Top 5 Bedding Options for Corn Snakes: A Comprehensive Guide


Find the perfect bedding for your Corn Snake with our top picks! From aspen shavings to coconut fiber, ensure your pet's comfort and health.

Choosing the best bedding for your corn snake is crucial to ensure its health and well-being. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to decide which one to use. However, it's important to remember that not all bedding types are created equal, and some may even be harmful to your pet snake. In this article, we'll explore the various bedding options available for corn snakes and help you choose the best one for your beloved pet.

Firstly, it's important to note that corn snakes are burrowing creatures, which means they require a substrate that allows them to dig and burrow as they would in their natural habitat. This is why loose substrates such as aspen shavings, cypress mulch, and coconut coir are often recommended for corn snakes. These substrates mimic the forest floor where corn snakes are found in the wild, providing them with a comfortable and secure environment to live in.

Aspen shavings are a popular choice among corn snake owners because they're soft, absorbent, and easy to clean. They also have a pleasant smell and don't contain any harmful chemicals or oils that could harm your snake. However, aspen shavings tend to be less moisture-retentive than other substrates, which means you'll need to mist them regularly to maintain the proper humidity levels in your corn snake's enclosure.

Cypress mulch is another excellent bedding option for corn snakes. It's highly absorbent, which means it can hold moisture well and keep your snake's enclosure humid. Cypress mulch is also mold-resistant and doesn't break down quickly, which makes it a long-lasting and cost-effective option. However, it's important to make sure that the cypress mulch you choose is free of any additives or chemicals that could harm your snake.

Coconut coir is a relatively new substrate in the market, but it's quickly gaining popularity among snake owners. It's made from the fibrous outer husk of coconuts and is highly absorbent, mold-resistant, and eco-friendly. Coconut coir also holds moisture well and doesn't need to be misted as often as other substrates. However, it's important to note that some coconut coir products may contain high levels of salt, which can be harmful to your corn snake if ingested.

Another bedding option for corn snakes is paper towels or newspaper. While these substrates aren't as visually appealing as loose substrates, they're easy to clean, highly absorbent, and don't contain any harmful chemicals or additives. They're also inexpensive and readily available, making them a popular choice among beginner snake owners. However, paper towels and newspaper don't provide much opportunity for burrowing or digging, which means your corn snake may not be as comfortable in its enclosure.

If you prefer a more natural-looking substrate, you can also consider using reptile carpet or artificial turf. These substrates are soft, easy to clean, and don't require any maintenance like loose substrates do. They also provide a stable surface for your corn snake to move around on and don't pose any ingestion risks. However, reptile carpet and artificial turf don't offer any opportunities for burrowing or digging, which means your corn snake may not be as mentally stimulated as it would be with loose substrates.

Ultimately, the best bedding for your corn snake will depend on your personal preferences, your snake's needs, and your budget. It's important to choose a substrate that's safe, comfortable, and stimulating for your pet snake. Remember to always research the pros and cons of each bedding type before making a decision, and consult with a veterinarian or experienced snake owner if you're unsure.

In conclusion, choosing the right bedding for your corn snake is an essential part of being a responsible pet owner. With the right substrate, you can provide your snake with a comfortable and stimulating environment that mimics its natural habitat. Whether you choose aspen shavings, cypress mulch, coconut coir, paper towels, reptile carpet, or artificial turf, make sure to prioritize your snake's safety and well-being above all else.


Corn snakes are popular pets among reptile enthusiasts due to their docile nature and easy-to-care for requirements. As with any pet, providing the best bedding for your corn snake is crucial for its health and well-being. In this article, we will discuss the different types of bedding options available for corn snakes and help you choose the best one for your pet.


Newspaper is a popular choice for bedding among corn snake owners. It is affordable, readily available, and easy to replace. Newspaper also allows for easy cleaning and monitoring of your snake's feces and urine. However, it does not provide any added benefits for your snake and may not be aesthetically pleasing.

Paper Towels

Similar to newspaper, paper towels are another affordable and easily replaceable option for corn snake bedding. They also allow for easy cleaning and monitoring of your snake's waste. However, they do not provide any added benefits for your snake and may not be as durable as other bedding options.

