Unleash Your Potential: Best Resto Shaman Azerite Traits for Optimal Performance


Discover the best Azerite traits for resto shamans to improve your healing game. Maximize your potential and dominate in raids with these top picks.

As one of the most versatile healers in World of Warcraft, the Restoration Shaman is a crucial member of any raid team. With the Battle for Azeroth expansion, the introduction of Azerite Traits has provided even more opportunities for Shamans to customize their playstyle and enhance their healing capabilities. In this article, we will explore the best Azerite Traits for Resto Shamans and how they can optimize their healing potential.

First and foremost, the Azerite Trait that stands out the most for Resto Shamans is Tidal Surge. This trait increases the critical strike chance of Riptide by 20%, allowing for more consistent and powerful healing over time. Combined with the Overflowing Shores trait, which increases the duration of Riptide by 3 seconds, Resto Shamans can provide sustained and reliable healing while conserving mana.

Another powerful Azerite Trait for Resto Shamans is Soothing Waters, which increases the healing done by Chain Heal by 10% on targets affected by Riptide. This is an excellent choice for encounters that require heavy group healing, such as raids or mythic dungeons. With Soothing Waters, Resto Shamans can provide efficient and effective healing to multiple targets at once.

In addition to these traits, Resto Shamans can also benefit from Swelling Tides, which increases the healing done by Healing Stream Totem by 25%. This is particularly useful in encounters where players are spread out and need constant healing, as the totem can be placed strategically to cover a wide area. Paired with Tidal Pools, which increases the healing done by Healing Rain by 20%, Resto Shamans can provide consistent and powerful healing to multiple targets at once.

For Resto Shamans who prefer a more aggressive playstyle, Elemental Whirl is a great choice. This trait increases the damage done by Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning by 10%, allowing Resto Shamans to contribute to DPS while still providing valuable healing. Combined with Echo of the Elementals, which causes every third Elemental spell to cast twice, Resto Shamans can deal significant damage while still maintaining their healing duties.

While these Azerite Traits are all powerful in their own right, it's important for Resto Shamans to consider their own playstyle and the specific encounter they are facing when choosing which traits to use. For example, in encounters with heavy movement or dispelling requirements, Surging Tides may be a better choice than Tidal Surge, as it increases the movement speed of players affected by Riptide.

Another factor to consider is the level of the Heart of Azeroth, as some Azerite Traits require a certain level to unlock their full potential. Resto Shamans should prioritize leveling up their Heart of Azeroth and unlocking powerful traits as soon as possible to maximize their healing potential.

In conclusion, the Restoration Shaman has a variety of powerful Azerite Traits to choose from, each with its own unique benefits. By carefully considering their own playstyle and the specific encounter they are facing, Resto Shamans can optimize their healing potential and become an invaluable member of any raid team.


Restoration Shaman is one of the most versatile healers in World of Warcraft. They excel at both single-target and group healing, making them a valuable addition to any raid or dungeon group. In Battle for Azeroth, Azerite Traits have become an essential part of character progression, offering powerful bonuses that can significantly enhance your character's abilities. In this article, we'll be discussing the best Azerite Traits for Resto Shaman.

Best Traits for Raiding

Tidal Surge

Tidal Surge is an excellent Azerite Trait for Resto Shaman in raiding situations. It increases the healing of your Chain Heal by 20% for each target it bounces to. This means that if you're able to hit multiple targets with Chain Heal, you'll be able to output a significant amount of healing.

Lava Shock

Lava Shock is another great Azerite Trait for Resto Shaman in raiding. It increases the healing of your Healing Rain by 20% for each target it heals. This means that if you're able to position your Healing Rain correctly, you'll be able to output a significant amount of healing to your raid group.

Best Traits for Mythic+ Dungeons

Ancestral Resonance

Ancestral Resonance is an excellent Azerite Trait for Resto Shaman in Mythic+ dungeons. It increases the healing of your Chain Heal by 10% for each target it bounces to. This means that if you're able to hit multiple targets with Chain Heal, you'll be able to output a significant amount of healing to your group.

Soothing Waters

Soothing Waters is another great Azerite Trait for Resto Shaman in Mythic+ dungeons. It increases the healing of your Healing Wave by 20%. This means that if you need to do some quick single-target healing, you'll be able to output a significant amount of healing to your target.

Best Traits for PvP

Surging Tides

Surging Tides is an excellent Azerite Trait for Resto Shaman in PvP. It increases the healing of your Chain Heal by 25% for each target it bounces to. This means that if you're able to hit multiple targets with Chain Heal, you'll be able to output a significant amount of healing to your group.

Thunderous Blast

Thunderous Blast is another great Azerite Trait for Resto Shaman in PvP. It increases the damage of your Lightning Bolt by 40%, and it also increases the healing of your Healing Surge by 20%. This means that you'll be able to do some significant damage while also keeping your teammates alive.

