Discovering the Ideal Colony Planet in Starbound: Your Guide to Choosing the Best Climate and Terrain


Discover the best planet for your Starbound colony with diverse environments, abundant resources, and unique alien species. Explore now!

Starbound is a game that has taken the gaming world by storm. It is an action-adventure game that allows players to explore the vastness of space, discover new planets and creatures, and build their own colonies. In Starbound, players can create their own stories and adventures as they journey through the universe. But with so many planets to choose from, which one is the best for building a colony?

After much exploration and research, we have found that the best planet for building a colony in Starbound is the forest planet. This planet offers a unique mix of resources, creatures, and landscapes that make it an ideal location for settling down and building a thriving community.

One of the main reasons why the forest planet is the best for a colony is its abundance of resources. The planet is rich in minerals, ores, and other valuable materials that can be used to craft weapons, tools, and structures. The forest planet is also home to a variety of plants and animals that can be harvested for food and crafting materials.

In addition to its resources, the forest planet also offers a diverse range of landscapes. From dense forests to open plains, the planet has something for everyone. The varied terrain provides opportunities for exploration and adventure, as well as giving colonists the chance to build their homes in unique and interesting locations.

Another advantage of the forest planet is its climate. While some planets in Starbound are too hot or too cold for comfortable living, the forest planet has a mild and pleasant climate that is perfect for farming and outdoor activities. This makes it a great choice for players who want to focus on agriculture and sustainability in their colonies.

Of course, no planet is without its challenges. The forest planet is home to a variety of creatures, some of which are hostile to humans. However, with the right preparation and equipment, colonists can defend themselves against these threats and ensure their safety.

One of the biggest advantages of building a colony on the forest planet is the sense of community it can provide. With its abundance of resources and diverse landscapes, the planet offers endless opportunities for collaboration and teamwork. Players can work together to build structures, grow crops, and defend against threats, creating a thriving community that is greater than the sum of its parts.

But building a successful colony on the forest planet is not without its challenges. Colonists must be prepared to face a variety of obstacles, from hostile creatures to natural disasters. They must also be able to work together and communicate effectively in order to succeed.

In conclusion, the forest planet is the best choice for building a colony in Starbound. With its abundance of resources, diverse landscapes, mild climate, and sense of community, the planet offers everything that players need to create a thriving and sustainable colony in the vastness of space.


Starbound is an action-adventure game that allows players to explore different planets while creating their own colonies. The game has a vast universe with various planets, each with its unique features and resources. However, players often find it challenging to pick the best planet for their colony due to the diverse options available. In this article, we will discuss the best planet for a Starbound colony.

What Makes a Good Colony Planet?

Before delving into the best planet for your colony, it's essential to understand what makes a good colony planet. A good colony planet should have a variety of resources, including wood, coal, and metals, to help you build and expand your colony. Additionally, the planet should have a suitable climate to support farming and animal husbandry. Lastly, it should have a low threat level to ensure that your colonists are safe from hostile creatures.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Colony Planet

When choosing a planet for your colony, there are several factors to consider:

Planet Size and Type

The planet size and type determine the availability of resources and the ease of exploration. Small planets are easier to explore, while large planets have more resources. Similarly, ocean planets have more water resources, while forest planets have more trees.

Climate and Weather

The planet's climate and weather determine the suitability for farming and animal husbandry. Planets with warm climates are ideal for growing crops, while those with cold climates are better suited for animal husbandry.

Threat Level

The threat level indicates the danger posed by hostile creatures on the planet. Planets with low threat levels are safer for colonists, while those with high threat levels require better weapons and armor to survive.


The availability of resources such as wood, coal, and metals is crucial for building and expanding your colony. Planets with abundant resources are ideal for creating a thriving colony.

The Best Colony Planet: Lush Planet

The best planet for a Starbound colony is a lush planet. Lush planets have a moderate climate, making them suitable for both farming and animal husbandry. Additionally, they have a low threat level, ensuring the safety of your colonists. Here are some reasons why you should consider a lush planet for your colony:

Abundance of Resources

Lush planets have an abundance of resources, including trees for wood, coal, and metal ores. The availability of resources makes it easier to build and expand your colony without worrying about running out of materials.

Suitable Climate

The moderate climate on a lush planet is perfect for growing crops and raising animals. You can plant a variety of crops and breed different animals to provide food for your colonists.

Low Threat Level

Lush planets have a low threat level, meaning that there are fewer hostile creatures to worry about. This makes it easier to explore the planet and gather resources without risking the lives of your colonists.

Beautiful Scenery

Lush planets have breathtaking scenery, including beautiful forests, rivers, and mountains. The stunning views can help boost the morale of your colonists and make their stay more enjoyable.


In conclusion, choosing the best planet for your Starbound colony is essential for creating a thriving community. A lush planet is the best option due to its abundance of resources, moderate climate, low threat level, and beautiful scenery. However, it's crucial to consider other factors such as planet size, climate, threat level, and resources when choosing a planet for your colony. With these factors in mind, you can create a successful colony in the vast universe of Starbound.