Aspen Shavings

Aspen shavings are a popular choice for corn snake bedding due to their absorbency and natural odor control properties. They also provide a natural-looking environment for your snake to explore. However, some corn snakes may be allergic to aspen shavings and they can be more expensive than other bedding options.

Cypress Mulch

Cypress mulch is another natural-looking option for corn snake bedding. It is highly absorbent and helps control odors. Cypress mulch also provides a comfortable and natural substrate for your snake to burrow in. However, it can be more expensive than other bedding options and may not be readily available in all areas.

Coconut Fiber

Coconut fiber, also known as coconut coir, is a popular choice for corn snake owners who want an eco-friendly bedding option. It is made from the husks of coconuts and is highly absorbent. Coconut fiber also provides a natural-looking environment for your snake to explore and burrow in. However, it can be more expensive than other bedding options and may not be readily available in all areas.

Paper-based Bedding

Paper-based bedding, such as Carefresh or Eco Earth, are becoming increasingly popular among corn snake owners. They are highly absorbent, provide natural odor control, and are environmentally friendly. Paper-based bedding also provides a comfortable and natural substrate for your snake to burrow in. However, they can be more expensive than other bedding options and may not be readily available in all areas.


Carpet is a popular choice for corn snake owners who want a reusable bedding option. It is easily cleaned and can last for years with proper care. Carpet also provides a comfortable and natural substrate for your snake to explore and burrow in. However, it can be more expensive than other bedding options and may not be as aesthetically pleasing.


Sand is not recommended as a bedding option for corn snakes. It can cause impaction if ingested and can irritate your snake's skin and eyes. Sand also does not provide any added benefits for your snake and can be difficult to clean.

Pine and Cedar Shavings

Pine and cedar shavings are not recommended as a bedding option for corn snakes. They contain oils that can be harmful to your snake's respiratory system and irritate their skin and eyes. These types of shavings also do not provide any added benefits for your snake.


Choosing the best bedding for your corn snake is important for its health and well-being. There are many different options available, each with their own pros and cons. It is important to consider your snake's individual needs and preferences when choosing a bedding option. With proper care and attention, your corn snake can thrive in its new environment!

The Importance of Choosing the Right Bedding for Your Corn Snake

As a corn snake owner, one of your primary responsibilities is to provide a comfortable and safe environment for your pet. This includes choosing the right bedding for your snake's enclosure. The type of bedding you choose can have a significant impact on your snake's health and well-being.While there are many types of bedding available, not all of them are suitable for corn snakes. Some materials may be too abrasive, while others can be harmful if ingested. In this article, we will discuss the best bedding options for corn snakes and provide tips on how to create a comfortable and safe bedding environment for your pet.

Types of Bedding Suitable for Corn Snakes

When it comes to choosing bedding for your corn snake, there are two main types to consider: natural and synthetic.

Natural Bedding Options for Corn Snakes

Natural bedding options are made from organic materials, such as wood chips, shredded paper, coconut fiber, or moss. These materials are biodegradable and can be composted after use.One popular natural bedding option for corn snakes is aspen shavings. Aspen shavings are soft and absorbent, making them an excellent choice for snakes that like to burrow. They also have low dust and odor levels, which can be beneficial for snakes with respiratory issues.Another natural bedding option is coconut fiber, also known as coconut coir. Coconut fiber is made from the husks of coconuts and is a natural, renewable resource. It is highly absorbent and can help maintain humidity levels in the enclosure. However, it can be dusty, so it is essential to provide adequate ventilation.

Synthetic Bedding Options for Corn Snakes

Synthetic bedding options, such as reptile carpet, are made from artificial materials. Reptile carpet is a popular choice for corn snake owners because it is easy to clean and can be reused. It is also non-abrasive and safe for snakes to burrow in.Another synthetic bedding option is paper towels. While not as aesthetically pleasing as other options, paper towels are highly absorbent and easy to replace. They are also inexpensive, making them an excellent choice for new snake owners.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Choosing Different Types of Beddings

Each type of bedding has its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision when choosing the right bedding for your corn snake.

