Unleash the Power of Solo Play in 2016: Discover Everquest's Top Solo Class


Looking for the best solo class in EverQuest? Check out our list of top choices for 2016, including the Beastlord and Necromancer!

Everquest is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that has been around since 1999. It's a game that requires teamwork and coordination to complete quests and defeat enemies. However, sometimes you may find yourself in need of a solo class that can handle tough challenges on their own. In this article, we will explore the best solo class in Everquest for the year 2016.

The first class that comes to mind when it comes to soloing in Everquest is the Beastlord. This class is a hybrid of a monk and a shaman and has the ability to summon pets to aid them in battle. The Beastlord is a versatile class that can heal themselves, deal damage with melee attacks, or cast spells from a distance. With their pet by their side, they can take on multiple enemies at once and come out victorious.

Another great solo class is the Necromancer. This class has the ability to summon undead minions to do their bidding. They also have powerful spells that can damage enemies over time and drain their life force. The Necromancer can also heal themselves and their pets, making them a formidable opponent in any battle.

The Ranger is another class that can hold its own in solo play. This class is skilled in archery and can deal massive amounts of damage from a distance. They also have the ability to track enemies and navigate difficult terrain. The Ranger can also heal themselves and has the option to summon a pet to help them in combat.

The Shaman is a class that is known for their healing abilities. They can heal themselves and their allies while dealing damage to enemies with spells. The Shaman also has the ability to summon pets to fight alongside them. With their powerful healing abilities, the Shaman can take on tough challenges on their own.

The Paladin is a hybrid class that combines the abilities of a warrior and a cleric. They can deal damage with their melee attacks while also having the ability to heal themselves and their allies. The Paladin also has the option to summon a mount, making them faster and more mobile in combat.

The Rogue is a class that excels in dealing damage quickly and efficiently. They have the ability to sneak up on enemies and deal massive amounts of damage with their attacks. The Rogue can also pick locks and disarm traps, making them useful in solo play when exploring dungeons and other areas.

The Wizard is a class that specializes in dealing damage with spells. They can cast powerful spells that can damage multiple enemies at once. The Wizard can also teleport themselves to different areas, making them useful when exploring new territories.

The Enchanter is a class that specializes in controlling enemies. They can charm enemies and turn them against their own kind. The Enchanter can also stun enemies and make them vulnerable to attacks. With their ability to control enemies, the Enchanter can take on tough challenges on their own.

The Magician is a class that specializes in summoning elemental pets to aid them in combat. They can also cast powerful spells that deal massive amounts of damage to enemies. The Magician can also teleport themselves and their allies, making them useful in solo play when exploring new territories.

In conclusion, there are many classes in Everquest that can hold their own in solo play. Each class has its own unique abilities and strengths. Whether you prefer to deal damage with melee attacks or cast spells from a distance, there is a class that will suit your playstyle. So, go out there and explore the world of Everquest on your own terms!


Everquest is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that has been around since 1999. The game has undergone many changes over the years, but one thing that has remained constant is the desire for players to find the best solo class. In this article, we will take a look at the best solo class in Everquest for 2016.

What makes a good solo class?

Before we can determine the best solo class in Everquest, we need to understand what makes a good solo class. A good solo class should have a high damage output, good survivability, and the ability to heal or mitigate damage. Additionally, a good solo class should be able to handle multiple enemies at once.

The top solo class in 2016

The top solo class in Everquest for 2016 is the Necromancer. The Necromancer is a caster class that specializes in death magic. They have a wide range of spells that deal damage over time, as well as spells that can heal themselves or their pets.

Damage output

The Necromancer has some of the highest damage output in the game. Their damage over time spells can stack on top of each other, allowing them to deal massive amounts of damage to enemies over time. Additionally, the Necromancer has a pet that can tank enemies while they deal damage from a safe distance.


The Necromancer has several spells that can heal themselves or their pets. They also have spells that can mitigate damage, such as lifetap spells that drain health from enemies and give it to the Necromancer. Additionally, the Necromancer has the ability to feign death, which allows them to escape dangerous situations.

Handling multiple enemies

The Necromancer's pet is able to tank multiple enemies at once, allowing the Necromancer to deal damage from a safe distance. Additionally, the Necromancer has several spells that can damage multiple enemies at once, making them capable of handling large groups of enemies.

Other honorable mentions

While the Necromancer is the best solo class in Everquest for 2016, there are several other classes that are also capable of soloing effectively.


