Neverwinter's Best DPS Class in 2016: Uncovering the Top-Performing Heroes


Discover the best DPS class in Neverwinter 2016. Unleash massive damage with our top pick and dominate your enemies.

Are you looking for the best DPS class in Neverwinter in 2016? Look no further, as we have done the research and compiled a list of the top contenders. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, having a strong DPS class can make all the difference in your gameplay experience. From high damage output to unique playstyles, these classes have proven themselves to be the cream of the crop.

First on our list is the Trickster Rogue. This class is known for its swift movements and deadly strikes, making it a force to be reckoned with in combat. With its ability to deal massive damage through critical hits and stealthy attacks, the Trickster Rogue is a popular choice for players who want to take down enemies quickly and efficiently.

Next up is the Hunter Ranger. This class offers a unique blend of ranged and melee combat, making it a versatile choice for players who want to switch up their playstyle. With its ability to deal both damage and healing, the Hunter Ranger can be a valuable asset to any group. Plus, its animal companion adds an extra layer of strategy to gameplay.

The Control Wizard is another strong contender for the best DPS class in Neverwinter. As its name suggests, this class focuses on crowd control, using spells and abilities to immobilize and damage multiple enemies at once. With its high burst damage and ability to control the battlefield, the Control Wizard is a great choice for players who enjoy strategic gameplay.

If you prefer a more straightforward approach to combat, the Great Weapon Fighter might be the class for you. This class excels in close-quarters combat, dealing massive damage with its heavy weapons. With its ability to tank and deal damage simultaneously, the Great Weapon Fighter is a popular choice for players who want to take on enemies head-on.

For those who enjoy playing support roles, the Devoted Cleric is a strong choice. While it may not deal as much damage as other classes on this list, the Devoted Cleric makes up for it with its ability to heal and buff allies. With its variety of spells and abilities, this class can keep your group alive and kicking in even the toughest battles.

The Scourge Warlock is another class that offers a unique playstyle. With its ability to deal damage over time and drain enemies' health, the Scourge Warlock can be a formidable opponent. Plus, its ability to summon demonic minions adds an extra layer of strategy to gameplay.

If you're looking for a more challenging playstyle, the Oathbound Paladin might be the class for you. This class focuses on tanking and support, using its abilities to protect allies and debuff enemies. With its high survivability and ability to heal, the Oathbound Paladin can be a valuable asset in any group.

The Control Wizard, Trickster Rogue, Hunter Ranger, Great Weapon Fighter, Devoted Cleric, Scourge Warlock, and Oathbound Paladin are all strong contenders for the best DPS class in Neverwinter in 2016. Each class offers a unique playstyle and set of abilities, so it's important to choose one that suits your preferences and playstyle. No matter which class you choose, however, you're sure to have a great time exploring the world of Neverwinter and taking on its many challenges.

In conclusion, the best DPS class in Neverwinter in 2016 depends on your personal preferences and playstyle. Whether you prefer a straightforward approach or a more strategic one, there's a class on this list that will suit your needs. So why wait? Grab your weapons, gather your allies, and embark on an epic adventure in the world of Neverwinter today!


Neverwinter is a popular action-packed MMORPG that has been around for a while. Players are always on the lookout for the best DPS class to help them dominate in battles and achieve victory. In this article, we'll be discussing the best DPS class in Neverwinter for 2016.

The Hunter Ranger

The Hunter Ranger is undoubtedly the top DPS class in Neverwinter. They are versatile and can deal massive damage both from a distance and up close. Their skills are perfect for taking down mobs of enemies and bosses alike.


The Hunter Ranger's skills include Cordon of Arrows, Constricting Arrow, and Rain of Swords. These skills allow players to deal damage to multiple enemies at once, making it easier to take down mobs. Additionally, their abilities such as Split Shot and Electric Shot provide massive damage to single targets.


The Hunter Ranger requires a bit of strategy to play effectively. Players need to use their ranged attacks to soften up enemies before going in for the kill with their melee abilities. This can take some practice, but it's worth it when you see the results.

Trickster Rogue

The Trickster Rogue is another strong DPS class in Neverwinter. They are agile and have a high critical hit rate, making them deadly in combat.


Their skills include Dazing Strike, Lashing Blade, and Cloud of Steel. These abilities allow players to deal massive damage to single targets and move quickly around the battlefield.


The Trickster Rogue requires a fast-paced playstyle. Players need to dodge attacks while dealing out damage as quickly as possible. This can be difficult to master, but it's rewarding when you're able to take down enemies quickly.

Great Weapon Fighter

The Great Weapon Fighter is a classic DPS class in Neverwinter. They are strong and can deal massive damage with their two-handed weapons.


Their skills include Mighty Leap, Slam, and Bravery. These abilities allow players to deal heavy damage to single targets and stun enemies to set up for more attacks.


The Great Weapon Fighter requires a straightforward playstyle. Players need to get up close and personal with enemies and use their heavy hitting abilities to take them down. While they lack the versatility of other DPS classes, they make up for it in raw power.


