Unleashing the Power: Ranking the Top 5 Best Swords in Kingdom Come Deliverance!


Discover the best sword in Kingdom Come: Deliverance and become a true warrior. Unleash your skills with this powerful weapon!

In Kingdom Come Deliverance, finding the best sword is essential for surviving in the game's brutal medieval world. With so many swords to choose from, it can be challenging to decide which one is the best for you. However, we've got you covered with the ultimate guide to the best swords in Kingdom Come Deliverance.

Firstly, let's talk about the Longinus sword. This sword is undoubtedly one of the best swords in the game, and it's not hard to see why. It has a long reach and excellent balance, which makes it perfect for both long-range and close-range combat. Plus, it has a high damage output and can inflict bleeding on your enemies.

If you're looking for a sword that's more suited for close combat, then the St. George's sword is an excellent choice. It has a shorter blade than the Longinus sword, but it's much heavier and has a higher damage output. It's perfect for taking down heavily armored opponents, and its durability means that it won't break easily.

Another great sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance is the Herod's sword. This sword has a unique design, with a curved blade and a gold-plated hilt. But don't let its appearance fool you; the Herod's sword is a formidable weapon that can deal massive amounts of damage. It's also incredibly fast, making it ideal for quick strikes and dodges.

For those who prefer a more straightforward approach to combat, the Executioner's sword is an excellent choice. This sword is massive and can deal devastating blows to your enemies. Its weight makes it slow to swing, but if you can time your attacks correctly, you'll be able to take down even the toughest opponents.

If you're looking for a sword that's both practical and stylish, then the Noble's sword is the one for you. This sword has a sleek design, with a black blade and a silver hilt. It's not as heavy as some of the other swords on this list, but it's incredibly fast and has a high damage output. Plus, it looks great when you're swinging it around in combat.

One of the most unique swords in Kingdom Come Deliverance is the Queen of Sheba's sword. This sword has a distinct shape, with a wide blade that tapers off into a sharp point. It's a bit lighter than some of the other swords on this list, but it's still incredibly powerful. What makes the Queen of Sheba's sword so unique is its ability to deal poison damage to your enemies, making it perfect for taking down tougher opponents.

If you're looking for a sword that's both fast and deadly, then the Sassau sword is an excellent choice. This sword has a thin blade that's perfect for quick strikes, and it's incredibly light, making it easy to maneuver in combat. Plus, it has a high critical hit chance, which means that you'll be able to deal massive amounts of damage if you can land the perfect strike.

For those who prefer a more defensive approach to combat, the Shieldbreaker sword is an excellent choice. This sword has a unique ability to break through shields, making it perfect for taking down heavily armored opponents. Its weight makes it slow to swing, but if you can time your attacks correctly, you'll be able to deal massive amounts of damage.

If you're looking for a sword that's perfect for mounted combat, then the Piercer sword is an excellent choice. This sword has a long, thin blade that's perfect for thrusting, and it's incredibly light, making it easy to use while riding a horse. Plus, it has a high critical hit chance, which means that you'll be able to deal massive amounts of damage if you can land the perfect strike.

Last but not least, we have the Sword of St. Michael. This sword is undoubtedly one of the best swords in the game, and it's not hard to see why. It has a long reach and excellent balance, which makes it perfect for both long-range and close-range combat. Plus, it has a high damage output and can inflict bleeding on your enemies.

Overall, Kingdom Come Deliverance has some fantastic swords to choose from, each with their unique strengths and weaknesses. Whether you prefer a more defensive approach to combat or a fast and deadly style, there's a sword out there that's perfect for you. So, go out there and find the best sword for your playstyle, and dominate the battlefield!

The Best Sword in Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an exciting and challenging game that takes players on a journey through medieval Europe. The game is set in the 15th century, during the time of the Holy Roman Empire, and players take on the role of Henry, a young man who must navigate the political and social complexities of the era.One of the most important aspects of the game is combat, and players will need to master a variety of weapons in order to succeed. Among these weapons, swords are some of the most powerful and versatile.In this article, we will explore the best sword in Kingdom Come: Deliverance and provide some tips on how to obtain it.

