Find Your Perfect Companion: A Guide to the Best Starter Monsters in Monster Rancher 2


Find out the best starter to kickstart your Monster Rancher 2 adventure! Choose wisely and become a top monster breeder.

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Are you a fan of Monster Rancher 2? Do you want to know which monster is the best starter? Look no further than this guide! Choosing the right monster to start with can make all the difference in your journey as a monster breeder. In this article, we will go over the top three monsters that make for the best starter based on their stats, abilities, and overall usefulness in battles. So, whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, read on to find out which monster you should choose to begin your adventure with.

The first monster on our list is Suezo. This little eyeball creature may not look like much, but it packs a punch with its high intelligence and speed stats. Its signature move, Eye Beam, deals heavy damage to opponents and has a high accuracy rate. Additionally, Suezo's ability to learn various support moves like Heal and Barrier make it a valuable asset in battles. Plus, its low maintenance needs make it easy to take care of and train.

Next up is Mocchi, a fluffy pink ball with a surprising amount of power. While its speed stat is not as high as Suezo's, Mocchi makes up for it with its impressive strength and defense stats. Its signature move, Mocchi Punch, is a hard-hitting attack that can knock out opponents quickly. Mocchi also has the ability to learn healing moves, making it a sturdy and reliable monster to have on your team.

Finally, we have Golem, a towering rock monster with immense strength and defense. While Golem's speed and intelligence stats are lower compared to Suezo and Mocchi, it makes up for it with its incredible physical prowess. Its signature move, Rock Throw, deals massive damage to opponents and has a high chance of causing them to flinch. Golem's high defense also makes it a valuable tank in battles, able to withstand even the toughest of attacks.

So, which of these three monsters is the best starter? The answer ultimately depends on your playstyle and personal preferences. Suezo is great for those who prefer speed and intelligence-based strategies, while Mocchi is ideal for those who want a sturdy and reliable monster. Golem is perfect for players who want a hard-hitting tank that can take a beating. Whichever monster you choose, be sure to train it well and make the most out of its strengths.

In conclusion, starting with the right monster in Monster Rancher 2 can make all the difference in your journey as a monster breeder. Suezo, Mocchi, and Golem are all excellent choices for a starter, each with their own unique strengths and abilities. By considering your playstyle and preferences, you can choose the monster that best fits your needs and have a blast raising it to become a champion fighter.


Monster Rancher 2 is a popular game that has been around for more than two decades. The game involves raising and training monsters, which are then used to battle against other monsters. One of the most important decisions you will make in the game is choosing the best starter monster. In this article, we will discuss the best starter monster in Monster Rancher 2.

Types of Starter Monsters

There are several types of starter monsters in Monster Rancher 2. These include Mocchi, Suezo, Golem, Hare, Tiger, and Dragon. Each monster has its strengths and weaknesses, which make them unique. However, some starter monsters are better than others.

The Best Starter Monster


Mocchi is considered the best starter monster in Monster Rancher 2. It is a cute, pink, and fluffy monster that has excellent defense and high vitality. Mocchi is also a great choice because it has a low food consumption rate, which means you can save money on food and use it to train your monster instead.


Suezo is another popular starter monster. It is a one-eyed monster that has high intelligence and speed. Suezo is also immune to poison, which makes it a good choice if you plan on battling against poison-type monsters.


Golem is a strong and sturdy monster that has high attack power and defense. However, it has a slow movement speed, which makes it vulnerable to fast-moving monsters. Golem is a good choice if you plan on using it as a tank in battles.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Starter Monster

Choosing the right starter monster is crucial in Monster Rancher 2. The starter monster will be with you throughout the game, and it will determine your gameplay experience. A good starter monster can make battles easier, save you money on food, and help you progress through the game faster.

How to Obtain the Best Starter Monster

To obtain the best starter monster, you need to use a specific CD when creating your monster. The CD you use will determine the type of monster you get. To get Mocchi, you need to use the CD Monster Rancher 2 Disc 1. To get Suezo, you need to use the CD Monster Rancher 2 Disc 2. To get Golem, you need to use the CD Monster Rancher 2 Disc 3.

Training Your Starter Monster

Once you have obtained your starter monster, you need to train it to become stronger. Training involves feeding your monster, giving it rest, and training its stats. You can train your monster by using the different facilities available in the game, such as the gym or the hot spring.

