Unbeatable Strategies: Discover the Best Squad Combinations in Into The Breach


The best squad for Into the Breach includes mechs with high mobility, damage output, and defensive capabilities. Choose wisely and save humanity!

Into the Breach, a turn-based strategy game developed by Subset Games, has become a favorite among gamers since its release in 2018. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is the ability to create your own squad of mechs to defend humanity from the vicious alien race known as the Vek. Each mech has unique abilities and skills that can be upgraded throughout the game. But which mechs make up the best squad? In this article, we'll explore some of the top mech combinations and strategies to help you dominate the Vek and save humanity.

The first mech that every player should consider for their squad is the Rift Walkers' Prime-class mech. This mech is a powerhouse with its ability to deal massive damage and push enemies around the map. Its default weapon, the Prime Cannon, can hit multiple targets in a straight line, making it perfect for taking out a group of Vek. Additionally, the Prime-class mech has the ability to repair itself, making it an incredibly durable machine on the battlefield.

Another must-have mech for any squad is the Flame Behemoth, which is part of the Rusting Hulks squad. This mech has the ability to set tiles on fire, dealing continuous damage to any enemy standing on them. Its Flame Thrower weapon can also hit multiple enemies in a cone, making it perfect for taking out groups of Vek. The Flame Behemoth's passive skill, Flame Shield, gives it even more durability, making it a great choice for holding down key positions on the map.

If you're looking for a support mech for your squad, the Science-class mech from the Zenith Guard squad is an excellent choice. This mech has the ability to heal other mechs and can even remove negative status effects like webbing or acid. Its secondary weapon, the Gravity Well, can also pull enemies towards it, making it easier for your other mechs to take them out. The Science-class mech is a great addition to any squad, especially if you're playing on harder difficulties where every point of damage matters.

One of the most unique mechs in the game is the Hazardous Mechs' Judo-class mech. This mech has the ability to grab Vek with its grappling hook and throw them across the map, dealing damage to any enemy they collide with. This makes it perfect for setting up combos with other mechs or for throwing enemies into hazards like water or lava. Additionally, the Judo-class mech can use its Chain Whip weapon to hit multiple enemies in a straight line, making it a versatile machine on the battlefield.

The Steel Judoka squad's Brute-class mech is another excellent choice for any squad. This mech has the ability to pull enemies towards it, making it easier to line up shots with your other mechs. Its secondary weapon, the Ramming Shield, can also deal damage to enemies while protecting the Brute-class mech from attacks. This mech is a great choice for players who like to get up close and personal with their enemies.

When it comes to squad composition, it's important to consider how your mechs will work together. Combining mechs with complementary abilities can make all the difference in your battles. For example, the Rift Walkers' Prime-class mech can push enemies into the Flame Behemoth's fire tiles, dealing even more damage. The Zenith Guard's Science-class mech can heal other mechs while the Hazardous Mechs' Judo-class mech sets up combos with its grappling hook. Experimenting with different combinations of mechs is key to finding the squad that works best for you.

In addition to choosing the right mechs for your squad, it's important to upgrade them as you progress through the game. Upgrading weapons and abilities can make your mechs even more powerful and versatile on the battlefield. It's also important to consider which pilots you assign to each mech. Pilots have unique skills and abilities that can further enhance your mechs' performance.

When playing Into the Breach, it's important to remember that every decision you make can have consequences. Each battle is a puzzle that you must solve with the tools at your disposal. Whether you're playing on easy or hard difficulty, every victory feels like a hard-earned achievement. With the right squad composition and strategy, you can overcome any challenge and save humanity from the Vek.

In conclusion, there are many mechs to choose from in Into the Breach, each with their own unique abilities and skills. Building the right squad for your playstyle is key to success in the game. Whether you prefer to focus on damage dealing or support roles, there are mechs to suit every player. Experiment with different combinations of mechs and upgrade them as you progress through the game. With the right strategy and a little bit of luck, you can emerge victorious against the Vek and save humanity from the brink of extinction.


Into the Breach is a turn-based strategy game that requires players to carefully plan out their moves in order to survive. One of the most important factors in this game is choosing the right squad to take into battle. In this article, we will be discussing the best squad in Into the Breach and why it is so effective.

The Best Squad

After playing through the game multiple times and experimenting with various squads, we have determined that the best squad consists of the following mechs: - Rift Walkers- Flame Behemoths- Steel JudokaEach of these mechs brings something unique to the table and when used together, they create an unstoppable force.

