Unleashing the Ultimate Power: Top Heroes for Conquering Sky Temple in Heroes of the Storm


Discover the best heroes to dominate Sky Temple in Heroes of the Storm. Choose from a variety of roles including assassin, warrior, and support.

The Sky Temple is one of the most popular battlegrounds in Heroes of the Storm. It's a map that challenges players to fight for control of three temples that periodically activate, unleashing powerful laser beams on enemy structures. To succeed on this map, you need heroes who are versatile, mobile, and can deal with large-scale team fights. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best heroes for Sky Temple and what makes them so effective.

First on our list is Falstad, the High Thane of the Wildhammer Clan. Falstad is a ranged assassin who can deal significant damage to enemy heroes from afar. He also has great mobility thanks to his Barrel Roll ability, which allows him to quickly reposition himself and avoid danger. On Sky Temple, Falstad is especially strong because he can use his Flight heroic ability to quickly move between temples, making it easier to secure them and deny them to the enemy team.

Next up is Sonya, the Barbarian of Arreat. Sonya is a melee bruiser who excels at dealing damage and sustaining herself in extended fights. On Sky Temple, Sonya is a great choice because she can clear mercenary camps quickly, which is crucial for gaining an advantage in the early game. She can also use her Leap heroic ability to initiate team fights and disrupt the enemy team's positioning.

If you're looking for a hero who can control the battlefield and provide valuable utility to your team, consider picking Brightwing. This faerie dragon is a support hero who can heal allies, polymorph enemies, and teleport to any friendly unit on the map. On Sky Temple, Brightwing's versatility is especially useful because she can quickly move between temples and help allies who are under attack.

Zagara, the Broodmother of the Swarm, is another hero who excels on Sky Temple. As a ranged specialist, Zagara can summon a variety of minions to push lanes and deal damage to enemy structures. She can also use her Nydus Network ability to quickly move between temples and provide vision of important areas.

One hero who is often overlooked on Sky Temple is Murky, the Baby Murloc. Murky is a melee assassin who can deal surprising amounts of damage to enemy heroes. He also has a unique trait that allows him to respawn quickly after dying, making him a great choice for disrupting the enemy team's plans. On Sky Temple, Murky is especially effective because he can use his Pufferfish ability to clear minion waves and deal damage to enemy structures, making it easier for his team to push forward.

Another hero who can control the battlefield and provide valuable support to their team is Medivh, the Last Guardian. Medivh is a ranged specialist who can protect allies with powerful shields, create portals to quickly move around the map, and even transform into a raven to scout out enemy positions. On Sky Temple, Medivh's ability to provide vision and mobility to his team is invaluable, and he can even use his Ley Line Seal heroic ability to stun multiple enemies at once.

When it comes to dealing damage from afar, few heroes can match the potency of Li-Ming, the Rebellious Wizard. Li-Ming is a ranged assassin who can dish out massive amounts of damage with her Arcane Missiles and Disintegrate abilities. She can also teleport short distances to reposition herself and avoid danger. On Sky Temple, Li-Ming's ability to quickly clear minion waves and deal damage to enemy structures is a huge asset.

Another hero who can clear minion waves quickly and disrupt the enemy team's plans is Xul, the Cryptic Necromancer. Xul is a melee specialist who can summon skeletons to push lanes and deal damage to enemy structures. He can also use his Bone Prison ability to trap enemy heroes, making them vulnerable to his team's attacks. On Sky Temple, Xul's ability to control the battlefield and quickly clear mercenary camps is invaluable.

For players who enjoy playing tanks, E.T.C., the Rock God, is a great choice for Sky Temple. E.T.C. is a melee warrior who can initiate team fights with his Powerslide ability, knock back enemies with his Face Melt ability, and even heal himself with his Guitar Solo ability. On Sky Temple, E.T.C.'s ability to disrupt the enemy team's positioning and provide valuable crowd control is a huge asset.

Finally, we have Sylvanas Windrunner, the Banshee Queen. Sylvanas is a ranged specialist who can deal significant damage to enemy structures and minions. She can also use her Black Arrows ability to disable enemy structures and make them vulnerable to her team's attacks. On Sky Temple, Sylvanas is especially effective because she can quickly clear minion waves and gain an advantage in the early game.

In conclusion, there are many heroes who excel on Sky Temple, each with their own unique strengths and abilities. Whether you prefer to deal damage from afar, control the battlefield, or provide valuable support to your team, there's a hero on this list that will suit your playstyle. So why not give them a try and see how they perform on this popular battleground?


