Revamp Your Retro Royale Experience: Top 10 Decks to Dominate the Battle


Discover the top decks to dominate Retro Royale in Clash Royale with our expert recommendations and win every battle with ease.

Are you a fan of Clash Royale's Retro Royale challenge? This limited-time event takes you back to the early days of the game, featuring only the original cards from launch. If you're looking to dominate your opponents and climb the ranks, you'll need the best decks for Retro Royale. In this article, we'll explore some of the most effective strategies and card combinations to help you succeed in this classic game mode.

To start, let's examine one of the most popular Retro Royale decks: the Hog Cycle. As its name suggests, this deck revolves around the Hog Rider, a fast and powerful troop that can deal significant damage to enemy towers. Along with the Hog Rider, this deck usually includes cards like Ice Spirit, Skeletons, and Fireball to support its aggressive playstyle. With proper timing and placement, the Hog Cycle can overwhelm opponents and secure quick victories.

Another strong option for Retro Royale is the Giant Beatdown deck. This archetype focuses on building up a massive push with the Giant, a tanky unit that can soak up damage while its allies deal damage. Supporting troops like Musketeer, Mini P.E.K.K.A, and Bomber can take out defending units and clear the way for the Giant. With careful planning and execution, the Giant Beatdown deck can steamroll through defenses and take down towers with ease.

Of course, not every Retro Royale deck is focused on offense. Some players prefer a more defensive approach, using cards like Cannon, Tesla, and Tombstone to protect their own towers while slowly chipping away at the enemy's health. These types of decks can be frustrating to play against, as they force opponents to make risky plays and can easily punish mistakes.

If you're looking for a unique and unconventional Retro Royale deck, why not try a Goblin Barrel cycle? This deck centers around the Goblin Barrel spell, which sends a group of goblins flying towards the enemy tower. By cycling quickly through your hand with cards like Skeleton Army and Goblin Gang, you can repeatedly send out Goblin Barrels and catch your opponent off guard. With some practice and luck, this deck can be a fun and surprisingly effective choice.

However, not all Retro Royale decks have to be built around a specific card or strategy. Some players prefer to create versatile and adaptable decks that can handle any situation. These decks may include a mix of offensive and defensive cards, as well as spells to deal with enemy swarms or reset enemy units. While these decks may not excel in any one area, they can be effective in a variety of matchups and offer a flexible playstyle.

Of course, no matter which Retro Royale deck you choose, there are a few general tips and tricks that can help you succeed. For example, always pay attention to your elixir count and try to make positive elixir trades whenever possible. Don't be afraid to cycle through your cards quickly to find the right combination for the situation at hand. And most importantly, practice and patience are key - mastering a deck takes time and effort.

Overall, Retro Royale is a fun and nostalgic game mode that offers a unique challenge for Clash Royale players. Whether you prefer an aggressive or defensive playstyle, there's a Retro Royale deck out there for you. So grab your favorite cards and get ready to battle - the glory of victory awaits!


Retro Royale is a special event in Clash Royale that allows players to use only the original cards that were available at the launch of the game. This means that players have to use their skills and strategy to win matches rather than relying on newer, more powerful cards. In this article, we will discuss some of the best decks for Retro Royale.

Deck 1: Giant-Loon Beatdown

The Giant-Loon beatdown deck is a classic deck that is still effective in Retro Royale. This deck consists of Giant, Balloon, Musketeer, Zap, Fireball, Skeleton Army, Minions, and Elixir Collector. The strategy is simple: use the Giant as a tank while the Balloon does major damage to the tower. The Musketeer provides air defense while the Skeleton Army and Minions take care of ground troops. The Elixir Collector helps you cycle through your deck faster and gives you an elixir advantage over your opponent.

How to play this deck

Start by placing the Elixir Collector behind your King Tower. Once you have enough elixir, place the Giant in front of the Balloon and let them do their work. Use the Musketeer to defend against air troops and the Skeleton Army and Minions to take care of ground troops. Use the Fireball and Zap spells to take out enemy troops and damage the tower.

Deck 2: Hog Rider Cycle

The Hog Rider Cycle deck is a fast-paced deck that relies on the Hog Rider to do damage to the tower. This deck consists of Hog Rider, Ice Spirit, Fire Spirits, Goblins, Zap, Cannon, Skeletons, and Fireball. The strategy is to cycle through your deck quickly and use the Hog Rider to do damage while the other cards provide support and defense.

