Top Arena Classes in Old Gods: Which Classes Reign Supreme in the Arena?


Looking for the best arena class in Hearthstone's Old Gods expansion? Check out our guide to dominate your opponents with the top tier class!

When it comes to the Arena mode in Hearthstone, picking the right class can be crucial to your success. With The Old Gods expansion, some classes have received significant boosts that make them even more formidable in the Arena. But which class is the best? Let's break down the top contenders and see what makes them stand out.

First up is the Paladin. This class has always been a strong pick in the Arena, thanks to its ability to generate a lot of value through buffs and minions with divine shield. However, with the addition of cards like Steward of Darkshire and Selfless Hero in The Old Gods, Paladins have become even more difficult to deal with. These cards allow for even more board presence and protection, making it challenging for opponents to clear your minions.

Next, we have the Mage. Mages have always been a popular choice in the Arena, thanks to their powerful spells and ability to control the board. With The Old Gods, Mage decks have become even more potent, thanks to cards like Forbidden Flame and Faceless Summoner. Forbidden Flame allows Mages to deal with any minion, regardless of its health or attack, while Faceless Summoner provides a solid body and additional minions to the board.

The Rogue is also a contender for the top spot in the Arena. With its ability to generate a lot of card advantage through its hero power and cheap spells, Rogues can quickly overwhelm their opponents. In The Old Gods, Rogues received some new tools that make them even more dangerous. Cards like Undercity Huckster and Journey Below allow for even more card generation, while Shadow Strike provides a reliable removal option.

Another class that has seen a significant boost in The Old Gods is the Shaman. Shaman decks have always relied on their ability to control the board with spells and totems, but with the addition of cards like Thing from Below and Master of Evolution, Shamans have become even more aggressive. Thing from Below provides a solid taunt minion that can protect your other minions, while Master of Evolution can turn any minion into a threat.

While these classes are the top contenders, there are still other classes that can hold their own in the Arena. The Hunter, for example, has always been a powerful class in the Arena, thanks to its ability to deal a lot of damage quickly. With The Old Gods, Hunters have received some new tools that make them even deadlier, such as Infested Wolf and Call of the Wild.

Similarly, the Warlock has always been a strong pick in the Arena, thanks to its hero power and ability to draw a lot of cards. In The Old Gods, Warlocks have access to cards like Possessed Villager and Darkshire Councilman, which allow for even more board presence and pressure.

One class that has seen a bit of a decline in The Old Gods is the Druid. While Druids are still a viable pick in the Arena, they have lost some of their power due to the rotation of certain cards. However, Druids still have access to powerful cards like Feral Rage and Moonglade Portal, which can swing the game in their favor.

Ultimately, the best Arena class in The Old Gods will depend on your playstyle and personal preference. Each class has its strengths and weaknesses, and it's up to you to decide which one suits you best. Regardless of which class you choose, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each class is crucial to your success in the Arena.

In conclusion, The Old Gods expansion has brought some exciting changes to the Arena mode in Hearthstone. With new cards and mechanics, some classes have become even more potent than before. While the Paladin, Mage, Rogue, and Shaman are the top contenders for the best Arena class, other classes like the Hunter and Warlock can still hold their own. Understanding each class's strengths and weaknesses and choosing the one that suits your playstyle is key to succeeding in the Arena.

The Best Arena Class for Old Gods Expansion

The Old Gods expansion has been a game-changer for Hearthstone, and players are still trying to figure out the best classes to use in the arena. With new cards and mechanics added to the game, the arena meta has shifted significantly, and some classes have emerged as clear winners. In this article, we'll discuss the best arena class for the Old Gods expansion.


For players who love control decks, Druid is an excellent choice. The class has always been strong in the arena thanks to its versatile hero power, but the Old Gods expansion has given Druids even more tools to work with. The class's new cards, like Fandral Staghelm and Dark Arakkoa, offer strong value and board control that can help you dominate the early game.


Rogue is another great arena class for players who enjoy playing control. Rogue has always been strong in the arena because of its powerful spells and hero power, which allows you to generate extra cards. The Old Gods expansion has given Rogue even more tools to work with, including the new legendary card Xaril, Poisoned Mind, which can generate powerful spells that can swing the game in your favor.


