The Top LOTRO Solo Classes of 2018: Unleashing the Best Ones for Your Adventure


Discover the best solo class in Lord of the Rings Online for 2018 and dominate Middle-earth on your own. Find out which class suits your playstyle!

The Lord of the Rings Online (Lotro) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that has been around since 2007. It's set in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, and players can create their own characters to explore this vast world. One of the challenges for players is to find the best solo class to play the game. In this article, we will look at the best solo class in Lotro for 2018.

Before we dive into the details, let's clarify what we mean by solo class. A solo class is a character that can effectively fight and survive on its own without the need for a group or party. This means the character needs to have good damage output, survivability, and self-healing abilities.

Now, let's get to the point: the best solo class in Lotro for 2018 is the Champion. The Champion is a melee class that specializes in dealing damage to multiple enemies at once. It's also capable of taking on tough bosses and elites thanks to its high damage output and strong self-healing abilities.

One of the biggest advantages of playing a Champion as a solo class is its AoE (Area of Effect) attacks. The Champion can hit multiple targets at once with its skills, making it a great choice for clearing out groups of enemies quickly. This is especially useful in some of the game's more challenging areas, where players may encounter large mobs of enemies.

Another strength of the Champion is its survivability. The class has several skills that can mitigate damage, such as Fervour, which increases the Champion's critical hit chance and gives them temporary Hit Points. The Champion also has a skill called Second Wind, which instantly restores some health and removes any negative effects on the character.

One of the reasons why the Champion is the best solo class in Lotro for 2018 is its versatility. The class can be played in different ways depending on the player's preferences. For example, some players may prefer a two-handed weapon build for maximum damage output, while others may opt for a sword-and-shield build for more defensive capabilities.

Another reason why the Champion is a great solo class is its access to strong self-healing abilities. The Champion has several skills that can restore health, such as Bracing Attack, which heals the Champion for a portion of the damage dealt. The class also has a passive trait called Self-Healing, which increases the effectiveness of all healing skills used by the character.

If you're looking for a class that can take on tough challenges on its own, the Champion is definitely worth considering. With its high damage output, survivability, and self-healing abilities, it's one of the most versatile and effective solo classes in Lotro.

Of course, every class has its weaknesses, and the Champion is no exception. One of the main weaknesses of the class is its lack of ranged attacks. The Champion is a melee class, which means it needs to be up close and personal with its enemies to deal damage. This can be challenging in some situations, such as fighting ranged enemies or bosses that have powerful area-of-effect attacks.

Another weakness of the Champion is its reliance on morale. Morale is essentially the character's health pool, and when it reaches zero, the character dies. The Champion has strong self-healing abilities, but if the character takes too much damage too quickly, it can be difficult to keep up with healing and the character can die. This means that players need to be careful when playing a Champion, especially in challenging areas.

In conclusion, the Champion is the best solo class in Lotro for 2018 thanks to its strong damage output, survivability, versatility, and self-healing abilities. While the class has some weaknesses, such as its lack of ranged attacks and reliance on morale, it's still a great choice for players who want to take on Middle-earth on their own.


The Lord of the Rings Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that has been around for over a decade. One of the most important decisions players must make when starting out is choosing their class. Each class has unique abilities and strengths, making it important to choose one that suits your playstyle. This article will explore the best solo class in LOTRO for 2018.

What Makes a Good Solo Class?

Before we dive into the specifics of each class, let's take a look at what makes a good solo class. A good solo class should be able to survive on its own, without the need for a group or healer. It should also have good damage output, so it can take down enemies quickly. Finally, a good solo class should have some crowd control abilities, allowing it to handle multiple enemies at once.


The Champion is a melee class that excels in dealing damage. It has high health and armor, making it a great choice for solo play. The Champion's main strength is its ability to take down groups of enemies quickly. It has several area-of-effect attacks that can hit multiple enemies at once. Additionally, the Champion has several skills that increase its damage output, making it a formidable opponent.


- High damage output
- Good survivability
- Multiple area-of-effect attacks


- Limited crowd control abilities
- Can be slow to level up


The Hunter is a ranged class that relies on its bow and arrow to deal damage. It has the ability to move quickly and stealthily, making it a great choice for solo play. The Hunter also has several crowd control abilities, allowing it to handle multiple enemies at once. Additionally, the Hunter has a wide range of skills that allow it to deal damage from various distances.