The Longsword

The longsword is one of the most popular weapons in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and for good reason. It is a versatile weapon that can be used for both slashing and thrusting attacks, and it has a longer reach than many other weapons.There are several different types of longswords in the game, each with its own unique stats and attributes. However, the best longsword in the game is undoubtedly the St. George's Sword.

The St. George's Sword

The St. George's Sword is a unique and powerful weapon that can only be obtained by completing a series of quests. These quests are part of the DLC content for the game, so players will need to purchase the DLC in order to access them.Once the quests are completed, players will be rewarded with the St. George's Sword, which boasts impressive stats and abilities. It has a high damage rating, a long reach, and the ability to cause bleeding damage to enemies.

How to Obtain the St. George's Sword

To obtain the St. George's Sword, players will need to complete a series of quests known as the From the Ashes DLC. This DLC introduces a new storyline that takes place in a village that has been destroyed by bandits.Players will need to help rebuild the village and defend it from further attacks. As they progress through the questline, they will eventually be rewarded with the St. George's Sword.

Other Strong Swords

While the St. George's Sword is undoubtedly the best sword in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, there are several other swords that are also worth considering.One of these is the Herod's Sword, which is obtained by completing a series of quests for a nobleman named Sir Hanush. This sword has a high damage rating and the ability to cause critical hits.Another strong sword is the Queen of Sheba's Sword, which is obtained by completing a series of quests for a swordsmith named Zach. This sword has a long reach and the ability to cause bleeding damage to enemies.

Choosing the Right Sword

When choosing a sword in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, there are several factors to consider. These include the sword's damage rating, reach, speed, and special abilities.Players should also consider their own playstyle and preferences when choosing a sword. Some players may prefer a fast and agile sword, while others may prefer a slower but more powerful weapon.

Upgrading Your Sword

In addition to choosing the right sword, players can also upgrade their swords to make them even more powerful. Upgrades include things like sharpening the blade, adding a crossguard, or attaching a pommel.To upgrade a sword, players will need to find a blacksmith who has the necessary skills and materials. They will also need to pay a fee to have the upgrades performed.

Repairing Your Sword

Swords in Kingdom Come: Deliverance can become damaged over time, and if they are not repaired, they will eventually break. To repair a sword, players will need to find a blacksmith who has the necessary skills and materials.They will also need to pay a fee to have the repairs performed. It is important to keep swords in good repair, as a broken sword can leave a player vulnerable in combat.


In conclusion, the best sword in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is undoubtedly the St. George's Sword. This powerful weapon is obtained by completing a series of quests in the From the Ashes DLC.However, there are several other strong swords in the game, and players should choose the one that best fits their playstyle and preferences. Upgrading and repairing swords can also help make them even more powerful.With the right sword and the right skills, players can become formidable warriors in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Introduction to Kingdom Come Deliverance's Sword System

Kingdom Come Deliverance is a medieval role-playing game that centers around sword fighting. The game's sword system is unique in that it is not based on fantasy or magic, but rather on historical accuracy. This means that the swords used in the game are modeled after real-life swords that were used during medieval times.In Kingdom Come Deliverance, players can wield a variety of swords, each with its own set of stats and abilities. Understanding these stats is crucial for players who want to excel in combat and become a master swordsman. In this article, we will explore the different types of swords available in Kingdom Come Deliverance and provide tips for choosing the best sword for your playstyle.

Understanding Sword Stats: Damage, Durability, and Handling

Before we dive into the best swords in Kingdom Come Deliverance, it's important to understand the three main stats that determine a sword's effectiveness: damage, durability, and handling.Damage refers to the amount of damage a sword can inflict on an opponent. Swords with higher damage stats are more effective in combat and can take down enemies faster.Durability refers to how long a sword can last before it breaks. Swords with higher durability stats can withstand more hits before they need to be repaired.Handling refers to how easy a sword is to wield. Swords with higher handling stats are easier to swing and require less stamina to use.When choosing a sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance, it's important to consider these stats and choose a sword that aligns with your playstyle. For example, if you prefer a more aggressive playstyle, you may want to choose a sword with higher damage stats. If you prefer a more defensive playstyle, you may want to choose a sword with higher durability stats.

