Top Hearthstone Decks to Dominate in July 2017 - Find Your Winning Strategy Now!


Discover the best Hearthstone decks for July 2017 and climb the ladder with ease. Check out our expert picks and dominate the competition!

Hearthstone is a game that has captured the attention of millions of players around the world. With its unique blend of strategy, luck, and skill, Hearthstone offers players an unparalleled gaming experience. One of the key elements of Hearthstone is the deck building aspect. Building a great deck is essential to success in the game, and with new cards being added regularly, there are always new possibilities for deck building. In this article, we will be discussing the best Hearthstone decks for July 2017.

One of the most popular decks in the current meta is the Pirate Warrior deck. This aggressive deck relies heavily on minions with Charge and weapons to quickly deal damage to your opponent's hero. The deck is particularly effective against slower decks that have a harder time dealing with early aggression. With cards like Patches the Pirate and Southsea Captain, the Pirate Warrior deck is a force to be reckoned with.

If you prefer a more control-oriented playstyle, the Dragon Priest deck may be more your speed. This deck focuses on controlling the board with powerful minions like Twilight Guardian and Drakonid Operative. The deck also has access to powerful spells like Shadow Word: Death and Dragonfire Potion. With the right combination of minions and spells, the Dragon Priest deck can easily outlast your opponent and secure a victory.

The Midrange Hunter deck is another popular choice for many players. This deck focuses on controlling the board with powerful beasts like Savannah Highmane and Kill Command. The deck also has access to a number of useful spells like Tracking and Eaglehorn Bow. With the right combination of minions and spells, the Midrange Hunter deck can quickly overwhelm your opponent and secure a win.

If you're looking for a more offbeat deck, the Murloc Paladin deck may be just what you're looking for. This deck relies on the synergy between various Murloc minions to quickly flood the board with powerful creatures. The deck also has access to powerful spells like Equality and Consecration. With the right combination of Murlocs and spells, the Murloc Paladin deck can quickly overwhelm your opponent and secure a win.

The Jade Druid deck is another popular choice for many players. This deck focuses on controlling the board with powerful Jade Golem minions. The deck also has access to a number of useful spells like Innervate and Swipe. With the right combination of minions and spells, the Jade Druid deck can easily outlast your opponent and secure a victory.

Another popular deck in the current meta is the Miracle Rogue deck. This deck relies heavily on spells like Backstab and Eviscerate to control the board and deal damage to your opponent's hero. The deck also has access to powerful minions like Leeroy Jenkins and Gadgetzan Auctioneer. With the right combination of spells and minions, the Miracle Rogue deck can quickly overwhelm your opponent and secure a win.

The Taunt Warrior deck is another popular choice for many players. This deck relies on minions with Taunt to control the board and protect your hero. The deck also has access to powerful weapons like Fiery War Axe and Gorehowl. With the right combination of minions and weapons, the Taunt Warrior deck can easily outlast your opponent and secure a victory.

If you prefer a more spell-oriented playstyle, the Freeze Mage deck may be more your speed. This deck focuses on controlling the board with powerful spells like Frost Nova and Blizzard. The deck also has access to a number of useful minions like Alexstrasza and Pyroblast. With the right combination of spells and minions, the Freeze Mage deck can quickly overwhelm your opponent and secure a win.

The Aggro Shaman deck is another popular choice for many players. This deck relies heavily on minions with Charge and powerful spells like Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst to quickly deal damage to your opponent's hero. With cards like Flametongue Totem and Bloodlust, the Aggro Shaman deck is a force to be reckoned with.

Finally, the Control Paladin deck is another popular choice for many players. This deck focuses on controlling the board with powerful minions like Tirion Fordring and Ragnaros, Lightlord. The deck also has access to powerful spells like Equality and Aldor Peacekeeper. With the right combination of minions and spells, the Control Paladin deck can easily outlast your opponent and secure a victory.

In conclusion, there are many different Hearthstone decks that you can use to find success in the game. Whether you prefer an aggressive playstyle or a more control-oriented approach, there is a deck out there that will suit your needs. By experimenting with different decks, you can find the one that works best for you and dominate the Hearthstone ladder.

The Best Hearthstone Decks for July 2017


If you're a fan of Hearthstone, you know that the meta game is constantly evolving. Every few months, new cards are released, old cards are shuffled out of play, and players have to adjust their strategies accordingly. As we move into July 2017, several decks have emerged as dominant forces in the game. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the best Hearthstone decks for July 2017.