Advantages of Natural Bedding Options for Corn Snakes

One of the primary advantages of natural bedding options is that they are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. They also tend to be more aesthetically pleasing than synthetic options, creating a more natural-looking environment for your snake.Natural bedding options are also typically more absorbent than synthetic options. This means that they can help regulate humidity levels in the enclosure and keep your snake's skin healthy.

Disadvantages of Natural Bedding Options for Corn Snakes

One of the main disadvantages of natural bedding options is that they can be dusty. Dust can be harmful to snakes with respiratory issues, so it is essential to choose a low-dust option or provide adequate ventilation.Additionally, some natural bedding options, such as cedar and pine chips, can be harmful if ingested. These materials contain oils that can cause respiratory issues and liver damage in snakes.

Advantages of Synthetic Bedding Options for Corn Snakes

One of the primary advantages of synthetic bedding options is that they are easy to clean and maintain. They do not require frequent replacement, making them a cost-effective option in the long run.Synthetic bedding options are also non-abrasive, which can be beneficial for snakes with sensitive skin.

Disadvantages of Synthetic Bedding Options for Corn Snakes

Synthetic bedding options tend to be less absorbent than natural options. This means that they may not be as effective at regulating humidity levels in the enclosure.Additionally, some synthetic bedding options, such as reptile sand, can be harmful if ingested. Ingesting sand can cause impaction, a potentially life-threatening condition in which the snake's digestive system becomes blocked.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Bedding for Corn Snakes

When choosing bedding for your corn snake, there are several factors to consider:

Size of the Snake

The size of your snake will determine the size of the enclosure and the amount of bedding needed. Hatchlings and juvenile snakes require less bedding than adult snakes, so it is essential to choose a bedding option that is appropriate for the size of your snake.

Activity Level of the Snake

Some snakes are more active than others and may require a bedding option that allows them to burrow and move around freely. For example, aspen shavings are an excellent choice for snakes that like to burrow, while paper towels may not provide enough space for movement.

Humidity Requirements

Corn snakes require a certain level of humidity to maintain healthy skin and shed properly. Some bedding options, such as coconut fiber, can help regulate humidity levels in the enclosure.

Cleaning and Maintenance

It is essential to choose a bedding option that is easy to clean and maintain. Some options, such as reptile carpet and paper towels, can be easily cleaned and reused, while others, such as coconut fiber, may require more frequent replacement.

How to Clean and Maintain Corn Snake Bedding

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your corn snake's bedding are essential for maintaining a healthy and safe environment for your pet. Here are some tips on how to clean and maintain different types of bedding:

Natural Bedding

Natural bedding options, such as aspen shavings and coconut fiber, should be spot cleaned regularly and completely replaced every few weeks. To spot clean, remove any soiled bedding and replace it with fresh bedding. To completely replace the bedding, empty the enclosure and clean it thoroughly with a reptile-safe disinfectant.

Synthetic Bedding

Synthetic bedding options, such as reptile carpet and paper towels, should be spot cleaned regularly and completely replaced every few weeks. To spot clean, remove any soiled bedding and replace it with fresh bedding. To completely replace the bedding, remove the old bedding and replace it with fresh bedding.

How to Create a Comfortable and Safe Bedding Environment for Your Corn Snake

To create a comfortable and safe bedding environment for your corn snake, follow these tips:

Choose the Right Bedding

Choose a bedding option that is appropriate for the size and activity level of your snake. Consider the humidity requirements and cleaning and maintenance needs of the bedding option.

Provide Adequate Space

Ensure that your snake has enough space to move around and burrow in the bedding. The enclosure should be at least twice the length of the snake and have a minimum height of 12 inches.

Regulate Temperature and Humidity

Corn snakes require a certain level of temperature and humidity to remain healthy. Ensure that the enclosure is kept at the appropriate temperature and humidity levels, and provide a hiding place for your snake to regulate its body temperature.

Keep the Enclosure Clean

Regularly clean and maintain the enclosure to prevent the buildup of bacteria and other harmful substances. Spot clean the bedding regularly and completely replace it every few weeks.