Sky Temple is one of the most popular battlegrounds in Heroes of the Storm. It is a three-lane map with two temples that periodically activate, allowing players to capture them for their team. The objective of the game is to control the temples and destroy the enemy team's core. In this article, we will discuss the best heroes for Sky Temple.

Tank Heroes


Johanna is an excellent tank hero for Sky Temple. Her ability to peel enemies away from allies and her high survivability make her a valuable asset for any team. She can also use her Condemn ability to group up enemies, making it easier for her team to take them down.


Muradin is another great tank hero for Sky Temple. He has a lot of mobility and can stun enemies with his Storm Bolt ability. He can also jump over walls, which makes him a great hero for chasing down fleeing enemies or escaping dangerous situations.

Assassin Heroes


Valla is a highly mobile assassin hero who can deal a lot of damage quickly. She can use her Vault ability to escape danger or reposition herself during team fights. She also has a variety of talents that allow her to specialize in either basic attacks or abilities, depending on the situation.


Zeratul is a stealth assassin hero who excels at picking off individual enemies. He can use his Void Prison ability to trap enemies or to create opportunities for his team to engage. He is also very mobile and can blink in and out of combat to avoid damage.

Support Heroes


Malfurion is a great support hero for Sky Temple. He can heal allies over time with his Regrowth ability, and he can also root enemies with his Entangling Roots ability. He also has a global healing ultimate ability called Tranquility, which can be very useful during team fights.


Uther is another strong support hero for Sky Temple. He can stun enemies with his Hammer of Justice ability and heal allies with his Holy Light ability. He also has a powerful ultimate ability called Divine Shield, which can protect an ally from all damage for a short period of time.

Specialist Heroes


Zagara is a specialist hero who excels at pushing lanes and taking down structures. She can spawn creep tumors to increase her vision and movement speed, and she can also summon Banelings to deal damage to enemies. Her ultimate ability, Devouring Maw, can also trap enemies in a giant void, making them vulnerable to attacks.


Nazeebo is another specialist hero who can deal a lot of damage to structures. He can summon zombies to attack enemies and can also poison them with his Toads of Hugeness ability. His ultimate ability, Ravenous Spirit, is a channeled ability that deals massive damage to enemies in its area of effect.


In conclusion, there are many great heroes to choose from when playing on Sky Temple. Whether you prefer tank heroes, assassin heroes, support heroes, or specialist heroes, there is a hero that will fit your playstyle. Try out different heroes and see which ones work best for you and your team.

The Sky Temple is one of the most popular battlegrounds in Heroes of the Storm, and for good reason. It's a map that requires strategy, coordination, and skill to win. But what heroes are the best picks for this map? In this article, we'll take a closer look at 10 heroes that can dominate on the Sky Temple map.

A Closer Look at Falstad's Abilities for Sky Temple

Falstad is a ranged assassin hero that can be a valuable asset on the Sky Temple map. His abilities are geared towards dealing damage and taking out enemies quickly. One of his strongest abilities is his Hammerang, which deals damage to all enemies in its path and returns to Falstad. This ability can be used to clear minion waves quickly or to deal damage to enemy heroes.Another useful ability is Barrel Roll, which allows Falstad to quickly dodge incoming attacks and move out of harm's way. This ability can also be used to position Falstad for a better attack angle on enemy heroes.Finally, Falstad's Hinterland Blast is a devastating ultimate ability that deals massive damage to all enemies in a large area. This ability can be used to clear out enemy heroes that are clustered together or to take down a key target quickly.

The Benefits of Choosing Johanna as a Hero for Sky Temple

Johanna is a tank hero that can be a valuable addition to any team on the Sky Temple map. Her abilities are geared towards soaking up damage and protecting her allies. One of her strongest abilities is her Condemn, which pulls enemies towards Johanna and stuns them. This ability can be used to set up kills for her allies or to interrupt enemy abilities.Another useful ability is her Shield Glare, which blinds enemies in a wide area and reduces their damage output. This ability can be used to protect her allies from incoming attacks or to reduce the damage output of enemy heroes.Finally, Johanna's Falling Sword is a powerful ultimate ability that allows her to jump into the air and land on a targeted location, dealing damage and stunning enemies in the area. This ability can be used to initiate team fights or to interrupt enemy abilities.