How to play this deck

Start by placing the Cannon in the middle of your side of the arena. Once you have enough elixir, place the Hog Rider behind the Cannon. Use the Ice Spirit and Fire Spirits to take out any defending troops and the Goblins to finish off the tower. Use the Zap spell to reset any defending troops or to finish off a low health tower. The Skeletons provide distraction for defending troops while the Fireball can be used to take out a group of enemy troops or to do extra damage to the tower.

Deck 3: X-Bow Siege

The X-Bow Siege deck is a classic Siege deck that relies on the X-Bow to do damage to the tower from a distance. This deck consists of X-Bow, Tesla, Archers, Knight, Fireball, Ice Spirit, Skeletons, and Log. The strategy is to defend your X-Bow while it does damage to the tower.

How to play this deck

Start by placing the X-Bow in the middle of your side of the arena. Use the Tesla and Archers to defend against attacking troops while the Knight provides a distraction for defending troops. Use the Log to take out any low health troops while the Ice Spirit can be used to freeze a group of enemy troops or to slow down a defending troop. The Fireball can be used to take out a group of enemy troops or to do extra damage to the tower.

Deck 4: Miner Control

The Miner Control deck is a versatile deck that can be used for both offense and defense. This deck consists of Miner, Princess, Inferno Tower, Minion Horde, Skeletons, Log, Ice Spirit, and Poison. The strategy is to use the Miner to do damage while the other cards provide support and defense.

How to play this deck

Start by placing the Inferno Tower in the middle of your side of the arena. Once you have enough elixir, place the Miner behind the tower and use the Princess and Minion Horde for support. Use the Skeletons to distract defending troops while the Ice Spirit can be used to freeze a group of enemy troops or to slow down a defending troop. The Log can be used to take out any low health troops while the Poison can be used to do damage to the tower and to defend against attacking troops.

Deck 5: Three Musketeers Beatdown

The Three Musketeers Beatdown deck is a powerful deck that relies on the Three Musketeers to do major damage to the tower. This deck consists of Three Musketeers, Giant, Miner, Fireball, Zap, Elixir Collector, Minions, and Ice Spirit. The strategy is to use the Giant as a tank while the Three Musketeers do major damage to the tower.

How to play this deck

Start by placing the Elixir Collector behind your King Tower. Once you have enough elixir, place the Giant in front of the Three Musketeers and let them do their work. Use the Miner to do damage to the tower or to distract defending troops. Use the Minions and Ice Spirit to defend against attacking troops while the Zap and Fireball spells can take out enemy troops and damage the tower.


Retro Royale is a fun and challenging event in Clash Royale that allows players to use only the original cards. With these decks, you can have a better chance of winning matches and earning rewards. Remember to practice and experiment with different cards and strategies to find the deck that works best for you.

Best Decks for Retro Royale

Retro Royale is a special event in Clash Royale that brings back the game's original rules and card levels. In this mode, all cards are capped at level 8, and players must rely on their skill and strategy instead of card levels to win. If you are looking for the best decks to use in Retro Royale, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 decks that you can use to dominate your opponents.

1. Classic Hog Rider Deck

The Classic Hog Rider Deck is a staple in Clash Royale and has been around since the early days of the game. This deck consists of the Hog Rider, Valkyrie, Musketeer, Skeletons, Ice Spirit, Cannon, Fireball, and Zap. The main objective of this deck is to use the Hog Rider to take down your opponent's towers while defending with the Valkyrie, Musketeer, and Skeletons.

The Classic Hog Rider Deck is a great choice for Retro Royale because it relies on low-cost cards that are effective at level 8. The Hog Rider is still a powerful win condition, and the Valkyrie and Musketeer provide solid support. The Skeletons, Ice Spirit, Cannon, Fireball, and Zap are all versatile cards that can be used for both offense and defense.

2. Double Prince Deck

The Double Prince Deck is another classic deck that has been popular in Clash Royale for years. This deck consists of the Dark Prince, Prince, Furnace, Poison, Mega Minion, Ice Spirit, Skeletons, and Zap. The main objective of this deck is to use the double Princes to take down your opponent's towers while defending with the Furnace, Mega Minion, and Skeletons.

The Double Prince Deck is a great choice for Retro Royale because it can be very difficult for your opponent to counter if played correctly. The double Princes are still very strong at level 8, and the Furnace provides solid chip damage. The Poison can be used to clear out enemy troops, while the Mega Minion and Skeletons provide additional defense.