If you're looking for a class that can dominate the board and control the game, Warrior is a great choice. The class's new cards, like Bloodhoof Brave and Ravaging Ghoul, offer strong board presence and removal options that can help you stay ahead in the early game. Additionally, Warrior's hero power can be a lifesaver in the late game, allowing you to armor up and survive against aggressive decks.


Paladin has always been a strong arena class, and with the Old Gods expansion, it's even stronger. The class's new cards, like Keeper of Uldaman and Ragnaros, Lightlord, offer powerful board control and healing options that can help you survive against aggressive decks. Additionally, Paladin's hero power can be a game-changer in the late game, allowing you to flood the board with Silver Hand Recruits and overwhelm your opponent.


Mage is a classic arena class that has always been strong thanks to its powerful spells and hero power. The Old Gods expansion has given Mage even more tools to work with, including the new legendary card Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, which can turn the tide of any game. Additionally, Mage's spells can be used to clear the board and control the game, making it a great choice for players who enjoy playing control.


Shaman may not be the most popular arena class, but it's definitely worth considering in the Old Gods expansion. The class's new cards, like Thing from Below and the legendary card Hallazeal the Ascended, offer strong value and healing options that can help you survive against aggressive decks. Additionally, Shaman's hero power can be used to generate extra minions and control the board, making it a great choice for players who enjoy playing midrange decks.


Hunter has always been a popular arena class thanks to its aggressive playstyle and powerful hero power. The Old Gods expansion has given Hunter even more tools to work with, including the new legendary card Call of the Wild, which can summon three powerful beasts that can quickly end the game. Additionally, Hunter's spells and minions can be used to control the board and push damage, making it a great choice for players who enjoy playing aggressive decks.


Priest may not be the strongest arena class in the Old Gods expansion, but it's definitely worth considering if you enjoy playing control. The class's new cards, like Herald Volazj and the legendary card N'Zoth, the Corruptor, offer strong value and board control that can help you dominate the early game. Additionally, Priest's hero power can be used to heal your minions and keep them alive, making it a great choice for players who enjoy playing defensive decks.