Battling with Your Starter Monster

Battling is an essential part of Monster Rancher 2. You need to battle other monsters to gain experience and earn money. Your starter monster will be your main asset in battles, so it's essential to train it well. You can also use items and techniques during battles to give your monster an advantage.


Choosing the best starter monster in Monster Rancher 2 is crucial for your gameplay experience. Mocchi is considered the best starter monster because of its high defense, vitality, and low food consumption rate. However, it's important to choose a starter monster that suits your playstyle. Once you have obtained your starter monster, you need to train it well and use it in battles to progress through the game.

The Importance of Choosing the Best Starter in Monster Rancher 2

Monster Rancher 2 is a classic video game that has captured the hearts of players worldwide. One of the most crucial aspects of the game is choosing the right monster as your starter. This decision can make or break your journey throughout the game. In this article, we will discuss the different types of monsters, their strengths and weaknesses, skills, traits, compatibility with trainers, food and medicine costs, long-term growth potential, competitive success, and personal preferences.

Understanding the Different Types of Monsters Available in the Game

The first step in choosing the best starter in Monster Rancher 2 is to understand the different types of monsters available. The game features six types of monsters - Mocchi, Suezo, Golem, Tiger, Hare, and Dragon. Each of these monsters has its unique set of skills, traits, and evolution paths. Mocchi is a water-based monster with high endurance and defense. It excels in defensive and support skills that can heal or protect other monsters. Suezo is a versatile monster that can learn both offensive and defensive skills. It has high intelligence and speed, making it an excellent choice for trainers who prefer agility and quick thinking. Golem is a rock-based monster with high strength and defense. It can learn powerful offensive skills but lacks in speed and mobility. Tiger is a fast and fierce monster with high attack power. It can also learn defensive skills but is vulnerable to attacks due to its low endurance. Hare is a grass-based monster with high agility and speed. It excels in evasive and support skills but lacks in attack power and defense. Dragon is a rare and powerful monster with high stats in all categories. It is difficult to obtain and requires a specific combination of CDs to create.

Comparing Monster Statistics: Strengths and Weaknesses

Once you have an understanding of the different types of monsters available, it's essential to compare their statistics. Each monster has its unique set of strengths and weaknesses that can affect its performance in battles. For example, Mocchi has high endurance and defense but lacks attack power, making it a suitable choice for defensive players. Suezo has high intelligence and speed but low endurance, making it vulnerable to attack. Golem has high strength and defense but is slow and lacks mobility. Tiger has high attack power but low endurance, making it a risky choice for prolonged battles. Hare has high agility and speed but low attack power and defense. Dragon has high stats in all categories, making it a formidable opponent but difficult to obtain.

Evaluating Monster Skills: Offensive, Defensive, and Support

Another critical aspect of choosing the best starter in Monster Rancher 2 is evaluating each monster's offensive, defensive, and support skills. Offensive skills are used to damage opponents, defensive skills to protect your monster from attacks, and support skills to heal or buff your monster. Each monster can learn up to four skills, and it's essential to choose a starter that can learn the skills you need to succeed in battles. For example, Mocchi can learn healing and defensive skills, making it a valuable support monster. Suezo can learn both offensive and defensive skills, making it a versatile choice. Golem can learn powerful offensive skills, but lacks in support and defensive skills. Tiger can learn devastating offensive skills, but lacks in defensive and support skills. Hare can learn evasive and support skills, but lacks in offensive and defensive skills. Dragon can learn a wide range of offensive, defensive, and support skills, making it a well-rounded monster.

Examining Monster Traits: Unique Characteristics and Abilities

In addition to statistics and skills, each monster in Monster Rancher 2 has unique traits that set them apart from others. These traits can affect their performance in battles and their evolution paths. For example, Mocchi has a trait called Water Tolerance, which makes it immune to water attacks. Suezo has a trait called Third Eye, which increases its accuracy in battles. Golem has a trait called Rock Head, which makes it immune to stun attacks. Tiger has a trait called Sharp Claws, which increases its attack power. Hare has a trait called Fur Coat, which increases its defense. Dragon has a trait called Dragon Blood, which increases its overall stats.

Considering Compatibility with Your Trainer's Techniques and Strategies

Choosing the best starter in Monster Rancher 2 also involves considering your trainer's techniques and strategies. Each trainer has a unique playstyle, and it's essential to choose a monster that complements it. For example, a defensive trainer would benefit from having a Mocchi starter, while an offensive trainer would prefer a Tiger or Golem starter. A versatile trainer would benefit from having a Suezo or Dragon starter, while a support trainer would prefer a Hare starter.