Aggro Druid

Aggro Druid is a fast-paced deck that relies on cheap minions and spells to rush down opponents before they have a chance to set up their own board. The key to success with Aggro Druid is to maintain constant pressure, using cards like Living Roots, Mark of the Lotus, and Power of the Wild to buff your minions and keep them alive. The deck also includes several strong finishers, such as Savage Roar and Bloodlust, that can quickly end games if your opponent isn't prepared.

Midrange Paladin

Midrange Paladin is a versatile deck that can adapt to a wide variety of situations. This deck features a mix of minion-heavy and spell-heavy cards, allowing you to play aggressively or defensively depending on the circumstances. Key cards include Truesilver Champion, Consecration, and Sunkeeper Tarim, which can be used to control the board and clear the way for your minions to do damage. Midrange Paladin is an excellent choice for players who enjoy a flexible playstyle.

Miracle Rogue

Miracle Rogue is a combo-oriented deck that focuses on drawing through your deck as quickly as possible to assemble devastating combinations of cards. The key to success with Miracle Rogue is to cycle through your cards efficiently, using cards like Gadgetzan Auctioneer and Preparation to draw additional cards and reduce the cost of your spells. The deck also includes several powerful finishers, such as Leeroy Jenkins and Cold Blood, that can deal massive amounts of damage in a single turn.

Razakus Priest

Razakus Priest is a control-oriented deck that relies on a combination of powerful spells and minion effects to outlast opponents. The key to success with Razakus Priest is to maintain control of the board early on, using cards like Shadow Word: Pain and Shadow Word: Death to remove enemy minions. As the game progresses, you'll want to focus on drawing through your deck to assemble powerful combos, such as Raza the Chained and Shadowreaper Anduin. Razakus Priest is an excellent choice for players who enjoy a more strategic playstyle.

Token Shaman

Token Shaman is a deck that focuses on flooding the board with cheap minions and using powerful buffs to overwhelm opponents. The key to success with Token Shaman is to maintain constant pressure, using cards like Flametongue Totem and Bloodlust to boost your minions' attack power. The deck also includes several strong removal options, such as Maelstrom Portal and Lightning Storm, that can help you regain control of the board if things start to go south.