Top 5 Swords for Beginners in Kingdom Come Deliverance

For beginners in Kingdom Come Deliverance, it's important to choose a sword that is easy to use and effective in combat. Here are the top 5 swords for beginners:1. Stinger - The Stinger is a short sword with high handling stats, making it easy to wield. It also has a decent damage stat, making it effective in combat.2. Hunting Sword - The Hunting Sword is a longer sword with high handling and durability stats. It's a great choice for players who prefer a more defensive playstyle.3. Longsword - The Longsword is a versatile sword that can be used for both offense and defense. It has decent damage, durability, and handling stats, making it a well-rounded choice for beginners.4. Sabre - The Sabre is a curved sword with high damage and handling stats. It's a great choice for players who prefer a more aggressive playstyle.5. Shortsword - The Shortsword is a small sword with high handling stats and decent damage. It's a good choice for players who prefer a fast and agile playstyle.

A Complete Guide to Swordsmithing in Kingdom Come Deliverance

In Kingdom Come Deliverance, players can also craft their own swords through swordsmithing. Swordsmithing requires a high level of skill and a variety of materials, but it allows players to create customized swords with unique stats and abilities.To start swordsmithing, players must first acquire the necessary tools and materials. They will need a forge, an anvil, and a hammer, as well as iron or steel ingots, charcoal, and leather strips.Once players have gathered their materials, they can begin crafting their sword. They can choose the type of sword they want to create and then select the stats they want to prioritize. For example, they may want to create a sword with high damage and durability stats.Swordsmithing is a complex process that requires a lot of trial and error. Players may need to experiment with different materials and techniques to create the perfect sword. However, the rewards of swordsmithing are well worth the effort, as players can create powerful and unique swords that are tailored to their playstyle.

The Benefits of Using a Longsword in Kingdom Come Deliverance

The Longsword is one of the most versatile swords in Kingdom Come Deliverance. It can be used for both offense and defense and has decent stats across the board. Here are some of the benefits of using a Longsword:1. Reach - The Longsword has a longer reach than many other swords in the game, making it easier to hit opponents from a distance.2. Versatility - The Longsword can be used for both slashing and stabbing, making it effective against a variety of opponents.3. Parrying - The Longsword is also effective for parrying attacks, making it a great choice for players who prefer a defensive playstyle.Overall, the Longsword is a well-rounded sword that can be used in a variety of situations. It's a great choice for players who want a versatile sword that can handle any challenge.

The Risks and Rewards of Using a Stabbing Sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Stabbing swords, such as the Rapier and the Shortsword, are effective for quick strikes and agile combat. However, they also come with their own set of risks and rewards. Here are some of the pros and cons of using a stabbing sword:Pros:1. Speed - Stabbing swords are incredibly fast, allowing players to strike quickly and dodge opponents' attacks.2. Agility - Stabbing swords are also very agile, making them ideal for players who prefer a fast and mobile playstyle.Cons:1. Damage - Stabbing swords have lower damage stats than other swords in the game, meaning they take longer to take down opponents.2. Durability - Stabbing swords also tend to have lower durability stats, meaning they break more easily and require more frequent repairs.Overall, stabbing swords are a great choice for players who prefer a fast and agile playstyle. However, they may not be the best choice for players who prefer a more aggressive or defensive playstyle.

The Best Swords for Mounted Combat in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Mounted combat is a unique feature of Kingdom Come Deliverance that allows players to engage in combat while riding a horse. However, not all swords are created equal when it comes to mounted combat. Here are some of the best swords for mounted combat:1. Sabre - The Sabre is a curved sword with high damage and handling stats, making it effective for both mounted and dismounted combat.2. Longsword - The Longsword is a versatile sword that can be used for both offense and defense during mounted combat.3. Shortsword - The Shortsword is a small and agile sword that is ideal for fast and mobile combat on horseback.When engaging in mounted combat, it's important to choose a sword that is easy to wield and effective against mounted opponents. These swords are great choices for players who want to excel in mounted combat.