The Beastlord is a hybrid class that combines elements of the Druid and Monk classes. They have a pet that can tank enemies while they deal damage from a safe distance. Additionally, they have several spells that can heal themselves or their pets.


The Druid is a caster class that specializes in nature magic. They have a wide range of spells that can heal, buff, and damage enemies. Additionally, they have the ability to teleport, which allows them to quickly escape dangerous situations.


The Ranger is a hybrid class that combines elements of the Warrior and Druid classes. They have a pet that can tank enemies while they deal damage from a safe distance. Additionally, they have several spells that can heal themselves or their pets.


In conclusion, the Necromancer is the best solo class in Everquest for 2016. They have a high damage output, good survivability, and the ability to handle multiple enemies at once. However, there are several other classes that are also capable of soloing effectively, such as the Beastlord, Druid, and Ranger. Ultimately, the best solo class depends on the player's playstyle and preferences.

Introduction to Everquest and Solo Playing

Everquest is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was first released in 1999. It has since then been one of the most popular MMORPGs in the gaming community. Everquest has a vast world with many different zones, dungeons, and quests for players to explore and conquer. One of the great things about Everquest is the ability to play solo. However, not all classes are created equal when it comes to solo play.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Solo Class

Choosing the right solo class is crucial for success in Everquest. Each class has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, which can greatly affect how easy or difficult it is to solo. Some classes have high survivability and can take on multiple enemies at once, while others may struggle to take on even one enemy. When choosing a solo class, it's important to consider your playstyle. Do you prefer to deal damage from afar or get up close and personal? Do you want a class that can heal themselves or rely on potions? These are all factors to consider when choosing your solo class.

Top Solo Classes in Everquest 2016

In 2016, there were several standout solo classes in Everquest. These classes include:


The Beastlord is a hybrid class that combines the abilities of a warrior, shaman, and monk. They have good survivability and can dish out decent damage. They also have the ability to charm animals and use them as pets, which can be helpful when soloing.


The Bard is a versatile class that can fill many roles in a group setting. However, they also excel at solo play. Bards have a wide range of abilities, including crowd control and healing. They can also deal damage with their songs and melee attacks.


The Druid is a nature-based class that has the ability to heal, buff, and deal damage. They also have the ability to teleport themselves and others, which can be helpful when soloing. Druids can shape-shift into different animals, giving them added survivability.


The Enchanter is a crowd-control class that can charm enemies and make them fight on their side. They also have the ability to mez (put enemies to sleep) and stun enemies. Enchanters don't deal a lot of damage, but their ability to control enemies makes them a good solo class.


The Mage is a pet class that can summon elementals to fight on their behalf. They also have the ability to deal damage with their spells. Mages don't have a lot of survivability, but their pets can tank enemies for them.


The Monk is a melee class that excels at solo play. They have high damage output and can dodge attacks, making them hard to hit. Monks also have the ability to feign death, which can be helpful when trying to escape from enemies.


The Necromancer is a pet class that can summon undead minions to fight on their behalf. They also have the ability to heal themselves and drain the life force of enemies. Necromancers have good survivability and can take on multiple enemies at once.


The Ranger is a hybrid class that combines the abilities of a warrior and druid. They have the ability to track enemies and move quickly through the wilderness. Rangers can deal damage with their bow and melee attacks.


The Rogue is a sneaky class that excels at solo play. They can deal high damage with their backstab ability and have the ability to pick locks and disarm traps. Rogues also have good survivability and can dodge attacks.

Shadow Knight

The Shadow Knight is a hybrid class that combines the abilities of a warrior and necromancer. They have good survivability and can take on multiple enemies at once. Shadow Knights can also drain the life force of enemies and heal themselves.

The Best Solo Class for Beginner Players

For beginner players, the best solo class is likely the Druid or the Ranger. These classes have good survivability and can heal themselves, making them forgiving for mistakes. They also have the ability to teleport and track enemies, which can be helpful when exploring new zones.

The Best Solo Class for Advanced Players

For advanced players, the best solo class is likely the Necromancer or the Monk. These classes have high damage output and can take on multiple enemies at once. They also have good survivability and can heal themselves. However, these classes require more skill and strategy to play effectively.

