10 Best Chapo Trap House Episodes You Can't Afford to Miss in 2021


Discover the best episodes of Chapo Trap House! From politics to pop culture, these witty and irreverent podcasts are a must-listen for any fan.

Chapo Trap House is a popular leftist political podcast that has gained a massive following over the years. Hosted by Matt Christman, Will Menaker, Felix Biederman, Amber A'Lee Frost, and Virgil Texas, the podcast provides a humorous and insightful take on current events and politics. With over 400 episodes available, it can be hard to know where to start. That's why we've compiled a list of the best Chapo Trap House episodes that you won't want to miss.

First up on our list is The Revenge of the Dems feat. David Dayen. In this episode, the hosts discuss the Democratic Party's response to the Trump administration and their chances of winning back control of Congress. With special guest David Dayen, an investigative journalist who focuses on economic issues, the episode provides a deep dive into the inner workings of the party and its shortcomings. It's a must-listen for anyone interested in American politics.

If you're looking for a more lighthearted episode, check out The Boys Go To The Movies feat. Brendan James. In this episode, the hosts review the film Joker and discuss its cultural impact. The episode is filled with hilarious commentary and insightful analysis, making it a fan favorite.

Another standout episode is The Gulag Archipelago 2: The Dialectic Boogaloo feat. Amber A'Lee Frost. This episode is part of a series in which the hosts read and discuss Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book The Gulag Archipelago. With special guest Amber A'Lee Frost, a writer and podcaster, the episode delves into the history of the Soviet Union and its impact on the world today.

For those interested in foreign policy, The Forever War feat. Sam Adler-Bell is a must-listen. In this episode, the hosts discuss America's endless wars and the impact they have on the world. With special guest Sam Adler-Bell, a writer and researcher, the episode provides a comprehensive overview of the United States' foreign policy and its consequences.

One of the most popular episodes of Chapo Trap House is The Bernie Sanders Power Hour feat. David Sirota. In this episode, the hosts interview David Sirota, a journalist and political strategist who worked on Bernie Sanders' 2020 presidential campaign. The episode provides an inside look at the campaign and the progressive movement in America.

If you're interested in the intersection of politics and pop culture, check out The Final Chapter feat. Adam Friedland. In this episode, the hosts discuss the cultural significance of the Star Wars franchise and its impact on American society. With special guest Adam Friedland, a comedian and podcaster, the episode is filled with humor and insightful commentary.

The Good, The Bad, and The Buttigieg feat. Jack Allison is another standout episode. In this episode, the hosts discuss Pete Buttigieg's presidential campaign and his rise in the Democratic Party. With special guest Jack Allison, a writer and comedian, the episode provides a critical analysis of Buttigieg's candidacy and his policies.

For those interested in leftist theory, The People's Republic of Walmart feat. Leigh Phillips is a must-listen. In this episode, the hosts discuss the feasibility of a socialist economy and the role of corporations in a socialist society. With special guest Leigh Phillips, a science writer and journalist, the episode provides a thought-provoking analysis of economic systems.

If you're looking for an episode that delves into the history of American politics, check out A Time to Kill feat. Adam Serwer. In this episode, the hosts discuss the legacy of the Civil War and its impact on American society. With special guest Adam Serwer, a staff writer at The Atlantic, the episode provides a comprehensive overview of the history of race in America.

Finally, The Great Gropers feat. Katie Halper is an episode that addresses the #MeToo movement and its impact on politics. With special guest Katie Halper, a comedian and journalist, the episode provides a critical analysis of the movement and its implications for the future.

In conclusion, Chapo Trap House provides a unique and insightful take on current events and politics. With over 400 episodes available, there's something for everyone. Whether you're interested in foreign policy, leftist theory, or pop culture, the best Chapo Trap House episodes are sure to provide a thought-provoking and entertaining listening experience.


Chapo Trap House has become one of the most popular political commentary podcasts in recent years, garnering a large following for its unique blend of humor and insightful analysis. With over 400 episodes to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide where to start. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best Chapo Trap House episodes that are sure to entertain and educate.