These are just a few of the best Hearthstone decks for July 2017. Of course, there are many other viable options out there, and the meta game is constantly shifting. If you're looking to stay ahead of the competition, it's important to keep up with the latest trends and strategies. Whether you prefer aggressive or defensive playstyles, there's sure to be a deck out there that's perfect for you. So get out there, experiment with different builds, and see what works best for your playstyle!
Hearthstone is a collectible card game that has been popular among gamers since its release in 2014. The game features different classes, each with their own unique playstyle and set of cards. As the meta constantly shifts, players have to adapt and come up with new strategies to remain competitive. In this article, we will explore the best Hearthstone decks for July 2017.1. The best aggro decks for climbing the ladderAggro decks are known for their fast-paced gameplay and ability to overwhelm opponents quickly. They are great for climbing the ladder as they can win games in just a few turns. One of the best aggro decks in the current meta is the Pirate Warrior deck. This deck utilizes cheap pirates and weapons to deal massive damage early on in the game. With cards like N'Zoth's First Mate and Patches the Pirate, players can easily flood the board and deal damage to their opponent's face.Another strong aggro deck is the Aggro Druid deck. This deck focuses on playing cheap minions and buffing them up with spells like Mark of the Lotus and Power of the Wild. With cards like Living Mana, players can quickly refill their board and continue to apply pressure to their opponent.2. Strong control decks for countering the metaControl decks are known for their ability to shut down opponents and gain board control. They are great for countering the current meta as they can deal with a wide variety of threats. One of the best control decks in the current meta is the Jade Druid deck. This deck utilizes the Jade Golem mechanic to create powerful minions that get stronger over time. With cards like Ultimate Infestation and Spreading Plague, players can gain card advantage and prevent their opponent from building a strong board.Another strong control deck is the Control Warlock deck. This deck focuses on using removal spells like Hellfire and Shadow Bolt to deal with threats, while slowly building up a strong board presence. With cards like Bloodreaver Gul'dan and N'Zoth, players can bring back powerful demons and deathrattle minions to continue applying pressure.3. Midrange decks that can adapt to different matchupsMidrange decks are known for their versatility and ability to adapt to different matchups. They have a mix of early game aggression and late game value, making them a great choice for players who want to be prepared for anything. One of the best midrange decks in the current meta is the Midrange Paladin deck. This deck utilizes powerful minions like Tirion Fordring and Sunkeeper Tarim to control the board and apply pressure to the opponent. With cards like Spikeridged Steed and Bonemare, players can buff up their minions and create powerful threats.Another strong midrange deck is the Midrange Hunter deck. This deck focuses on playing efficient minions and using spells like Kill Command and Animal Companion to deal damage to the opponent's face. With cards like Savannah Highmane and Houndmaster, players can create powerful minions that are difficult for opponents to deal with.4. Top decks for tournament playTournament play requires a different approach than ladder play, as players have to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each deck in the current meta. One of the top decks for tournament play is the Tempo Rogue deck. This deck utilizes cheap minions and spells like Backstab and Eviscerate to gain board control and deal damage to the opponent. With cards like Edwin VanCleef and Prince Keleseth, players can create powerful threats that can win games on their own.Another top deck for tournament play is the Highlander Priest deck. This deck focuses on using removal spells like Shadow Word: Death and Dragonfire Potion to deal with threats, while also healing and gaining card advantage with cards like Raza the Chained and Kazakus.5. Budget decks that are still competitiveNot everyone has the resources to craft expensive cards, but that doesn't mean they can't be competitive. One of the best budget decks in the current meta is the Aggro Token Druid deck. This deck utilizes cheap minions and spells like Living Roots and Mark of Y'Shaarj to quickly flood the board and deal damage to the opponent's face. With cards like Savage Roar and Power of the Wild, players can buff up their minions and create powerful threats.Another strong budget deck is the Midrange Hunter deck. This deck focuses on playing efficient minions and using spells like Kill Command and Animal Companion to deal damage to the opponent's face. With cards like Houndmaster and Tundra Rhino, players can create powerful minions that are difficult for opponents to deal with.6. Fun and unique decks to try outSometimes, it's fun to try out decks that are a bit off-meta or have a unique playstyle. One fun and unique deck to try out is the Quest Mage deck. This deck focuses on completing the Open the Waygate quest and using spells like Molten Reflection and Archmage Antonidas to create an infinite fireball combo that can deal massive damage to the opponent.Another fun and unique deck is the Big Priest deck. This deck utilizes powerful minions like Obsidian Statue and Ysera to control the board and apply pressure to the opponent. With cards like Barnes and Shadow Essence, players can cheat out these powerful minions and win games in just a few turns.7. Decks that utilize the new cards from the latest expansionThe latest expansion, Knights of the Frozen Throne, introduced a wide variety of new cards that have shaken up the meta. One of the best decks that utilizes these new cards is the Deathrattle Hunter deck. This deck focuses on using deathrattle minions like Kindly Grandmother and Savannah Highmane to create powerful board presence. With cards like Play Dead and Terrorscale Stalker, players can trigger these deathrattle effects multiple times and create even more powerful minions.Another strong deck that utilizes the new cards is the Control Warlock deck. This deck focuses on using spells like Defile and Drain Soul to deal with threats, while also utilizing the Lifesteal mechanic to gain health. With cards like Bloodreaver Gul'dan and Despicable Dreadlord, players can create a strong board presence and apply pressure to the opponent.8. Wild decks that can surprise opponentsWild format allows players to use cards from any expansion, and as a result, there are some decks that can surprise opponents. One of the best wild decks is the Reno Priest deck. This deck utilizes the Highlander mechanic and cards like Raza the Chained and Kazakus to gain card advantage and heal up. With cards like Entomb and Lightbomb, players can deal with threats and control the board.Another strong wild deck is the Secret Paladin deck. This deck focuses on using secrets like Noble Sacrifice and Avenge to protect minions and buff them up. With cards like Mysterious Challenger and Dr. Boom, players can create a powerful board presence and overwhelm opponents.9. Decks that focus on a specific class or archetypeSometimes, it's fun to focus on a specific class or archetype and create a deck that revolves around it. One example is the Dragon Priest deck. This deck focuses on using dragon minions like Twilight Drake and Book Wyrm to control the board and apply pressure to the opponent. With cards like Drakonid Operative and Netherspite Historian, players can discover even more dragon minions and create a powerful board presence.Another example is the Exodia Mage deck. This deck focuses on completing the Molten Reflection quest and using spells like Cabalist's Tome and Primordial Glyph to create an infinite fireball combo that can deal massive damage to the opponent.10. Decks that are favored in specific matchups or against certain classesSometimes, it's important to have a deck that is favored in specific matchups or against certain classes. One example is the Patron Warrior deck. This deck focuses on using Grim Patron and Whirlwind effects to create multiple copies of the patron and overwhelm opponents. This deck is favored against decks that rely on small minions and can't deal with a wide board.Another example is the Freeze Mage deck. This deck focuses on using spells like Frost Nova and Blizzard to freeze opponents' minions and prevent them from attacking. With cards like Ice Block and Alexstrasza, players can set up a lethal combo that can deal massive damage to the opponent's face. This deck is favored against decks that rely on minions and can't deal with the freeze mechanic.In conclusion, there are a wide variety of decks available in Hearthstone, each with their own unique playstyle and strengths. Whether you prefer aggro, control, or midrange decks, there is a deck out there for you. Don't be afraid to try out new and unique decks, as they can often surprise opponents and lead to victories. Keep in mind the current meta and consider the strengths and weaknesses of each deck when choosing your next ladder or tournament deck.

