Discover the Top Hearthstone Decks for May 2017: Boost your Game with These Winning Strategies!


Discover the top Hearthstone decks for May 2017. Crush your opponents with these powerful, tried-and-true strategies!

The world of Hearthstone is constantly evolving, with new cards and expansions being released regularly. As a result, the best decks are always changing and adapting to the current meta. In May 2017, there were several decks that stood out as the cream of the crop. These decks were able to dominate the ladder and win tournaments, thanks to their powerful card combinations and expert play. If you're looking to climb the ranks and become a top Hearthstone player, then these decks are definitely worth checking out.

One of the most popular decks in May 2017 was the Quest Rogue deck. This deck revolves around completing the Crystal Core quest, which makes all of your minions 5/5. This can be incredibly powerful, especially when combined with cards like Cold Blood and Shadowstep. The deck is able to generate an enormous amount of value from its low-cost minions, and can quickly overwhelm opponents if they aren't prepared. However, the deck can struggle against decks that can deal with its board presence, so it requires careful planning and strategy to succeed.

Another top-tier deck in May 2017 was the Midrange Paladin deck. This deck is built around the powerful Murloc tribe, and is able to generate an enormous amount of value from its cheap minions. The deck also includes several powerful spells, such as Spikeridged Steed and Consecration, which can help clear the board and protect your minions. Additionally, the deck includes several powerful late-game cards, such as Tirion Fordring and Sunkeeper Tarim, which can help seal the deal against slower opponents. Overall, the Midrange Paladin deck is a versatile and powerful option that can succeed in a variety of different matchups.

The Jade Druid deck was also a strong contender in May 2017. This deck is built around the Jade Golem mechanic, which allows you to summon increasingly powerful minions as the game goes on. The deck includes several cards that can help ramp up your mana, such as Wild Growth and Jade Blossom, allowing you to play your big minions earlier than your opponent. The deck also includes several powerful spells, such as Swipe and Wrath, which can help clear the board and deal with threats. However, the deck can struggle against aggressive opponents, so it requires careful play and planning to succeed.

If you're looking for a more aggressive option, then the Pirate Warrior deck may be the right choice for you. This deck is built around the Pirate tribe, and is able to deal massive amounts of damage in the early game. The deck includes several powerful weapons, such as Fiery War Axe and Arcanite Reaper, which can help clear the board and deal with threats. Additionally, the deck includes several powerful minions, such as Captain Greenskin and Southsea Captain, which can buff your other pirates and make them even more deadly. Overall, this deck is a great choice for players who enjoy fast-paced, aggressive gameplay.

The Freeze Mage deck was also a strong option in May 2017. This deck is built around the powerful Ice Block secret, which can help you survive against even the most aggressive opponents. The deck also includes several powerful spells, such as Frost Nova and Blizzard, which can help clear the board and control the game. Additionally, the deck includes several powerful late-game cards, such as Alexstrasza and Pyroblast, which can help finish off opponents who have managed to survive your onslaught. However, the deck does require careful planning and strategy to succeed, as it can struggle against decks that can negate its secrets or generate too much board presence.

Overall, there were several top-notch decks in May 2017 that were able to dominate the Hearthstone meta. Whether you prefer aggressive decks or more control-oriented options, there was something for everyone in the May 2017 meta. By mastering one of these powerful decks, you can climb the ladder and become a top Hearthstone player in no time.


Hearthstone is a popular online collectible card game that has been around since 2014. With the release of new expansions and updates, players are always on the lookout for the best decks to play with. In this article, we will be discussing the best Hearthstone decks for May 2017.

1. Pirate Warrior

Pirate Warrior is an aggressive deck that focuses on dealing damage quickly. This deck has been around for a while but still dominates in the current meta. The core of the deck is to play low-cost minions like N'Zoth's First Mate, Patches the Pirate, and Southsea Deckhand followed by weapons like Fiery War Axe and Arcanite Reaper. You'll also want to include cards like Mortal Strike and Leeroy Jenkins to finish off your opponent.

