Top 5 Overwatch Uprising Heroes to Dominate the Battle: An Ultimate Guide


Looking for the best heroes to dominate Overwatch Uprising? Check out our top picks, including Tracer, Torbjorn, and Mercy!

Overwatch Uprising is a well-known event that has been taking place in the Overwatch universe since 2017. This event gives players a taste of what it's like to be an Overwatch hero, fighting against hordes of enemies and completing various objectives. However, choosing the right hero for this event can be challenging, especially for new players. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best heroes for Overwatch Uprising and why they are so effective.

Firstly, let's talk about Tracer. Tracer is one of the most popular heroes in Overwatch, and for good reason. Her mobility and damage output make her an excellent choice for Uprising. With her Blink ability, she can quickly move around the map, avoiding enemy fire and flanking enemies. Additionally, her Pulse Bomb ultimate can deal massive damage to groups of enemies, making her a valuable asset to any team.

Another great hero for Uprising is Reinhardt. Reinhardt's shield makes him an excellent choice for protecting his team from enemy fire. He can also charge into groups of enemies, dealing damage and knocking them back. His Earthshatter ultimate can stun enemies and set up his team for easy kills. Overall, Reinhardt is an excellent choice for players looking to protect their team and deal damage.

If you're looking for a hero that can deal massive amounts of damage, then look no further than Soldier: 76. Soldier: 76's kit is designed for dealing damage at range, making him an excellent choice for Uprising. His Helix Rockets ability can deal massive damage to groups of enemies, and his Tactical Visor ultimate allows him to lock onto multiple targets at once, ensuring that no enemy escapes his sights.

For players who prefer support heroes, Mercy is an excellent choice for Uprising. Mercy's healing abilities make her a valuable asset to any team, and her damage boost can help her teammates deal more damage. Additionally, her Resurrect ultimate can bring fallen teammates back to life, ensuring that the team stays at full strength throughout the mission.

If you're looking for a hero that can disrupt enemy formations and make them easier to deal with, then Sombra is an excellent choice. Sombra's Hack ability can disable enemy abilities and prevent them from using their ultimates, making them much easier to deal with. Additionally, her Translocator ability allows her to quickly get in and out of fights, giving her the mobility she needs to stay alive.

Junkrat is another excellent choice for Uprising. Junkrat's grenades can deal massive amounts of damage to groups of enemies, making him an excellent choice for dealing with large crowds. Additionally, his Steel Trap ability can immobilize enemies, making them easy targets for his teammates. Finally, his RIP-Tire ultimate can deal massive damage to groups of enemies, making him an excellent choice for players looking to deal a lot of damage quickly.

For players who prefer tank heroes, D.Va is an excellent choice for Uprising. D.Va's Defense Matrix ability can absorb enemy fire, protecting her team from harm. Additionally, her Boosters ability allows her to quickly move around the map, making her an excellent choice for flanking enemies. Finally, her Self-Destruct ultimate can deal massive damage to groups of enemies, making her an excellent choice for taking out large crowds.

If you're looking for a hero that can deal massive amounts of damage at close range, then Reaper is an excellent choice. Reaper's shotguns can deal massive damage to enemies at close range, and his Wraith Form ability allows him to quickly escape danger. Additionally, his Death Blossom ultimate can deal massive damage to groups of enemies, making him an excellent choice for players looking to deal a lot of damage quickly.

For players who prefer to play from a distance, Hanzo is an excellent choice for Uprising. Hanzo's arrows can deal massive amounts of damage to enemies at range, and his Sonic Arrow ability can reveal enemy positions, making them easier to deal with. Additionally, his Dragonstrike ultimate can deal massive damage to groups of enemies, making him an excellent choice for taking out large crowds.

Last but not least, Zenyatta is an excellent choice for players who want to support their team while dealing damage. Zenyatta's orbs can heal his teammates or deal damage to enemies, making him a versatile hero to play. Additionally, his Transcendence ultimate can heal his entire team, making him an excellent choice for players looking to keep their team alive throughout the mission.

In conclusion, there are many different heroes to choose from when playing Overwatch Uprising. Whether you prefer to deal massive amounts of damage or support your team from behind the scenes, there is a hero that is perfect for you. So go out there, choose your hero, and save the world!


Overwatch Uprising is a popular PvE mode in Overwatch that requires players to work together to complete objectives and defeat waves of AI-controlled enemies. As with any game mode, certain heroes are better suited for the task than others. In this article, we will explore the best heroes for Overwatch Uprising and why they are so effective.