The Rise of Bernie Sanders

One of the defining moments in modern American politics was the rise of Bernie Sanders as a major contender in the 2016 presidential election. Chapo Trap House was one of the few outlets that recognized his potential early on, and their coverage of his campaign is some of their best work. Episodes like Bernie Goes to the Vatican and The Revolution Will Not Be Harmonized offer a unique perspective on the Sanders movement and its impact on American politics.

The Trump Administration

Love him or hate him, there's no denying that Donald Trump has had a profound impact on American politics. Chapo Trap House has been covering his administration since day one, offering a humorous yet insightful take on the chaos that has unfolded. Episodes like Trump vs. The World and The End of the Beginning provide a sobering look at the damage done by the Trump administration, while also finding the humor in the absurdity of it all.

Capitalism and Its Discontents

Chapo Trap House is not just about politics - it's also a podcast that delves deep into the flaws of capitalism and the problems it creates for everyday people. Episodes like The Myth of the Entrepreneur and The Rent Is Too Damn High explore issues like income inequality, housing affordability, and the power of the wealthy elite. These episodes are thought-provoking and informative, offering a fresh perspective on the world we live in.

The Culture Wars

From Gamergate to the alt-right, Chapo Trap House has been at the forefront of the culture wars that have defined the last few years. Episodes like The Dark Knight of the Soul and The Alt-Right: A Field Guide offer a deep dive into the various subcultures that have emerged online and the impact they've had on politics and society as a whole. These episodes are not for the faint of heart, but they are essential listening for anyone who wants to understand the current state of our culture.

The 2020 Election

The 2020 election was one of the most contentious in recent memory, and Chapo Trap House was there every step of the way. Episodes like Biden Time and The Last Debate offer a humorous yet insightful take on the candidates and the issues that defined the campaign. Whether you're a die-hard Democrat or a fervent Republican, these episodes are sure to entertain and inform.

The Democratic Party

Chapo Trap House is not known for its love of the Democratic Party, and episodes like Nancy Pelosi Is Too Weak to Impeach Trump and The Dem Primary Roundup make it clear why. The hosts are not afraid to criticize the party's leaders when they feel they are falling short, and their analysis is always sharp and incisive. If you're looking for a podcast that takes a critical look at the Democratic Party, Chapo Trap House is the perfect choice.

The Media

The media has come under fire in recent years for its role in shaping public opinion and perpetuating false narratives. Chapo Trap House has been a vocal critic of the media, and episodes like The New York Times Is Not Your Friend and The Myth of the Objective Journalist offer a scathing critique of the industry. If you're tired of the mainstream media's spin and want to hear a different perspective, Chapo Trap House is the podcast for you.

The Left

Chapo Trap House is firmly situated on the left side of the political spectrum, and their episodes on leftist theory and practice are some of their most interesting. Episodes like Anti-Capitalist Chronicles and The Socialist Case for Reparations offer a deep dive into the history and philosophy of the left, providing a fresh perspective on the issues that define our world.


Chapo Trap House is not for everyone - its irreverent humor and sometimes controversial takes can be polarizing. But for those who are looking for a podcast that offers a unique blend of entertainment and education, it's hard to find a better choice. The episodes listed above are just a small sample of the many great shows that Chapo Trap House has produced over the years. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer to the podcast, there's something here for everyone.
Best Chapo Trap House Episodes: A Comprehensive ListChapo Trap House is a political podcast that started in 2016 and quickly gained popularity among the left-leaning audience. The show, hosted by five Brooklyn-based men, has gained a reputation for its irreverent humor and insightful commentary on politics and pop culture. With over 400 episodes to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. In this article, we'll take a look at the ten best episodes of Chapo Trap House.

The episode that started it all

Episode 1: Mr. Chapo Goes to WashingtonThe first episode of Chapo Trap House was released on March 14, 2016. In this episode, hosts Will Menaker, Felix Biederman, and Matt Christman introduce themselves and their political beliefs. They also discuss the 2016 presidential election and the rise of Donald Trump. This episode sets the tone for the rest of the series, combining humor with insightful political analysis.

The one with the heated debate on cancel culture

Episode 212: Cancel All RentCancel culture has become a hotly debated topic in recent years, and Chapo Trap House tackled the issue in episode 212. In this episode, hosts Amber A'Lee Frost, Will Menaker, and Felix Biederman debate the merits and drawbacks of cancel culture. They discuss the role of social media in shaping public opinion and the potential consequences of canceling someone. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the ongoing cultural conversation around cancel culture.