Overall, the Hunter Ranger is the best DPS class in Neverwinter for 2016. Their versatility and ability to deal massive damage to both single targets and mobs make them essential for any party. However, Trickster Rogues and Great Weapon Fighters are still strong DPS classes that can hold their own in combat.

No matter which DPS class you choose, remember to practice and master their abilities to become a true force on the battlefield. Happy gaming!

Neverwinter Best DPS Class 2016: A Comprehensive Guide

Neverwinter is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Cryptic Studios and released in 2013. The game is set in the fictional world of Faerun, where players create their characters and embark on quests and adventures within the game world. One of the most important aspects of gameplay in Neverwinter is damage per second (DPS). In this article, we will explore the best DPS class in Neverwinter for 2016 and provide you with all the information you need to maximize your damage output.

What is a DPS class in Neverwinter?

A DPS class is a character class that specializes in dealing damage to enemies. These classes are essential in any party setup as they are responsible for taking down enemies quickly and efficiently. In Neverwinter, there are several DPS classes to choose from, each with its own unique playstyle and strengths.

How important is DPS in Neverwinter gameplay?

DPS is incredibly important in Neverwinter gameplay. Without strong DPS, it becomes difficult to defeat enemies and progress through the game's content. Additionally, DPS is important in group content such as dungeons and raids, where players need to work together to defeat challenging bosses and complete objectives. As such, having a strong DPS class in your party can mean the difference between success and failure.

Which class is considered the best for DPS in Neverwinter?

The best DPS class in Neverwinter for 2016 is the Trickster Rogue. This class specializes in dealing massive amounts of damage quickly and efficiently, making it ideal for both solo play and group content. Trickster Rogues have a high critical hit chance and can deal massive burst damage, making them a popular choice for players looking to take down enemies quickly.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the top DPS classes in Neverwinter?

In addition to the Trickster Rogue, there are several other classes that excel at DPS in Neverwinter. The Hunter Ranger is another popular choice, with a strong mix of ranged and melee abilities. The Great Weapon Fighter is also a solid choice for players looking for a more straightforward playstyle, with a focus on dealing damage with heavy weapons. Finally, the Control Wizard is a great choice for players who want to combine strong DPS with crowd control abilities.

Each of these classes has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. For example, the Trickster Rogue is incredibly strong in burst damage but can struggle with sustained damage over time. The Hunter Ranger is excellent at dealing damage from range but can be weaker in melee combat. The Great Weapon Fighter is a straightforward class with a focus on damage, but lacks versatility in terms of abilities. The Control Wizard is a great choice for crowd control but may struggle with pure damage output.

How does gear and stats affect the DPS output in Neverwinter?

Gear and stats play a significant role in determining your DPS output in Neverwinter. In general, you want to focus on gear that provides bonuses to your primary stats, such as Strength or Dexterity, as well as gear that enhances your critical hit chance and damage. You can also improve your DPS by upgrading your weapons and armor, using enchantments and gems to further boost your stats.

In terms of stats, there are several that are important for DPS classes. Critical hit chance and damage are essential for maximizing your damage output, while Armor Penetration and Power are also important stats to focus on. Additionally, you should consider your character's movement speed, as this can impact your ability to get in and out of combat quickly.

What are some popular builds for the best DPS classes in Neverwinter?

There are several popular builds for the best DPS classes in Neverwinter, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, the Trickster Rogue can be built for either single-target burst damage or area-of-effect damage, depending on your playstyle. The Hunter Ranger can be built for either ranged or melee combat, while the Great Weapon Fighter can focus on either critical hit chance or Armor Penetration.

When building your character, it's essential to consider your playstyle and the content you will be tackling. For example, a build that works well for solo play may not be as effective in group content, and vice versa. Additionally, you should consider your gear and stats when building your character, as these will impact your abilities and playstyle.

What role does playstyle have in maximizing DPS in Neverwinter?

Playstyle is incredibly important in maximizing DPS in Neverwinter. Different classes have different playstyles, and each player will have their own preferences and strengths. For example, some players may prefer a more aggressive playstyle, focusing on dealing damage quickly and efficiently, while others may prefer a more defensive playstyle, using crowd control and other abilities to control the battlefield.

It's important to find a playstyle that works for you and your chosen class. Experiment with different abilities and builds, and don't be afraid to try new things until you find what works best for you.

Are there any upcoming changes that may affect the best DPS class in Neverwinter?

There are always changes and updates being made to Neverwinter, which can impact the effectiveness of different classes and builds. It's essential to stay up-to-date with these changes and adjust your playstyle accordingly. Additionally, you should keep an eye on new content releases, as these may introduce new items and abilities that can further enhance your DPS output.

How does group composition impact the effectiveness of a DPS class in Neverwinter?

Group composition plays a significant role in the effectiveness of a DPS class in Neverwinter. For example, a Trickster Rogue may be incredibly effective in solo play, but may struggle in group content if there are already several other DPS classes in the party. Conversely, a Control Wizard may be an excellent choice for group content, where crowd control abilities are essential, but may struggle in solo play.