Rift Walkers

The Rift Walkers are the starting squad in Into the Breach and they are an excellent choice for any player. They have a good balance of offense and defense and each mech can be upgraded to become even more powerful. The Prime Mech, which is the leader of the squad, has a powerful melee attack that can deal massive damage to enemies. The Ranged Mech can attack from a distance and has the ability to push enemies back. Finally, the Artillery Mech can deal damage to multiple enemies at once.

Flame Behemoths

The Flame Behemoths are a great addition to any squad because of their ability to set enemies on fire. This not only deals damage over time but it also prevents enemies from attacking for a turn. The Prime Mech has a flamethrower that can hit multiple enemies in a straight line while the Ranged Mech can shoot fireballs that set the ground on fire. The Science Mech can heal friendly units and also has the ability to create smoke which can block enemy attacks.

Steel Judoka

The Steel Judoka are a unique squad because they have the ability to move enemies around the battlefield. This can be incredibly useful for positioning enemies in a way that allows you to take them out more easily. The Prime Mech can grab an enemy and throw it, dealing damage to both the enemy and any adjacent enemies. The Ranged Mech can shoot a grappling hook that pulls enemies towards it. Finally, the Science Mech can create a shield that absorbs enemy attacks.

Why This Squad Works

The reason why this squad is so effective is that each mech complements the others. The Rift Walkers provide a good balance of offense and defense while the Flame Behemoths add an element of crowd control. The Steel Judoka allow you to move enemies around the battlefield, making it easier to take them out.Additionally, each mech can be upgraded to become even more powerful. This means that as you progress through the game, your squad will become stronger and more capable of handling tougher enemies.

Tips for Using This Squad

While this squad is incredibly effective, there are a few tips that can help you get the most out of it:- Use the Rift Walkers to take out weaker enemies while the Flame Behemoths focus on crowd control and the Steel Judoka move enemies around.- Upgrade your mechs as soon as possible to make them more powerful.- Be careful not to accidentally damage your own units with attacks.- Use the Science Mech's healing ability to keep your units alive.- Always be aware of your surroundings and position your mechs accordingly.


In conclusion, the best squad in Into the Breach consists of the Rift Walkers, Flame Behemoths, and Steel Judoka. Each mech brings something unique to the table and when used together, they create an unstoppable force. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can get the most out of this squad and defeat even the toughest enemies.

The Importance of a Balanced Team in Into the Breach

Into the Breach, a turn-based strategy game developed by Subset Games, is all about piloting giant mechs to defend humanity from invading alien forces. As the player, you get to choose a squad of three mechs from a pool of different classes, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. However, simply picking three random mechs and sending them off to battle is not enough to win the game. To succeed in Into the Breach, you need to build a well-balanced team that can handle any situation thrown at them.

Building a Squad with Complementary Skills

The first step to creating a successful squad in Into the Breach is to understand each mech's strengths and weaknesses. Each class has its own set of abilities and weapons, and some are better suited for certain situations than others. For example, the Rift Walkers, the starting squad, consists of a melee brawler, a ranged artillery unit, and a support mech that can repair damage and push enemies around. This combination allows for a mix of close-range and long-range attacks, as well as support abilities to help protect your mechs.When building a squad, it's important to think about how each mech's skills can complement each other. For instance, pairing a melee unit with a ranged unit can create a deadly combo that can take out enemies from multiple angles. Similarly, having a support unit on your team can provide much-needed healing and crowd control abilities that can help turn the tide of battle.

The Benefits of Ranged and Melee Units

Both ranged and melee units have their own advantages and disadvantages in Into the Breach. Ranged units can attack from a distance, allowing them to stay out of harm's way and pick off enemies from afar. This is especially useful against enemies with powerful melee attacks, as it allows you to damage them without putting your own mechs in danger.On the other hand, melee units have higher movement and can get up close and personal with enemies. This is useful for taking out enemies that are too far away for ranged attacks or for blocking off chokepoints to prevent enemy movement. Melee units also tend to have higher health and armor, making them more durable in close combat.

The Role of Support Units in a Successful Squad

Support units are an essential part of any successful squad in Into the Breach. These mechs specialize in providing healing, repairing damage, and manipulating the battlefield to your advantage. For example, the Science class can deploy smoke screens that obscure enemy vision, while the Repair class can heal other mechs and structures.Having support units on your team allows you to sustain damage for longer and gives you more options when it comes to controlling enemy movement. It's important to keep these mechs safe, as they are often vulnerable to enemy attacks and can be easy targets if left unprotected.

The Advantages of High Mobility Units

High mobility units, such as the Jet Mech or the Charge Mech, are incredibly useful in Into the Breach due to their ability to move quickly across the battlefield. These mechs can cover large distances in a single turn, allowing them to reach objectives faster or get into position for an attack.Mobility units are also useful for taking advantage of environmental hazards, such as water or lava. By moving quickly across these hazards, you can avoid taking damage and use them to your advantage by pushing enemies into them or blocking off enemy movement.

