The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Race for Your Control Wizard in Dungeons & Dragons


The best race for a control wizard in Dungeons & Dragons is the Gnome due to their intelligence and resistance to magic.

When it comes to playing a control wizard in Dungeons & Dragons, choosing the right race can make all the difference. While any race can technically become a formidable wizard, there are certain races that offer unique advantages and abilities that can make them particularly well-suited for the role of a control wizard.

One of the best races for control wizards is the high elf. With their natural proficiency in the arcane arts, high elves are able to easily master the spells necessary for controlling the battlefield. Their racial ability, Elf Weapon Training, also allows them to use longbows, shortswords, and longswords with ease, giving them added versatility in combat.

Another excellent choice for a control wizard is the tiefling. With their infernal heritage, tieflings possess a natural affinity for magic that makes them highly adept at controlling the battlefield. Their Infernal Legacy ability gives them access to a suite of powerful spells, including Thaumaturgy and Hellish Rebuke.

The gnome is another race that excels at control wizardry. With their small size and natural intelligence, gnomes make excellent spellcasters, and their Gnome Cunning ability gives them advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic. This makes them particularly resilient against enemy spellcasters, allowing them to maintain control of the battlefield even when under attack.

For those who prefer a more exotic choice, the yuan-ti pureblood is a formidable option for a control wizard. With their serpent-like features and innate magical abilities, yuan-ti purebloods are highly adept at manipulating the minds of their enemies. Their Magic Resistance ability also gives them advantage on all saving throws against spells and other magical effects, making them particularly difficult to counter.

Of course, these are just a few examples of the many races that can excel at control wizardry. Ultimately, the best race for a control wizard will depend on personal preference and playstyle. Whether you prefer the elegance of the high elf or the otherworldly allure of the yuan-ti pureblood, there is sure to be a race that perfectly suits your needs as a control wizard.

That being said, it's important to keep in mind that race is just one small part of what makes a great control wizard. In order to truly excel in this role, you'll need to master a wide range of spells and tactics, and constantly adapt to the ever-changing battlefield. With the right combination of skill, strategy, and a bit of luck, however, there's no doubt that you can become one of the most feared control wizards in all of Dungeons & Dragons.

So whether you're a seasoned veteran of the game or just starting out on your journey, don't be afraid to experiment with different races and playstyles as you explore the world of control wizardry. Who knows - you might just discover a new favorite race, or find a new strategy that takes your control wizard game to the next level. The possibilities are endless, so get out there and start exploring!


Control Wizards are a popular class in the world of Dungeons and Dragons Online. They specialize in crowd control, debuffs, and area of effect spells. One of the most important decisions players have to make when creating a Control Wizard is choosing the right race. The right race can give you a significant advantage in the game, so it’s essential to choose wisely.


The Human race is a popular choice for Control Wizards because of their versatility. They have a bonus feat at first level and an additional skill point per level, making them excellent spellcasters. Their ability to adapt to any situation makes them ideal for Control Wizards who want to be ready for anything.

Ability Scores

Humans get a +2 bonus to any ability score they choose, making them perfect for Control Wizards who want to focus on Intelligence and Dexterity. These two stats are essential for spellcasting and mobility, respectively.


Humans get an additional skill point per level, which can be used to boost skills like Spellcraft, Concentration, and Knowledge (Arcana). These skills are crucial for Control Wizards, as they rely heavily on their spells and need to be able to cast them efficiently.


Humans get a bonus feat at first level, which can be used to enhance their spellcasting abilities. Feats like Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, and Spell Penetration can increase the effectiveness of your spells and make them harder to resist.


The Tiefling race is another great option for Control Wizards. They have a natural affinity for magic and excel at debuffing their enemies. Their dark heritage makes them ideal for Control Wizards who want to dabble in the dark arts.

Ability Scores

Tieflings get a +2 bonus to Intelligence and Charisma, which makes them excellent spellcasters and debuffers. Their high Charisma score also makes them good at social interactions, which can be useful in certain situations.


Tieflings get a +2 racial bonus to Bluff and Hide, which can be useful when trying to deceive or hide from enemies. They also get a +2 bonus to Knowledge (Arcana), which is essential for Control Wizards who rely heavily on their spells.