- High mobility
- Good crowd control abilities
- Ability to deal damage from long distances


- Low health and armor
- Can be difficult to master


The Minstrel is a support class that can also hold its own in combat. It has the ability to heal itself and others, making it a great choice for solo play. The Minstrel also has good damage output, thanks to its ranged attacks and area-of-effect abilities. Additionally, the Minstrel has several crowd control abilities, allowing it to handle multiple enemies at once.


- Healing abilities
- Good damage output
- Multiple crowd control abilities


- Low armor
- Can be difficult to master


The Captain is a hybrid class that can serve as both a tank and a damage dealer. It has high health and armor, making it a great choice for solo play. The Captain also has several crowd control abilities, allowing it to handle multiple enemies at once. Additionally, the Captain has several skills that allow it to boost the damage output of itself and its allies.


- High survivability
- Multiple crowd control abilities
- Ability to buff allies


- Limited damage output compared to other classes
- Can be slow to level up


After considering the strengths and weaknesses of each class, it's clear that the Champion is the best solo class in LOTRO for 2018. With its high damage output and good survivability, it can take down enemies quickly and efficiently. While other classes may have specific advantages, the Champion is the most well-rounded and versatile choice for solo play.

Introduction to the World of Lotro

The Lord of the Rings Online (Lotro) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that immerses players in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. Developed by Turbine, Lotro was first released in 2007 and has since become one of the most popular MMORPGs on the market. The game features an expansive open world that allows players to explore iconic locations from the books, such as The Shire, Rivendell, and Moria.In Lotro, players create their own character and embark on quests and adventures throughout Middle-earth. The game offers a wide range of classes, each with its own unique playstyle and abilities. While some players prefer to group up with others to tackle challenges, others enjoy solo play. In this article, we'll be exploring the best solo class options in Lotro for 2018.

What is a Solo Class and Why is it Important?

A solo class is a character class in an MMORPG that is designed to be able to complete content on their own, without the need for a group. While some players enjoy the social aspect of grouping up with others, others prefer to play at their own pace and tackle challenges on their own. For these players, having a strong solo class is crucial.In Lotro, solo play can be particularly challenging, as many quests and areas are designed for groups. However, there are classes that are well-suited for solo play and can make the experience much more enjoyable. In the following sections, we'll be evaluating different classes in Lotro for their solo play potential.

Evaluating the Different Classes in Lotro for Solo Play

When evaluating classes for solo play, there are several factors to consider. These include:- Survivability: How well the class can withstand damage and heal themselves.- Damage output: How much damage the class can deal to enemies.- Mobility: How quickly the class can move around the battlefield.- Versatility: How well the class can adapt to different situations.With these factors in mind, let's take a look at some of the best solo classes in Lotro.

The Hunter Class: A Versatile Option for Solo Players

The Hunter class is one of the most popular classes in Lotro, and for good reason. Hunters are versatile characters that can deal high damage from range, move quickly around the battlefield, and even provide some healing and crowd control abilities.One of the key strengths of the Hunter class is their mobility. Hunters have access to several skills that allow them to quickly move around the battlefield, making them difficult targets for enemies. They also have a variety of ranged attacks that deal high damage, allowing them to take out enemies from a distance.In addition to their damage-dealing abilities, Hunters also have some healing and crowd control abilities that make them useful in group settings as well. For solo play, Hunters are a great option for players who enjoy kiting enemies and taking them out from range.

The Champion Class: A Strong Melee Option for Solo Play

If you prefer melee combat, the Champion class is a great option for solo play. Champions are strong characters that excel at dealing damage up close. They have access to a variety of skills that allow them to take on multiple enemies at once, making them great for clearing out groups of enemies quickly.Champions also have high survivability, with access to several defensive skills that allow them to withstand damage. They also have some self-healing abilities, which can come in handy during tough fights.While Champions may not be as mobile as some other classes, their ability to deal high damage up close makes them a great option for players who enjoy melee combat.