In conclusion, the best arena class for the Old Gods expansion depends on your playstyle and preferences. If you enjoy playing control, Druid, Rogue, and Warrior are great choices. If you prefer midrange and board control, Paladin and Shaman are solid picks. Hunters are perfect for those who like playing aggressive. Finally, Priest is a decent choice for players who like playing defensive decks. No matter which class you pick, make sure to have fun and experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you.
Best Arena Class in Old Gods: A Comprehensive GuideAre you looking for the best arena class to dominate Hearthstone's Old Gods? With the expansion's arrival, players are eager to explore new strategies and discover which classes have the upper hand in the arena. In this article, we'll cover each class's strengths and weaknesses, tips and tricks, and overall performance in the arena. 1. The Power of Priest in Old Gods ArenaPriest has always been a formidable class in Hearthstone, and the Old Gods expansion is no exception. Priest's hero power, Lesser Heal, allows players to heal their minions or hero for two health, making it a valuable tool for staying alive in the arena. Additionally, Priest has access to powerful board clears like Holy Nova and Excavated Evil, allowing them to wipe out opposing minions and gain control of the board. One of the most significant additions to Priest's arsenal in Old Gods is the card Shadow Word: Horror. This 4-mana spell destroys all minions with 2 or less attack, effectively dealing with early-game swarms and troublesome minions like Knife Juggler and Flamewaker. Priest also has access to potent late-game minions like C'Thun and N'Zoth, which can single-handedly win games if left unchecked. Tips and Tricks: When playing Priest in the arena, focus on board control and value trades. Use your hero power to keep your minions healthy and prioritize cards that can help you maintain board presence. Avoid overextending into board clears and be patient when playing your high-cost minions. 2. Hunter: The Ultimate Beast MasterHunter has always been a popular choice for arena players, thanks to its aggressive playstyle and strong minion synergies. In the Old Gods expansion, Hunter received several new tools to help it dominate the arena. One of the most notable additions is Call of the Wild, a 9-mana spell that summons three powerful beasts and deals a total of 15 damage to the opponent's face. This card alone can win games if played at the right time. Hunter also has access to several new minions that synergize with its Beast archetype, such as Infested Wolf and Carrion Grub. These minions are sticky and hard to remove, making them ideal for maintaining board presence. Additionally, Hunter has access to powerful removal spells like Deadly Shot and Hunter's Mark, which can deal with opposing threats efficiently. Tips and Tricks: When playing Hunter in the arena, focus on maintaining board control and pressuring your opponent's life total. Use your hero power to deal consistent damage and prioritize cards that synergize with your Beast minions. Avoid overextending into board clears and be mindful of your opponent's removal options. 3. Playing Mage in Old Gods Arena: Tips and TricksMage has always been a popular choice for arena players, thanks to its powerful spells and versatile hero power. In the Old Gods expansion, Mage received several new cards to help it maintain its dominance in the arena. One of the most significant additions is Cabalist's Tome, a 5-mana spell that adds three random Mage spells to your hand. This card can provide valuable resources and options to deal with opposing threats. Mage also has access to several potent spells like Firelands Portal and Flamestrike, which can clear the board and deal significant damage to the opponent. Additionally, Mage has access to powerful minions like Water Elemental and Flamewaker, which can create significant board pressure. Tips and Tricks: When playing Mage in the arena, focus on controlling the board and leveraging your spells for maximum value. Use your hero power to ping opposing minions or the opponent's face and prioritize cards that can help you maintain board presence. Be mindful of your opponent's removal options and avoid overextending into board clears. 4. The Versatility of Druid in Old Gods ArenaDruid is a versatile class that can adapt to various playstyles, making it a popular choice for arena players. In the Old Gods expansion, Druid received several new tools to help it succeed in the arena. One of the most notable additions is Fandral Staghelm, a legendary minion that allows Druid to trigger both Choose One effects on its cards. This card can provide significant value and flexibility in the mid-game. Druid also has access to powerful spells like Swipe and Living Roots, which can deal with opposing threats efficiently. Additionally, Druid has access to potent ramp cards like Wild Growth and Innervate, which can allow it to play its high-cost minions earlier than expected. Tips and Tricks: When playing Druid in the arena, focus on leveraging your Choose One effects for maximum value and using your ramp cards to get ahead early. Prioritize cards that can help you maintain board presence and be mindful of your opponent's removal options. 5. Rogue: The Ultimate Trickster in ArenaRogue is a tricky class that relies on efficient removal and minion synergies to win games. In the Old Gods expansion, Rogue received several new tools to help it succeed in the arena. One of the most notable additions is Xaril, Poisoned Mind, a legendary minion that adds two random Toxins to your hand when played. These Toxins can provide valuable buffs or removal options depending on the situation. Rogue also has access to powerful spells like Eviscerate and Backstab, which can deal with opposing threats efficiently. Additionally, Rogue has access to potent weapon cards like Perdition's Blade and Assassin's Blade, which can create significant board pressure. Tips and Tricks: When playing Rogue in the arena, focus on controlling the board and leveraging your efficient removal options. Use your hero power to generate additional card advantage and prioritize cards that can help you maintain board presence. Be mindful of your opponent's removal options and use your weapons wisely. 