The Best Planet for Colony in Starbound

Starbound is an exciting game that allows you to explore different planets and create colonies. However, finding the perfect planet for a successful colony can be challenging. There are several factors to consider such as resources, climate, threats from hostile creatures, accessibility to other planets, unique flora and fauna, land area for expansion, biomes for agriculture, geological instability, strategic location for defense, and cultural expression. In this article, we will explore the best planet for a colony in Starbound.

Planet with Abundant Resources

The first factor to consider when choosing a planet for your colony is the availability of resources. The planet should have a variety of resources such as minerals, ores, wood, food, and water. This will ensure that your colony has all the necessary materials for survival and growth.

The best planet for abundant resources in Starbound is the Forest planet. This planet is rich in wood, which is essential for building structures and furniture. It also has a variety of plants and animals that can be used for food and crafting materials. Moreover, the Forest planet has plenty of water sources, making it easy to sustain your colony's water needs.

Ideal Climate for Sustainable Living

The second factor to consider when choosing a planet for your colony is the climate. The planet should have a suitable climate that can support sustainable living. This means that the planet should have a stable temperature, adequate rainfall, and plenty of sunlight.

The best planet for an ideal climate in Starbound is the Ocean planet. This planet has a stable temperature and receives plenty of rainfall, making it perfect for agriculture. It also has a lot of sunlight, which can be used to generate power through solar panels. Additionally, the Ocean planet has a lot of water, which is essential for sustaining life.

Low Threat Level from Hostile Creatures

The third factor to consider when choosing a planet for your colony is the threat level from hostile creatures. The planet should have a low threat level to ensure the safety of your colony's inhabitants.

The best planet for a low threat level in Starbound is the Savannah planet. This planet has a few hostile creatures, making it safe for your colony's inhabitants. It also has a variety of animals that can be hunted for food and crafting materials.

Accessible to Other Planets for Trade

The fourth factor to consider when choosing a planet for your colony is accessibility to other planets for trade. The planet should be easily accessible to other planets to allow for trade between colonies.

The best planet for accessibility to other planets in Starbound is the Desert planet. This planet is located near other planets, making it easy to access them. It also has a variety of resources that can be traded with other colonies, such as cacti, sand, and minerals.

Rich in Unique Flora and Fauna

The fifth factor to consider when choosing a planet for your colony is the richness of unique flora and fauna. The planet should have a diverse range of flora and fauna to make the colony more interesting and exciting.

The best planet for rich unique flora and fauna in Starbound is the Jungle planet. This planet has a variety of plants and animals that are not found on other planets. It also has a lot of resources that can be used for crafting, such as vines and leaves.

Large Land Area for Expansion and Growth

The sixth factor to consider when choosing a planet for your colony is the land area for expansion and growth. The planet should have a large land area to allow for expansion and growth of the colony.

The best planet for a large land area in Starbound is the Tundra planet. This planet has a huge land area that can be used for agriculture and building structures. It also has a variety of resources that can be used for crafting, such as ice and snow.

Multiple Biomes for Diverse Agriculture

The seventh factor to consider when choosing a planet for your colony is the presence of multiple biomes for diverse agriculture. The planet should have multiple biomes with different climates and soil types to allow for diverse agriculture.

The best planet for multiple biomes in Starbound is the Terran planet. This planet has a variety of biomes, including forests, deserts, oceans, and mountains. Each biome has its own climate and soil type, allowing for diverse agriculture and resource gathering.

Minimal Geological Instability

The eighth factor to consider when choosing a planet for your colony is the level of geological instability. The planet should have minimal geological instability to ensure the safety of your colony's inhabitants and structures.

The best planet for minimal geological instability in Starbound is the Volcanic planet. This planet has some volcanic activity, but it is not too dangerous for your colony's inhabitants. It also has a lot of minerals and ores that can be mined.

Strategic Location for Defense and Security

The ninth factor to consider when choosing a planet for your colony is the strategic location for defense and security. The planet should have a strategic location that can be easily defended and secured.

The best planet for a strategic location in Starbound is the Snow planet. This planet has a lot of natural barriers, such as mountains and snowdrifts, that can be used for defense. It also has a lot of resources that can be used for crafting weapons and armor.

Suitable for Cultural and Artistic Expression

The tenth factor to consider when choosing a planet for your colony is the suitability for cultural and artistic expression. The planet should have a suitable environment that encourages cultural and artistic expression.

The best planet for cultural and artistic expression in Starbound is the Floran planet. This planet has a unique and colorful environment that can inspire artistic expression. It also has a lot of plants and animals that can be used for crafting and decoration.


Choosing the best planet for your colony in Starbound can be challenging, but by considering the factors mentioned above, you can find the perfect planet for your colony. The Forest planet is the best planet for abundant resources, while the Ocean planet is the best for an ideal climate. The Savannah planet is the best for a low threat level, while the Desert planet is the best for accessibility to other planets. The Jungle planet is the best for rich unique flora and fauna, while the Tundra planet is the best for a large land area. The Terran planet is the best for multiple biomes, while the Volcanic planet is the best for minimal geological instability. The Snow planet is the best for a strategic location, while the Floran planet is the best for cultural and artistic expression. With these planets, you can create successful and thriving colonies in Starbound.