The Burglar Class: A Stealthy Option for Solo Play

The Burglar class is a unique option for solo play, as they are one of the few classes in Lotro that can stealth. Burglars are sneaky characters that excel at taking out enemies from behind and setting up traps to catch their foes off guard.One of the strengths of the Burglar class is their ability to control the battlefield. They have access to several crowd control abilities that can stun, root, or slow enemies, giving them an advantage in fights. They also have some self-healing abilities, which can be useful during tough fights.While Burglars may not deal as much damage as some other classes, their ability to control the battlefield and take out enemies from behind make them a great option for players who enjoy a more tactical approach to combat.

The Rune-Keeper Class: A Magical Option for Solo Play

For players who prefer a more magical approach to combat, the Rune-Keeper class is a great option for solo play. Rune-Keepers are versatile characters that can switch between dealing damage and healing themselves and others.One of the strengths of the Rune-Keeper class is their ability to adapt to different situations. They have access to several different attunements, each with its own set of skills and abilities. This allows them to switch between dealing damage and healing depending on the situation.Rune-Keepers also have some crowd control abilities that can be useful during tough fights. While they may not be as mobile as some other classes, their ability to deal high damage and heal themselves make them a strong option for solo play.

The Warden Class: A Unique Option for Solo Play

The Warden class is a unique option for solo play, as they are a hybrid class that combines elements of melee combat and healing. Wardens are versatile characters that can switch between dealing damage and healing themselves and others.One of the strengths of the Warden class is their ability to adapt to different situations. They have access to several different Gambits, each with its own set of skills and abilities. This allows them to switch between dealing damage and healing depending on the situation.Wardens also have high survivability, with access to several defensive skills that allow them to withstand damage. They also have some self-healing abilities, which can come in handy during tough fights.While Wardens may not be as mobile as some other classes, their ability to switch between dealing damage and healing make them a unique and versatile option for solo play.

The Beorning Class: A New Option for Solo Play

The Beorning class is a new option for solo play, introduced in Lotro's most recent expansion, The Lord of the Rings Online: Beorning. Beornings are shapeshifters that can transform into bears, giving them increased survivability and damage output.One of the strengths of the Beorning class is their versatility. They can switch between dealing damage as a human and tanking as a bear, making them useful in a variety of situations. They also have some self-healing abilities, which can come in handy during tough fights.While the Beorning class is still relatively new, it shows a lot of promise as a strong solo class option in Lotro.

Final Thoughts on Choosing the Best Solo Class in Lotro

When choosing a solo class in Lotro, it's important to consider your playstyle and preferences. Each class has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and what works well for one player may not work as well for another.That being said, some classes are better suited for solo play than others. Classes like the Hunter, Champion, and Burglar are great options for players who enjoy kiting enemies and taking them out from range or using tactical approaches to combat. Classes like the Rune-Keeper and Warden are better suited for players who prefer a more magical approach to combat or a hybrid approach of melee combat and healing.Ultimately, the best solo class in Lotro is the one that you enjoy playing the most. Take some time to explore the different classes and find the one that fits your playstyle and preferences. With the right class and a bit of practice, solo play in Lotro can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Lotro Best Solo Class 2018: My Point of View


As an avid player of Lord of the Rings Online (Lotro), I have tried several classes over the years. However, when it comes to soloing, some classes are better suited than others. In this article, I will share my point of view on the best solo class in Lotro for 2018. I will also discuss the pros and cons of this class and provide a table comparison of its key features.

The Best Solo Class: Hunter

After playing several classes, I believe that the Hunter is the best solo class in Lotro for 2018. Here are some reasons why:


  1. High DPS: The Hunter has one of the highest damage-per-second (DPS) outputs in the game, making it easier to defeat mobs quickly.
  2. Range: The Hunter's ranged attacks allow them to attack from a safe distance, reducing the chances of getting hit.
  3. Mobility: The Hunter has several skills that increase their movement speed and allow them to escape from danger quickly.
  4. Crowd Control: The Hunter has several crowd control skills, such as traps and stuns, which can be used to immobilize enemies during combat.


  1. Squishy: The Hunter has low health and armor, making it vulnerable to attacks. They need to be careful not to get hit too often.
  2. No Healing: Unlike some other classes, the Hunter has no healing abilities. They need to rely on potions or food to replenish their health.
  3. No Tanking: The Hunter cannot absorb much damage, making them unsuitable for tanking. They need to avoid getting aggroed by multiple enemies at once.