Factoring in the Cost and Availability of Food and Medicine

Another aspect to consider when choosing the best starter in Monster Rancher 2 is the cost and availability of food and medicine. Each monster requires specific types of food and medicine to grow and evolve, and it's essential to choose a starter that is affordable and readily available. For example, Mocchi requires fish-based food and low-cost medicine, making it an affordable choice. Suezo requires plant-based food and mid-range medicine, making it a slightly more expensive choice. Golem requires meat-based food and high-cost medicine, making it a costly choice. Tiger requires meat-based food and low-cost medicine, making it an affordable choice. Hare requires plant-based food and mid-range medicine, making it a slightly more expensive choice. Dragon requires high-quality food and top-tier medicine, making it an expensive and challenging choice to maintain.

Looking at Long-Term Growth Potential and Evolution Paths

Choosing the best starter in Monster Rancher 2 also involves looking at their long-term growth potential and evolution paths. Each monster can evolve into different forms depending on its stats, skills, and traits. It's essential to choose a starter that has good potential for growth and can evolve into a form that complements your playstyle. For example, Mocchi can evolve into a Metalner or MocchiKing, both of which are excellent defensive monsters. Suezo can evolve into a Joker or Mocchimus, both of which are versatile monsters. Golem can evolve into a Henger or Gali, both of which are powerful offensive monsters. Tiger can evolve into a Zuum or Tigeron, both of which are fast and fierce monsters. Hare can evolve into a Monol or Henger, both of which are support and evasive monsters. Dragon can evolve into a Zilla or DragonLord, both of which are formidable opponents.

Assessing the Potential for Competitive Success in Tournaments and Battles

Choosing the best starter in Monster Rancher 2 also involves assessing their potential for competitive success in tournaments and battles. Each monster has its strengths and weaknesses, and it's essential to choose a starter that can hold its own against other monsters. For example, Mocchi is an excellent choice for defensive players who prefer to outlast their opponents. Suezo is a versatile choice that can adapt to different situations and opponents. Golem is a powerful choice for offensive players who prefer to deal massive damage. Tiger is a risky but rewarding choice for players who prefer to take down opponents quickly. Hare is a support and evasive choice that can outlast opponents and heal allies. Dragon is a formidable opponent that can dominate battles with its high stats and skills.

Finding the Perfect Balance between Personal Preference and Practicality

Ultimately, choosing the best starter in Monster Rancher 2 comes down to finding the perfect balance between personal preference and practicality. Each player has their unique playstyle and preferences, and it's essential to choose a starter that complements them. However, practical considerations such as cost, availability, and competitive success cannot be ignored. By evaluating statistics, skills, traits, compatibility with trainers, food and medicine costs, long-term growth potential, competitive success, and personal preferences, players can make an informed decision and choose the best starter for their journey in Monster Rancher 2.

In conclusion,

Choosing the best starter in Monster Rancher 2 is a critical decision that can affect your journey throughout the game. By understanding the different types of monsters, comparing their statistics, evaluating their skills and traits, considering compatibility with trainers, factoring in the cost and availability of food and medicine, looking at long-term growth potential and evolution paths, assessing their potential for competitive success, and finding the perfect balance between personal preference and practicality, players can make an informed decision and choose the best starter for their playstyle and goals. With the right starter, players can embark on an exciting adventure in Monster Rancher 2 and become the ultimate monster trainer.

Monster Rancher 2: The Best Starter

My Point of View

In my opinion, the best starter monster in Monster Rancher 2 is the Suezo. It is a versatile monster that can excel in different areas, making it a great choice for beginners and experienced players alike.

Pros of Choosing Suezo

  1. Suezo has high intelligence which makes it easier to train and learn new skills.
  2. It has a wide range of attack techniques, including ranged attacks that can hit enemies from afar.
  3. Suezo's relatively low defense is compensated by its high speed, which allows it to dodge enemy attacks easily.
  4. It has a unique ability called Eye Beam which deals heavy damage to opponents.