Best Traits for Solo Content

Echoes of the Great Sundering

Echoes of the Great Sundering is an excellent Azerite Trait for Resto Shaman in solo content. It increases the damage of your Chain Lightning by 50%, and it also causes your next Chain Lightning to deal 25% more damage for each target hit. This means that you'll be able to do some significant damage to groups of enemies.

Ancestral Gift

Ancestral Gift is another great Azerite Trait for Resto Shaman in solo content. It increases the healing of your Healing Surge by 35%. This means that you'll be able to keep yourself alive while taking on tough enemies.


Restoration Shaman is an incredibly versatile healer, and Azerite Traits have only made them more powerful. Tidal Surge and Lava Shock are great for raiding, Ancestral Resonance and Soothing Waters are fantastic for Mythic+ dungeons, Surging Tides and Thunderous Blast are excellent for PvP, and Echoes of the Great Sundering and Ancestral Gift are perfect for solo content. Whatever your playstyle, there's an Azerite Trait for Resto Shaman that will help you excel.
Restoration shamans are one of the most sought-after healers in World of Warcraft due to their versatility and ability to keep their teammates alive. Azerite traits play a crucial role in enhancing a resto shaman's abilities, allowing them to maximize their healing output, improve mana management, increase damage mitigation, improve movement speed, provide better group healing and buffs, and enhance elemental and totem abilities. In this article, we will discuss the best resto shaman azerite traits that can help you become a more efficient and effective healer.

Enhancing Healing: Azerite Traits for Increased Healing Output

The primary role of a restoration shaman is to keep their teammates alive by providing consistent healing. To enhance their healing output, resto shamans should focus on azerite traits that increase their healing power, such as:

Soothing Waters

This trait increases the effectiveness of your healing wave and healing surge spells. It provides a 10% bonus to healing if the target is below 50% health, making it an excellent choice for burst healing.

Overflowing Shores

This trait increases the healing of your chain heal spell by up to 40%. It also causes chain heal to jump to an additional target, making it a great choice for group healing.

Unstable Flames

This trait increases the healing of your healing rain spell by up to 30%. It also has a chance to generate a healing orb that can be collected by allies, further increasing their health.

Maximizing Efficiency: Azerite Traits for Improved Mana Management

Mana management is essential for restoration shamans as they need to balance their healing output with their mana consumption. To maximize efficiency, resto shamans should focus on azerite traits that improve their mana management, such as:

Swelling Stream

This trait reduces the mana cost of your healing wave and healing surge spells by up to 15%. It also increases their critical strike chance, making it a great choice for both mana management and increased healing output.

Overflowing Tides

This trait reduces the mana cost of your chain heal spell by up to 20%. It also increases the mana regeneration of your water shield, allowing you to conserve mana while still providing effective group healing.


This trait increases your haste rating and provides a chance to reduce the mana cost of your next healing spell. It also increases your movement speed, making it an excellent choice for both mana management and mobility.

Survivability Boost: Azerite Traits for Increased Damage Mitigation

Restoration shamans need to protect themselves from damage to ensure they can continue to heal their teammates effectively. To increase their survivability, resto shamans should focus on azerite traits that provide increased damage mitigation, such as:

Ancestral Resonance

This trait provides a shield that absorbs damage equal to 20% of your maximum health. It also increases your versatility rating, providing additional damage reduction and healing effectiveness.

Resounding Protection

This trait provides a damage absorption shield to all allies within 10 yards of you. It also increases your armor rating, reducing the damage you take from physical attacks.

Ancients' Bulwark

This trait provides a significant increase to your maximum health and increases the healing of your healing surge spell when you are below 35% health. It also provides additional damage reduction, making it an excellent choice for survivability.

Enhancing Mobility: Azerite Traits for Improved Movement Speed

Mobility is important for restoration shamans to ensure they can reach their teammates quickly and avoid enemy attacks. To enhance their mobility, resto shamans should focus on azerite traits that increase their movement speed, such as:

Elemental Whirl

This trait increases your movement speed for a short time after using your elemental abilities. It also increases the damage of your next lightning bolt spell, making it an excellent choice for both mobility and damage output.

Thunderous Blast

This trait provides a chance to increase your movement speed after casting your thunderstorm ability. It also increases the critical strike chance of your next lightning bolt spell, making it a great choice for both mobility and increased critical strike chance.

Group Support: Azerite Traits for Better Group Healing and Buffs

Restoration shamans are known for their ability to provide excellent group healing and buffs. To enhance their group support abilities, resto shamans should focus on azerite traits that improve their group healing and buffs, such as:

Ancestral Gift

This trait increases the healing of your chain heal spell by up to 20% and applies a heal-over-time effect to all allies healed by chain heal. It also increases the duration of your totems, providing additional group support.