Tieflings get a bonus spell at first level, which can be any arcane spell of 1st level or lower. This can give Control Wizards access to an extra spell that they might not have had otherwise.


The Half-Elf race is a versatile option for Control Wizards. They have a mix of elven and human traits, making them skilled in both magic and combat. Their adaptability makes them ideal for Control Wizards who want to be able to handle any situation.

Ability Scores

Half-Elves get a +2 bonus to Charisma, which can be useful in social situations. They also get a +2 bonus to any two ability scores of their choice, which can be used to boost Intelligence and Dexterity for spellcasting and mobility.


Half-Elves get a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Listen, which can be useful for social interactions and gathering information. They also get an additional skill point per level, which can be used to boost skills like Spellcraft and Concentration.

Elven Traits

Half-Elves have some elven traits, including immunity to sleep spells and a bonus to saves against enchantment spells. These traits can be useful for Control Wizards who want to resist enemy spells and stay awake during long battles.


The Gnome race is a quirky and unusual option for Control Wizards. They are small in stature but big on magic, making them formidable spellcasters. Their unique abilities make them ideal for Control Wizards who want to take a more unconventional approach to combat.

Ability Scores

Gnomes get a +2 bonus to Constitution and a -2 penalty to Strength. This makes them less effective in combat but gives them more hit points and endurance. They also get a +2 bonus to Intelligence, which is essential for spellcasting.


Gnomes get a +1 bonus to the DC of any illusion spell they cast. This can be useful for Control Wizards who want to create illusions to distract or confuse their enemies.

Special Abilities

Gnomes have several unique abilities, including the ability to speak with animals and the ability to create a small illusionary companion. These abilities can be useful in certain situations, such as when trying to gather information from animals or distract enemies with an illusionary companion.


Choosing the right race for your Control Wizard is an important decision that can greatly affect how you play the game. Each of these races has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to consider your play style and preferences when making your choice. Whether you choose a Human, Tiefling, Half-Elf, or Gnome, you can be sure that you’ll have a powerful and effective Control Wizard that can take on any challenge.

When it comes to playing a control wizard in Dungeons and Dragons, choosing the right race can make all the difference. Each race offers its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and understanding them can help you build a character that is both powerful and enjoyable to play. In this article, we will explore the top ten races for control wizards, including their advantages, disadvantages, and how they can best be utilized in your game.

1. The Human Race: Why it's a Great Fit for Control Wizards

Humans are a popular choice for many classes in Dungeons and Dragons, and control wizards are no exception. One of the biggest advantages of playing a human control wizard is their flexibility. Humans receive a +1 bonus to all ability scores, which means they can choose to focus on any combination of abilities that suits their playstyle. This makes them versatile and adaptable, able to handle a variety of situations with ease.In addition to their versatility, humans also have access to an extra language and an extra skill proficiency of their choice. This can be incredibly useful for control wizards, who often rely on their knowledge and expertise to manipulate the battlefield. With these additional abilities, humans can become expert diplomats, scholars, or even thieves if they so choose.

2. Why Tieflings Make for Powerful Control Wizards

Tieflings are another excellent choice for control wizards, thanks to their innate magical abilities. Tieflings receive a +2 bonus to Charisma and a +1 bonus to Intelligence, which makes them ideal for spells that require both strong magical power and persuasive communication skills. They also have the ability to cast the Thaumaturgy cantrip, which allows them to create small but dramatic magical effects that can intimidate or awe their enemies.In addition to their magical abilities, Tieflings also have resistance to fire damage and access to several fire-based spells, making them particularly effective against enemies who are vulnerable to flames. They also have the ability to cast Darkness once per day, which can be useful for controlling the battlefield and keeping enemies at bay.

3. The Benefits of Choosing a Half-Elf for Your Control Wizard

Half-Elves are a popular choice for many classes in Dungeons and Dragons, thanks to their versatility and adaptability. As a control wizard, half-elves can benefit from their +2 bonus to Charisma and +1 bonus to two other ability scores of their choice. This allows them to focus on both their magical abilities and their social skills, making them effective both in combat and in diplomatic situations.In addition to their ability scores, half-elves also have access to two extra skill proficiencies of their choice, making them experts in a variety of fields. They also have the ability to communicate with both humans and elves, which can be useful for gathering information and building alliances.