Table Comparison of Key Features

Class DPS Range Mobility Crowd Control Health Healing Tanking
Hunter High Yes Yes Yes Low No No
Champion High No Yes No High Yes Yes
Guardian Low No Yes Yes High Yes Yes
Captain Medium No Yes Yes Medium Yes Yes


In conclusion, the Hunter is the best solo class in Lotro for 2018, in my opinion. While it has some weaknesses, its strengths make it a formidable class for soloing. Its high DPS, range, mobility, and crowd control skills make it easier to defeat mobs quickly and safely. However, players need to be careful not to get hit too often, as the Hunter has low health and armor.

The Best Lotro Solo Class for 2018: A Comprehensive Guide

Dear readers,

If you are a fan of Lord of the Rings Online (Lotro), then you know that choosing the right class is critical to your overall gaming experience. With so many options available, it can be challenging to determine which class is the best for solo play. Fortunately, we have put together this guide to help you make an informed decision.

Firstly, let's consider the different types of classes available in Lotro. There are four main categories: tank, healer, damage dealer, and crowd controller. Each class has its unique set of skills and abilities, making them suitable for different playstyles and situations.

If you're looking for a class that can take on tough enemies head-on, then the Champion is an excellent option for you. As a tank class, the Champion has high health and defense, making them almost indestructible in combat. With their sword and shield, Champions can dish out significant damage while also providing support to their allies.

On the other hand, if you prefer a more versatile playstyle, then the Hunter class might be the perfect fit for you. Hunters excel at ranged combat, but they can also hold their own in close-quarters combat if necessary. They have excellent mobility, allowing them to move quickly through the game world and avoid danger when needed.

For those who prefer a support role, the Lore-Master is an excellent choice. This class excels at crowd control, using spells and abilities to stun, root, and debuff enemies. In addition, the Lore-Master can also provide healing to allies, making them invaluable in group play.

If you want a class that can deal massive damage from a distance, then the Minstrel is an excellent choice. This class specializes in ranged damage dealing, but they can also provide healing to allies. With their musical instruments, Minstrels can buff their allies and debuff their enemies, making them a versatile addition to any group.

The Burglar is another excellent option for solo play. This class specializes in stealth and deception, allowing them to sneak past enemies undetected and deal devastating blows from behind. The Burglar can also provide valuable support to allies, making them an excellent addition to any group.

Finally, the Captain class is an excellent all-around choice for solo play. This class has high health and defense, making them suitable for tanking. They also have excellent support abilities, allowing them to heal allies and provide buffs. In addition, the Captain can deal significant damage, making them a versatile class that can handle almost any situation.

In conclusion, the best Lotro solo class for 2018 depends on your preferred playstyle. If you like to take on tough enemies head-on, then the Champion is an excellent choice. If you prefer a more versatile playstyle, then the Hunter might be the perfect fit for you. For those who prefer a support role, the Lore-Master, and Minstrel are excellent choices. If you prefer stealth and deception, then the Burglar is an excellent option. Finally, the Captain is an excellent all-around choice that can handle almost any situation.

We hope this guide has been helpful in choosing the best Lotro solo class for 2018. Remember, each class has its unique strengths and weaknesses, so choose the one that suits your playstyle and preferences. Good luck on your adventures in Middle-earth!


The Lotro Guide Team

People also ask about Lotro best solo class 2018

What is a solo class in Lotro?

A solo class in Lotro is a character that is capable of completing quests and fighting enemies on their own, without the need for a group or additional players.

What are the best solo classes in Lotro?

There are several classes that are well-suited for solo play in Lotro. The top contenders include:

  1. Champion - A melee class with high damage output and strong survivability
  2. Hunter - A ranged class with excellent mobility and damage
  3. Warden - A versatile class with high survivability and the ability to heal themselves
  4. Beorning - A hybrid class that can switch between damage-dealing and healing roles

Can any class solo in Lotro?

While every class in Lotro is capable of soloing to some degree, some are better suited for solo play than others. Classes like the Minstrel and Captain are more geared towards supporting groups and may struggle when playing alone.

What should I look for in a solo class in Lotro?

When choosing a class for solo play in Lotro, it's important to consider factors like survivability, damage output, and self-sufficiency. Classes with strong defensive abilities, high damage output, and the ability to heal themselves are typically good choices for solo play.