Electrify Your Battles with These Top Tier Decks Featuring the Powerful Electro Spirit!


Looking for the best decks with Electro Spirit? Check out our top picks and dominate the arena with this electrifying new card! ⚡🔥 #ClashRoyale

Are you looking for the best decks with Electro Spirit in Clash Royale? If so, then you have come to the right place! The Electro Spirit is a powerful card that can stun and damage multiple enemy troops at once. It also has a fast spawn time and a low elixir cost, making it an excellent addition to any deck. In this article, we will explore the best decks with Electro Spirit and how you can use them to dominate your opponents.

First up, we have the classic Hog Rider deck with Electro Spirit. This deck is perfect for players who love to play aggressively and push for quick wins. The Hog Rider is the primary win condition of this deck, while the Electro Spirit provides support by stunning enemy troops and dealing damage. You can also use the Electro Spirit to reset the charge of inferno towers or sparky, making it an incredibly versatile card.

If you prefer a more defensive playstyle, then you might want to try out the Golem deck with Electro Spirit. The Golem is a massive tank that can soak up a lot of damage, while the Electro Spirit provides support by stunning and damaging enemy troops. This deck is perfect for players who like to play slow and steady and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.

Next, we have the Royal Giant deck with Electro Spirit. The Royal Giant is a ranged unit that can deal a lot of damage to enemy towers, while the Electro Spirit provides support by stunning and damaging enemy troops. This deck is perfect for players who love to play from a distance and slowly chip away at their opponent's towers.

For those who love to play with small troops, we have the Miner deck with Electro Spirit. The Miner is a fast-moving unit that can quickly take down enemy towers, while the Electro Spirit provides support by stunning and damaging enemy troops. This deck is perfect for players who love to play with a lot of small troops and overwhelm their opponents with sheer numbers.

If you're looking for a more unique deck, then you might want to try out the Ram Rider deck with Electro Spirit. The Ram Rider is a fast-moving unit that can stun enemy troops and deal damage, while the Electro Spirit provides support by stunning and damaging additional troops. This deck is perfect for players who love to surprise their opponents with unexpected combos.

Another great deck with Electro Spirit is the Three Musketeers deck. The Three Musketeers are three powerful units that can deal a lot of damage, while the Electro Spirit provides support by stunning and damaging enemy troops. This deck is perfect for players who love to play with high-risk, high-reward cards.

If you prefer a more control-oriented playstyle, then you might want to try out the X-Bow deck with Electro Spirit. The X-Bow is a ranged unit that can deal a lot of damage to enemy towers, while the Electro Spirit provides support by stunning and damaging enemy troops. This deck is perfect for players who like to play defensively and wait for their opponents to make a mistake.

For those who love to play with a lot of spells, we have the Spell Cycle deck with Electro Spirit. This deck is all about using spells to chip away at your opponent's towers, while the Electro Spirit provides support by stunning and damaging enemy troops. This deck is perfect for players who love to play with a lot of spells and want to win by attrition.

If you're looking for a fun and casual deck, then you might want to try out the Giant Skeleton deck with Electro Spirit. The Giant Skeleton is a massive tank that can deal a lot of damage when it dies, while the Electro Spirit provides support by stunning and damaging enemy troops. This deck is perfect for players who want to have fun and don't take the game too seriously.

Lastly, we have the classic Lava Hound deck with Electro Spirit. The Lava Hound is a flying unit that can soak up a lot of damage, while the Electro Spirit provides support by stunning and damaging enemy troops. This deck is perfect for players who love to play with air troops and want to dominate their opponents from above.

In conclusion, there are many great decks with Electro Spirit in Clash Royale. Whether you prefer an aggressive or defensive playstyle, there is a deck out there for you. So go ahead and experiment with different decks until you find the one that suits your playstyle the best. Good luck and have fun!


Electro Spirit is a new card that was introduced in Clash Royale, and it has quickly become one of the most popular cards in the game. This card is an excellent addition to any deck, as it can deal with both air and ground troops. It also has a unique ability to stun enemy troops, which makes it an excellent defensive card. In this article, we will discuss the best decks that incorporate the Electro Spirit card.