Creating a Strong Defensive Lineup

While offense is important in Into the Breach, having a strong defense is just as crucial. Defensive units, such as the Shield Mech or the Ice Mech, specialize in protecting your team from enemy attacks and creating barriers that enemies cannot cross.Having a defensive lineup can help you weather incoming attacks and protect your support units from harm. It's important to think about positioning when using defensive mechs, as they are often stationary and can only protect a limited area.

Using Environmental Hazards to Your Advantage

One of the unique features of Into the Breach is the use of environmental hazards to damage or obstruct enemy movement. Water, for example, can be used to extinguish fires or drown enemies, while lava can cause damage over time and push enemies away.By using environmental hazards to your advantage, you can create new strategies and take out enemies that might otherwise be difficult to defeat. For example, pushing an enemy into water can cause them to drown, while using lava to block off an enemy's path can prevent them from reaching objectives.

The Impact of Weapon Upgrades on Your Squad

In Into the Breach, you can upgrade your mechs' weapons and abilities by spending reputation points earned during missions. These upgrades can make a huge difference in how your squad performs in battle, allowing you to deal more damage, control the battlefield more effectively, or sustain damage for longer.When choosing which upgrades to purchase, it's important to think about how they will complement your current squad. For example, upgrading a melee mech's damage output can make them even more deadly in close combat, while upgrading a support mech's repair ability can help keep your team alive for longer.

How to Handle Tough Boss Fights with Your Squad

Boss fights in Into the Breach can be some of the most challenging encounters in the game. These battles often require careful planning and precise execution to come out on top.When facing a tough boss, it's important to think about how your squad's abilities can be used to counter their attacks and deal damage. For example, using a melee unit to block off the boss's movement can prevent them from reaching objectives, while using a ranged unit to pick off weaker enemies can help reduce the boss's overall strength.

The Importance of Adaptability and Flexibility in Your Squad Strategy

Finally, it's important to remember that no two missions in Into the Breach are the same. Each mission presents its own unique challenges and obstacles, and it's up to you to adapt your squad strategy to meet them.Flexibility is key when it comes to building a successful squad in Into the Breach. Being able to switch up your tactics on the fly and adjust your approach based on the situation at hand can be the difference between victory and defeat.In conclusion, building a well-balanced team in Into the Breach requires careful consideration of each mech's strengths and weaknesses, as well as an understanding of how they can complement each other. By taking advantage of environmental hazards, using support units effectively, and upgrading your mechs' weapons and abilities, you can create a squad that can handle any challenge thrown at them. With adaptability and flexibility, you can come out on top and save humanity from the invading alien forces.

Into the Breach Best Squad: A Point of View


Into the Breach is a turn-based strategy game with a unique approach to gameplay. Players must control a squad of mechs to defend cities from invading alien creatures. The game offers different squads, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will discuss the best squad in Into the Breach and its pros and cons.

The Best Squad in Into the Breach

The best squad in Into the Breach is considered to be the Rusting Hulks. This squad comprises three mechs: the Jet Mech, the Rocket Mech, and the Pulse Mech. Each mech has its own unique abilities that complement the others, making them an effective team. Here are the pros and cons of the Rusting Hulks:


  1. The Jet Mech can fly over obstacles and land anywhere on the map, allowing it to reach enemies that other mechs cannot.
  2. The Rocket Mech can deal massive area damage, making it perfect for clearing out multiple enemies in one shot.
  3. The Pulse Mech can push enemies away and damage them, making it useful for controlling the battlefield and protecting buildings.
  4. Their abilities complement each other, making them a well-rounded team.


  1. The Rusting Hulks lack direct damage, making it difficult to take down tough enemies quickly.
  2. Their mechs have low health compared to other squads, making them vulnerable to enemy attacks.
  3. Their abilities require careful positioning and planning, which can be challenging for new players.

Comparison with Other Squads

To better understand the strengths of the Rusting Hulks, here is a table comparing them to other squads in Into the Breach:
Squad Strengths Weaknesses
Rusting Hulks Well-rounded abilities, high mobility Low health, lack of direct damage
Blitzkrieg High damage output, good mobility Low health, limited range
Flame Behemoths Area damage, ability to set enemies on fire Low mobility, limited range
Steel Judoka Ability to move enemies, high health Low damage output, limited range


In conclusion, the Rusting Hulks are considered the best squad in Into the Breach due to their well-rounded abilities and high mobility. However, they do have their weaknesses, such as low health and lack of direct damage. When playing the game, it's important to consider your playstyle and choose a squad that complements it.

