Unleash the Power of the Best Monster Skills in Saga Frontier: A Guide to Dominating Your Enemies


Discover the top monster skills in the classic RPG game Saga Frontier. Unleash your pet's full potential and dominate the battlefield!

Saga Frontier is a classic RPG game that was released in 1998. The game has a unique feature where players can control monsters and use their skills to defeat enemies. There are over 50 monsters in the game, each with its own set of skills. In this article, we will be discussing the best monster skills in Saga Frontier.

Firstly, let's talk about the Dragon Sword skill. This skill is used by the Dragon enemy and is one of the most powerful skills in the game. It deals massive damage to all enemies and has a high chance of inflicting the Death status effect. The only downside to this skill is that it consumes a lot of MP.

Another great monster skill is the Devil King skill. This skill is used by the Devil enemy and is perfect for dealing with groups of enemies. It deals moderate damage to all enemies and has a chance of inflicting the Curse status effect. The Curse status effect lowers the enemy's stats, making them easier to defeat.

The Thunderbolt skill is also a great choice. It is used by the Thunder enemy and deals massive damage to a single target. The skill also has a high chance of inflicting the Paralyze status effect. The Paralyze status effect immobilizes the target, making them unable to move or attack.

If you're looking for a skill that can heal your party members, then the Heal skill is the way to go. This skill is used by the Pixie enemy and restores a moderate amount of HP to all party members. It is a great skill to have when you're in a tough battle and need to heal quickly.

Another useful skill to have is the Sleep Gas skill. This skill is used by the Puff enemy and has a chance of inflicting the Sleep status effect on all enemies. The Sleep status effect puts the enemy to sleep, making them unable to move or attack for a few turns.

If you're looking for a skill that can deal damage and lower the enemy's stats at the same time, then the Poison Needle skill is a great choice. This skill is used by the Needle enemy and deals moderate damage to a single target. It also has a chance of inflicting the Poison status effect, which lowers the enemy's stats over time.

The Fire Breath skill is another powerful skill that is worth mentioning. This skill is used by the Fire enemy and deals massive fire damage to all enemies. It is perfect for taking out groups of enemies and is especially effective against enemies weak to fire.

One of the most unique skills in the game is the Mimic skill. This skill is used by the Mimic enemy and allows the user to copy any skill that an enemy uses. This means that you can potentially have access to every skill in the game!

The Stone Gas skill is also a great choice. This skill is used by the Stone enemy and has a chance of inflicting the Stone status effect on all enemies. The Stone status effect turns the enemy to stone, making them unable to move or attack for the rest of the battle.

Finally, the Ice Breath skill is another great option. This skill is used by the Ice enemy and deals massive ice damage to all enemies. It is perfect for taking out groups of enemies and is especially effective against enemies weak to ice.

In conclusion, Saga Frontier has a wide variety of monster skills to choose from. Whether you're looking for a skill that can deal damage, heal your party members, or inflict status effects on enemies, there is something for everyone. With over 50 monsters to choose from, the possibilities are endless!


Saga Frontier is a role-playing game that was first released in 1997. It is a game that is known for its unique gameplay mechanics and the ability to play as different characters. One of the main features of the game is the ability to recruit monsters to join your party. Monsters have their own set of skills that can be learned as they level up. In this article, we will discuss some of the best monster skills in Saga Frontier.

Learning Monster Skills

Monster skills are learned by leveling up your monsters. Each time a monster levels up, it gains a certain amount of skill points that can be used to learn new skills. There are a variety of skills that monsters can learn, including attack skills, support skills, and defensive skills. To learn a skill, you must have enough skill points and meet the other requirements for that skill.

Best Attack Skills

Demon Breath

Demon Breath is one of the best attack skills in Saga Frontier. It is a fire-based attack that deals damage to all enemies. This skill is particularly useful when facing multiple enemies at once.

Dragon Cut

Dragon Cut is another powerful attack skill. It is a physical attack that deals damage to a single enemy. This skill has a high critical hit rate and can deal massive damage if it lands a critical hit.

Wind Slash

Wind Slash is a wind-based attack that deals damage to all enemies. This skill has a lower damage output than Demon Breath but has a higher chance of inflicting a status ailment on enemies.