Deck 1: Hog Cycle Deck

The Hog Cycle Deck is a popular deck that has been around for a while. This deck relies on using the Hog Rider to deal damage to the opponent's towers. The Electro Spirit is an excellent addition to this deck, as it can stun enemy troops and allow the Hog Rider to get more hits on the tower. This deck consists of the following cards:- Hog Rider- Electro Spirit- Skeletons- Ice Spirit- Fireball- Musketeer- Cannon- Bats


The strategy of this deck is to cycle through your cards quickly and get as many Hog Rider hits on the tower as possible. You should use the Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops and allow the Hog Rider to get more hits on the tower. The Skeletons and Bats are excellent for distracting enemy troops, while the Cannon is a great defensive building.

Deck 2: Golem Beatdown Deck

The Golem Beatdown Deck is a powerful deck that relies on using the Golem to tank for other troops. The Electro Spirit is an excellent addition to this deck, as it can stun enemy troops and allow your other troops to deal more damage. This deck consists of the following cards:- Golem- Electro Spirit- Baby Dragon- Mega Minion- Skeleton Dragons- Fireball- Tornado- Goblin Cage


The strategy of this deck is to use the Golem as a tank for your other troops. You should use the Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops and allow your other troops to deal more damage. The Baby Dragon, Mega Minion, and Skeleton Dragons are excellent for dealing with air troops, while the Goblin Cage is a great defensive building.

Deck 3: X-Bow Deck

The X-Bow Deck is a popular deck that relies on using the X-Bow to deal damage to the opponent's towers. The Electro Spirit is an excellent addition to this deck, as it can stun enemy troops and allow the X-Bow to get more hits on the tower. This deck consists of the following cards:- X-Bow- Electro Spirit- Ice Golem- Ice Spirit- Fireball- Archers- Skeletons- Tesla


The strategy of this deck is to use the X-Bow to deal damage to the opponent's towers. You should use the Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops and allow the X-Bow to get more hits on the tower. The Ice Golem and Skeletons are excellent for distracting enemy troops, while the Tesla is a great defensive building.

Deck 4: Bridge Spam Deck

The Bridge Spam Deck is a powerful deck that relies on using fast-moving troops to overwhelm the opponent's defenses. The Electro Spirit is an excellent addition to this deck, as it can stun enemy troops and allow your other troops to deal more damage. This deck consists of the following cards:- Battle Ram- Electro Spirit- Bandit- Royal Ghost- Inferno Dragon- Poison- Zap- Goblin Gang


The strategy of this deck is to use your fast-moving troops to overwhelm the opponent's defenses. You should use the Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops and allow your other troops to deal more damage. The Battle Ram, Bandit, and Royal Ghost are excellent for getting quick hits on the opponent's towers, while the Inferno Dragon is great for taking down tanks.


In conclusion, the Electro Spirit is an excellent addition to any deck in Clash Royale. It can stun enemy troops and allow your other troops to deal more damage, making it an excellent defensive card. The decks we have discussed in this article are all powerful decks that incorporate the Electro Spirit card. We hope that this article has been helpful in providing you with some ideas for new decks to try out in Clash Royale.

Introduction to the Electro Spirit

The Electro Spirit is a new card that was added to Clash Royale in December 2020. It is an epic card that costs two elixirs to deploy, and it has a unique ability to stun and damage enemy troops upon deployment. The Electro Spirit's stun effect lasts for 0.5 seconds, which is enough time to interrupt enemy attacks and reset their charge abilities. Its damage output may not be as high as other cards, but its versatility and cheap cost make it a valuable addition to any deck.

How to Build a Deck with Electro Spirit

Building a deck with Electro Spirit requires some strategy and consideration. Since it is a cheap card, it can be used in various deck archetypes, such as beatdown, control, and cycle decks. Here are some tips on how to build a deck with Electro Spirit:1. Identify your deck archetype: Determine whether you want to build a beatdown, control, or cycle deck. This will help you choose the right cards to complement the Electro Spirit.2. Choose a win condition: Select a card that will be your primary win condition, such as Hog Rider, Pekka, Graveyard, or Giant.3. Add support cards: Include cards that can support your win condition, such as spells, troops, or buildings. For example, if you choose Hog Rider as your win condition, you can add Goblin Gang or Skeletons to distract enemy troops.4. Consider defensive cards: Add cards that can defend against enemy attacks, such as Inferno Tower, Mega Knight, or Valkyrie.5. Balance your elixir cost: Ensure that your deck has a balanced elixir cost to avoid getting caught off guard by enemy attacks.