Tidal Surge

This trait increases the healing of your healing surge spell by up to 25% and provides a critical strike chance buff to all allies healed by healing surge. It also increases the duration of your water shield, improving your mana management.


This trait increases the healing of your riptide spell by up to 25% and provides a movement speed buff to all allies healed by riptide. It also increases the duration of your earth shield, providing additional damage mitigation.

Elemental Mastery: Azerite Traits for Improved Elemental Abilities

Restoration shamans are also capable of dealing damage through their elemental abilities. To enhance their elemental mastery, resto shamans should focus on azerite traits that improve their elemental abilities, such as:

Lava Shock

This trait increases the damage of your lava burst spell and provides a chance to generate an additional lava burst spell. It also increases your critical strike chance, making it an excellent choice for both damage output and increased critical strike chance.

Surging Tides

This trait increases the damage and healing of your tidal wave ability. It also provides a chance to generate an additional tidal wave spell, making it a great choice for both damage output and group healing.

Enhancing Totems: Azerite Traits for Improved Totem Abilities

Totems are a crucial part of a restoration shaman's toolkit, providing additional support to their teammates. To enhance their totem abilities, resto shamans should focus on azerite traits that improve their totems, such as:

Spirit Link

This trait increases the duration and effectiveness of your spirit link totem, reducing the damage taken by all allies within its radius. It also provides additional damage reduction, making it an excellent choice for survivability.

Ancestral Vigor

This trait increases the effectiveness of your earthbind totem, reducing the movement speed of enemies within its radius. It also provides a health buff to all allies within its radius, improving their survivability.

Critical Strike Focus: Azerite Traits for Increased Critical Strike Chance

Critical strikes can be a game-changer for restoration shamans, providing significant healing or damage output when they occur. To increase their critical strike chance, resto shamans should focus on azerite traits that improve their critical strike rating, such as:

Thunderous Paws

This trait increases your critical strike chance and provides a movement speed buff after using your spirit wolf ability. It also increases the critical strike chance of your next lightning bolt spell, making it an excellent choice for both mobility and increased critical strike chance.


This trait increases your haste rating and provides a chance to reduce the mana cost of your next healing spell. It also increases your movement speed, making it an excellent choice for both mana management and mobility.

Haste Focus: Azerite Traits for Improved Haste Rating

Haste is important for restoration shamans as it allows them to cast spells faster and reduce their global cooldown. To increase their haste rating, resto shamans should focus on azerite traits that improve their haste rating, such as:

Fury of the Sands

This trait increases your haste rating and provides a chance to generate an additional chain lightning spell. It also increases the damage of your next chain lightning spell, making it an excellent choice for both damage output and increased haste rating.

Raging Tides

This trait increases your haste rating and provides a chance to generate an additional riptide spell. It also increases the healing of your next riptide spell, making it a great choice for both group healing and increased haste rating.

Versatility Boost: Azerite Traits for Increased Versatility Rating

Versatility is crucial for restoration shamans as it provides both damage reduction and increased healing effectiveness. To increase their versatility rating, resto shamans should focus on azerite traits that improve their versatility rating, such as:

Ancestral Resonance

This trait provides a shield that absorbs damage equal to 20% of your maximum health. It also increases your versatility rating, providing additional damage reduction and healing effectiveness.

Rising Mist

This trait increases the healing of your healing stream totem and provides a chance to generate an additional healing stream totem. It also increases your versatility rating, making it an excellent choice for both group healing and increased versatility rating.In conclusion, restoration shamans have a wide range of azerite traits to choose from that can enhance their healing output, improve mana management, increase damage mitigation, enhance mobility, provide better group healing and buffs, enhance elemental and totem abilities, increase critical strike chance, improve haste rating, and increase versatility rating. By focusing on the azerite traits that suit their playstyle and needs, resto shamans can become more efficient and effective healers.

Resto Shaman Azerite Traits: An Analysis


Restoration Shamans are among the most versatile healers in World of Warcraft, with a toolkit that allows them to heal both single targets and groups effectively. A crucial aspect of their power comes from Azerite Traits, which grant them unique abilities based on the equipment they wear. In this article, we will be analyzing the best Azerite Traits for Resto Shamans, along with their pros and cons.

Best Resto Shaman Azerite Traits


Overflowing Shores

This trait increases the healing of your Chain Heal by 18%, and also causes it to create a Healing Stream Totem at the target's location. The Healing Stream Totem heals nearby allies every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.


- Excellent for group healing, as it can heal multiple players at once.

- The Healing Stream Totem provides additional healing, making it a powerful combination.


- Only useful in groups, so it may be less effective in solo situations.