4. Playing as a Drow Control Wizard: Pros and Cons

Drow are a fascinating race to play in Dungeons and Dragons, and as control wizards, they can be incredibly powerful. Drow receive a +2 bonus to Dexterity and a +1 bonus to Charisma, which makes them ideal for spells that require both agility and persuasion. They also have access to the Faerie Fire spell, which can help them locate hidden enemies and make them easier to hit.However, playing as a Drow control wizard also comes with some disadvantages. Drow have sunlight sensitivity, which means they have disadvantage on attack rolls and perception checks when they or their targets are in sunlight. This can make it difficult for them to operate during the day or in bright environments. They also have a reputation for being evil and untrustworthy, which can make it difficult for them to build relationships with other characters.

5. Dragonborn Control Wizards: A Unique and Powerful Choice

Dragonborn are a unique race in Dungeons and Dragons, thanks to their draconic ancestry and powerful breath weapon. As control wizards, Dragonborn can benefit from their +2 bonus to Strength and their +1 bonus to Charisma, which makes them ideal for spells that require both physical strength and persuasive abilities. They also have resistance to a specific type of damage based on their ancestry, which can make them more durable in combat.In addition to their physical and magical abilities, Dragonborn also have access to their breath weapon, which allows them to deal damage to multiple enemies at once. This can be incredibly useful for controlling the battlefield and taking out large groups of enemies at once.

6. The Advantages of Choosing a Gnome for Your Control Wizard

Gnomes are a small but mighty race in Dungeons and Dragons, and as control wizards, they can be incredibly effective. Gnomes receive a +2 bonus to Intelligence and access to the Minor Illusion cantrip, which allows them to create convincing illusions that can distract or deceive their enemies. They also have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic, which makes them incredibly resilient against other spellcasters.In addition to their magical abilities, gnomes also have the ability to communicate with small animals, which can be useful for gathering information or scouting out enemy encampments. They also have access to the Speak with Animals spell, which allows them to communicate with any animal they encounter.

7. Why Half-Orcs Make for Formidable Control Wizards

Half-Orcs are a powerful and intimidating race in Dungeons and Dragons, and as control wizards, they can be incredibly effective. Half-Orcs receive a +2 bonus to Strength and a +1 bonus to Constitution, which makes them ideal for spells that require physical strength and endurance. They also have the ability to use their Relentless Endurance trait once per day, which allows them to stay in the fight even when they are on the brink of death.In addition to their physical abilities, Half-Orcs also have access to the Intimidation skill and the Menacing trait, which can make them incredibly intimidating to their enemies. This can be useful for controlling the battlefield and keeping enemies at bay.

8. The Strengths and Weaknesses of Playing as an Elf Control Wizard

Elves are a classic choice for many classes in Dungeons and Dragons, and as control wizards, they can be incredibly effective. Elves receive a +2 bonus to Dexterity and a +1 bonus to Intelligence, which makes them ideal for spells that require both agility and magical power. They also have the ability to trance instead of sleeping, which means they only need to meditate for four hours per day instead of sleeping for eight.However, playing as an elf control wizard also comes with some disadvantages. Elves have a vulnerability to necrotic damage, which can make them more vulnerable to certain types of attacks. They also have a reputation for being aloof and distant, which can make it difficult for them to build relationships with other characters.

9. The Underrated Power of a Halfling Control Wizard

Halflings are often overlooked as a choice for control wizards, but they can be surprisingly powerful. Halflings receive a +2 bonus to Dexterity and the Lucky trait, which allows them to reroll any attack roll, ability check, or saving throw that they fail. They also have access to the Brave trait, which gives them advantage on saving throws against being frightened.In addition to their traits, halflings also have the ability to move through spaces occupied by creatures that are larger than them, which can be useful for maneuvering around the battlefield. They also have the ability to hide behind larger creatures, which can make them more difficult to target.

10. Genasi Control Wizards: Elemental Mastery at Your Fingertips

Genasi are a unique race in Dungeons and Dragons, with elemental powers that can make them incredibly effective as control wizards. Genasi receive a +2 bonus to Constitution and access to a specific elemental ability based on their ancestry (air, earth, fire, or water). This allows them to harness the power of the elements to control the battlefield and manipulate their enemies.In addition to their elemental abilities, genasi also have resistance to a specific type of damage based on their ancestry, which can make them more durable in combat. They also have access to the Thaumaturgy cantrip, which allows them to create small but dramatic magical effects that can intimidate or awe their enemies.