Tips on Choosing the Best Bedding for Corn Snake Hatchlings

When choosing bedding for corn snake hatchlings, consider the following tips:

Choose a Soft and Absorbent Bedding

Hatchlings have delicate skin and require a soft and absorbent bedding option. Aspen shavings or paper towels are excellent choices for hatchlings.

Avoid Dusty Bedding Options

Dust can be harmful to hatchlings with respiratory issues. Choose a low-dust bedding option or provide adequate ventilation in the enclosure.

Provide Adequate Space

Hatchlings require less space than adult snakes but still need enough room to move around and exercise. Choose an appropriately sized enclosure and bedding option.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Bedding for Your Corn Snake

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when choosing bedding for your corn snake:

Choosing Cedar or Pine Chips

Cedar and pine chips can be harmful if ingested and should be avoided as bedding options.

Choosing a Bedding Option That is Too Abrasive

Some bedding options, such as reptile sand, can be too abrasive and cause injuries to your snake's skin.

Not Considering the Humidity Requirements

Corn snakes require a certain level of humidity to maintain healthy skin and shed properly. Choosing a bedding option that does not regulate humidity levels can lead to health problems.

Not Cleaning and Maintaining the Bedding Properly

Failure to clean and maintain the bedding regularly can lead to the buildup of harmful bacteria and other substances, which can be harmful to your snake's health.


Choosing the right bedding for your corn snake is essential for maintaining a comfortable and safe environment for your pet. Consider the size, activity level, humidity requirements, and cleaning and maintenance needs when choosing a bedding option. Regularly clean and maintain the bedding to prevent the buildup of harmful substances. With the right bedding and environment, your corn snake can thrive and live a long and healthy life.

Best Bedding for Corn Snakes: A Point of View


Corn snakes are one of the most popular pet snakes because they are easy to take care of and have a calm temperament. One of the essential aspects of taking care of a corn snake is providing it with appropriate bedding. The right bedding will ensure that your pet snake is comfortable, healthy, and happy. In this article, we will discuss the best bedding for corn snakes and its pros and cons.

Best Bedding Options for Corn Snakes

There are several types of bedding options available for corn snakes, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the best options:

1. Aspen Bedding

Aspen bedding is one of the most popular options for corn snakes as it is affordable, readily available, and easy to clean. Aspen shavings are made from softwood trees and are non-toxic for snakes. The bedding is absorbent, which means it can control odor and humidity levels in the enclosure.Pros:- Affordable- Easy to clean- Absorbent- Controls odor and humidity levelsCons:- Can be dusty- Needs frequent replacement- Not suitable for burrowing

2. Coconut Fiber Bedding

Coconut fiber bedding, also known as coconut husk or coconut coir, is another excellent choice for corn snakes. It is an eco-friendly option made from the husks of coconuts, making it a renewable resource. This bedding is absorbent, controls odor and humidity levels, and is suitable for burrowing.Pros:- Eco-friendly- Absorbent- Controls odor and humidity levels- Suitable for burrowingCons:- More expensive than aspen bedding- Can be messy- Needs frequent replacement

3. Paper-Based Bedding

Paper-based bedding is an excellent option for corn snakes because it is highly absorbent, controls odor and humidity, and is easy to clean. Paper-based bedding is made from recycled paper products and is an eco-friendly option. It is also suitable for burrowing.Pros:- Highly absorbent- Controls odor and humidity levels- Easy to clean- Suitable for burrowingCons:- More expensive than aspen bedding- Can be dusty- Needs frequent replacement

Table Comparison

| Bedding Type | Pros | Cons || --- | --- | --- || Aspen Bedding | Affordable, Easy to clean, Absorbent, Controls odor and humidity levels | Can be dusty, Needs frequent replacement, Not suitable for burrowing || Coconut Fiber Bedding | Eco-friendly, Absorbent, Controls odor and humidity levels, Suitable for burrowing | More expensive than aspen bedding, Can be messy, Needs frequent replacement || Paper-Based Bedding | Highly absorbent, Controls odor and humidity levels, Easy to clean, Suitable for burrowing | More expensive than aspen bedding, Can be dusty, Needs frequent replacement |


In conclusion, the best bedding for corn snakes depends on your preference and your pet's needs. Aspen bedding is a popular choice because it is affordable and easy to clean, but it is not suitable for burrowing. Coconut fiber bedding and paper-based bedding are excellent options for those who want an eco-friendly and absorbent option that controls odor and humidity levels. Regardless of the bedding you choose, make sure to replace it frequently and keep your pet snake's enclosure clean and dry for their health and happiness.