2. Quest Rogue

Quest Rogue is a combo deck that revolves around completing the quest The Caverns Below as quickly as possible. The goal is to play cheap minions like Stonetusk Boar and Igneous Elemental to complete the quest and then play Crystal Core. Once Crystal Core is played, all of your minions become 5/5 and can easily overwhelm your opponent. This deck can be difficult to play but is incredibly strong when played correctly.

3. Midrange Paladin

Midrange Paladin is a versatile deck that can adapt to different situations. The deck includes cards like Aldor Peacekeeper and Equality to control the board and protect your minions. You'll also want to include powerful cards like Tirion Fordring and Sunkeeper Tarim to close out the game. This deck is well-rounded and can handle a variety of matchups.

4. Miracle Rogue

Miracle Rogue is a combo deck that uses Gadgetzan Auctioneer to draw through the deck and play multiple cards in one turn. The deck includes low-cost spells like Backstab and Eviscerate to control the board and deal damage. You'll also want to include Leeroy Jenkins and Cold Blood for burst damage. This deck requires skill to play but can be incredibly rewarding when played correctly.

5. Control Priest

Control Priest is a defensive deck that focuses on healing and removing your opponent's minions. The deck includes cards like Shadow Word: Pain and Shadow Word: Death to remove threats and Auchenai Soulpriest and Circle of Healing to clear the board. You'll also want to include powerful cards like Ragnaros the Firelord and Lyra the Sunshard for late-game value.

6. Token Druid

Token Druid is an aggressive deck that relies on playing cheap minions and buffing them with cards like Mark of the Lotus and Power of the Wild. The deck also includes strong finishers like Savage Roar to deal massive damage. You'll want to flood the board with minions and overwhelm your opponent as quickly as possible.

7. Aggro Shaman

Aggro Shaman is a fast-paced deck that relies on playing low-cost minions like Tunnel Trogg and Flametongue Totem to deal early damage. The deck also includes powerful spells like Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst for burst damage. You'll want to focus on dealing damage as quickly as possible and finishing off your opponent with Doomhammer or Bloodlust.

8. Freeze Mage

Freeze Mage is a combo deck that revolves around stalling the game with spells like Frost Nova and Ice Block while drawing through the deck with cards like Acolyte of Pain and Loot Hoarder. The deck also includes powerful finishers like Pyroblast and Alexstrasza to deal massive damage. This deck requires patience and skill to play but can be incredibly rewarding when played correctly.

9. Dragon Priest

Dragon Priest is a midrange deck that focuses on playing powerful dragon minions like Twilight Drake and Drakonid Operative. The deck also includes powerful removal spells like Shadow Word: Death and Dragonfire Potion. You'll want to control the board with your dragons and finish off your opponent with cards like Primordial Drake and Ysera.

10. Conclusion

In conclusion, these are some of the best Hearthstone decks for May 2017. While there are many other viable decks out there, these decks have proven to be strong in the current meta. Whether you prefer aggressive decks like Pirate Warrior or more defensive decks like Control Priest, there is a deck out there for every playstyle.

Introduction to the Hearthstone Meta-Game

Hearthstone is a popular online collectible card game that has captivated millions of players worldwide. The game has an extensive and constantly evolving meta-game, which refers to the current state of the game's competitive landscape. Understanding the meta-game is crucial for players who want to succeed in ranked play and tournaments.The Hearthstone meta-game is shaped by the most popular decks and strategies used by players. The meta-game changes over time as new cards are released, balance changes are made, and players discover new decks and counters. In this article, we will discuss the best Hearthstone decks for May 2017, their strengths and weaknesses, and how to counter them.

Control Decks: The Backbone of the Competitive Scene

Control decks are a staple of the Hearthstone competitive scene. They are slow-paced decks that focus on controlling the board and outlasting the opponent. Control decks rely on powerful removal spells and minions with high health and taunt abilities to stall the game until they can play their late-game win conditions.One of the most popular control decks in the current meta-game is the Reno Mage. This deck relies on the powerful Reno Jackson card, which fully heals the player's hero if there is only one copy of each card in the deck. The Reno Mage also uses powerful AoE (Area of Effect) spells like Flamestrike and Blizzard to clear the board and stall the game.Another popular control deck is the Dragon Priest. This deck uses Dragon synergy cards to gain board control and tempo. The Dragon Priest also has powerful late-game minions like Ysera and Nefarian that can win the game if left unchecked.