How Muradin Can Dominate the Sky Temple Map

Muradin is a tank hero that can be a valuable asset on the Sky Temple map. His abilities are geared towards soaking up damage and disrupting enemy heroes. One of his strongest abilities is his Storm Bolt, which stuns a single enemy hero and deals damage. This ability can be used to set up kills for his allies or to interrupt enemy abilities.Another useful ability is his Dwarf Toss, which allows him to jump to a targeted location and deal damage to enemies in the area. This ability can be used to quickly move around the map or to escape from dangerous situations.Finally, Muradin's Avatar is a powerful ultimate ability that increases his health and attack damage for a short period of time. This ability can be used to turn the tide of team fights or to take down key objectives quickly.

The Power of Nazeebo in Sky Temple Battles

Nazeebo is a ranged assassin hero that can be a valuable addition to any team on the Sky Temple map. His abilities are geared towards dealing damage over time and controlling enemy heroes. One of his strongest abilities is his Zombie Wall, which creates a barrier of zombies that traps enemy heroes inside. This ability can be used to set up kills for his allies or to block off escape routes for enemy heroes.Another useful ability is his Plague of Toads, which sends a swarm of poisonous toads towards enemies, dealing damage over time. This ability can be used to clear minion waves quickly or to deal damage to enemy heroes.Finally, Nazeebo's Ravenous Spirit is a devastating ultimate ability that summons a spirit that deals massive damage to enemy heroes in a large area. This ability can be used to wipe out enemy teams or to take down key objectives quickly.

Why Raynor is a Solid Choice for Sky Temple

Raynor is a ranged assassin hero that can be a valuable asset on the Sky Temple map. His abilities are geared towards dealing damage and providing support to his allies. One of his strongest abilities is his Penetrating Round, which deals damage and knocks back enemies in its path. This ability can be used to disrupt enemy heroes or to push them away from objectives.Another useful ability is his Inspire, which increases the attack speed of Raynor and nearby allies. This ability can be used to increase the damage output of his team or to quickly clear minion waves.Finally, Raynor's Hyperion is a powerful ultimate ability that calls down a ship that deals damage to enemies in a large area. This ability can be used to clear out enemy heroes or to take down key objectives quickly.

The Versatility of Sonya on the Sky Temple Map

Sonya is a melee warrior hero that can be a valuable addition to any team on the Sky Temple map. Her abilities are geared towards dealing damage and soaking up damage from enemy heroes. One of her strongest abilities is her Whirlwind, which allows her to spin around and deal damage to nearby enemies while healing herself. This ability can be used to clear minion waves quickly or to sustain through enemy attacks.Another useful ability is her Ancient Spear, which allows her to pull herself towards a targeted enemy hero and deal damage. This ability can be used to initiate team fights or to chase down fleeing enemy heroes.Finally, Sonya's Leap is a powerful ultimate ability that allows her to jump into the air and land on a targeted location, dealing damage and stunning enemies in the area. This ability can be used to disrupt enemy heroes or to initiate team fights.

The Advantages of Playing as Tassadar on Sky Temple

Tassadar is a support hero that can be a valuable asset on the Sky Temple map. His abilities are geared towards providing vision and shielding his allies. One of his strongest abilities is his Oracle, which allows him to reveal a large area of the map and detect hidden enemies. This ability can be used to keep track of enemy movements or to scout out objectives.Another useful ability is his Force Wall, which creates a barrier that blocks enemy movements. This ability can be used to separate enemy heroes from their team or to block off escape routes.Finally, Tassadar's Archon is a powerful ultimate ability that transforms him into a powerful being that deals damage and has increased health. This ability can be used to turn the tide of team fights or to take down key objectives quickly.

How Zagara's Traits Make Her a Strong Choice for Sky Temple

Zagara is a ranged specialist hero that can be a valuable addition to any team on the Sky Temple map. Her abilities are geared towards dealing damage and controlling enemy movements. One of her strongest abilities is her Baneling Barrage, which sends a swarm of banelings towards enemy heroes, dealing massive damage. This ability can be used to wipe out enemy teams or to take down key objectives quickly.Another useful ability is her Creep Tumor, which allows her to place tumors that increase her movement speed and provide vision. This ability can be used to quickly move around the map or to keep track of enemy movements.Finally, Zagara's Devouring Maw is a powerful ultimate ability that summons a giant maw that swallows enemy heroes, dealing damage and trapping them for a short period of time. This ability can be used to set up kills for her allies or to disrupt enemy team fights.