Best Support Skills


Heal is a basic support skill that allows a monster to restore a small amount of HP to an ally. This skill is useful for keeping your party alive during battles.

Speed Up

Speed Up is a support skill that increases the speed of a single ally. This skill is particularly useful for characters with slow movement speeds or for getting your party members out of harm's way quickly.

Magic Shield

Magic Shield is a support skill that increases the magic defense of a single ally. This skill is useful for protecting your party members from magical attacks.

Best Defensive Skills


Counter is a defensive skill that allows a monster to counterattack when it is attacked by an enemy. This skill can deal significant damage if the counterattack lands a critical hit.


Guard is a defensive skill that reduces the damage taken by a monster. This skill is particularly useful when facing enemies that deal high amounts of damage.


Regeneration is a defensive skill that allows a monster to slowly recover HP over time. This skill is useful for keeping your party members alive during long battles.


There are many different monster skills in Saga Frontier, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. By choosing the right combination of skills, you can create a powerful team of monsters that can take on any challenge. Whether you prefer to focus on attack skills, support skills, or defensive skills, there are plenty of options available to help you build the perfect team.

The Importance of Monster Skills in Saga FrontierOne of the unique features of the classic PlayStation game, Saga Frontier, is the ability to recruit monsters to join your party and fight alongside your human characters. These monsters not only add diversity and depth to your gameplay but also bring with them a wide range of powerful skills that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. In this article, we will explore the top 10 best monster skills in Saga Frontier, as well as how to unlock and combine them for optimal effect.How to Unlock Monster Skills in Saga FrontierBefore we dive into the top monster skills, it's important to understand how to unlock them in the first place. When you recruit a monster, they will come with a set of default skills that they can use in battle. However, as you use them in combat, their skill points (SP) will gradually increase, allowing them to learn new and more powerful abilities.To unlock a new skill, simply use the monster in battle until their SP reaches the required level. Some skills may also have specific requirements, such as using a certain weapon or having a certain stat at a certain level. Once you have unlocked a skill, it will be permanently added to the monster's skill list, allowing you to use it at any time.The Benefits of Using Monster Skills in Saga FrontierSo why bother with monster skills in the first place? For one, they add an extra layer of strategy to your battles. Each monster has its own unique set of skills, ranging from offensive attacks to defensive buffs and healing spells. By carefully choosing which monsters to recruit and which skills to use, you can create a well-rounded party that can handle any situation.In addition, some monsters have innate abilities that can be very useful outside of combat. For example, the Mec God monster can use its Repair skill to fix broken machines, while the Sage Jotnar can use its Identify skill to reveal hidden items and secrets.Monster Skills for Offensive Gameplay in Saga FrontierNow let's dive into the top 10 best monster skills in Saga Frontier, starting with offensive abilities. These skills are designed to deal damage to your enemies and can be crucial in taking down tough bosses and enemies.1. DeathThis skill is exclusive to the Reaper monster and has a chance to instantly kill any enemy it hits. While the chance of success is low, it can be a game-changer if it does land, especially against bosses with high HP.2. HellfireThis skill is available to several monsters, including the Fire Elemental and Dragon. It deals heavy fire damage to all enemies and can be especially effective against groups of enemies weak to fire.3. Shadow StitchThis skill is exclusive to the Shadow monster and deals moderate damage to all enemies while also inflicting the Stop status, which prevents them from taking any actions for a set amount of time.4. Double SlashThis skill is available to several monsters, including