The hilarious deep dive into obscure leftist memes

Episode 190: The Antifada with Jamie PeckChapo Trap House is known for its use of obscure leftist memes, and episode 190 takes this to a new level. Hosts Will Menaker, Felix Biederman, and Matt Christman are joined by Jamie Peck of The Antifada podcast to discuss some of the more esoteric corners of left-wing internet culture. They explore the origins of various memes and joke about their own internet habits. This episode is a great example of Chapo Trap House's irreverent humor.

The unforgettable interview with Angela Nagle

Episode 100: The Angela Nagle InterviewAngela Nagle is a writer and academic known for her controversial views on the left. In episode 100, hosts Will Menaker and Matt Christman interview Nagle about her book Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right. The conversation covers a wide range of topics, from the rise of the alt-right to the failures of liberal feminism. This episode is a fascinating look at one of the most talked-about intellectuals on the left.

The eye-opening discussion on the prison industrial complex

Episode 113: The Prisoner's DilemmaThe prison industrial complex is a topic that doesn't get enough attention in mainstream media, but Chapo Trap House tackled it head-on in episode 113. Hosts Matt Christman, Will Menaker, and Felix Biederman are joined by activist Mariame Kaba to discuss the injustices of the American criminal justice system. They explore the racial and economic disparities in incarceration rates and the privatization of prisons. This episode is a sobering reminder of the urgent need for prison reform.

The emotional tribute to Michael Brooks

Episode 450: Michael Brooks TributeMichael Brooks was a co-host of Chapo Trap House who passed away unexpectedly in July 2020. In episode 450, the remaining hosts pay tribute to their friend and colleague. The episode includes clips from some of Brooks' best moments on the show, as well as heartfelt eulogies from his friends and family. This episode is a touching tribute to a talented and beloved member of the Chapo Trap House family.

The controversial take on the 2020 Democratic Primary

Episode 383: The Great 2020 Democratic Primary ClusterfuckThe 2020 Democratic primary was one of the most contentious in recent history, and Chapo Trap House had plenty to say about it. In episode 383, hosts Will Menaker, Matt Christman, and Felix Biederman discuss the various candidates and their policies. They also offer their predictions for the general election and reflect on the challenges facing the left. This episode is sure to spark debate among listeners of all political persuasions.

The informative breakdown of US imperialism in Latin America

Episode 417: The Open Veins of America with David SirotaUS imperialism in Latin America is a topic that doesn't get enough attention in mainstream media, but Chapo Trap House tackled it in episode 417. Hosts Will Menaker and Matt Christman are joined by journalist David Sirota to discuss the history of US intervention in Latin America. They explore the economic, political, and social consequences of American imperialism, from the overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile to the drug war in Mexico. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in US foreign policy.

The raw and personal conversation on mental health

Episode 346: The Summer of SuccessMental health is a topic that is often stigmatized in society, but Chapo Trap House tackled it head-on in episode 346. Hosts Amber A'Lee Frost, Will Menaker, and Matt Christman discuss their own struggles with mental illness and the ways in which capitalism exacerbates mental health issues. They also offer advice for listeners who may be struggling with their own mental health. This episode is a powerful reminder that mental health is an important issue that affects us all.

The insightful analysis of the GameStop stock market frenzy

Episode 466: GameStop and the Stock Market ExplainedThe GameStop stock market frenzy was one of the biggest stories of 2021, and Chapo Trap House had plenty to say about it. In episode 466, hosts Will Menaker, Felix Biederman, and Matt Christman discuss the mechanics of the stock market and how the GameStop situation highlights the inherent contradictions of capitalism. They also offer their predictions for the future of the market and the left's role in shaping economic policy. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of finance and politics.


Chapo Trap House is a political podcast that has gained a devoted following thanks to its irreverent humor and insightful commentary. The ten episodes listed here represent some of the best of the show, covering a wide range of topics from cancel culture to US imperialism to mental health. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer to the show, these episodes are sure to entertain and enlighten.