Choosing the right race for your control wizard in Dungeons and Dragons can make all the difference in how effective and enjoyable your character is to play. Each race offers its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and understanding them can help you build a character that is both powerful and well-suited to your playstyle. Whether you choose a human, a Tiefling, a half-elf, a Drow, a Dragonborn, a gnome, a Half-Orc, an elf, a halfling, or a Genasi, the key is to focus on the abilities and traits that best suit your character's strengths and weaknesses. With the right race, you can become a master of the battlefield and a force to be reckoned with in any game of Dungeons and Dragons.

Best Race for Control Wizard


Control Wizards are the masters of crowd control, able to manipulate the battlefield to their advantage by freezing and stunning enemies. Choosing the best race for a Control Wizard can have a significant impact on your gameplay experience.

Pros and Cons of Best Race for Control Wizard

When deciding on the best race for a Control Wizard, there are several factors to consider:


1. Ability Scores: Some races provide bonuses to Intelligence, which is the most important ability score for Control Wizards.

2. Racial Traits: Certain racial traits can enhance a Control Wizard's abilities. For example, the Tiefling's Infernal Legacy trait allows them to cast Hellish Rebuke, which deals damage to anyone who attacks them.

3. Roleplaying: If you're interested in roleplaying, choosing a race that fits your character concept can make the game more immersive.


1. Limited Options: Depending on the game or campaign, some races may not be available to play as a Control Wizard.

2. Less Impactful than Class Abilities: While racial traits can be helpful, they generally don't have as much impact on gameplay as class abilities.

3. Personal Preference: Ultimately, choosing the best race for a Control Wizard comes down to personal preference. What works well for one player may not work for another.

Comparison Table

To help you decide on the best race for a Control Wizard, here's a comparison table of some popular options:
Race Ability Score Bonus Racial Traits
Human +1 to all ability scores Extra skill proficiency, extra feat at level 1
Elf +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence Darkvision, proficiency with Perception skill, advantage on saving throws against being charmed
Tiefling +2 Charisma, +1 Intelligence Infernal Legacy trait (cast Hellish Rebuke), resistance to fire damage
Gnome +2 Intelligence, +1 Constitution Natural Illusionist trait (can cast minor illusion cantrip), advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic

Ultimately, the best race for a Control Wizard will depend on your personal preference and playstyle. Consider the pros and cons of each option, as well as any restrictions imposed by the game or campaign, before making your decision.

The Best Race for Control Wizard: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome, dear reader! If you're here, it means you're interested in playing a Control Wizard in Dungeons and Dragons. Congratulations on making an excellent choice! The Control Wizard is one of the most versatile and exciting classes to play, with a variety of spells and abilities that make them indispensable in any party. However, before you can start slinging spells left and right, you need to choose your race. In this article, we'll be discussing the best race for Control Wizards, taking into account their abilities, stats, and roleplaying potential.

Let's start by looking at the Control Wizard class itself. As the name suggests, Control Wizards are all about controlling the battlefield. They excel at crowd control, debuffing enemies, and manipulating the elements to their advantage. They have a wide range of spells that allow them to freeze, stun, slow, or otherwise hinder their foes, which makes them invaluable in combat. Additionally, they have some offensive capabilities, especially when it comes to dealing with groups of enemies. Overall, the Control Wizard is a very well-rounded class that can hold its own in most situations.

Now, let's move on to the races. In Dungeons and Dragons, each race has its own set of abilities and bonuses that can affect your gameplay. Some races are better suited for certain classes than others, and the Control Wizard is no exception. Here are the top four races for Control Wizards:

1. Tiefling

The Tiefling race is a popular choice for Control Wizards, and for good reason. Tieflings are known for their innate magical abilities, which make them natural spellcasters. They receive a +2 bonus to Intelligence, which is the most important stat for Control Wizards. Additionally, Tieflings have access to the Thaumaturgy cantrip, which allows them to create minor magical effects. This can be a useful tool for roleplaying purposes, as well as for adding some flavor to combat. Tieflings also get a +1 bonus to Charisma, which can come in handy when dealing with NPCs.