the Werewolf and Ninja Master. It allows the monster to attack twice in a row, dealing moderate damage each time.5. Poison BreathThis skill is available to several monsters, including the Poison Slime and Dragon Zombie. It deals moderate damage to all enemies and has a chance to inflict the Poison status, which slowly drains their health over time.Defensive Monster Skills for Survivability in Saga FrontierWhile offensive skills are important, it's also crucial to have defensive skills that can keep your party alive and healthy. These skills can provide buffs and healing abilities that can turn the tide of battle in your favor.6. CureThis skill is available to several monsters, including the Pixie and Fairy. It allows the monster to heal a moderate amount of HP to one ally, making it a valuable skill for keeping your party healthy.7. RegenerationThis skill is exclusive to the Regenerator monster and gradually restores HP to all allies over time. It can be a valuable skill for longer battles, as it allows your party to slowly recover without using up your precious healing items.8. ProtectThis skill is available to several monsters, including the Guardian and Iron Golem. It provides a temporary defense boost to one ally, reducing the damage they take from physical attacks.9. Magic BarrierThis skill is exclusive to the Mystic monster and provides a temporary magic defense boost to one ally, reducing the damage they take from magical attacks.Supportive Monster Skills for Party Synergy in Saga FrontierFinally, we have supportive skills that can provide various boosts and bonuses to your party. These skills can be especially effective when used in combination with other skills and abilities.10. CharmThis skill is exclusive to the Succubus monster and has a chance to charm one enemy, causing them to fight on your side for a set amount of time. While the chance of success is low, it can be a powerful ability if it lands, especially against tough bosses.How to Combine Monster Skills for Optimal Effect in Saga FrontierWhile each individual skill can be powerful on its own, the true power of monster skills lies in their ability to be combined with other skills and abilities. For example, you could use the Protect skill to reduce damage taken by one ally, then follow up with the Double Slash skill to deal twice as much damage on your next turn.Experiment with different combinations of skills to find what works best for your party. You may also want to consider equipping certain weapons and accessories that can enhance specific skills or provide additional bonuses and buffs.Rare and Powerful Monster Skills in Saga FrontierWhile the skills listed above are some of the best and most commonly used in Saga Frontier, there are also rare and powerful skills that can only be obtained through specific means. For example, the ultimate boss of the game, the Super Einlanzer, has access to powerful skills that can only be learned by defeating it in battle.Keep an eye out for rare monsters and bosses that may have unique skills to unlock. These skills can be game-changers and can make all the difference in tough battles.Using Monster Skills to Overcome Tough Bosses in Saga FrontierFinally, let's talk about how to use monster skills to overcome tough bosses in Saga Frontier. Boss battles can be some of the most challenging and rewarding parts of the game, and using the right skills can make all the difference.Before a boss battle, be sure to carefully choose which monsters to bring with you and which skills to equip. Defensive skills like Protect and Regeneration can be especially useful in boss battles, as they can help keep your party alive while you whittle down the boss's HP.Offensive skills like Hellfire and Double Slash can also be effective, especially if you can combine them with other abilities to deal massive damage. And don't forget about supportive skills like Charm, which can turn the tide of battle in your favor by temporarily adding an enemy to your side.In conclusion, monster skills are a vital part of Saga Frontier's gameplay and can provide a wealth of strategic options for your party. Experiment with different combinations of skills and monsters to find what works best for you, and don't be afraid to try out new and rare skills as you progress through the game. With the right skills and strategy, you can overcome even the toughest of bosses and emerge victorious in this classic RPG adventure.