The Best Chapo Trap House Episodes: A Point of View


Chapo Trap House is a popular political podcast that has gained a significant following in recent years. The show features a group of left-wing hosts who discuss politics, culture, and current events with a humorous and irreverent tone. In this article, we will explore the best Chapo Trap House episodes and evaluate their pros and cons.

Pros of the Best Chapo Trap House Episodes

1. Insightful Analysis

One of the strengths of the best Chapo Trap House episodes is their insightful analysis of politics and culture. The hosts have a deep understanding of leftist theory and use it to analyze current events and political trends. They also offer unique perspectives on issues that are often ignored by mainstream media outlets.

2. Humor

Another strength of the best Chapo Trap House episodes is their humor. The hosts use satire and irony to critique politicians, media personalities, and cultural phenomena. This makes the show entertaining and engaging for listeners who might otherwise find politics boring or inaccessible.

3. Diversity of Topics

The best Chapo Trap House episodes cover a wide range of topics, from electoral politics to pop culture. This diversity of topics keeps the show fresh and interesting and allows the hosts to explore different aspects of left-wing thought.

Cons of the Best Chapo Trap House Episodes

1. Offensive Language

One of the criticisms of Chapo Trap House is its use of offensive language and humor. Some people find the hosts' jokes about race, gender, and sexuality to be insensitive or inappropriate. While the hosts argue that their humor is satirical and aimed at exposing bigotry, this can still be off-putting for some listeners.

2. Hyperbole

Another criticism of Chapo Trap House is its use of hyperbole. The hosts often use exaggerated language to make their points, which can be entertaining but also make it difficult to take them seriously. This can be a turnoff for listeners who are looking for more nuanced analysis.

3. Insider Jokes

Finally, some listeners may find the best Chapo Trap House episodes to be insider-oriented. The hosts often reference obscure leftist thinkers or political events that may be unfamiliar to casual listeners. This can make the show feel exclusionary and limit its appeal.

Table Comparison of Best Chapo Trap House Episodes

Here is a table comparing some of the best Chapo Trap House episodes:

Episode Title Topic Guests Length
Episode 100: The Centrist Dads feat. Matt Taibbi Electoral Politics Matt Taibbi 2 hours 40 minutes
Episode 295: The Elite Charade of Changing the World feat. Anand Giridharadas Philanthropy Anand Giridharadas 2 hours 30 minutes
Episode 351: What We Talk About When We Talk About Healthcare feat. Abdul El-Sayed Healthcare Abdul El-Sayed 2 hours 30 minutes

These episodes showcase some of the strengths of Chapo Trap House, including its insightful analysis, diverse topics, and engaging guests. However, they also feature some of the show's weaknesses, such as offensive language and insider-oriented humor.


The best Chapo Trap House episodes offer a unique perspective on left-wing politics and culture. While they have their flaws, they are entertaining and engaging for listeners who are looking for a humorous and irreverent take on current events. By evaluating their pros and cons, we can better understand what makes these episodes so popular and why they resonate with so many people.

The Best Chapo Trap House Episodes: A Must-Listen Guide for Political Junkies

Welcome to our blog about the best Chapo Trap House episodes! If you're a political junkie looking for a podcast that's both informative and entertaining, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll be sharing our top picks from the popular leftist podcast that has been gaining a cult following since its inception in 2016. From interviews with prominent figures in politics and activism to hilarious satirical skits, Chapo Trap House has something for everyone.

Before we dive into our recommendations, let's give a brief overview of what Chapo Trap House is all about. The podcast is hosted by a group of six friends who identify as socialist and leftist. They describe themselves as the left's answer to talk radio and cover a range of topics from politics and economics to pop culture and media criticism. The hosts are known for their irreverent humor and sharp analysis, making them a refreshing alternative to mainstream political commentary.

So without further ado, here are our top picks for the best Chapo Trap House episodes:

1. Episode 60: The Election of Every Nightmares

Released in November 2016, this episode captures the despair and shock felt by many on the left after the election of Donald Trump. The hosts discuss the failures of the Democratic Party and the rise of right-wing populism, all while maintaining their trademark humor. It's a must-listen for anyone trying to make sense of the current political climate.