The Best Squad to Lead You into the Breach

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the best squad to lead you into the breach. Hopefully, you have found some useful tips and information that will help you in your next run through the game. Into the Breach is a challenging tactical game that requires careful planning and execution, and having the right squad can make all the difference.

If you're new to the game or struggling to make progress, it's important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each squad and how they can work together to overcome the enemy. In this article, we've highlighted some of the best squads in the game and provided some tips on how to use them effectively.

The Rift Walkers are the default squad that you start with in Into the Breach, and they are a great option for beginners. With a mix of ranged and melee attacks, they are versatile and can adapt to different situations. However, they lack some of the specialized abilities of other squads, so they may struggle against certain enemies.

The Flame Behemoths are another popular squad that relies on fire-based attacks to deal damage. They can be devastating against groups of enemies, but their attacks can also damage buildings and allies, so you need to be careful when using them. Their abilities also require careful positioning, as they can easily block each other's attacks.

The Frozen Titans are a defensive squad that excels at protecting buildings and allies. They have powerful shields and can freeze enemies in place, making them easy targets for other units. However, they lack offensive capabilities, so you'll need to pair them with other squads to deal damage.

The Steel Judoka are a unique squad that uses grappling hooks to move enemies around the battlefield. They can be tricky to use at first, but once you get the hang of them, they can be incredibly effective at disrupting enemy formations and setting up kills. They also have a lot of health and armor, making them durable in combat.

The Hazardous Mechs are a high-risk, high-reward squad that can deal massive damage to enemies. However, their attacks can also damage allies and buildings, so you need to be careful when using them. They also have limited mobility, so you'll need to plan your moves carefully to avoid getting surrounded.

The Zenith Guard are a defensive squad that excels at protecting buildings and allies. They have powerful shields and can push enemies away, making them easy targets for other units. They also have a lot of health and armor, making them durable in combat. However, they lack offensive capabilities, so you'll need to pair them with other squads to deal damage.

The Blitzkrieg is a highly mobile squad that relies on hit-and-run tactics to take out enemies. They have powerful melee attacks and can move quickly around the battlefield, but they are also vulnerable to counterattacks. You'll need to be careful with your positioning and use their mobility to your advantage.

The Rusting Hulks are a versatile squad that can deal damage from range and protect buildings and allies. They have powerful artillery and smoke bombs that can obscure enemy vision, making them easy targets for other units. They also have good mobility, allowing them to reposition quickly on the battlefield.

The Secret Squad is a hidden squad that can only be unlocked by completing certain achievements. They are a powerful squad that can deal massive damage to enemies, but they also have some unique limitations and requirements. We won't spoil the surprise of unlocking them here, but suffice it to say that they are well worth the effort.

Ultimately, the best squad to lead you into the breach will depend on your playstyle and preferences. Each squad has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it's up to you to find the one that suits you best. We hope this article has given you some ideas and inspiration for your next run through the game.

Remember, the key to success in Into the Breach is careful planning and execution. Take your time to analyze the battlefield and plan your moves carefully. Don't be afraid to experiment with different squads and strategies until you find the one that works best for you. With practice and perseverance, you'll be able to lead your squad to victory and save humanity from the Vek threat.

Good luck, and happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Into the Breach Best Squad

What is Into the Breach?

Into the Breach is a turn-based strategy video game developed by Subset Games. It was released in February 2018 and has received critical acclaim for its gameplay, graphics, and music.

What are squads in Into the Breach?

Squads are groups of three mechs that players control in the game. Each squad has its own unique abilities and strengths that players can utilize to defeat the enemy.

What is the best squad in Into the Breach?

The best squad in Into the Breach is subjective and depends on a player's playstyle and preferences. However, here are some popular squads:

  1. The Rusting Hulks

    • Consists of three flying mechs that specialize in area-of-effect attacks.
    • Great for destroying multiple enemies at once.
  2. The Blitzkrieg

    • Consists of two melee mechs and one long-range mech.
    • Great for quickly moving across the battlefield and dealing high damage.
  3. The Steel Judoka

    • Consists of two melee mechs and one grappling mech.
    • Great for manipulating enemy positioning and dealing high damage.

How do I unlock new squads in Into the Breach?

New squads can be unlocked by completing specific achievements in the game or by purchasing them with in-game currency.

Can I customize my squads in Into the Breach?

No, players cannot customize their squads in Into the Breach. However, each squad has its own unique abilities and strengths that players can utilize to defeat the enemy.