Best Electro Spirit Decks for Beginners

For beginners, it's best to start with a simple and easy-to-use deck that includes Electro Spirit. Here are some of the best Electro Spirit decks for beginners:1. Electro Spirit Cycle Deck: This deck includes Electro Spirit, Ice Golem, Skeletons, Bats, Archers, Zap, Fireball, and Hog Rider. The goal is to cycle through your cards quickly while using Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops and Hog Rider to deal damage.2. Electro Spirit Control Deck: This deck includes Electro Spirit, Mega Knight, Inferno Tower, Goblin Gang, Ice Spirit, Zap, Poison, and Log. The goal is to defend against enemy attacks using Mega Knight and Inferno Tower, while using Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops and Poison to deal damage.3. Electro Spirit Beatdown Deck: This deck includes Electro Spirit, Giant, Musketeer, Mini Pekka, Elixir Collector, Zap, Fireball, and Ice Spirit. The goal is to build a massive push using Giant and Musketeer, while using Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops and Fireball to clear enemy defenses.

Top Electro Spirit Decks for Competitive Play

For competitive play, it's essential to have a well-structured and versatile deck that can counter different strategies. Here are some of the top Electro Spirit decks for competitive play:1. Electro Spirit Hog Cycle Deck: This deck includes Electro Spirit, Hog Rider, Ice Golem, Skeletons, Bats, Fireball, Zap, and Log. The goal is to cycle through your cards quickly while using Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops and Hog Rider to deal damage.2. Electro Spirit Pekka Bridge Spam Deck: This deck includes Electro Spirit, Pekka, Bandit, Battle Ram, Royal Ghost, Zap, Poison, and Dark Prince. The goal is to overwhelm your opponent with a constant stream of troops, using Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops and Pekka to defend against enemy attacks.3. Electro Spirit Graveyard Control Deck: This deck includes Electro Spirit, Graveyard, Ice Wizard, Baby Dragon, Inferno Tower, Poison, Log, and Tornado. The goal is to control the battlefield using Graveyard and Poison while defending with Ice Wizard and Inferno Tower. Electro Spirit is used to stun enemy troops and reset their charge abilities.

Combining Electro Spirit with other Cards

Electro Spirit can be combined with various cards to create powerful synergies. Here are some of the best cards to combine with Electro Spirit:1. Hog Rider: Electro Spirit can be used to stun enemy troops, allowing Hog Rider to deal damage to enemy towers.2. Pekka: Electro Spirit can be used to stun enemy troops, allowing Pekka to eliminate them quickly.3. Graveyard: Electro Spirit can be used to reset enemy troops' charge abilities, preventing them from attacking Graveyard skeletons.4. Giant: Electro Spirit can be used to stun enemy troops, allowing Giant to deal massive damage to enemy towers.5. Musketeer: Electro Spirit can be used to stun enemy troops, allowing Musketeer to deal damage without being interrupted.

Electro Spirit and Hog Rider Decks

Hog Rider and Electro Spirit are a deadly combination in Clash Royale. Here are some tips on how to use Electro Spirit and Hog Rider together:1. Use Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops, allowing Hog Rider to deal damage to enemy towers.2. Use Hog Rider to distract enemy troops, allowing Electro Spirit to stun them.3. Use Zap or Log to clear enemy defenses, allowing Hog Rider and Electro Spirit to deal damage to enemy towers.4. Use Skeletons or Goblin Gang to distract enemy troops, allowing Hog Rider and Electro Spirit to deal damage to enemy towers.

Electro Spirit and Pekka Decks for Pushing

Pekka and Electro Spirit are a formidable duo that can push through enemy defenses. Here are some tips on how to use Electro Spirit and Pekka together:1. Use Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops, allowing Pekka to eliminate them quickly.2. Use Pekka to defend against enemy attacks, while Electro Spirit stuns and damages enemy troops.3. Use Bandit or Battle Ram to distract enemy troops, allowing Pekka and Electro Spirit to push through enemy defenses.4. Use Zap or Log to clear enemy defenses, allowing Pekka and Electro Spirit to deal damage to enemy towers.

Electro Spirit and Graveyard Decks for Control

Graveyard and Electro Spirit can create a powerful control deck that can overwhelm your opponents. Here are some tips on how to use Electro Spirit and Graveyard together:1. Use Electro Spirit to reset enemy troops' charge abilities, preventing them from attacking Graveyard skeletons.2. Use Graveyard to create a constant stream of skeletons, while Electro Spirit stuns and damages enemy troops.3. Use Poison to deal damage to enemy troops and towers, while Electro Spirit stuns and damages enemy troops.4. Use Ice Wizard or Baby Dragon to defend against enemy attacks, while Electro Spirit stuns and damages enemy troops.