Another reason why Tieflings are a great choice for Control Wizards is their Infernal Legacy trait. This gives them access to the Thaumaturgy, Hellish Rebuke, and Darkness spells, which are all very useful for controlling the battlefield. Thaumaturgy can create distractions and intimidate enemies, while Hellish Rebuke deals damage to attackers, and Darkness obscures vision. Tieflings also have resistance to fire damage, which can be helpful in certain situations.

2. Human

Humans are a classic choice for any class, and the Control Wizard is no exception. Humans receive a +1 bonus to all ability scores, which makes them very versatile. This means you can put your extra points into Intelligence, Dexterity, or Constitution, depending on your playstyle. Additionally, humans get an extra skill proficiency and an extra feat at 1st level, which can be a significant advantage. Feats can give you access to new abilities or improve your existing ones, so this is a great opportunity to tailor your character to your liking.

From a roleplaying perspective, humans are also a good choice for Control Wizards. They are the most common race in most settings, which means they can fit into any party without standing out too much. Humans are also known for their adaptability and resourcefulness, which can be helpful traits for a spellcaster.

3. Half-Elf

Half-Elves are a hybrid race that combines the best of both worlds: the intelligence and magical aptitude of elves, and the adaptability and charm of humans. Half-Elves receive a +2 bonus to Charisma and two other ability scores of their choice, which makes them very flexible. This means you can put your extra points into Intelligence and Constitution, for example, to make your Control Wizard more durable.

Additionally, Half-Elves have several traits that make them good choices for Control Wizards. They have proficiency in two skills of their choice, which can be helpful for non-combat situations. They also have the Fey Ancestry trait, which gives them advantage on saving throws against being charmed and immunity to magical sleep. This can be a lifesaver in certain situations, especially when dealing with enemy spellcasters.

4. Gnome

Gnomes are a small but mighty race that excel at magic and tinkering. They receive a +2 bonus to Intelligence, which is perfect for Control Wizards. Additionally, they have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic, which makes them very resilient against enemy spellcasters. This is a significant advantage, as Control Wizards are often targeted by enemy mages due to their potent spellcasting abilities.

Gnomes also have a few other traits that make them useful for Control Wizards. They have the ability to speak with small beasts, which can be helpful for scouting or gathering information. They also have proficiency with the Tinker's Tools, which allows them to create small mechanical devices. While this might not seem immediately useful, it can be a fun way to add some flavor to your character and come up with creative solutions to problems.

Overall, these four races are the best choices for Control Wizards. However, it's important to remember that race is just one aspect of your character. Your class, background, personality, and playstyle are all important factors that should be taken into account when creating a character. Choose the race that speaks to you the most, and don't be afraid to get creative with your character's backstory and motivations.

Thank you for reading this article, and I hope it was helpful in your quest to create the perfect Control Wizard. Good luck, and have fun!

People Also Ask About Best Race for Control Wizard

What is a Control Wizard?

A Control Wizard is a type of character in the popular role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons who specializes in using spells to control the battlefield and manipulate enemies.

How does race affect a Control Wizard?

The race you choose for your Control Wizard can have a significant impact on their stats and abilities, affecting their performance in combat and their overall playstyle.

What are the best races for a Control Wizard?

1. Tiefling

Tieflings are a popular choice for Control Wizards due to their natural affinity for magic and their high Charisma score, which boosts their spellcasting ability.

2. Human

Humans are a versatile choice for Control Wizards, with balanced stats that allow them to adapt to any situation. They also receive an extra feat at character creation, which can be useful for customizing your character's abilities.

3. Gnome

Gnomes are a smaller race, but they make up for it with their high Intelligence score and proficiency in Arcana. They also have the ability to speak with small animals, which can be useful for gathering information.

4. Half-Elf

Half-Elves are a good choice for Control Wizards who want to focus on crowd control spells, as they have a natural resistance to charm effects. They also have high Charisma and Dexterity scores, making them good at social interactions and avoiding attacks.

5. Elf

Elves are another good choice for Control Wizards who want to focus on ranged combat, as they have proficiency with longbows and a natural bonus to Dexterity. They also have a natural resistance to sleep effects, which can be useful in certain situations.

In conclusion, there are many races that can work well for a Control Wizard depending on your playstyle and preferences. It's important to consider the stats and abilities of each race before making your choice, and to choose a race that complements your desired playstyle.