Ancestral Resonance

This trait increases the healing of your next Chain Heal by 10% for each ally it heals, up to a maximum of 40%.


- Can provide a significant amount of healing in group situations.

- Can be used in conjunction with other traits to create powerful healing combinations.


- Requires multiple targets to be effective.


Tidal Surge

This trait increases the healing of your Healing Surge by 15% and causes it to create a wave that jumps to up to 5 nearby allies, healing them for a portion of the initial heal.


- Excellent for single target healing, as it provides additional healing to nearby allies.

- Can be used in conjunction with other traits to create powerful healing combinations.


- Only effective on single targets, so it may be less useful in group situations.

Comparison Table

Trait Effect Pros Cons
Overflowing Shores Increases Chain Heal healing by 18%, creates a Healing Stream Totem at the target's location Excellent for group healing, Healing Stream Totem provides additional healing Only useful in groups
Ancestral Resonance Increases Chain Heal healing by 10% for each ally healed, up to 40% Provides significant healing in group situations, can be used in conjunction with other traits Requires multiple targets to be effective
Tidal Surge Increases Healing Surge healing by 15%, creates a wave that jumps to 5 nearby allies, healing them for a portion of the initial heal Excellent for single target healing, provides additional healing to nearby allies Only effective on single targets


In conclusion, the best Azerite Traits for Resto Shamans depend on the situation and the player's playstyle. Overflowing Shores is excellent for group healing, while Tidal Surge is better for single target healing. Ancestral Resonance can provide significant healing in group situations but requires multiple targets to be effective. Ultimately, the key is to find the right combination of traits that works best for your playstyle and the situation at hand.

The Best Resto Shaman Azerite Traits: Closing Thoughts for Blog Visitors

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the best resto shaman azerite traits. We hope that you have found this information useful and informative. We understand that choosing the right azerite traits can be overwhelming, especially for new players or those who are not familiar with the game's mechanics.

As we have discussed earlier, the best resto shaman azerite traits are those that increase your healing output and provide additional benefits to your abilities. We recommend prioritizing traits like Overwhelming Power, Resounding Protection, and Earthlink. These traits will help you sustain your healing output and keep your fellow players alive during intense encounters.

It's also important to note that azerite traits can vary depending on your playstyle and the content you are participating in. Some traits may be more beneficial for dungeons, while others are better suited for raids or PvP. It's always a good idea to research and experiment with different traits to find what works best for you.

If you're looking to optimize your resto shaman's performance, we suggest using external resources such as Raidbots and SimulationCraft. These tools can help you simulate different scenarios and determine the most effective azerite traits, talents, and gear for your character.

Another great resource is the resto shaman community. Joining a guild or online forum can provide you with valuable insights and tips from experienced players. You can also ask for advice and feedback on your build and rotation to further improve your gameplay.

Lastly, we want to emphasize the importance of practice and patience. Mastering your class and character takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results or progress. Keep practicing and learning, and you will eventually become a skilled and valuable member of your team.

Thank you once again for reading this article. We hope that you have learned something new and useful about resto shaman azerite traits. Good luck on your journey to becoming a top-tier healer in World of Warcraft!

People Also Ask About Best Resto Shaman Azerite Traits

What are Azerite Traits?

Azerite Traits are abilities that can be found on Azerite Armor pieces in World of Warcraft. They provide passive bonuses to your character and can be unlocked by gaining Azerite Power.

What are the Best Azerite Traits for Resto Shaman?

The best Azerite Traits for Resto Shaman depends on your playstyle and the content you are participating in. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Overflowing Shores: This trait increases the healing done by your Chain Heal spell to targets that are already affected by it.
  2. Ancestral Resonance: This trait increases the healing done by your Healing Rain spell and also reduces its mana cost.
  3. Tidal Surge: This trait increases the critical strike chance of your Healing Wave and Healing Surge spells.
  4. Lifespeed: This trait increases your movement speed and also increases the duration of your Spiritwalker's Grace ability.
  5. Elemental Whirl: This trait increases the healing done by your Healing Stream Totem and also increases its duration.

How do I Obtain Azerite Armor?

Azerite Armor can be obtained from various sources in World of Warcraft, such as dungeons, raids, world quests, and PvP activities. You can also acquire Azerite Armor through crafting professions or by purchasing it from vendors.

Can I Change Azerite Traits on My Armor?

Yes, you can change Azerite Traits on your Armor by using an Azerite Reforger NPC. This will cost you some gold and will reset the Azerite Power you have gained on that piece of armor.

How Do I Choose the Best Azerite Traits for My Resto Shaman?

The best way to choose the best Azerite Traits for your Resto Shaman is to experiment with different builds and see which ones work best for you. You can also consult online resources, such as forums and guides, or ask other players for advice.