apply a Glimmer of Light to an ally whenever you cast a Holy Shock spell. This trait is particularly effective in PvP or Mythic+ dungeons, where burst healing and quick target switching are crucial.

10. Arcanic Pulsar

Arcanic Pulsar is a versatile trait that provides a flat increase to your mana pool, and also grants you a chance to gain a stack of Arcanic Pulsar whenever you cast an ability that consumes mana. Each stack of Arcanic Pulsar increases your primary stat, and also causes your next spell to cost no mana. This trait is great for increasing your overall healing output and mana efficiency, and can be used in a variety of situations.

And there you have it, folks - our comprehensive guide to the best azerite traits for restoration druids. We hope this article has been helpful in providing some insight into how to optimize your healing output and make the most of your talents. Remember, choosing the right azerite traits can make all the difference in group content, so take some time to experiment and find the build that works best for you. Happy healing!

People Also Ask about Best Azerite Traits for Resto Druid

What are Azerite Traits?

Azerite Traits are special abilities that can be found on Azerite Armor. These traits provide unique bonuses and enhancements to a player's character and can have a significant impact on their gameplay experience.

What are the Best Azerite Traits for Resto Druid?

As a Resto Druid, there are several Azerite Traits that you should consider prioritizing:

  1. Grove Tending: This trait increases your healing done by 15% for 8 seconds after you cast Wild Growth.
  2. Lively Spirit: This trait increases your healing done by 5% for 10 seconds after you cast Innervate.
  3. Bonded Souls: This trait increases your healing done by 5% when you heal an ally who has Rejuvenation active on them.
  4. Archive of the Titans: This trait increases your primary stat by 20 for 6 seconds after using an ability that consumes a Mana Potion.

How Do I Get Azerite Armor with these Traits?

Azerite Armor can be obtained from various sources, including Mythic+ dungeons, raids, and PvP. You can also purchase Azerite Armor from vendors in exchange for Azerite shards.

Can I Change My Azerite Traits?

Yes, you can change your Azerite Traits by using an Azerite Reforger. These NPCs can be found in various locations throughout the game world and will allow you to reset your Azerite Traits for a fee.