The Importance of Sword Maintenance and Repair in Kingdom Come Deliverance

In Kingdom Come Deliverance, swords have durability stats that decrease over time as they are used in combat. When a sword's durability reaches zero, it breaks and must be repaired. Therefore, it's important to maintain and repair your swords regularly to ensure that they are always in top condition.To maintain a sword, players can use a whetstone to sharpen the blade and restore some of its durability. They can also use a grindstone to repair any damage that the blade has sustained.Repairing a sword requires a blacksmith's kit, which can be purchased from a blacksmith or crafted using various materials. Players can then use the blacksmith's kit to repair their broken swords and restore them to full durability.Regular maintenance and repair of swords is crucial for players who want to excel in combat. Without proper maintenance, swords can break easily and become ineffective in battle.

The Legendary Swords of Kingdom Come Deliverance and How to Find Them

Kingdom Come Deliverance features a variety of legendary swords that are incredibly powerful and unique. These swords are often hidden throughout the game world and require some exploration to find. Here are some of the legendary swords in Kingdom Come Deliverance and how to find them:1. St. George's Sword - This sword is considered one of the most powerful swords in the game. It can be found in a hidden stash in the woods near Sasau.2. Queen of Sheba's Sword - This sword is a rare and powerful weapon that can be found in a chest in the Rattay castle courtyard.3. Sword of St. Michael - This sword is one of the most unique swords in the game, featuring a curved blade and a unique hilt. It can be found in a treasure chest in a cave southeast of Ledetchko.Finding these legendary swords requires some exploration and puzzle-solving skills. However, the rewards of finding them are well worth the effort, as they can greatly enhance a player's combat abilities.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering Swordplay in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Finally, here are some tips and tricks for mastering swordplay in Kingdom Come Deliverance:1. Practice - The more you practice swordplay, the better you will become. Spend time in the training arena or spar with friendly NPCs to improve your skills.2. Use combos - Combos are a great way to deal more damage and surprise opponents. Experiment with different combos to find ones that work best for your playstyle.3. Focus on defense - Defense is just as important as offense in Kingdom Come Deliverance. Learn how to parry and block attacks effectively to avoid taking damage.4. Use potions - Potions can greatly enhance your combat abilities, providing boosts to stats such as damage, stamina, and speed.5. Pay attention to stamina - Stamina is crucial in swordplay, as it determines how many strikes you can make before getting tired. Make sure to manage your stamina effectively to avoid getting caught off guard.By following these tips and tricks, players can become master swordsmen in Kingdom Come Deliverance and dominate their opponents in combat.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Best Sword: A Point of View


Kingdom Come Deliverance is an action-packed role-playing game that has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide. One of the game's most significant features is the combat system, which involves sword fighting. In this article, we will discuss the best sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance and its pros and cons.

The Best Sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance

The best sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance is the St. George's Sword. This sword is unique because it has a long reach and deals massive damage to enemies. It also has a high durability rating, so you won't need to repair it frequently.

Pros of the St. George's Sword

  1. The sword deals massive damage to enemies, making it easier to defeat them.
  2. It has a long reach, allowing you to attack from a safe distance.
  3. The sword has a high durability rating, meaning you won't need to repair it frequently.
  4. The sword looks visually stunning and is a great addition to any player's inventory.

Cons of the St. George's Sword

  1. The sword is challenging to obtain, requiring players to complete a series of challenging quests.
  2. The sword is expensive, meaning players will need to save up a significant amount of money before they can purchase it.
  3. The sword is heavy, meaning players may need to sacrifice other items to carry it.