When building a party, it's important to consider the roles of each player and ensure that there is a good balance between DPS, support, and crowd control. This will help ensure that everyone can contribute effectively to the group's success.

What are some tips for playing the best DPS class in Neverwinter?

Here are some tips for playing the best DPS class in Neverwinter:

  • Focus on your primary stats, such as Strength or Dexterity, and gear that enhances your critical hit chance and damage.
  • Upgrade your weapons and armor, and use enchantments and gems to further boost your stats.
  • Experiment with different builds and playstyles to find what works best for you.
  • Stay up-to-date with changes and updates to the game that may impact your effectiveness.
  • Be mindful of group composition and ensure that there is a good balance between DPS, support, and crowd control.


In conclusion, the Trickster Rogue is the best DPS class in Neverwinter for 2016. However, there are several other classes that excel at dealing damage, each with its own unique playstyle and strengths. By focusing on your gear, stats, and playstyle, you can maximize your DPS output and contribute effectively to your party's success.

Neverwinter Best DPS Class 2016: Overview and Comparison


When it comes to playing Neverwinter, choosing the right class is crucial to your success. If you want to deal maximum damage in combat, then you need a class that specializes in DPS (damage per second). In this article, we will take a look at the best DPS classes in Neverwinter for 2016. We will compare their strengths and weaknesses, as well as give you an overview of what each class has to offer.

The Top 3 DPS Classes in Neverwinter 2016

1. Trickster Rogue

  • Pros: High single target damage, stealth abilities, high mobility
  • Cons: Low survivability, difficult to play effectively

2. Hunter Ranger

  • Pros: Good balance of single target and AOE damage, high mobility, good survivability
  • Cons: Can be difficult to play effectively, requires precise positioning

3. Scourge Warlock

  • Pros: High AOE damage, good survivability, good debuffs
  • Cons: Lower single target damage, can be resource-intensive

Comparison Table

Trickster RogueHunter RangerScourge Warlock
Single Target DamageHighMediumLow
AOE DamageLowMediumHigh


Ultimately, the best DPS class for you will depend on your playstyle and preferences. If you prefer high single target damage and mobility, then the Trickster Rogue might be the best choice for you. If you want a balanced class with good survivability, then the Hunter Ranger is a good option. And if you want to deal high AOE damage and have good debuffs, then the Scourge Warlock might be the way to go. Whatever class you choose, make sure to practice and master your skills to become the best DPS player you can be.


As we come to the end of this article, we hope that it has been informative and helpful in guiding you towards choosing the best DPS class in Neverwinter for 2016. It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to choosing a class, as each player has their own unique playstyle and preferences. However, by taking into account the factors discussed in this article, such as damage output, survivability, and playstyle, you can make an informed decision and select the class that best suits your individual needs.

Remember that while DPS is an important aspect of any MMO, it is not the only factor that contributes to success. Group composition, communication, and strategy all play a crucial role in achieving victory in Neverwinter. Therefore, it is important to work together with your team and communicate effectively to maximize your chances of success.

It is also worth noting that the game is constantly evolving, with new updates and patches being released regularly. This means that the best DPS class for 2016 may not necessarily be the best in 2017 or beyond. As such, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest changes and adjust your playstyle accordingly.

Finally, we would like to remind you that while DPS is important, it is ultimately just a number on a screen. What truly matters is having fun and enjoying the game. Whether you prefer to play a tank, healer, or DPS class, what matters most is finding a class that you enjoy and that allows you to fully immerse yourself in the world of Neverwinter. So go forth, explore, and discover the class that is right for you!

Thank you for reading, and we wish you the best of luck on your adventure through Neverwinter!

People also ask about Neverwinter best DPS class 2016

What is DPS in Neverwinter?

DPS stands for damage per second and refers to the amount of damage a player can dish out in a given amount of time. In Neverwinter, DPS classes are focused on dealing as much damage as possible to enemies.

What are the best DPS classes in Neverwinter in 2016?

In 2016, the best DPS classes in Neverwinter were:

  1. Great Weapon Fighter (GWF): This class is known for its high damage output and excellent mobility. GWFs use heavy weapons like greatswords and axes to deal massive damage to enemies.
  2. Trickster Rogue (TR): TRs are masters of stealth and deception, able to sneak up on enemies and deal devastating blows. They're also highly mobile and can dodge attacks with ease.
  3. Control Wizard (CW): While not typically thought of as a DPS class, CWs can deal significant damage with their spells. They're also able to control the battlefield with crowd control abilities.

Which DPS class is the easiest to play?

The easiest DPS class to play in Neverwinter is probably the Great Weapon Fighter. It has a straightforward playstyle and doesn't require as much finesse as other classes like the Trickster Rogue.

Which DPS class is the hardest to play?

The hardest DPS class to play in Neverwinter is probably the Trickster Rogue. It requires a lot of skill to effectively use its stealth abilities and avoid taking damage while dealing out massive amounts of damage.

Can I play a DPS class as a solo player?

Yes, all three of the best DPS classes in 2016 (Great Weapon Fighter, Trickster Rogue, and Control Wizard) can be played as solo players. They're all able to deal significant damage to enemies on their own.