6. Shaman: A Balanced Choice for Old Gods ArenaShaman is a balanced class that relies on minion synergies and efficient removal spells to win games. In the Old Gods expansion, Shaman received several new tools to help it succeed in the arena. One of the most notable additions is Thing from Below, a 6-mana minion that costs 1 mana less for each Totem played earlier in the game. This card can provide significant value and flexibility in the mid-game. Shaman also has access to powerful spells like Lightning Storm and Hex, which can deal with opposing threats efficiently. Additionally, Shaman has access to potent minion synergies like Flametongue Totem and Tuskarr Totemic, which can create significant board pressure. Tips and Tricks: When playing Shaman in the arena, focus on leveraging your Totem synergies and efficient removal options. Use your hero power to generate additional minions and prioritize cards that can help you maintain board presence. Be mindful of your opponent's removal options and avoid overextending into board clears. 7. Warrior: The Unstoppable Force in Old Gods ArenaWarrior is a defensive class that relies on armor gain and efficient removal spells to win games. In the Old Gods expansion, Warrior received several new tools to help it succeed in the arena. One of the most notable additions is Bloodhoof Brave, a 4-mana minion that gains +3 attack while damaged. This card can provide significant value and flexibility in the mid-game. Warrior also has access to powerful removal spells like Execute and Ravaging Ghoul, which can deal with opposing threats efficiently. Additionally, Warrior has access to potent weapons like Fiery War Axe and Arcanite Reaper, which can create significant board pressure. Tips and Tricks: When playing Warrior in the arena, focus on gaining armor and leveraging your efficient removal options. Use your hero power to generate additional armor and prioritize cards that can help you maintain board presence. Be mindful of your opponent's removal options and use your weapons wisely. 8. Paladin: The Divine Protector in ArenaPaladin is a defensive class that relies on minion synergies and healing to win games. In the Old Gods expansion, Paladin received several new tools to help it succeed in the arena. One of the most notable additions is Ragnaros, Lightlord, a legendary minion that heals your hero for 8 health at the end of your turn. This card can provide significant value and sustain in the late game. Paladin also has access to powerful spells like Consecration and Equality, which can deal with opposing threats efficiently. Additionally, Paladin has access to potent minion synergies like Murloc Knight and Keeper of Uldaman, which can create significant board pressure. Tips and Tricks: When playing Paladin in the arena, focus on leveraging your minion synergies and healing options. Use your hero power to generate additional minions or heal your hero and prioritize cards that can help you maintain board presence. Be mindful of your opponent's removal options and avoid overextending into board clears. 9. Warlock: Embrace the Dark Side in Old Gods ArenaWarlock is an aggressive class that relies on card advantage and efficient removal spells to win games. In the Old Gods expansion, Warlock received several new tools to help it succeed in the arena. One of the most notable additions is Possessed Villager, a 1-mana minion that summons a 1/1 Shadowbeast when it dies. This card can provide significant value and flexibility in the early game. Warlock also has access to powerful removal spells like Shadow Bolt and Siphon Soul, which can deal with opposing threats efficiently. Additionally, Warlock has access to potent card draw options like Darkshire Librarian and Doomguard, which can provide additional resources and damage. Tips and Tricks: When playing Warlock in the arena, focus on leveraging your card draw options and efficient removal spells. Use your hero power to generate additional card advantage or deal damage to your opponent and prioritize cards that can help you maintain board presence. Be mindful of your opponent's removal options and avoid overextending into board clears. 10. The Agility of Rogue in Old Gods ArenaRogue is a class that relies on agility and efficiency to win games. In the Old Gods expansion, Rogue received several new tools to help it succeed in the arena. One of the most notable additions is Shadow Strike, a 3-mana spell that deals 5 damage to an undamaged minion. This card can provide significant value and flexibility in the mid-game. Rogue also has access to powerful spells like Sap and Fan of Knives, which can deal with opposing threats efficiently. Additionally, Rogue has access to potent minion synergies like Edwin VanCleef and Undercity Huckster, which can create significant board pressure and generate additional resources. Tips and Tricks: When playing Rogue in the arena, focus on leveraging your agility and efficient removal options. Use your hero power to generate additional cards or deal damage to your opponent and prioritize cards that can help you maintain board presence. Be mindful of your opponent's removal options and use your weapons wisely. ConclusionIn conclusion, each class in Hearthstone's Old Gods expansion has its strengths and weaknesses, and there is no single best class for the arena. Players should experiment with different classes and playstyles to find what works best for them. However, by following the tips and tricks outlined above, players can increase their chances of success and dominate the arena.