Understanding the Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Solo Class

To be successful in solo play, it's important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each class. Here's a brief overview of each class:


Strengths: Good survivability, ability to charm animalsWeaknesses: Lower damage output, limited crowd control abilities


Strengths: Versatile abilities, good crowd control, healing abilitiesWeaknesses: Lower damage output


Strengths: Nature-based abilities, good healing, teleportation abilitiesWeaknesses: Lower damage output


Strengths: Good crowd control abilities, ability to charm enemiesWeaknesses: Lower damage output


Strengths: Ability to summon pets, good damage outputWeaknesses: Lower survivability


Strengths: High damage output, ability to dodge attacks, feign death abilityWeaknesses: Limited crowd control abilities


Strengths: Ability to summon undead minions, good healing, high survivabilityWeaknesses: Lower crowd control abilities


Strengths: Ability to track enemies, good melee and ranged abilitiesWeaknesses: Limited crowd control abilities


Strengths: High damage output, ability to pick locks and disarm trapsWeaknesses: Limited crowd control abilities

Shadow Knight

Strengths: Good survivability, ability to drain life forceWeaknesses: Limited crowd control abilities

Soloing Strategies for Different Class Types

Each class requires a different strategy when soloing. Here are some tips for each class:


- Use your animal pet to tank enemies- Use your shaman spells for added survivability


- Use your crowd control abilities to keep enemies at bay- Use your healing songs when necessary


- Use your nature-based spells to deal damage- Use your healing spells to keep yourself alive


- Charm enemies to fight on your side- Use your mez and stun abilities to control enemies


- Use your summoned pet to tank enemies- Use your spells to deal damage from afar


- Use your high damage output to take down enemies quickly- Use your feign death ability to escape dangerous situations


- Use your undead minions to tank enemies- Use your spells to drain the life force of enemies and heal yourself


- Use your tracking abilities to find enemies- Use your ranged attacks to deal damage from afar


- Use your backstab ability to deal high damage- Use your lockpicking and trap disarming abilities to access hidden areas

Shadow Knight

- Use your high survivability to take on multiple enemies at once- Use your life-draining abilities to heal yourself

Soloing in Everquest's Dungeons and Zones

Soloing in dungeons and zones requires a different approach than soloing in the open world. Here are some tips for soloing in dungeons and zones:- Be aware of your surroundings and watch out for patrols- Use crowd control abilities to keep enemies at bay- Pull enemies one at a time to avoid getting overwhelmed- Use line of sight to your advantage- Be prepared with potions and healing spells

How to Gear Up for Solo Play

Gearing up for solo play requires a different approach than gearing up for group play. Here are some tips for gearing up for solo play:- Focus on gear with high survivability stats, such as stamina and armor class- Look for gear with added damage output, such as weapons with high damage ratios- Consider using gear that boosts your solo abilities, such as items that increase your pet's strength or your crowd control abilities- Don't neglect your defensive stats, such as resistances and hitpoints

Tips and Tricks for Successful Soloing in Everquest 2016

Here are some additional tips and tricks for successful soloing in Everquest 2016:- Use your hotkeys to quickly switch between spells and abilities- Use macros to automate repetitive tasks, such as buffing or healing- Pay attention to your enemy's strengths and weaknesses, such as their resistances or vulnerabilities to certain types of damage- Don't be afraid to run away if you're in danger- Take breaks often to avoid burnout


Soloing in Everquest can be a rewarding experience, but choosing the right class and understanding their strengths and weaknesses is crucial for success. With the right strategies and gear, any class can be a great solo player in Everquest 2016. Remember to stay aware of your surroundings, use crowd control abilities, and have fun exploring the vast world of Everquest.

Everquest Best Solo Class 2016

In Everquest, choosing the best solo class can be a tough decision for players. With so many different classes to choose from, it can be overwhelming to pick the one that suits your playstyle and preferences the most. However, after extensive research and player opinions, we have come up with the best solo class for 2016.

Best Solo Class: Beastlord

The Beastlord class is a hybrid of the Monk and Shaman classes, making it a versatile and unique choice for solo play. It has access to both melee and magic abilities, allowing it to adapt to any situation. The Beastlord also has a pet that can tank for them, making soloing easier and more efficient.