Saga Frontier Best Monster Skills: A Comprehensive Guide

Point of View

As a fan of the Saga Frontier series, I believe that understanding the best monster skills is crucial to winning battles and progressing through the game. There are many different monster skills available, each with their own unique advantages and disadvantages. In this guide, I will provide an overview of the best monster skills in Saga Frontier, along with their pros and cons.

Pros and Cons of Saga Frontier Best Monster Skills

1. Life Drain: This skill allows monsters to drain HP from their opponents, making it a great way to sustain health during battles. However, it can also be risky to use against enemies with high attack power.

2. Double Attack: This skill allows monsters to attack twice in a row, which can be incredibly useful when trying to take down tough enemies. However, it can also be a waste of MP if not used strategically.

3. Counterattack: This skill allows monsters to counterattack when they are hit by an opponent, making it a great defensive option. However, it may not always trigger and can leave monsters vulnerable to follow-up attacks.

4. Barrier: This skill allows monsters to create a protective barrier around themselves, reducing damage from enemy attacks. However, it uses up a lot of MP and can leave monsters vulnerable to magic attacks.

5. Poison: This skill allows monsters to inflict poison on their opponents, causing them to gradually lose HP over time. However, some enemies may be immune to poison and it does not always do a significant amount of damage.

Table Comparison of Saga Frontier Best Monster Skills

Monster Skill Pros Cons
Life Drain - Sustains health during battles
- Can be used repeatedly
- Risky against enemies with high attack power
Double Attack - Allows for two attacks in a row
- Useful against tough enemies
- Can waste MP if not used strategically
Counterattack - Great defensive option
- Can catch opponents off guard
- May not always trigger
- Leaves monsters vulnerable to follow-up attacks
Barrier - Reduces damage from enemy attacks
- Can be useful in tougher battles
- Uses up a lot of MP
- Leaves monsters vulnerable to magic attacks
Poison - Inflicts damage over time
- Can be useful against enemies weak to poison
- Some enemies may be immune
- Does not always do significant damage
In conclusion, understanding the best monster skills in Saga Frontier is essential to succeeding in battles and progressing through the game. Each skill has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to use them strategically depending on the situation. By using this guide, players can make informed decisions when choosing which monster skills to use in different battles.

Closing Message: Unlocking the Best Monster Skills in Saga Frontier

Congratulations! You've made it to the end of our guide on unlocking the best monster skills in Saga Frontier. We hope that you found this article helpful and informative, and that you are now ready to take your monster party to the next level!As we've discussed throughout this article, monster skills can be incredibly powerful when used correctly. They can turn the tide of a battle, and can even help you defeat some of the game's toughest bosses. With so many skills to choose from, it can be overwhelming to figure out which ones are worth investing in. However, by following the tips and strategies we've outlined here, you should be able to create a formidable monster party that can take on anything the game throws at you.Remember, the key to success in Saga Frontier is experimentation. Don't be afraid to try out different combinations of skills and monsters to see what works best for you. And don't forget to keep an eye out for new monsters and skills as you progress through the game. You never know when you might stumble upon a hidden gem that could completely change the way you approach battles.Before we wrap up, let's quickly recap some of the most important points we've covered in this article:- The best monster skills in Saga Frontier are those that provide strong offensive or defensive capabilities, such as Magic Barrier, Double Slash, and Counter.- It's important to balance your party with a mix of different monster types and skills, rather than relying too heavily on one particular strategy.- Some monsters are better suited for certain roles than others. For example, Lummox is a great tank due to its high HP and defense, while Kelpie excels at debuffing enemies with its various water-based attacks.- Don't underestimate the power of support skills, such as Heal or Revive. These can be lifesavers in tough battles, and can help keep your party healthy and alive.- Finally, make sure to spend time training and leveling up your monsters. The stronger they are, the more effective their skills will be in battle.With these tips in mind, we're confident that you'll be able to create a monster party that can take on any challenge in Saga Frontier. So go forth, adventurer, and conquer the world of Facet with your fearsome creatures by your side!Thank you for reading our guide on unlocking the best monster skills in Saga Frontier. We hope that you enjoyed it, and that it helped you become a better player. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. And don't forget to check out our other articles on Saga Frontier and other classic RPGs!

People Also Ask About Saga Frontier Best Monster Skills

What are the best monster skills in Saga Frontier?

There are several great monster skills in Saga Frontier, but some of the best include:

  • Counter - This skill allows your monster to counterattack when hit by an enemy.
  • Double Attack - This skill gives your monster a chance to attack twice in one turn.
  • Regeneration - This skill allows your monster to gradually regain health during battle.

How do I acquire monster skills in Saga Frontier?

You can acquire monster skills in Saga Frontier by having your monsters participate in battles. As they gain experience, they will learn new skills and become more powerful.

Can I customize my monster's skillset in Saga Frontier?

Yes, you can customize your monster's skillset in Saga Frontier by equipping them with different abilities and items. Experiment with different combinations to find the best setup for your playstyle.

Are there any rare or unique monster skills in Saga Frontier?

Yes, there are several rare and unique monster skills in Saga Frontier that can be difficult to acquire. Some examples include:

  1. Death - This skill instantly kills the target, but has a low chance of success.
  2. Mimic - This skill allows your monster to copy the last action taken by an enemy.
  3. Omega Blaze - This skill deals massive fire damage to all enemies.