Best Arena Class in Old Gods Expansion

Point of View

As an avid Hearthstone player, I believe that the best arena class in the Old Gods expansion is the Mage. With powerful spells and strong minions, the Mage has a versatile playstyle that can adapt to any situation in the arena.


  • Mage has access to some of the strongest spells in the game, including Flamestrike, Fireball, and Polymorph.
  • With their hero power, Mages can deal direct damage to enemy minions or players, making it easier to control the board and pressure opponents.
  • Mage minions have a lot of synergy with spells, making it easier to create powerful combos on the board.
  • The Mage class has a lot of card draw options, allowing players to quickly cycle through their deck and find the cards they need.


  • Mages can struggle against aggressive decks that try to rush them down before they can establish control on the board.
  • Some of the strongest Mage cards are also expensive to play, which can make it difficult to maintain board presence in the early game.
  • Mages are heavily dependent on spells, which means that they can struggle if they don't draw the right cards at the right time.


Class Pros Cons
Mage Access to strong spells and minions, versatile playstyle, lots of card draw options Can struggle against aggressive decks, some of the strongest cards are expensive to play, heavily dependent on spells
Paladin Strong minions with Divine Shield and Taunt, good buffing options Limited card draw options, can struggle with removal spells, hero power is not very impactful in the late game
Rogue Good tempo plays, lots of cheap removal options, powerful class-specific cards like Backstab and Eviscerate Relies heavily on combo plays, can struggle with board clears, hero power is not very impactful in the late game
In conclusion, while there are many strong classes in the Old Gods expansion, I believe that the Mage is the best arena class overall. With powerful spells, strong minions, and a versatile playstyle, the Mage can adapt to any situation in the arena and dominate opponents with ease. However, it's important to be aware of the class's weaknesses and play around them accordingly.

Best Arena Class for Old Gods – The Ultimate Guide

Welcome, dear readers, to our comprehensive guide on the best arena class for Old Gods. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, you're sure to find valuable information in this article that will help you dominate the arena and emerge victorious.

Firstly, it's important to note that the Old Gods expansion has brought about a significant change to the arena meta. With the introduction of powerful new cards and mechanics, players must adapt their playstyles and strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

One of the top classes to consider in the Old Gods arena is the Mage. Known for its strong board clears and ability to generate extra spells, the Mage is a versatile class that can handle a variety of situations. In particular, the Flamestrike spell is a game-changer that can turn the tide of a match in your favor.

Another strong contender is the Paladin. With access to powerful buffs and minions, the Paladin can quickly establish board control and overwhelm opponents. Additionally, the class has some excellent healing options that can keep your minions alive and your hero healthy.

The Druid is also worth considering, as it offers a unique playstyle that revolves around ramping up mana and playing big minions. This can be especially effective in the late game when your opponents have run out of steam and you have an army of behemoths at your disposal.

Of course, these are just a few of the top classes to consider in the Old Gods arena. Ultimately, the class you choose will depend on your personal playstyle and preferences. However, there are a few key tips and tricks that can help you succeed regardless of which class you choose.

First and foremost, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of the current arena meta. This means keeping up with the latest card releases and trends, as well as understanding which classes and decks are currently popular. By staying informed, you can make more informed decisions about which cards to draft and how to play your matches.

Another important strategy is to focus on establishing board control early in the game. This means playing strong minions and spells that can take out your opponent's minions and establish a strong presence on the board. By doing so, you'll be able to dictate the pace of the game and force your opponent to respond to your moves.

In addition to these strategies, it's also important to keep an eye on your opponent's hand and make educated guesses about what cards they might have. This can help you anticipate their moves and plan accordingly, giving you a significant advantage in the match.

Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with different deck types and playstyles. The arena is a constantly evolving environment, and what works one day may not work the next. By trying out different strategies and refining your playstyle over time, you'll be able to stay ahead of the curve and dominate the competition.

In conclusion, the Old Gods expansion has brought about some exciting changes to the arena meta, and there are plenty of top classes and strategies to consider. Whether you choose the Mage, Paladin, Druid, or another class entirely, be sure to stay informed, establish board control early in the game, and experiment with different playstyles. With these tips and tricks in mind, you're sure to emerge victorious in the arena and claim your rightful place among the champions.

Thank you for reading our guide on the best arena class for Old Gods. We hope you found it informative and useful, and we wish you the best of luck in your future matches!

People Also Ask About Best Arena Class Old Gods

What are the best classes for Arena in Hearthstone?

There are several classes that perform well in Arena mode, including:

  • Mage
  • Paladin
  • Rogue
  • Druid

These classes have strong class cards and abilities that can help you dominate in Arena mode.

What are the best cards to draft in Arena?

Some of the best cards to draft in Arena include:

  1. Fireball (Mage)
  2. Consecration (Paladin)
  3. Eviscerate (Rogue)
  4. Swipe (Druid)

These cards are highly versatile and can help you regain control of the board while dealing significant damage to your opponents.

Is it better to draft a deck with a lot of spells or minions?

It ultimately depends on your playstyle and the class you choose. However, having a balanced mix of spells and minions is usually the best approach. Spells can help you control the board and deal damage to your opponent, while minions can provide valuable defense and help you maintain board presence.

How important is card synergy in Arena?

Card synergy can be important in Arena, but it should not be your only consideration when drafting a deck. Focus on selecting cards that are strong individually and can help you maintain board control. However, if you have the opportunity to draft cards that work well together, such as a pair of minions that buff each other, take advantage of it.