Electro Spirit and Giant Decks for Beatdown

Giant and Electro Spirit can create a massive beatdown deck that can deal massive damage to enemy towers. Here are some tips on how to use Electro Spirit and Giant together:1. Use Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops, allowing Giant to deal massive damage to enemy towers.2. Use Musketeer or Mini Pekka to support Giant, while Electro Spirit stuns and damages enemy troops.3. Use Fireball to clear enemy defenses, allowing Giant and Electro Spirit to deal damage to enemy towers.4. Use Ice Spirit or Skeletons to distract enemy troops, allowing Giant and Electro Spirit to deal damage to enemy towers.

Tips and Tricks for Playing with Electro Spirit Decks

Here are some tips and tricks for playing with Electro Spirit decks:1. Use Electro Spirit to stun enemy troops and reset their charge abilities.2. Use Electro Spirit to defend against enemy attacks, while your other troops deal damage.3. Cycle through your cards quickly to get to your win condition.4. Balance your elixir cost to avoid getting caught off guard by enemy attacks.5. Use synergies between Electro Spirit and other cards to create powerful combinations.6. Use spells to clear enemy defenses and deal damage to enemy troops and towers.7. Use buildings to distract enemy troops and defend against enemy attacks.8. Practice timing your Electro Spirit deployment to maximize its stun and damage effects.In conclusion, the Electro Spirit is a versatile and cheap card that can be used in various deck archetypes. It can be combined with other cards to create powerful synergies and combos. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, the Electro Spirit is a valuable addition to any Clash Royale deck.

Best Decks with Electro Spirit: A Point of View


Electro Spirit is a 1-elixir Legendary card that was introduced in Clash Royale in December 2020. Since then, it has become a popular card among players due to its versatility and ability to counter a wide range of cards. In this article, we will discuss the best decks with Electro Spirit and their pros and cons.

Best Decks with Electro Spirit

There are various decks that players can use with Electro Spirit. However, the following are some of the best decks that have proven to be effective:

Deck 1: Electro Giant Deck

This deck includes the following cards:- Electro Giant- Electro Spirit- Mega Minion- Fireball- Skeletons- Cannon- Goblin Cage- Elixir GolemPros:- The Electro Giant can absorb a lot of damage while dealing significant damage to enemy towers.- The Electro Spirit can stun enemy troops, making them vulnerable to attacks.- The Goblin Cage can distract enemy troops while dealing damage to them.Cons:- The deck lacks air defense, making it vulnerable to air units.- The deck may struggle against decks with heavy hitters such as Golem or Lava Hound.

Deck 2: X-Bow Cycle Deck

This deck includes the following cards:- X-Bow- Electro Spirit- Ice Golem- Log- Archers- Skeletons- Fireball- TeslaPros:- The X-Bow can deal significant damage to enemy towers from a distance.- The Electro Spirit can stun enemy troops, making them vulnerable to attacks.- The deck has a fast cycle, allowing players to cycle through their cards quickly.Cons:- The deck lacks air defense, making it vulnerable to air units.- The X-Bow can be easily countered by enemy troops such as Knight or Mega Knight.

Table Comparison

The following table compares the two decks mentioned above:
Deck Pros Cons
Electro Giant Deck - Electro Giant can absorb a lot of damage while dealing significant damage to enemy towers.
- Electro Spirit can stun enemy troops, making them vulnerable to attacks.
- Goblin Cage can distract enemy troops while dealing damage to them.
- Lacks air defense, making it vulnerable to air units.
- May struggle against decks with heavy hitters such as Golem or Lava Hound.
X-Bow Cycle Deck - X-Bow can deal significant damage to enemy towers from a distance.
- Electro Spirit can stun enemy troops, making them vulnerable to attacks.
- Fast cycle, allowing players to cycle through their cards quickly.
- Lacks air defense, making it vulnerable to air units.
- X-Bow can be easily countered by enemy troops such as Knight or Mega Knight.


In conclusion, both decks mentioned above have their strengths and weaknesses. Players should choose the deck that suits their playstyle and preferences. With the versatility of Electro Spirit, players can experiment with various decks and find the one that works best for them.