The Best Bedding for Corn Snakes: A Comprehensive Guide

Dear blog visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to read our article about the best bedding for corn snakes. We hope that you found it informative and helpful in your quest to provide the best care for your pet.

Corn snakes are popular pets due to their docile nature and relatively easy care requirements. However, one aspect of their care that is often overlooked is the choice of bedding. Proper bedding is essential for maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment for your snake.

In this article, we have discussed various types of bedding that are suitable for corn snakes and their pros and cons. We have also provided some tips on how to choose the best bedding for your snake.

One of the most important considerations when choosing bedding for your corn snake is its absorbency. Corn snakes produce waste regularly, and their bedding should be able to soak up urine and feces to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and odors.

Paper-based bedding, such as newspaper or paper towels, is a popular choice among corn snake owners due to its high absorbency. It is also affordable and readily available. However, it may not provide enough warmth or enrichment for your snake.

Another option is aspen shavings, which are made from the bark of aspen trees. Aspen shavings are absorbent, odor-neutralizing, and provide some insulation. They are also relatively affordable and widely available. However, they can be dusty and may cause respiratory problems for your snake if not kept clean.

For those who want a more naturalistic look, coconut fiber bedding is a good option. It is made from the husks of coconuts and provides a soft, comfortable substrate for your snake. Coconut fiber bedding is also absorbent, odor-neutralizing, and promotes burrowing behavior. However, it can be expensive and may not be as readily available as other types of bedding.

Another naturalistic option is cypress mulch, which is made from the bark of cypress trees. Cypress mulch is absorbent, odor-neutralizing, and provides some insulation. It also promotes burrowing behavior and is relatively affordable. However, it can be dusty and may cause respiratory problems for your snake if not kept clean.

When choosing bedding for your corn snake, it is also important to consider its safety. Avoid any bedding that is sharp or abrasive, as it can injure your snake's delicate skin. Also, avoid any bedding that is treated with chemicals or pesticides, as they can be harmful to your snake.

In conclusion, choosing the right bedding for your corn snake is crucial for providing a comfortable and healthy environment for your pet. We hope that this article has helped you in making an informed decision about which type of bedding to use. Remember to always keep your snake's enclosure clean and well-maintained, and consult a veterinarian if you have any concerns about your snake's health.

Thank you for reading!

People Also Ask About Best Bedding for Corn Snakes

What is the best bedding for corn snakes?

The best bedding for corn snakes is one that allows them to burrow and feels natural to them. The following are some of the most popular bedding options:

  • Aspen shavings: Aspen shavings are a popular choice for corn snake bedding. They are soft and absorbent, making them ideal for keeping the enclosure clean and dry.
  • Paper towels: Paper towels are an affordable and easy-to-clean bedding option for corn snakes. They do not provide as much enrichment as other options, but they are a good choice for hatchlings or sick snakes.
  • Cypress mulch: Cypress mulch is another popular choice for corn snake bedding. It is absorbent, has a natural aesthetic, and holds humidity well.
  • Coconut coir: Coconut coir is made from coconut husks and is a sustainable bedding option for corn snakes. It is absorbent and has a natural look and feel.

Can corn snakes use sand as bedding?

No, corn snakes should not use sand as bedding. Sand can be ingested by snakes and cause impaction, which can be life-threatening. Additionally, sand does not hold moisture well and can lead to respiratory issues.

Can I use cedar shavings for corn snake bedding?

No, cedar shavings should not be used for corn snake bedding. Cedar contains oils that can be toxic to snakes and cause respiratory issues. It is best to stick to safe bedding options like aspen shavings or cypress mulch.

How often should I change my corn snake's bedding?

You should change your corn snake's bedding at least once a month. However, if you notice any soiling or odors before then, it is best to change the bedding sooner. It is important to keep the enclosure clean and dry to prevent health issues.