The Best Planet for Colony in Starbound

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences, but I can provide information about the best planet for a colony in Starbound.

Pros and Cons

Each planet in Starbound has its advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing a planet, it is essential to consider the following pros and cons:1. Temperature:
  • Pros: Some planets have optimal temperatures that make them suitable for farming and housing.
  • Cons: Other planets have extreme temperatures that can be detrimental to the player's health and survival.
2. Resources:
  • Pros: Planets with abundant resources such as ores, fuel, and food can be advantageous for players.
  • Cons: Some planets have scarce resources, making it challenging for players to survive and progress.
3. Threats:
  • Pros: Some planets have minimal threats from creatures and monsters, providing players with a safer environment.
  • Cons: Other planets have high levels of danger, making it hard for players to explore and establish a colony.

Table Comparison

To help players make an informed decision, here is a table comparison of some of the best planets for a colony in Starbound:
Planet Name Temperature Resources Threats
Temperate Optimal Abundant Low
Tundra Cold Moderate Medium
Desert Hot Scarce Low
Jungle Warm Abundant High
Ocean Wet Abundant High

Ultimately, the best planet for a colony in Starbound depends on the player's playstyle and preferences. It is essential to consider all the factors mentioned above before making a decision.

The Best Planet for a Colony in Starbound

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the best planet for a colony in Starbound. As you may have learned, there are many factors to consider when choosing a planet for your colony. From the type of biome to the availability of resources, each planet has its own unique qualities that can make it an ideal location for your settlement.

To recap, some of the most important things to consider when choosing a planet for your colony include the climate, terrain, and resources available on the planet. You will also want to consider the availability of friendly NPCs, such as merchants and quest givers, as well as the presence of dangerous enemies that could pose a threat to your settlers.

One of the best planets for a colony in Starbound is undoubtedly the lush planet of Floran. This planet is home to the Floran race, who are friendly to players and offer a wealth of resources that are perfect for building a thriving colony. The planet's lush forests are also home to a variety of creatures, including the friendly Floran themselves, making it an ideal location for players who want to build a peaceful, nature-filled colony.

Another great option for a colony in Starbound is the arid planet of Aridia. This planet offers a challenging environment, with harsh deserts and sandstorms that can make survival difficult. However, for players who are up to the challenge, Aridia offers a wealth of resources, including rare ores and valuable artifacts that can be used to build advanced technologies.

For players who prefer a more temperate environment, the ocean planet of Oceanus is an excellent choice. This planet is entirely covered in water, making it an ideal location for players who love aquatic exploration and building. The planet is also home to a variety of friendly aquatic creatures, as well as a few dangerous predators that players will need to watch out for.

Other great planets for a colony in Starbound include the frozen planet of Frigidia, the volcanic planet of Infernus, and the radioactive planet of Irradiated. Each of these planets offers its own unique challenges and rewards, making them ideal choices for players who want to build a specialized colony.

Ultimately, the best planet for a colony in Starbound will depend on your personal preferences and play style. Whether you prefer a peaceful, nature-filled environment or a challenging, resource-rich planet, there is sure to be a planet in Starbound that is perfect for your colony.

Thank you again for reading this article. We hope that it has provided you with some useful information about the best planets for a colony in Starbound. We wish you the best of luck in your future colonization efforts!

People Also Ask About Starbound Best Planet for Colony

What Makes a Good Planet for a Colony in Starbound?

A good planet for a colony in Starbound should have the following characteristics:

  • A moderate temperature range that is not too hot or cold.
  • A stable environment with minimal natural disasters and weather events.
  • Abundant resources such as food, building materials, and ores.
  • A diverse ecosystem to support a variety of crops and animals.
  • A low threat level from hostile creatures and other dangers.

What Are Some of the Best Planets for a Colony in Starbound?

Here are some of the best planets for a colony in Starbound:

  1. Forest Planets: These planets have a lush and diverse ecosystem with plenty of resources and moderate temperatures. They are a good choice for beginners.
  2. Ocean Planets: These planets have vast oceans filled with unique aquatic life and resources. They have a moderate temperature range and are great for players who enjoy underwater exploration.
  3. Desert Planets: These planets have a harsh and arid environment but offer abundant resources such as cacti, sandstone, and fossils. They also have a low threat level and are perfect for players who enjoy a challenge.
  4. Tundra Planets: These planets have a freezing climate with snow-capped mountains and icy biomes. They offer a variety of resources such as ice blocks, snowballs, and cryonic extract.
  5. Moon Planets: These planets have low gravity and no atmosphere, making them challenging but rewarding for players who enjoy space exploration. They offer unique resources such as moon dust, moon stone, and helium.

How Do I Find the Best Planet for a Colony in Starbound?

Finding the best planet for a colony in Starbound requires some exploration and experimentation. You can use your ship's scanner to locate different types of planets and biomes. Once you find a planet that meets your criteria, you can land and explore it to see if it has the resources and environment you need for a successful colony.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best planet for a colony in Starbound depends on your playstyle, goals, and preferences. So, take your time and enjoy the journey!