The Best Damage Dealers


Tracer’s mobility and damage output make her a great choice for Overwatch Uprising. She can quickly dart in and out of combat to deal damage to the enemy team while avoiding their attacks. Her ultimate ability, Pulse Bomb, is also great for taking out groups of enemies at once.

Soldier: 76

Soldier: 76 is a versatile hero who can deal damage from both close and long range. He can also heal himself and his teammates with his Biotic Field ability, which is crucial for survival in Overwatch Uprising. His ultimate ability, Tactical Visor, allows him to lock onto enemies and deal massive damage without having to aim.

The Best Tanks


Reinhardt is a staple tank in Overwatch Uprising. His shield can block incoming attacks, allowing his teammates to deal damage safely. He can also charge into groups of enemies and knock them down, making them vulnerable to attacks. His ultimate ability, Earthshatter, can stun enemies in a large area, making them easy targets for your team.


Orisa is another great tank for Overwatch Uprising. She has a large shield that can protect her team from incoming attacks, as well as a powerful gun that deals damage from a distance. Her ultimate ability, Supercharger, boosts the damage output of her team for a short time, making it easier to take down enemy waves.

The Best Supports


Ana is a versatile support hero who can heal her teammates from a distance with her Biotic Rifle. She can also put enemies to sleep with her Sleep Dart ability, which is great for taking out dangerous enemies. Her ultimate ability, Nano Boost, boosts the damage and speed of one of her teammates, making them a force to be reckoned with.


Zenyatta is a support hero who can deal damage and heal his teammates at the same time. His Orb of Discord ability makes enemies take more damage, while his Orb of Harmony heals his teammates over time. His ultimate ability, Transcendence, heals his team in a large area and makes them invulnerable to damage for a short time, making it great for surviving enemy waves.


Overwatch Uprising requires teamwork and coordination to succeed, and choosing the right heroes is crucial. Tracer and Soldier: 76 are great damage dealers, while Reinhardt and Orisa are the best tanks. Ana and Zenyatta are the top choices for support heroes. By choosing the best heroes for the job, you can ensure that your team will have the best chance of completing the mission and defeating the enemy waves in Overwatch Uprising.

Overwatch Uprising is a popular event in the Overwatch game. The event brings together four players to battle against hordes of robotic enemies, who are trying to take control of the city of London. To succeed in this game mode, players need to have a strong team composition and choose the right heroes. In this article, we will discuss the ten best heroes for Overwatch Uprising and how they can help you win the game.

1. The versatile Tracer: A go-to pick for any situation

Tracer is a highly mobile hero that excels at harassing enemies and taking out high priority targets. She is a great pick for Overwatch Uprising because of her ability to quickly navigate the map and dodge enemy fire. Her ultimate ability, Pulse Bomb, can deal massive damage to groups of enemies and help clear out waves of robotic foes. Additionally, Tracer's Recall ability allows her to quickly escape danger and get back into the fight with full health.

2. Reinhardt's unstoppable charge: Push through enemy lines with ease

Reinhardt is a tank hero that specializes in protecting his team and leading charges into enemy territory. His shield can block incoming fire and provide cover for his teammates, while his charge ability can be used to knock down groups of enemies and create openings for his team to move forward. Reinhardt is an excellent pick for Overwatch Uprising because of his durability and ability to push through large groups of robotic enemies.

3. Zenyatta's healing orbs: Keep your team alive and kicking

Zenyatta is a support hero that provides healing and damage amplification to his teammates. His healing orbs can keep his allies alive, while his Discord Orb can weaken enemies and make them easier to take down. Zenyatta is a great pick for Overwatch Uprising because of his ability to keep his team alive and deal damage at the same time.

4. Junkrat's explosive traps: Set up deadly ambushes for the enemy

Junkrat is a damage hero that excels at setting up traps and dealing area of effect damage to groups of enemies. His Steel Trap can immobilize enemies, while his Concussion Mine can be used to knock them back or deal massive damage. Junkrat's ultimate ability, RIP-Tire, can also be used to clear out large groups of robotic enemies. Junkrat is an excellent pick for Overwatch Uprising because of his ability to set up deadly ambushes and deal massive damage to groups of enemies.