The Best Decks with Electro Spirit

Dear readers,

We hope you enjoyed reading our article about the best decks with Electro Spirit. This powerful card has quickly become a fan favorite in Clash Royale since its release, and for good reason - it's a versatile and effective addition to any deck. In this article, we've explored some of the most popular and successful decks utilizing the Electro Spirit, and provided tips and strategies for how to use them effectively.

One of the most effective decks with Electro Spirit is the Hog Rider cycle deck. This deck focuses on cycling quickly through your cards to keep up the pressure on your opponent. The Hog Rider is your primary win condition, but the Electro Spirit can be used to clear the way for him by stunning and damaging enemy troops. The deck also includes other cheap cards like Skeletons and Ice Spirit to cycle quickly and defend against enemy attacks.

Another great deck with Electro Spirit is the Golem beatdown deck. The Golem is a powerful tank that can soak up damage and push forward, while the Electro Spirit can stun and damage enemy troops to clear the way. Supporting cards like Baby Dragon and Mega Minion provide aerial support, while Tombstone and Night Witch offer defensive capabilities and counterpush potential. This deck requires patience and careful planning, but can be devastating if executed correctly.

If you prefer a more control-oriented playstyle, the Electro Giant deck might be for you. This deck focuses on using the Electro Giant to stun and slow down enemy troops, while building up a strong defense with cards like Cannon and Tesla. Supporting cards like Fireball and Zap can be used to clear out enemy swarms and provide additional damage, while the Electro Spirit can be used defensively or offensively depending on the situation.

Of course, these are just a few examples of the many decks that can be built around the Electro Spirit. One of the great things about this card is its versatility - it can fit into a variety of different playstyles and deck archetypes. Whether you prefer fast-paced cycle decks, heavy beatdown decks, or control-oriented decks, there's likely a way to incorporate the Electro Spirit into your strategy.

That being said, it's important to keep in mind some general tips and strategies for using the Electro Spirit effectively. For example, timing is key - try to use the Electro Spirit when your opponent has a large group of troops clustered together, or when they're about to deploy a particularly dangerous card like a Prince or Mini P.E.K.K.A. Additionally, be mindful of the Electro Spirit's relatively low health - it can be easily taken out by spells like Fireball or Poison, so try to protect it with other troops or structures if possible.

In conclusion, we hope this article has been helpful in showcasing some of the best decks with Electro Spirit in Clash Royale. As always, experimentation is key - try out different deck combinations and find what works best for you. With the right strategy and a bit of luck, you'll be zapping your way to victory in no time.

Thank you for reading!

People Also Ask About Best Decks with Electro Spirit

What is Electro Spirit?

Electro Spirit is a legendary card in the Clash Royale game that was released in 2021. It is an electric type of troop that appears as a small, blue spirit and has the ability to stun and deal damage to enemy units.

How to Use Electro Spirit in Decks?

Electro Spirit can be used in different decks, depending on the player's playstyle and strategy. Some of the ways to use Electro Spirit are:

  1. As a defensive unit against enemy troops or buildings.
  2. As a support unit for your main attacking troops.
  3. As a cycle card to quickly gain elixir advantage and deploy other cards.
  4. As a distraction unit to divert enemy attacks.

What are the Best Decks with Electro Spirit?

There are several decks that work well with Electro Spirit, but here are some of the best decks:

  • Electro Giant Deck: This deck uses Electro Giant as the main tank and Electro Spirit as a support unit. Other cards in the deck are Musketeer, Goblin Cage, Skeleton Dragons, and Fireball.
  • Log Bait Deck: This deck uses Goblin Barrel, Princess, and Goblin Gang as bait cards, while Electro Spirit and Inferno Tower provide defensive support. Other cards in the deck are Knight, Ice Spirit, and Rocket.
  • Golem Beatdown Deck: This deck uses Golem as the main tank and Electro Spirit as a cycle card and support unit. Other cards in the deck are Night Witch, Baby Dragon, Tornado, and Lightning.
  • Hog Cycle Deck: This deck uses Hog Rider as the main attacking card and Electro Spirit as a cycle card and support unit. Other cards in the deck are Skeletons, Ice Spirit, Firecracker, Cannon, and Fireball.


Electro Spirit is a versatile card that can fit into different decks and playstyles. When used effectively in combination with other cards, it can provide a strong defense and offense to win battles in Clash Royale. Experiment with different decks and strategies to find the one that works best for you!