Best Hearthstone Decks July 2017


Hearthstone is a popular online card game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. It has a huge following and attracts millions of players around the globe. The game has many decks, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will discuss the best Hearthstone decks for July 2017.

Best Hearthstone Decks for July 2017

1. Pirate Warrior

2. Midrange Hunter

3. Miracle Rogue

4. Aggro Shaman

5. Control Paladin

1. Pirate Warrior

The Pirate Warrior deck is one of the most aggressive decks in Hearthstone. It relies on playing cheap pirate cards and weapons to quickly deal damage to the opponent's hero. The deck has a high win rate in the current meta, but it can struggle against decks with a lot of taunt minions.


  • Very fast and aggressive
  • Can finish games quickly
  • Good against slower decks


  • Struggles against decks with a lot of taunt minions
  • Can run out of steam quickly
  • Relies heavily on early game draws

2. Midrange Hunter

The Midrange Hunter deck is a balanced deck that focuses on playing minions with strong abilities. The deck has a lot of powerful beasts that can be used to control the board and deal damage to the opponent's hero. The deck has a good win rate against many decks, but it can struggle against decks with a lot of removal spells.


  • Has a lot of powerful beasts
  • Can control the board well
  • Good against many decks in the current meta


  • Can struggle against decks with a lot of removal spells
  • Relies heavily on strong draws
  • Can be slow to start

3. Miracle Rogue

The Miracle Rogue deck is a combo deck that focuses on playing cheap spells and minions to draw through the deck quickly. The deck then uses cards like Edwin VanCleef and Questing Adventurer to create huge minions that can quickly kill the opponent's hero. The deck is very powerful, but it can be difficult to play correctly.


  • Very powerful when played correctly
  • Can quickly create huge minions
  • Can deal a lot of damage in one turn


  • Difficult to play correctly
  • Can struggle against decks with a lot of taunt minions
  • Relies heavily on specific card draws

4. Aggro Shaman

The Aggro Shaman deck is another aggressive deck that focuses on playing cheap minions and spells to quickly deal damage to the opponent's hero. The deck has a lot of powerful overload cards that can be used to quickly control the board. The deck has a good win rate in the current meta, but it can struggle against decks with a lot of healing.


  • Very fast and aggressive
  • Has a lot of powerful overload cards
  • Good against slower decks


  • Can struggle against decks with a lot of healing
  • Relies heavily on early game draws
  • Can run out of steam quickly

5. Control Paladin

The Control Paladin deck is a slow, defensive deck that focuses on playing strong minions and spells to control the board. The deck has a lot of healing and taunt minions that can make it difficult for the opponent to deal damage. The deck has a good win rate against many decks, but it can struggle against very aggressive decks.


  • Very strong defensively
  • Has a lot of healing and taunt minions
  • Good against many decks in the current meta


  • Can struggle against very aggressive decks
  • Relies heavily on late game draws
  • Can be slow to start

Table Comparison

Deck Name Pros Cons
Pirate Warrior Very fast and aggressive, can finish games quickly, good against slower decks Struggles against decks with a lot of taunt minions, can run out of steam quickly, relies heavily on early game draws
Midrange Hunter Has a lot of powerful beasts, can control the board well, good against many decks in the current meta Can struggle against decks with a lot of removal spells, relies heavily on strong draws, can be slow to start
Miracle Rogue Very powerful when played correctly, can quickly create huge minions, can deal a lot of damage in one turn Difficult to play correctly, can struggle against decks with a lot of taunt minions, relies heavily on specific card draws
Aggro Shaman Very fast and aggressive, has a lot of powerful overload cards, good against slower decks Can struggle against decks with a lot of healing, relies heavily on early game draws, can run out of steam quickly
Control Paladin Very strong defensively, has a lot of healing and taunt minions, good against many decks in the current meta Can struggle against very aggressive decks, relies heavily on late game draws, can be slow to start


In conclusion, the best Hearthstone decks for July 2017 are Pirate Warrior, Midrange Hunter, Miracle Rogue, Aggro Shaman, and Control Paladin. Each deck has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to choose a deck that suits your play style and the current meta. With a little practice, any of these decks can help you climb the Hearthstone ladder and become a better player.