Aggro Decks: Fast and Furious

Aggro (short for aggressive) decks are the polar opposite of control decks. They are fast-paced decks that focus on dealing as much damage as possible to the opponent's hero. Aggro decks rely on cheap minions and spells that can deal damage quickly and efficiently.One of the most popular aggro decks in the current meta-game is the Pirate Warrior. This deck relies on the powerful Patches the Pirate card, which is summoned from the player's deck if they have another pirate on the board. The Pirate Warrior also uses weapons like Fiery War Axe and Arcanite Reaper to deal damage and control the board.Another popular aggro deck is the Aggro Shaman. This deck uses powerful overload cards like Tunnel Trogg and Feral Spirit to gain board control early on. The Aggro Shaman also has powerful burst damage spells like Lava Burst and Doomhammer that can quickly finish off the opponent.

Midrange Decks: The Happy Medium

Midrange decks are a blend of control and aggro decks. They are versatile decks that can adapt to different situations and playstyles. Midrange decks rely on minions with strong stats and battlecries to gain board control and tempo.One of the most popular midrange decks in the current meta-game is the Jade Druid. This deck uses the powerful Jade Golem mechanic, which summons a stronger minion each time a Jade Golem is summoned. The Jade Druid also has powerful ramp cards like Wild Growth and Innervate that can accelerate their mana curve.Another popular midrange deck is the Miracle Rogue. This deck uses cheap spells like Preparation and Backstab to cycle through their deck and draw cards. The Miracle Rogue also has powerful combo cards like Gadgetzan Auctioneer and Edwin VanCleef that can win the game in a single turn.

The Rise of the Jade Golem Mechanic

The Jade Golem mechanic was introduced in the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion and has had a significant impact on the meta-game. The mechanic revolves around summoning increasingly stronger minions each time a Jade Golem is summoned. This creates a snowball effect that can quickly overwhelm opponents if left unchecked.One of the most popular decks that use the Jade Golem mechanic is the Jade Druid, as mentioned earlier. However, other classes also have Jade Golem cards that can be used in different decks. The Jade Shaman and Jade Rogue are two other popular Jade Golem decks.The Jade Golem mechanic has made control decks more difficult to play because they struggle to deal with the constant stream of powerful minions. Aggro decks also struggle against Jade Golem decks because they can easily outlast their burst damage. The Jade Golem mechanic has created a more diverse and interesting meta-game.

The Dominance of Shaman and Mage in the Current Meta

Shaman and Mage are currently the most dominant classes in the Hearthstone meta-game. Shaman has powerful overload and Jade Golem cards that can quickly gain board control and tempo. Mage has powerful AoE spells and the Reno Jackson card, which makes it a popular choice for control decks.The Aggro Shaman and Jade Shaman decks are two of the most popular Shaman decks in the current meta-game. These decks rely on powerful early-game minions and spells to gain board control and tempo. The Reno Mage and Freeze Mage are two of the most popular Mage decks in the current meta-game. These decks rely on powerful AoE spells and late-game win conditions to stall the game until they can win.

The Best Tech Choices for Countering the Current Meta

Tech choices refer to cards that are added to a deck to counter specific strategies or decks. Tech choices can be crucial in gaining an advantage in the current meta-game. Here are some of the best tech choices for countering the current meta:- Harrison Jones is a powerful tech choice against decks that rely on weapons like Pirate Warrior and Midrange Hunter.- Eater of Secrets is a powerful tech choice against Mage decks that rely on secrets like Freeze Mage and Tempo Mage.- Dirty Rat is a powerful tech choice against combo decks like Miracle Rogue and Malygos Druid.- Black Knight is a powerful tech choice against decks that rely on taunt minions like Dragon Priest and Control Warrior.