Pros of playing a Beastlord:

  • Access to both melee and magic abilities
  • Pet that can tank for solo play
  • Versatile and unique playstyle
  • Can heal itself and others

Cons of playing a Beastlord:

  • Not as strong in group play compared to other classes
  • Requires some skill and strategy to play effectively
  • Not as popular as other classes

Comparison Table of Everquest Classes

Class Playstyle Pros Cons
Beastlord Hybrid of melee and magic Versatile, pet tank, can heal Not as strong in groups, requires skill
Bard Support and utility Can buff and CC, good for groups Not strong in solo play, requires micromanagement
Enchanter CC and support Can CC enemies, good for groups Not strong in solo play, requires micromanagement
Mage Summoner and nuker Strong pet, high damage output Not as versatile, pet management can be tedious
Necromancer Pet summoner and DoT caster Strong pets, high damage output Not as versatile, limited healing abilities
Ranger Hybrid of melee and ranged Good for solo and group play, tracking abilities Not as strong in DPS compared to other classes
Rogue Melee DPS and utility High damage output, stealth abilities Not as strong in group play compared to other classes

In conclusion, the Beastlord class is the best solo class for 2016 due to its versatility, pet tanking abilities, and unique playstyle. However, players should consider their own preferences and playstyle when choosing a class to play in Everquest. The comparison table above can serve as a guide to help players make an informed decision.

Closing Message: Best Solo Class in EverQuest 2016

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on the best solo class in EverQuest 2016. We hope that the information we provided was helpful and informative in your quest to find the perfect class for solo play.

As we mentioned in our article, there are several factors to consider when choosing a solo class in EverQuest. These include the class's abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and overall playstyle. It's important to choose a class that suits your playstyle and preferences, as this will make your experience much more enjoyable.

We also discussed some of the top solo classes in EverQuest 2016, including the Beastlord, Necromancer, and Shadowknight. Each of these classes has unique strengths and abilities that make them great choices for solo play. Whether you prefer a pet-based class or a more traditional melee or caster class, there is a solo class out there for you.

In addition to choosing the right solo class, it's important to understand how to play your class effectively. This includes understanding your abilities, managing your resources, and knowing when to use certain spells or skills. Practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to experiment and try new things as you play your solo class.

Another important factor to consider when playing EverQuest solo is gear. While gear isn't everything, having the right items can make a big difference in your ability to solo effectively. Make sure to keep an eye out for gear upgrades as you play, and don't be afraid to trade or buy items from other players if necessary.

One thing to keep in mind when playing EverQuest solo is that it can be a challenging experience. You'll likely encounter difficult enemies and obstacles that may require some trial and error to overcome. However, with patience, perseverance, and a bit of luck, you can succeed as a solo player in EverQuest.

Lastly, we want to emphasize that EverQuest is a social game at its core. While solo play can be fun and rewarding, it's important to also engage with other players and participate in group content. Joining a guild or finding like-minded players to group with can make the game much more enjoyable and provide opportunities for new experiences and challenges.

Once again, thank you for reading our article on the best solo class in EverQuest 2016. We hope that you found the information helpful and that you have a great time playing your chosen class. Remember to have fun, be patient, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Everquest Best Solo Class 2016

What is the best solo class in Everquest?

Everquest has a lot of classes to choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. However, if you're looking for the best solo class in 2016, then the answer would be the Beastlord.

  • The Beastlord has a wide range of abilities that allow them to solo effectively, including healing spells, damage-over-time spells, and powerful melee attacks.
  • Their Warder pet is also incredibly useful, providing additional damage and tanking capabilities.
  • Beastlords are a hybrid class, meaning they can fill multiple roles in a group, making them a versatile choice for players who like to switch things up.

What other classes are good for soloing in Everquest?

While the Beastlord is considered the best solo class in Everquest, there are other classes that can hold their own when it comes to soloing. Here are some other classes that are good for soloing:

  • Mage - Mages can summon powerful pets to help them fight, making them a great choice for soloing.
  • Necromancer - Necromancers have a wide range of damage-over-time spells and can also summon undead minions to help them fight.
  • Ranger - Rangers are a versatile class that can deal damage from range or up close. They also have some healing abilities to keep themselves alive.

Can any class solo in Everquest?

While some classes are better suited for soloing than others, any class can technically solo in Everquest. However, some classes will have an easier time than others, depending on their abilities and playstyle.

  • If you're determined to solo with a class that isn't typically known for soloing, then you'll need to be prepared to work harder and be more creative in your approach.
  • You may need to rely heavily on consumables like potions and scrolls to stay alive, or you may need to find ways to kite enemies and avoid taking too much damage.