3. Giant-Loon Deck

The Giant-Loon Deck is a popular deck that relies on the Giant and Balloon combo to take down enemy towers. This deck consists of the Giant, Balloon, Musketeer, Ice Spirit, Tombstone, Fireball, Zap, and Archers. The main objective of this deck is to use the Giant as a tank while the Balloon does massive damage to the enemy tower. The Musketeer, Ice Spirit, Tombstone, Fireball, Zap, and Archers provide support and defense.

The Giant-Loon Deck is a great choice for Retro Royale because it can catch opponents off guard. At level 8, the Giant and Balloon are still very powerful, and the Musketeer, Ice Spirit, Tombstone, Fireball, Zap, and Archers provide solid support and defense. This deck can be difficult to counter if played correctly, making it a strong choice for any player.

4. Miner Poison Deck

The Miner Poison Deck is a versatile deck that relies on the Miner to do chip damage to enemy towers. This deck consists of the Miner, Poison, Princess, Ice Spirit, Inferno Tower, Skeletons, Log, and Goblin Gang. The main objective of this deck is to use the Miner to do chip damage while defending with the Princess, Inferno Tower, Skeletons, and Goblin Gang. The Poison and Log can be used to clear out enemy troops.

The Miner Poison Deck is a great choice for Retro Royale because it is very versatile and can adapt to any situation. The Miner is still a strong win condition at level 8, and the Princess, Inferno Tower, Skeletons, and Goblin Gang provide solid defense. The Poison and Log can be used to control the battlefield and clear out enemy troops.

5. Lava Hound Balloon Deck

The Lava Hound Balloon Deck is a powerful deck that relies on the Lava Hound and Balloon combo to take down enemy towers. This deck consists of the Lava Hound, Balloon, Mega Minion, Tombstone, Lightning, Arrows, Skeletons, and Ice Spirit. The main objective of this deck is to use the Lava Hound as a tank while the Balloon does massive damage to the enemy tower. The Mega Minion, Tombstone, Lightning, Arrows, Skeletons, and Ice Spirit provide support and defense.

The Lava Hound Balloon Deck is a great choice for Retro Royale because it can catch opponents off guard. The Lava Hound and Balloon are still very powerful at level 8, and the Mega Minion, Tombstone, Lightning, Arrows, Skeletons, and Ice Spirit provide solid support and defense. This deck can be difficult to counter if played correctly, making it a strong choice for any player.

6. Golem Night Witch Deck

The Golem Night Witch Deck is a powerful deck that relies on the Golem and Night Witch combo to overwhelm your opponent. This deck consists of the Golem, Night Witch, Baby Dragon, Mega Minion, Elixir Collector, Zap, Poison, and Log. The main objective of this deck is to use the Golem as a tank while the Night Witch and other troops do massive damage to the enemy towers. The Baby Dragon, Mega Minion, Elixir Collector, Zap, Poison, and Log provide support and defense.

The Golem Night Witch Deck is a great choice for Retro Royale because it can overwhelm opponents with its sheer power. At level 8, the Golem and Night Witch are still very strong, and the Baby Dragon, Mega Minion, Elixir Collector, Zap, Poison, and Log provide solid support and defense. This deck can be difficult to counter if played correctly, making it a strong choice for any player.

7. Sparky Deck

The Sparky Deck is a unique deck that relies on the Sparky to take down enemy towers. This deck consists of the Sparky, Giant, Mega Minion, Electro Wizard, Ice Spirit, Skeletons, Zap, and Tornado. The main objective of this deck is to use the Giant as a tank while the Sparky does massive damage to the enemy towers. The Mega Minion, Electro Wizard, Ice Spirit, Skeletons, Zap, and Tornado provide support and defense.

The Sparky Deck is a great choice for Retro Royale because it can catch opponents off guard. The Sparky is still a powerful win condition at level 8, and the Giant, Mega Minion, Electro Wizard, Ice Spirit, Skeletons, Zap, and Tornado provide solid support and defense. This deck can be difficult to counter if played correctly, making it a strong choice for any player.

8. Three Musketeers Deck

The Three Musketeers Deck is a powerful deck that relies on the Three Musketeers to take down enemy towers. This deck consists of the Three Musketeers, Battle Ram, Elixir Collector, Ice Golem, Zap, Fireball, Mega Minion, and Goblin Gang. The main objective of this deck is to use the Three Musketeers to do massive damage to the enemy towers while defending with the Battle Ram, Ice Golem, Mega Minion, and Goblin Gang. The Elixir Collector provides additional elixir for your push.