The Importance of Choosing Zeratul for Sky Temple's Stealth Opportunities

Zeratul is a melee assassin hero that can be a valuable asset on the Sky Temple map. His abilities are geared towards dealing damage and moving around the map quickly. One of his strongest abilities is his Blink, which allows him to quickly teleport to a new location. This ability can be used to escape from dangerous situations or to chase down fleeing enemy heroes.Another useful ability is his Void Prison, which creates a field that traps enemy heroes inside and freezes them in time. This ability can be used to disrupt enemy team fights or to set up kills for his allies.Finally, Zeratul's Shadow Assault is a powerful ultimate ability that increases his attack speed and allows him to move through enemies, dealing damage as he goes. This ability can be used to quickly take down enemy heroes or to escape from dangerous situations.

The Strategic Benefits of Picking Abathur for Sky Temple Gameplay

Abathur is a unique hero that can be a valuable addition to any team on the Sky Temple map. His abilities are geared towards providing support to his allies and controlling minion waves. One of his strongest abilities is his Symbiote, which allows him to attach himself to an allied hero and provide them with additional abilities.Another useful ability is his Toxic Nest, which allows him to place mines that deal damage and slow enemy heroes. This ability can be used to control key points on the map or to prevent enemy heroes from escaping.Finally, Abathur's Ultimate Evolution is a powerful ultimate ability that allows him to copy an allied hero, gaining their abilities and stats for a short period of time. This ability can be used to create a powerful ally or to turn the tide of team fights.In conclusion, the Sky Temple map in Heroes of the Storm requires a diverse set of heroes and abilities to win. Each of these 10 heroes brings unique strengths and advantages to the battlefield, making them solid choices for any team composition. By considering these heroes and their abilities, players can dominate the Sky Temple map and emerge victorious.

Best Heroes for Sky Temple: A Point of View


Sky Temple is one of the most popular battlegrounds in Heroes of the Storm. The objective of this map is to capture temples that periodically activate and fire powerful beams at enemy structures. To succeed in Sky Temple, players need to have a solid team composition that can sustainably capture temples and defend their own structures. In this article, we will discuss the best heroes for Sky Temple and their pros and cons.

Best Heroes for Sky Temple

1. Falstad

Falstad is a ranged assassin who excels at dealing damage from afar and has excellent mobility. He can fly across the map with his Z ability, allowing him to quickly capture temples or help his teammates in need. His Mighty Gust ultimate can push enemies away and secure team fights in tight spaces.

  • Pros: High mobility, strong damage output, global presence.
  • Cons: Vulnerable to crowd control, requires good positioning skills.

2. Leoric

Leoric is a warrior hero who can soak up lots of damage and sustain himself in battles. He can also drain the life out of his enemies and reduce their healing abilities. His Entomb ultimate can trap enemies and create chokepoints that benefit his team.

  • Pros: High survivability, good sustain, can disrupt enemy formations.
  • Cons: Low mobility, weak against burst damage.

3. Li-Ming

Li-Ming is a mage hero who can deal massive amounts of damage from long range. She can teleport to avoid danger and reset her cooldowns when she gets a kill or assist. Her Disintegrate ultimate can melt down enemies in seconds.

  • Pros: High burst damage, good mobility, can snowball fights.
  • Cons: Low health pool, requires good aim and positioning skills.

4. Brightwing

Brightwing is a support hero who can heal her allies and provide crowd control. She can also teleport to her teammates and polymorph enemies to reduce their effectiveness. Her Emerald Wind ultimate can knock back enemies and grant allies a speed boost.

  • Pros: Good healing and crowd control abilities, high mobility, can save teammates from danger.
  • Cons: Low damage output, vulnerable to burst damage.

Table Comparison of Best Heroes for Sky Temple

Hero Role Pros Cons
Falstad Ranged Assassin High mobility, strong damage output, global presence. Vulnerable to crowd control, requires good positioning skills.
Leoric Warrior High survivability, good sustain, can disrupt enemy formations. Low mobility, weak against burst damage.
Li-Ming Mage High burst damage, good mobility, can snowball fights. Low health pool, requires good aim and positioning skills.
Brightwing Support Good healing and crowd control abilities, high mobility, can save teammates from danger. Low damage output, vulnerable to burst damage.


Choosing the right heroes for Sky Temple can make a huge difference in winning or losing the game. Falstad, Leoric, Li-Ming, and Brightwing are all strong picks that can help their team secure temples and defend their structures. Each hero has their own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to pick the one that best fits your playstyle and the team's needs.

The Best Heroes for Sky Temple

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the best heroes for Sky Temple. We hope that you found the information provided helpful and informative. If you are a fan of Heroes of the Storm, then you know that Sky Temple is one of the most popular battlegrounds in the game. It is a three-lane map with a variety of objectives that require teamwork and strategy.