The Importance of Understanding Your Opponent's Deck

Understanding your opponent's deck is crucial for success in Hearthstone. Knowing what cards to expect and what strategies to counter can make a significant difference in the outcome of a game. Here are some tips for understanding your opponent's deck:- Look at the class and their hero power to get an idea of their playstyle.- Pay attention to the cards they play and the mana they have available to predict their next moves.- Check their decklist if possible to know what cards to expect and what tech choices they have made.

The Impact of the Latest Expansion on the Meta-Game

The latest expansion, Journey to Un'Goro, has had a significant impact on the meta-game. The expansion introduced new mechanics like Quests and Adapt, which have created new deck archetypes and strategies.One of the most popular decks that use the Quest mechanic is the Quest Rogue. This deck relies on completing the Crystal Core quest, which reduces the attack of all minions in the player's deck to 5 or less. The Quest Rogue also uses cheap minions and spells to complete the quest quickly.The Adapt mechanic has also had a significant impact on the meta-game. The mechanic allows players to choose from three random abilities to buff their minions. This creates more diversity in the types of minions that are played and can make them more difficult to deal with.

The Future of Hearthstone: Predictions for the Next Meta

The future of Hearthstone is always uncertain, but there are some predictions we can make based on current trends and new releases. Here are some predictions for the next meta:- The Jade Golem mechanic will continue to be popular and will be used in new and creative ways.- More decks will be created using the Quest mechanic, and they will become more refined and powerful.- New cards and balance changes will shake up the meta-game, creating new opportunities for unique decks and strategies.In conclusion, the Hearthstone meta-game is constantly evolving, and understanding it is crucial for success in ranked play and tournaments. Control decks, aggro decks, and midrange decks all have their strengths and weaknesses, and tech choices can make a significant difference in countering specific strategies. Understanding your opponent's deck and the impact of new releases on the meta-game can give you an edge in your matches.

Best Hearthstone Decks in May 2017

Point of View

As a Hearthstone player, I believe that the best decks in May 2017 are those that have a good balance of offense and defense. These decks should also be able to adapt to different types of opponents and situations. In my opinion, the best decks are those that have strong synergy between the cards and can deal with the current meta.

Pros and Cons of Best Hearthstone Decks in May 2017

There are several pros and cons of the best Hearthstone decks in May 2017. Some of these are:Pros:
  1. High win rate against most opponents.
  2. Good synergy between the cards.
  3. Can adapt to different situations and opponents.
  4. Effective against the current meta.
  5. Easy to learn and play.
  1. May be expensive to craft.
  2. Not as effective against certain decks or classes.
  3. May require specific legendaries or epics to work effectively.
  4. May be difficult to pilot for beginners.
  5. May become less effective as the meta changes.

Table Comparison of Best Hearthstone Decks in May 2017

Here is a table comparing some of the best Hearthstone decks in May 2017:
Deck Name Class Win Rate Pros Cons
Pirate Warrior Warrior 60% Fast and aggressive, good against control decks. Weak against taunts and board clears.
Midrange Hunter Hunter 55% Good early game presence, strong synergy between cards. Weaker against board clears and control decks.
Reno Mage Mage 50% Good against aggro and midrange decks, can heal and stall. Expensive to craft, weaker against combo and control decks.
In conclusion, the best Hearthstone decks in May 2017 are those that have a good balance of offense and defense, strong synergy between the cards, and can adapt to different types of opponents and situations. However, each deck has its own pros and cons, and players should choose a deck based on their own playstyle and preferences.

The Best Hearthstone Decks of May 2017

Dear fellow Hearthstone players,

As May comes to a close, it's time to take a look at the best decks that have been dominating the ladder this month. From aggro to control, there have been a variety of decks that have risen to the top of the meta. In this article, we'll be discussing some of the most popular and successful decks of May 2017.

Let's start with the deck that has been receiving the most attention lately: Quest Rogue. This deck revolves around completing the rogue quest, The Caverns Below, which requires you to play four minions with the same name. Once completed, the reward is a powerful minion that can summon copies of itself each turn. The success of this deck lies in its ability to flood the board with minions and overwhelm your opponent before they have a chance to respond. While it may not be the most consistent deck out there, it's definitely one of the most fun to play.