The Three Musketeers Deck is a great choice for Retro Royale because it can overwhelm opponents with its sheer power. The Three Musketeers are still very strong at level 8, and the Battle Ram, Ice Golem, Mega Minion, and Goblin Gang provide solid support and defense. The Elixir Collector provides additional elixir for your push, making it easier to overwhelm your opponent.

9. X-Bow Cycle Deck

The X-Bow Cycle Deck is a unique deck that relies on the X-Bow to take down enemy towers. This deck consists of the X-Bow, Ice Golem, Archers, Knight, Fireball, Log, Skeletons, and Ice Spirit. The main objective of this deck is to use the X-Bow to do chip damage to the enemy towers while defending with the Ice Golem, Archers, Knight, Skeletons, and Ice Spirit. The Fireball and Log can be used to clear out enemy troops.

The X-Bow Cycle Deck is a great choice for Retro Royale because it can catch opponents off guard. The X-Bow is still a powerful win condition at level 8, and the Ice Golem, Archers, Knight, Skeletons, and Ice Spirit provide solid defense. The Fireball and Log can be used to control the battlefield and clear out enemy troops.

10. Royal Giant Furnace Deck

The Royal Giant Furnace Deck is a powerful deck that relies on the Royal Giant to take down enemy towers. This deck consists of the Royal Giant, Furnace, Mega Minion, Archers, Fireball, Zap, Skeletons, and Ice Spirit. The main objective of this deck is to use the Royal Giant as a tank while the Furnace and other troops do massive damage to the enemy towers. The Mega Minion, Archers, Fireball, Zap, Skeletons, and Ice Spirit provide support and defense.

The Royal Giant Furnace Deck is a great choice for Retro Royale because it can overwhelm opponents with its sheer power. The Royal Giant is still very strong at level 8, and the Furnace, Mega Minion, Archers, Fireball, Zap, Skeletons, and Ice Spirit provide solid support and defense. This deck can be difficult to counter if played correctly, making it a strong choice for any player.


In conclusion, Retro Royale is a fun and challenging mode in Clash Royale that requires skill and strategy to win. If you are looking for the best decks to use in Retro Royale, then you should consider the Classic Hog Rider Deck, Double Prince Deck, Giant-Loon Deck, Miner Poison Deck, Lava Hound Balloon Deck, Golem Night Witch Deck, Sparky Deck, Three Musketeers Deck, X-Bow Cycle Deck, and Royal Giant Furnace Deck. Each of these decks has its own strengths and weaknesses, so choose the one that best fits your playstyle. Good luck!

Best Decks for Retro Royale


Retro Royale is a special event in Clash Royale where players can only use cards that were available in the game at its global release in March 2016. As a result, some of the most popular and powerful cards in the current meta are not allowed. This makes deck building in Retro Royale a unique challenge. In this article, we will discuss the best decks for Retro Royale and their pros and cons.

Deck 1: Hog Cycle

The Hog Cycle deck is a popular archetype that has been around since the early days of Clash Royale. It consists of low-cost cards that allow you to cycle through your deck quickly and apply constant pressure on your opponent's towers with the Hog Rider.

  • Pros:
    • Fast-paced gameplay
    • Easy to use
    • Good against control decks
  • Cons:
    • Weak against heavy beatdown decks
    • Relies heavily on the Hog Rider

Deck 2: Giant Beatdown

The Giant Beatdown deck is another classic archetype that relies on the Giant as its main win condition. It is a slower-paced deck that aims to build up a strong push and overwhelm the opponent's defenses.

  • Pros:
    • Strong against small troops and buildings
    • Can take down towers quickly if left unchecked
  • Cons:
    • Vulnerable to swarm troops
    • Can be countered easily if the opponent has the right cards

Deck 3: Royal Giant Siege

The Royal Giant Siege deck is a newer archetype that has gained popularity in recent years. It relies on the Royal Giant's long range to deal damage to the opponent's towers from afar.

  • Pros:
    • Can deal damage to towers without crossing the river
    • Good against buildings and defensive decks
  • Cons:
    • Relies heavily on the Royal Giant
    • Vulnerable to heavy beatdown decks


In conclusion, there are several viable decks for Retro Royale, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The Hog Cycle deck is fast and aggressive, but vulnerable to heavy defenses. The Giant Beatdown deck is slower, but can overwhelm the opponent's defenses if left unchecked. The Royal Giant Siege deck can deal damage from afar, but is vulnerable to heavy beatdown decks. Ultimately, the best deck for Retro Royale will depend on your playstyle and the cards you have available.