In this article, we have outlined the top heroes that are best suited for Sky Temple. Each hero has unique abilities and strengths that make them valuable assets to any team. We have also highlighted how each hero can be used to effectively complete the objectives on this map.

The first hero we recommend for Sky Temple is Li-Ming, the Wizard of Diablo III. Li-Ming is a ranged assassin who excels at dealing damage from a distance. Her abilities allow her to take out enemy heroes quickly and efficiently. She is especially useful when it comes to fighting over the temples.

Another hero that we recommend for Sky Temple is Johanna, the Crusader. Johanna is a tank hero who is great at soaking up damage and protecting her teammates. She has a variety of crowd control abilities that can disrupt enemy team movements and make it easier for your team to secure the temples.

If you are looking for a support hero for Sky Temple, then we suggest Malfurion, the Archdruid. Malfurion has a variety of healing abilities that can keep your team alive during fights. He also has crowd control abilities that can help disable enemy heroes.

When it comes to specialists, our top pick for Sky Temple is Nazeebo, the Witch Doctor. Nazeebo is a ranged specialist who is great at pushing lanes and dealing damage. He is especially useful when it comes to taking down the temple guardians.

Another specialist that we recommend for Sky Temple is Zagara, the Broodmother. Zagara is a ranged specialist who can summon minions to help push lanes. She also has a variety of abilities that can deal damage to enemy heroes and structures.

For those who prefer melee assassins, we recommend Thrall, the Warchief. Thrall is a strong hero who can deal a lot of damage up close. He also has crowd control abilities that can help your team secure the temples.

If you are looking for a hero who can soak up damage and deal a lot of damage at the same time, then we suggest Sonya, the Barbarian. Sonya is a melee warrior who is great at taking out enemy heroes. She also has a variety of abilities that can help her survive during fights.

Another hero that we recommend for Sky Temple is Sylvanas, the Banshee Queen. Sylvanas is a ranged specialist who can silence enemy heroes and disable structures. She is especially useful when it comes to pushing lanes and securing temples.

If you are looking for a hero who can deal a lot of damage from a distance, then we suggest Sgt. Hammer, the Siege Tank. Sgt. Hammer is a ranged specialist who can deal a lot of damage to structures and enemy heroes. She is especially useful when it comes to defending or attacking the temples.

Last but not least, we recommend Valla, the Demon Hunter. Valla is a ranged assassin who can deal a lot of damage to enemy heroes. She also has mobility abilities that can help her avoid enemy attacks.

In conclusion, Sky Temple is a challenging battleground that requires teamwork and strategy to win. The heroes we have recommended in this article are some of the best for this map. They each have unique abilities and strengths that make them valuable assets to any team. We hope that you found this article helpful and informative, and we wish you luck in your future matches on Sky Temple!

Best Heroes for Sky Temple

What are the most effective heroes for Sky Temple?

The following heroes are considered to be highly effective in Sky Temple:

  • Johanna - her survivability and crowd control abilities make her an excellent choice for tanking on Sky Temple.
  • Tassadar - his shielding and vision abilities make him a great support hero on Sky Temple.
  • Li-Ming - her burst damage is crucial for taking down enemy heroes and structures on Sky Temple.
  • Zagara - her ability to summon minions and control areas of the map make her a formidable hero on Sky Temple.

Which heroes should I avoid picking on Sky Temple?

While all heroes can be effective in the right hands, some heroes may struggle on Sky Temple due to its unique layout and objectives. The following heroes are generally considered to be less effective on Sky Temple:

  1. Nova - her lack of wave clear and team fight presence make her less effective on Sky Temple.
  2. Murky - his low health pool and inability to contribute to team fights make him less effective on Sky Temple.
  3. Probius - his slow wave clear and lack of mobility make him less effective on the large map of Sky Temple.
  4. The Lost Vikings - while they can soak multiple lanes, their lack of team fight presence makes them less effective on Sky Temple where team fights are crucial.

What strategies should I use when playing on Sky Temple?

When playing on Sky Temple, it is important to focus on controlling the temples and preventing the enemy team from taking them. This can be done by:

  • Having a hero dedicated to soaking experience in the lanes while the rest of the team rotates between the temples.
  • Contesting the temples early and often to prevent the enemy team from gaining an early lead.
  • Prioritizing team fights near the temples to gain control and prevent the enemy team from using them.