2. Episode 62: Antifa Dentistry

In this episode, the hosts interview Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, and discuss the history and tactics of the antifascist movement. They also share their own experiences with activism and the importance of direct action in fighting fascism. It's a fascinating and informative episode that sheds light on a topic that is often misunderstood or misrepresented in the media.

3. Episode 104: The Great British Break-Off

This episode takes a break from American politics to focus on the UK's Brexit vote. The hosts are joined by British journalist and activist Ash Sarkar to discuss the political and economic implications of Brexit, as well as the rise of right-wing nationalism in Europe. As always, the hosts provide insightful analysis while injecting humor into the conversation.

4. Episode 121: The Year Without A President

This episode reflects on the first year of the Trump presidency and the chaos that ensued. The hosts discuss the various scandals and controversies surrounding the administration, as well as the resistance movements that sprang up in response. It's a sobering but necessary episode that reminds us of the importance of political engagement and activism.

5. Episode 152: Two Tramps in Mud Time

In this episode, the hosts are joined by Nathan Robinson, editor-in-chief of Current Affairs magazine, to discuss the legacy of poet Robert Frost and its relevance to contemporary politics. It's a departure from the usual political commentary but still manages to be both thought-provoking and entertaining.

6. Episode 219: The Left Reorients

This episode marks a turning point for Chapo Trap House as the hosts reflect on the failures of the left and the need for a new direction. They discuss the limitations of electoral politics and the importance of building grassroots movements. It's a call to action that is both urgent and inspiring.

7. Episode 239: The QAnon FAQ

In this episode, the hosts dive into the bizarre world of QAnon, a far-right conspiracy theory that has gained traction in recent years. They provide a humorous but insightful analysis of the movement and its followers, highlighting the dangers of right-wing extremism.

8. Episode 271: Bernie Drops Out

This episode marks the end of Bernie Sanders' 2020 presidential campaign and the disappointment felt by many on the left. The hosts discuss the failures of the Democratic Party and the need for a more radical politics. It's a poignant episode that captures the mood of a movement at a crossroads.

9. Episode 287: The Big House

In this episode, the hosts discuss the US prison system and the need for prison abolition. They are joined by activist and scholar Ruth Wilson Gilmore, who provides a compelling argument for why prisons are not the solution to crime. It's a challenging but necessary conversation that exposes the injustices of the criminal justice system.

10. Episode 306: The New Normal

Released in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, this episode reflects on the new reality we find ourselves in. The hosts discuss the failures of the Trump administration and the need for a more compassionate response to the crisis. They also provide insights into the economic and political ramifications of the pandemic, making it a must-listen for anyone trying to make sense of the current moment.

So there you have it, our top picks for the best Chapo Trap House episodes. We hope you find these recommendations informative and entertaining. Whether you're a seasoned listener or new to the podcast, there's something here for everyone. Thanks for reading and happy listening!

People Also Ask About Best Chapo Trap House Episodes

What is Chapo Trap House?

Chapo Trap House is a political podcast that started in 2016. It is hosted by Will Menaker, Matt Christman, Felix Biederman, Amber A'Lee Frost, and Virgil Texas. The podcast is known for its left-leaning political commentary and satire.

What are the best Chapo Trap House episodes?

Chapo Trap House has produced over 400 episodes, making it challenging to choose the best ones. Here are some of the most popular and highly-rated episodes:

  1. Episode 142: The Clinton Body Count

    In this episode, the hosts discuss conspiracy theories surrounding the Clintons, including their alleged involvement in the deaths of multiple people. It's a humorous take on a serious topic.

  2. Episode 193: Mister Metokur's GamerGate

    This episode features an interview with internet personality Mister Metokur, who discusses the GamerGate controversy and its impact on online culture.

  3. Episode 251: Bad Faith & Worse History

    In this episode, the hosts examine the historical inaccuracies and political propaganda present in the movie The Darkest Hour, which portrays Winston Churchill during World War II.

  4. Episode 284: Xi Jinping Thought

    This episode focuses on China's leader, Xi Jinping, and his political ideology. The hosts discuss the implications of Xi's policies for China and the rest of the world.

Are all Chapo Trap House episodes politically-oriented?

Yes, all Chapo Trap House episodes are politically-oriented. The hosts use humor and satire to discuss current events, politics, and culture from a left-leaning perspective.