5. Torbjorn's turret: A reliable defense for any objective

Torbjorn is a defense hero that specializes in building and upgrading turrets. His turret can be placed on any objective and provide continuous fire to incoming enemies. In addition to his turret, Torbjorn can also provide armor packs to his teammates and deal damage with his Rivet Gun. Torbjorn is an excellent pick for Overwatch Uprising because of his ability to provide reliable defense and support to his team.

6. Genji's swift strikes: Slice through enemies with precision and speed

Genji is a highly mobile hero that excels at taking out high priority targets and dodging enemy fire. His Shuriken can deal damage to enemies from a distance, while his Swift Strike can be used to quickly close the gap and finish off low health targets. Additionally, Genji's ultimate ability, Dragonblade, can deal massive damage to groups of robotic enemies and help clear out waves of foes. Genji is an excellent pick for Overwatch Uprising because of his mobility and ability to take out high priority targets.

7. Mercy's resurrection: Bring fallen allies back into the fight

Mercy is a support hero that specializes in healing and reviving fallen allies. Her Caduceus Staff can heal her teammates, while her Resurrect ability can bring them back into the fight with full health. Additionally, Mercy's ultimate ability, Valkyrie, can provide her with increased mobility and healing abilities. Mercy is an excellent pick for Overwatch Uprising because of her ability to keep her team alive and revive fallen allies.

8. Bastion's sentry mode: Mow down waves of enemies with ease

Bastion is a defense hero that can transform into a stationary turret and deal massive damage to incoming enemies. His Sentry Mode can be used to mow down waves of robotic enemies and provide reliable defense to any objective. Additionally, Bastion's ultimate ability, Configuration: Tank, can be used to deal even more damage to groups of enemies. Bastion is an excellent pick for Overwatch Uprising because of his ability to provide reliable defense and deal massive damage to groups of enemies.

9. Soldier:76's healing field: Keep your team topped off and ready for battle

Soldier:76 is a damage hero that specializes in dealing consistent damage to enemies and providing healing to his teammates. His Biotic Field can be used to heal his allies and keep them topped off and ready for battle. Additionally, Soldier:76's ultimate ability, Tactical Visor, can be used to lock onto enemies and deal increased damage. Soldier:76 is an excellent pick for Overwatch Uprising because of his ability to deal consistent damage and provide healing to his teammates.

10. Orisa's protective barrier: Shield your team from incoming fire

Orisa is a tank hero that provides reliable defense to her team with her Protective Barrier. Her barrier can be placed on any objective and provide cover for her teammates. Additionally, Orisa's Halt ability can be used to pull enemies out of position and make them easier to take down. Orisa is an excellent pick for Overwatch Uprising because of her ability to provide reliable defense and control enemy movement.In conclusion, Overwatch Uprising is a challenging game mode that requires a strong team composition and the right heroes. The ten heroes mentioned in this article are some of the best picks for Overwatch Uprising and can help you win the game. Whether you prefer highly mobile heroes like Tracer and Genji or more stationary heroes like Bastion and Torbjorn, there is a hero for every playstyle in Overwatch Uprising. So, gather your friends and put together a strong team to take on the robotic hordes and save the city of London.

Best Heroes for Overwatch Uprising

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal point of view. However, based on the data and analysis, I can provide information about the best heroes for Overwatch Uprising.

Pros and Cons of Best Heroes for Overwatch Uprising



  • High mobility and speed
  • Can deal quick damage to enemies
  • Can easily dodge enemy attacks


  • Low health, making her vulnerable to enemy attacks
  • Requires precise aiming skills to maximize damage output
  • May struggle to take down high-health enemies
  • Reinhardt


    • High health and armor, making him a durable tank
    • Can provide cover for teammates with his shield
    • Can deal significant damage with his hammer


    • Slow movement speed
    • Relies heavily on teammates for support and healing
    • May struggle against long-range enemies
    • Bastion


      • High damage output, especially in turret mode
      • Can self-heal, making him more self-sufficient
      • Can provide cover fire for teammates


      • Vulnerable when not in turret mode
      • May struggle against high-mobility enemies
      • Can be easily countered by enemy snipers or flankers
      • Mercy


        • Can heal teammates from a distance
        • Can provide damage boost to teammates
        • Can resurrect fallen teammates


        • Low health and no self-defense abilities
        • Requires protection from teammates
        • May struggle against enemy flankers or divers
        • Table Comparison or Information about Best Heroes for Overwatch Uprising