If you're looking for a more aggressive option, then Pirate Warrior is the deck for you. This deck has been around for a while now, but it's still one of the most powerful decks in the game. The goal of this deck is to rush down your opponent with cheap, high-damage minions like Patches the Pirate and Southsea Deckhand. With weapons like Fiery War Axe and Arcanite Reaper, you can quickly take control of the board and deal massive amounts of damage.

Another popular deck this month has been Midrange Hunter. This deck focuses on playing strong beasts and using spells to buff them up. Cards like Crackling Razormaw and Houndmaster allow you to turn your weaker minions into formidable threats. The hunter hero power also helps to keep the pressure on your opponent, making it difficult for them to stabilize.

If you prefer a more control-oriented playstyle, then Dragon Priest might be the deck for you. This deck uses powerful dragon minions like Primordial Drake and Drakonid Operative to control the board and outvalue your opponent. With cards like Shadow Word: Death and Potion of Madness, you can easily deal with your opponent's threats and keep their board clear.

One of the most unique decks of May 2017 is Elemental Shaman. This deck revolves around playing minions with the Elemental tag and using their synergies to gain value. Cards like Fire Plume Harbinger and Servant of Kalimos allow you to quickly build a board full of powerful minions. The shaman hero power also helps to keep your minions healthy and make trades more efficiently.

Next up, we have Miracle Rogue. This deck has been around for a long time, but it's still one of the strongest decks in the game. The goal of this deck is to cycle through your deck as quickly as possible and use cards like Gadgetzan Auctioneer to draw even more cards. With spells like Backstab and Eviscerate, you can quickly remove your opponent's threats and deal massive amounts of damage.

Another popular option this month has been Token Druid. This deck focuses on playing cheap, sticky minions like Living Mana and Crypt Lord. With buffs like Mark of the Lotus and Power of the Wild, you can quickly create a board full of powerful minions. The druid hero power also helps to refill your board and keep the pressure on your opponent.

If you're looking for a deck that's both fun to play and highly effective, then Quest Mage might be the deck for you. This deck revolves around playing spells and completing the mage quest, Open the Waygate, which requires you to cast six spells that didn't start in your deck. Once completed, the reward is a powerful spell that allows you to take an extra turn. With cards like Cabalist's Tome and Primordial Glyph, you can easily complete the quest and generate even more spells.

Finally, we have Control Paladin. This deck focuses on playing strong minions and using powerful spells to control the board. Cards like Tirion Fordring and Sunkeeper Tarim provide powerful effects that can swing the game in your favor. With cards like Equality and Consecration, you can easily clear your opponent's board and gain control of the game.

Overall, May 2017 has been a great month for Hearthstone players. With a variety of powerful and interesting decks to choose from, there's something for everyone. Whether you prefer aggro, control, or something in between, there's a deck out there that will fit your playstyle. So get out there and climb that ladder!


[Your Name]

People also ask about Best Hearthstone Decks May 2017

What are the best decks for climbing ladder in May 2017?

The best decks for climbing ladder in May 2017 are:

  • Pirate Warrior
  • Midrange Paladin
  • Ramp Druid
  • Aggro Shaman
  • Miracle Rogue

What are the best budget decks for players with limited resources?

The best budget decks for players with limited resources are:

  • Zoo Warlock
  • Face Hunter
  • Midrange Hunter
  • Aggro Shaman
  • Tempo Mage

Which classes have the most viable decks in the current meta?

The classes with the most viable decks in the current meta are:

  1. Warrior
  2. Shaman
  3. Paladin
  4. Druid
  5. Rogue

Is it possible to reach Legend rank with a non-meta deck?

Yes, it is possible to reach Legend rank with a non-meta deck, but it requires a lot of skill and dedication. Non-meta decks can catch opponents off guard and sometimes be more effective than meta decks, but they also have weaknesses that can be exploited by experienced players.