Best Hearthstone Decks July 2017: A Comprehensive Guide

Dear valued readers,

If you're an avid Hearthstone player, then you know how crucial it is to have a strong and versatile deck. With new expansions and updates constantly being added to the game, it can be challenging to stay on top of the latest trends in the meta. However, fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will be covering the best Hearthstone decks for July 2017.

First up, we have the ever-popular Pirate Warrior deck. This aggressive deck has been a staple in the meta for quite some time now, and for good reason. The combination of cheap pirates and weapons allows for quick and devastating damage output. In addition, the recent addition of the card Southsea Captain has made this deck even stronger, as it provides a buff to all other pirates in your deck.

Next, we have the Jade Druid deck. This deck has seen a resurgence in popularity recently, thanks in part to the addition of the card Ultimate Infestation. This card allows you to draw five cards, gain five armor, deal five damage to an enemy, and summon a 5/5 jade golem. The versatility of this card alone makes the Jade Druid deck a force to be reckoned with.

If you're looking for a more control-oriented deck, then the Highlander Priest deck may be the one for you. This deck utilizes a variety of spells and powerful minions to control the board and outlast opponents. The inclusion of the legendary card Raza the Chained allows for the use of your hero power multiple times per turn, making this deck especially effective against aggro decks.

Another powerful deck to consider is the Midrange Paladin deck. This deck focuses on utilizing a variety of minions with strong effects to control the board and put pressure on the opponent. The addition of the legendary card Sunkeeper Tarim has made this deck even stronger, as it allows you to buff your weaker minions and weaken your opponent's stronger ones.

If you're looking for a more off-meta deck, then the Miracle Rogue deck may be right up your alley. This deck focuses on utilizing cheap spells and combos to draw through your deck quickly and deal massive amounts of damage in a single turn. The inclusion of the legendary card Sherazin, Corpse Flower has made this deck even more versatile, as it allows for strong board presence and repeated use of powerful spells.

For those who prefer a more aggressive playstyle, the Aggro Druid deck may be a good fit. This deck utilizes a variety of low-cost minions and spells to quickly take control of the board and deal heavy damage to the opponent. The inclusion of the card Living Mana has made this deck even more potent, as it allows for the summoning of a large number of minions at once.

Another off-meta deck to consider is the Control Mage deck. This deck focuses on utilizing a variety of spells to control the board and outlast opponents. The recent addition of the legendary card Frost Lich Jaina has made this deck even stronger, as it allows for the continual summoning of powerful Water Elemental minions.

If you're looking for a more unique deck to try out, then the Quest Warrior deck may be worth considering. This deck utilizes the Fire Plume's Heart quest to summon a powerful minion that deals massive amounts of damage to all enemy minions. In addition, the deck features a variety of taunt minions to control the board and stall for time.

Lastly, we have the Murloc Paladin deck. This deck utilizes a variety of murloc minions and buffs to quickly take control of the board and pummel your opponent with damage. The inclusion of the legendary card Finja, the Flying Star has made this deck even stronger, as it allows for the summoning of additional murlocs and the possibility of drawing powerful cards from your deck.

In conclusion, there are a variety of strong and versatile Hearthstone decks to choose from in July 2017. Whether you prefer an aggressive playstyle or a more control-oriented approach, there is sure to be a deck that suits your preferences. We hope that this guide has been helpful in your quest to dominate the meta and emerge victorious in ranked play. Happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Best Hearthstone Decks July 2017

What are the best decks in Hearthstone?

The best decks in Hearthstone are those that can consistently win games and climb the ranks. Some of the most popular decks in July 2017 included:

  1. Midrange Paladin
  2. Ramp Druid
  3. Dragon Priest
  4. Miracle Rogue
  5. Aggro Shaman

What makes a good Hearthstone deck?

A good Hearthstone deck should have a clear win condition, be able to handle a variety of different matchups, and have a consistent playstyle. It should also be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the meta and incorporate new cards as they are released.

What is the current Hearthstone meta?

The current Hearthstone meta in July 2017 is dominated by aggressive decks such as Pirate Warrior and Aggro Druid. However, there are also a number of midrange and control decks that are viable, including Midrange Paladin, Dragon Priest, and Control Mage.

How do I build a successful Hearthstone deck?

To build a successful Hearthstone deck, you should start by identifying your win condition and choosing cards that support it. You should also consider the current meta and choose cards that are strong against the most popular decks. Finally, you should test your deck extensively and make adjustments based on its performance.