Comparison Table for Kingdom Come Deliverance Swords

Here is a comparison table for some of the swords available in Kingdom Come Deliverance:

Sword Damage Reach Durability Cost
St. George's Sword 90 120 92 2000 Groschen
Bailiff's Mace 65 74 100 500 Groschen
Queen of Sheba's Sword 86 105 68 5000 Groschen
Saintly Sword 69 96 84 1500 Groschen


In conclusion, the St. George's Sword is the best sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance due to its long reach, high damage, and durability rating. However, it is challenging to obtain and expensive. Players should consider their playstyle and budget when deciding which sword to use.

Conclusion: The Best Sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Thank you for taking the time to read our article about the best sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance. We hope that you found the information we provided helpful in your quest to find the perfect weapon. While there are many different swords to choose from in the game, we believe that the Herod's Sword is the best choice for a variety of reasons.

First and foremost, the Herod's Sword has excellent stats across the board. With a damage rating of 65, it can take down even the toughest opponents with ease. It also has a high durability rating, which means that it will last longer than other swords before needing to be repaired. Additionally, the sword has a good balance of speed and weight, making it easy to wield in combat.

Another advantage of the Herod's Sword is its unique design. The sword features an intricate hilt and pommel, which not only look impressive but also provide a comfortable grip. It also has a distinctive curved blade that makes it stand out from other swords in the game. If you're looking for a sword that looks as good as it performs, then the Herod's Sword is definitely worth considering.

Of course, there are other swords in Kingdom Come Deliverance that are also worthy of consideration. The Stinger, for example, is another excellent choice. It has a slightly lower damage rating than the Herod's Sword, but it makes up for it with its high slash and stab ratings. The Stinger is also one of the fastest swords in the game, which makes it perfect for quick strikes and combos.

If you prefer a heavier sword, then the Queen of Sheba's Sword might be more to your liking. This sword has the highest damage rating in the game, at 86, but it is also the heaviest sword. This means that it can be slower to wield in combat, but it can also deal massive damage to enemies.

Ultimately, the best sword for you will depend on your playstyle and preferences. Some players prefer faster swords that allow them to strike quickly and dodge easily, while others may prefer heavier swords that deal more damage but require more skill to use effectively.

No matter which sword you choose, it's important to keep it well-maintained. Swords in Kingdom Come Deliverance can become damaged and dull over time, which can affect their performance in combat. Be sure to regularly repair and sharpen your sword to keep it in top condition.

In conclusion, we believe that the Herod's Sword is the best sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance. It has excellent stats, a unique design, and is well-balanced for combat. However, there are other great swords in the game as well, so be sure to experiment and find the one that works best for you.

Thank you again for reading our article. We hope that it has been informative and helpful in your quest to become the ultimate warrior in Kingdom Come Deliverance.

People Also Ask About Kingdom Come Deliverance Best Sword

What is the best sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

The best sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance is the St. George’s Sword. This sword is located in a chest in the Sasau Monastery, and can be obtained during the quest “The Die is Cast”.

How do I get the St. George’s Sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

To get the St. George’s Sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance, you must complete the quest “The Die is Cast”. During this quest, you will need to infiltrate the Sasau Monastery and steal the sword from a chest located in the cellar.

Is the St. George’s Sword worth getting in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

Yes, the St. George’s Sword is definitely worth getting in Kingdom Come Deliverance. It is one of the most powerful swords in the game, with excellent stats for both damage and speed. Additionally, it has a unique appearance that sets it apart from other swords.

What are the stats of the St. George’s Sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

The St. George’s Sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance has a damage rating of 48, an attack speed of 80, and a durability of 50. It also has a unique appearance featuring a gold-plated hilt and a green blade.

Are there any other swords worth getting in Kingdom Come Deliverance?

Yes, there are several other swords that are worth getting in Kingdom Come Deliverance. Some other notable swords include:

  • The Queen of Sheba’s Sword – obtained by completing the side quest “The Sword of Sheba”
  • The Herod’s Sword – obtained by completing the side quest “The House of God”
  • The Longinus’ Sword – obtained by completing the side quest “At Your Service, My Lady”