The Best Decks for Retro Royale: A Comprehensive Guide

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on the best decks for Retro Royale. We hope that you have found it informative and helpful in your quest to climb the ranks in this special game mode. As you may know, Retro Royale is a limited-time event that only comes around once in a while, so it's important to make the most of it while you can.

In this article, we have provided you with a comprehensive guide to the best decks for Retro Royale. We have covered a wide range of strategies and card combinations, from fast-paced rush decks to slow and steady control decks. No matter what your playstyle or experience level, we are confident that you will find something useful here.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when building a deck for Retro Royale is that you are limited to using cards that were available in the game during its first year of release. This means that some of the newer and more powerful cards that you may be used to using in other game modes will not be available to you.

However, this limitation also means that the playing field is more even, and you won't have to worry about facing off against opponents with overpowered cards that you don't have access to. With that in mind, let's take a look at some of the best decks for Retro Royale.

First up, we have the Hog Cycle deck. This deck is all about speed and aggression, using cheap cycle cards like Ice Spirit and Skeletons to cycle quickly through your deck and get to your win condition, which is the Hog Rider. The Hog Rider is one of the most versatile and reliable win conditions in the game, and in Retro Royale, it is still just as effective as ever.

Another great deck for Retro Royale is the Giant Beatdown deck. This deck focuses on building a massive push with a combination of tanky units like the Giant and support troops like the Musketeer and Wizard. The key to success with this deck is to build up a slow and steady push, making use of your defensive cards like the Cannon and Tombstone to protect your towers while you build up your army.

For players who prefer a more defensive playstyle, the X-Bow Control deck may be the way to go. This deck relies on the X-Bow as its win condition, using defensive cards like the Inferno Tower and Tesla to protect it while chipping away at your opponent's towers from a distance. This may not be the fastest or flashiest deck out there, but it can be incredibly effective if played correctly.

Of course, these are just a few examples of the many different decks that can be successful in Retro Royale. The key is to find a deck that suits your playstyle and that you feel comfortable playing with. Don't be afraid to experiment with different card combinations and strategies until you find something that works for you.

One final piece of advice we would offer is to always keep an eye on the meta. Just because a certain deck or strategy was successful for you in the past doesn't mean it will continue to be effective as the game evolves and new strategies emerge. Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and adjust your deck accordingly.

In conclusion, we hope that this guide to the best decks for Retro Royale has been helpful to you. Whether you are a seasoned veteran of the game or a newcomer looking to get started, we believe that there is something here for everyone. Remember to have fun, stay flexible, and never give up - with enough practice and perseverance, you can climb the ranks and become a true champion of Retro Royale!

People Also Ask About Best Decks for Retro Royale

What is Retro Royale?

Retro Royale is a special event in Clash Royale that takes players back to the game's original gameplay style and card selection. It features only the cards that were available in the game during its launch back in 2016.

What are the best decks for Retro Royale?

If you're looking to build a winning deck for Retro Royale, here are some of the best options:

1. Hog Rider Cycle Deck

This deck centers around the Hog Rider and uses low elixir cost cards to cycle quickly through your deck. Its key cards include the Hog Rider, Skeletons, Ice Spirit, and Fireball.

  • Hog Rider
  • Skeletons
  • Ice Spirit
  • Fireball

2. Giant Beatdown Deck

This deck utilizes the Giant as its main tank and pairs it with supporting troops such as the Musketeer and Barbarians. Its key cards include the Giant, Musketeer, Barbarians, and Zap.

  • Giant
  • Musketeer
  • Barbarians
  • Zap

3. Golem Beatdown Deck

Similar to the Giant Beatdown Deck, this deck focuses on the Golem as its main tank. However, it also includes the Night Witch and Baby Dragon for added support. Its key cards include the Golem, Night Witch, Baby Dragon, and Lightning.

  • Golem
  • Night Witch
  • Baby Dragon
  • Lightning

4. X-Bow Siege Deck

This deck centers around the X-Bow and uses defensive cards to protect it while it chips away at the opponent's towers. Its key cards include the X-Bow, Tesla, Ice Golem, and Fireball.

  • X-Bow
  • Tesla
  • Ice Golem
  • Fireball

What is the strategy for playing in Retro Royale?

The key strategy for playing in Retro Royale is to focus on efficient elixir usage. Since the card selection is limited, it's important to choose cards that can perform multiple functions and have high value for their elixir cost. Additionally, it's important to cycle through your deck quickly in order to get to your key cards and win conditions.