Cons of Choosing Suezo

  1. Suezo's accuracy can be a problem at times, especially against faster opponents.
  2. Its low defense and HP make it vulnerable to physical attacks, so players need to be careful when facing stronger monsters.
  3. Suezo's lifespan is shorter compared to other monsters, so players need to plan ahead and breed it early on to get stronger offspring.

Comparison Table: Suezo vs. Other Starters

Monster Strengths Weaknesses
Suezo High intelligence, versatile attacks, high speed, unique ability Low defense, accuracy issues, short lifespan
Mocchi High defense, good HP, cute appearance Low speed, limited attack options, weak against special attacks
Hare High speed, good accuracy, unique ability Low defense and HP, weak against physical attacks, limited attack options
Golem High defense and HP, good attack power, unique ability Low speed, limited attack options, weak against special attacks

Overall, Suezo is a great starter monster that can help players progress through the game with ease. However, players should also consider their play style and strategy before choosing a starter, as each monster has its own strengths and weaknesses.

The Best Starter Monster in Monster Rancher 2

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on the best starter monster in Monster Rancher 2. The game, originally released on PlayStation in 1999, has become a cult classic among gamers who love raising and battling monsters. One of the most important decisions in the game is choosing your starter monster, as it can greatly impact your gameplay experience.

After doing extensive research and playing through the game multiple times, we have concluded that the best starter monster in Monster Rancher 2 is the Suezo. This adorable little eyeball creature may not look like much at first glance, but it has several advantages over the other starter monsters.

Firstly, the Suezo has high intelligence and speed stats, which are crucial for winning battles and learning new skills quickly. It also has a unique ability called Eye Beam, which deals damage to enemies and can even stun them for a turn. This makes the Suezo a versatile and effective fighter from the get-go.

Another advantage of choosing the Suezo as your starter monster is its compatibility with a wide variety of discs. In Monster Rancher 2, you can generate new monsters by inserting different CDs, DVDs, and game discs into your PlayStation console. The Suezo has one of the highest compatibility rates among all monsters, meaning you'll have more opportunities to generate new monsters and expand your roster.

Of course, every monster has its weaknesses as well. The Suezo's low defense and life stats may make it vulnerable to enemy attacks, especially in later stages of the game. However, with careful training and skill selection, these weaknesses can be mitigated and the Suezo can become a formidable member of your team.

If you're still not convinced that the Suezo is the best starter monster for you, let's take a look at the other options. The Mocchi, a cute little pink creature, has high life and power stats, but its low intelligence may make it slower to learn new skills. The Golem, a hulking stone creature, has high defense and power stats, but its slow speed and lack of special abilities can make it less versatile in battles.

Ultimately, the choice of starter monster comes down to personal preference and playstyle. Some players may prefer the brute strength of the Golem or the resilience of the Mocchi. However, if you're looking for a well-rounded and adaptable monster that can take on any challenge, we highly recommend the Suezo as your starter.

As you embark on your journey through Monster Rancher 2, remember that raising and battling monsters is all about experimentation and discovery. Don't be afraid to try out new monsters and strategies, and most importantly, have fun!

Thank you again for reading this article and we hope it has helped you make an informed decision about your starter monster. Happy monster ranching!

People Also Ask About Monster Rancher 2 Best Starter

What is Monster Rancher 2?

Monster Rancher 2 is a simulation video game developed by Tecmo in which players raise and train monsters to compete in battles.

What are the best starters in Monster Rancher 2?

The best starters in Monster Rancher 2 are:

  • Suezo: A floating eyeball monster that is easy to train and has high accuracy.
  • Tiger: A tiger-like monster that is strong and has good speed, but requires more effort to train.
  • Golem: A rock-like monster that is slow but has high defense and strength.

How do I get these starters?

To get these starters in Monster Rancher 2, you can either use the CD/DVD swapping method, where you insert a different disc into your PlayStation console to generate a new monster, or you can use the shrine method, where you input specific codes to generate a monster.

Are there any other good starters besides these three?

Yes, there are many other good starters in Monster Rancher 2. It ultimately depends on your playstyle and what type of monster you prefer. Some other good starters include:

  1. Zuum: A fast and agile monster with good accuracy.
  2. Mocchi: A cute and friendly monster that is easy to train and has good defense.
  3. Hare: A rabbit-like monster that has good speed and agility.

Can I switch starters later in the game?

Yes, you can switch starters later in the game by retiring your current monster and choosing a new one to train. However, it is important to note that retiring a monster will result in losing all of its stats and progress.