          Hero Pros Cons
          Tracer High mobility and speed, quick damage output, can dodge enemy attacks Low health, requires precise aiming, struggles against high-health enemies
          Reinhardt High health and armor, provides cover for teammates, significant damage output Slow movement speed, relies heavily on teammates, struggles against long-range enemies
          Bastion High damage output, self-healing, provides cover fire for teammates Vulnerable when not in turret mode, struggles against high-mobility enemies, easily countered by snipers or flankers
          Mercy Can heal from a distance, provides damage boost, can resurrect fallen teammates Low health, no self-defense abilities, requires protection from teammates, struggles against enemy flankers or divers
          In conclusion, the best heroes for Overwatch Uprising depend on the player's playstyle and team composition. Tracer, Reinhardt, Bastion, and Mercy are all viable choices, but each has its own pros and cons that players need to consider before choosing one.

          The Best Heroes for Overwatch Uprising

          Thank you for taking the time to read our article on the best heroes for Overwatch Uprising. We hope that our insights and recommendations have been helpful in your quest to complete this challenging game mode. Before we sign off, we'd like to summarize our key points and offer some final words of advice.

          Firstly, we highly recommend playing with a team of four players or more. This will allow you to cover all necessary roles and coordinate your efforts more effectively. Communication is key in Overwatch Uprising, so be sure to use your mic and call out important information to your teammates.

          When it comes to hero selection, we suggest choosing a mix of damage dealers, tanks, and healers. Each hero has their own unique abilities and strengths that can be utilized in different situations. Experiment with different combinations of heroes to find what works best for your team.

          If you're looking for a strong tank hero, we recommend Reinhardt. His shield is invaluable for protecting your team from enemy fire, and his charge ability can quickly dispatch groups of enemies. Alternatively, Orisa is also a solid choice thanks to her powerful barriers and crowd control abilities.

          For damage dealers, we suggest heroes like McCree, Soldier 76, and Tracer. These heroes are versatile and can deal damage from both close and long range. They also have useful abilities like flashbangs and pulse bombs that can help you take out tough enemies and groups of enemies.

          Finally, we can't forget about healers. Mercy is a great choice for Overwatch Uprising thanks to her powerful healing abilities and ultimate ability that can revive fallen teammates. Ana is also a strong option thanks to her long-range healing and sleep dart ability that can stun enemies.

          One thing to keep in mind when playing Overwatch Uprising is that the difficulty increases with each passing wave. Don't be afraid to use your ultimate abilities and other powerful abilities early on in the game to give yourself a better chance of surviving later waves.

          Also, be sure to pay attention to the objectives and prioritize them over killing enemies. Failing to complete objectives can quickly lead to a game over, so make sure your team is always working towards completing them.

          In conclusion, Overwatch Uprising is a challenging game mode that requires teamwork, communication, and strategic hero selection. By choosing a mix of tanks, damage dealers, and healers, and prioritizing objectives over enemy kills, you'll be well on your way to completing this exciting game mode. Good luck, and have fun!

          People Also Ask About Best Heroes for Overwatch Uprising

          1. What are the best heroes for Overwatch Uprising?

          There are several heroes that are great to use in Overwatch Uprising mode. Some of the most effective ones are:

          • Tracer - her mobility and fast damage output make her a strong choice for taking out enemies quickly.
          • Soldier: 76 - his consistent damage and healing abilities make him a versatile choice for any team composition.
          • Bastion - his high damage output and ability to transform into a turret make him a great pick for defending objectives.
          • Mercy - her healing abilities and ultimate make her an essential support hero for any team.

          2. Which heroes should I avoid using in Overwatch Uprising?

          While all heroes can be effective in Overwatch Uprising, some may be more challenging to play than others. Heroes that may be more difficult to use in this mode include:

          • Widowmaker - her long-range sniping abilities may not be as useful in the close-quarters combat of Overwatch Uprising.
          • Genji - while he can be effective at dealing damage, his low health pool and reliance on mobility may make him more vulnerable in this mode.
          • Torbjorn - his turret may not be as effective in this mode due to the constant movement and changing objectives.

          3. How important is team composition in Overwatch Uprising?

          Team composition is important in any Overwatch game mode, and Overwatch Uprising is no exception. It's important to have a balanced team with a mix of damage dealers, tanks, and support heroes to maximize your chances of success. Communication and coordination are also crucial in this mode, so make sure to work together with your team to complete objectives and defeat enemies.